Seize (St. Martin Family Saga: Emergency Responders) Book 2: Erotic Romance (18 page)

BOOK: Seize (St. Martin Family Saga: Emergency Responders) Book 2: Erotic Romance
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He chuckled. “I thought you might be thirsty and you’re sitting in the clubhouse area that serves as overflow for their nightclub and bar.”

“I am?” Heat bloomed in her face as Augie pointed to the sign. It was a framed picture that hung on the wall and blended with the lavish furnishings. “Oh.”

She started to stand.

“You sure you don’t want anything? Nonalcoholic drinks are good. Do you like coconut?”

“Love it.”

“We’ll take two virgin piña coladas,” he told the waiter. To Mia he said, “Do you want to sit out on the patio? The concierge said you can see the arch from there.”

“Yes, I’d love to.”

Passing by the tuxedoed waiter, Augie told him where they were going. When he said that the patio wasn’t open, Augie whispered something she didn’t hear and within a few minutes the man was back, carrying their drinks along with keys to unlock the door.

Outside, she took the green straw into her mouth and sucked up the cool treat. “Mmm, that’s good. Pineappley and coconutty.” She felt eyes on her and looked up to find Augie staring at her with a broad smile on his face.



“Yes.” She sipped again. “Mmm. And coconutty.”

They finally turned to sit and both gasped. The patio was set at an angle to the arch and the effect was mesmerizing. A sleek steel blade rose from the ground and jutted straight toward the sky until her eye couldn’t follow it anymore. “Wow!”

“Gotta be the best seat in the house.”

“Gotta be.”

He sat on an outdoor pub chair. “Know what can make it better?”

“What’s that?”

“Come sit here.” He patted his lap.

She let herself be nestled against him.

“How do you feel?”

“Hmm.” She shrugged. “I feel great. Why?”

He pulled her hair together and laid it over her shoulder before he pressed his cheek against hers. “You could have died, Mia.” His breath whispered over her ear. “Why didn’t you tell me you were hurting?”

“Well, you were so busy with everything, important things, and I didn’t want to cause more trouble for you after my sister and I have caused you so much already.”

He pressed her to him and kissed her temple. “It’s not trouble, it’s your life. You can come to me for anything. Have I ever made it seem any other way?”

God, now he was reprimanding her. “Of course you haven’t.”

“Think how I would have felt if something had happened to you after all I’d done to protect you. I would have been devastated.”

To hear him talk so frankly made her long to be alone with him and show him how much he meant to her too. “I’m sorry. It was stupid. I won’t do anything like that again.”

He kissed her hair, and she leaned into his chest. “I love my ring.”

“I thought you would.”

“Thinking of being dead, you know what I thought?”

“What’s that?”

“I could have died a virgin. It’s the most depressing thought I’ve ever had.”

He was still, quiet. In fact, if it weren’t for the rise and fall of his chest, she never would have known he was still behind her.

“Augie, why don’t you want me? The real reason.”

He took her drink and his and set them on the table before he turned her in his lap.

“We’ve been over this. It’s not that I don’t want you. I don’t want to take advantage of you or our situation.”

“You can’t control this too. You want me, and I want you. And tonight I want to have sex, you inside me. I don’t want to be a virgin anymore. If you won’t help me, then I’ll find someone who will.”

“You think blackmailing me is going to work?”

“I no longer care.” She slid off his lap and squared her shoulders. “I’m going to go mix it up on the dance floor.”

She headed inside, not looking back once.

She wasn’t dressed for dancing, but she was going to prove a point. Wasn’t she?

She stopped. What was she doing? Was she even thinking straight?

No, no, no, she wasn’t going to think about her motives. She continued into the club. She took a spot on the dance floor and swayed to the music. The sound was syncopated, rhythmic, but slow. Several people were dancing, but she found a corner and pulsed with the beat. She followed Augie with her eyes when he emerged from the patio area and slowly sauntered across the club to a table. Crazy caveman wouldn’t even come and dance. She knew she was being deliberately provocative, but his rules were ridiculous. They’d already been intimate many times and tonight she would lose her virginity one way or another.

. Who was she kidding? Deep down she knew she was all talk.

It would be Augie in bed with her tonight, or it would be no one.

Chapter 19

God, the woman
was driving him crazy. And how many more times could he deny her? He didn’t think he had it in him any more. Fuck it. He’d take her tonight and shut her up for good. She only
she wanted him to be her first. Well, he’d be her first all right but he wouldn’t, he couldn’t, be counted on to hold back or coddle her because of her delicate condition. No, if she wanted it, she would have to take what he offered, and he wouldn’t tolerate any whining, crying, or second thoughts. She wanted to see what he was like, and he was going to show her.

Her erotic moves on the dance floor were attracting the wrong kind of attention. A man had taken the space behind her and was moving in sync with her. When his hands went to her slim hips, Augie was on his feet, mindlessly pushing toward them, the only thing in his path, white-hot rage.

Get control of yourself, Roy.

He pulled her behind him. Eye to eye with the unwanted man, he said, “Get lost.”

“Excuse me, asshole, we were dancing.”

“If you want to retain the ability to dance, you’ll run, not walk, in the opposite direction.”

His voice was terse, his body rigid. The guy looked him up and down, turned, ducked tail, and ran.

Mia regarded him with that cocked brow of hers, the one that made him want to laugh on the one hand and pull her body under his and pleasure her for hours on the other. Her index finger was caught between her front teeth; that sultry look didn’t induce the urge to laugh. He walked around behind her and slid his arm around her waist, pulling her back to him, her ass rubbing against his thighs and crotch. They danced, and he enjoyed her supple movements against his hard body. When the song ended, he pulled her away from the dance floor and to the elevator bank.

Once the door closed, he ran his palm over her jaw. He seized her lips and sucked, pushing her body slowly back until she was pressed against the cold metal shell of the elevator wall. He closed his fingers around her breast and squeezed her tit, hard. When she shuddered, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She sucked sweetly on it. He grabbed the back of one of her thighs and lifted until she wrapped her leg around his waist. He ground against her core.

“You think I don’t want you? What about what you feel between your legs?”

She replied with a moan.

“Baby, do you feel what you do to me?”

“Yes.” Her voice was breathy and weak. “I need you.”

“I know, baby. I’m gonna take care of you.”

“Inside me.”

He took her earlobe in his fingers. “You’re ready for me, for all of me?”

“God, yes. Please, Augie.”

The door pinged open and he carried her to their room. He set her on the bed and removed her shoes and jeans. “I need to change your bandage and clean the wound.” He motioned to their bags at the side of the bed.

Shaking her head swiftly, she said, “No.”

He grabbed the bag from the hospital and dumped out the contents. “I’m gonna go wash my hands. Psych yourself up while I’m gone.”

He had to clean her leg. They could still play around, but doctoring her was more important. He was still hard from the elevator and needed a breather—before he ripped her clothes from her body and slaked his needs, taking what his body wanted.

Walking from the bathroom, he almost stumbled head first into the wall. In the center of the bed, standing on her knees, was a completely naked Mia. She had their marriage license on display in her hands.

“Augustine Charles Roy, I want you. Since I was passed out on my wedding night, this is it. Get over here and consummate this marriage now or so help me God, I will find someone who will. I would like it to be you, my husband. And besides, you’ve been sporting a canon in your pocket since I was seated on your lap at the patio so … What do you say?”

A growl escaped his chest as he ripped through his clothes, tearing them off as fast as gravity would allow. Naked, he stood before her and fisted his cock, stretching to his full length as she watched, her eyebrows slowly reaching her hairline and her eyes forming eggplant-colored spheres. Her tongue darted out, moistening her lip. He was ready to explode and he hadn’t even touched her. Reaching down, he snagged his jeans and took out his wallet and a sleeve of condoms. She wanted it, she’d get it; he’d fuck her until they ran out of rubbers.

He knelt on the bed, lifted Mia’s legs at the backs of her thighs, and she went down abruptly on her back, the wind knocked out of her. He pushed her thighs up, careful to avoid her bandaged shin.

“Keep your legs up and your hands on your knees.”

He ran his engorged cock through folds soaked with her need, pushing just a bit at her opening. Her size would make the first coupling painful.

“You’re small.”

“I don’t care.”

“I won’t hurt you.” He wanted not to care about this little kitten of a woman, but damn it to hell, he did, and he would attempt to bring her as much pleasure as he could. They’d be taking it very slow. Even if his heart or his cock exploded with his efforts at holding back.

He stood, waiting for his blood to cool. Hands at his shoulders turned him.

“You can’t leave me like this. Augie, I swear I’ll hate you until I’m dead if you do. What’s wrong with you?”

He saw the moisture collecting in her eyes. Her face was red hot and her lips were pursed into a tight line. His hand palmed her cheek. She was a sexually frustrated kitten, but he knew how to take care of her. He spoke the words he knew she needed to hear.

“Baby, we’re not done. I’m gonna ride you all night long. I’m gonna be in you so long you’re going to wish you never asked for it. You’ll be begging for me to stop.”

Her satisfied groan vibrated through his hand and down his arm. Leaning in, he kissed her, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth.

“Let me set the mood. After all, this is your first time. I want it to be good. And I’m under some pressure here since I’ll be your first.”

She smiled bashfully at him, and his cock jerked.

Walking around the room, he turned off the antiseptic white overhead lights and turned on two lamps. He opened the curtains and bathed the room in the glow from the arch. He searched the bedside radio for appropriate music and was in luck when he landed on an all-night dedication station.

Warm hands smoothed over the muscle of his backside. Placing her chin on his shoulder, she purred as she continued her caress.

“You have a most marvelous butt. How do you stay so muscular?”

“I run and box.”

He turned until they were face to face, only inches apart. He kissed her nose, his hands slinking down to cup her slim curves. Pulling back, he slid his middle finger through her folds. “You’re beautiful.”

Her head went down. His finger under her chin lifted her face to his. “Hey, what’s going through your mind?”

“I bet you’ve been with some really pretty girls.”

“But you’re more beautiful than all of them put together.”

“With women’s bodies.”

She wasn’t listening to him.

“Are you not a woman? I thought I’d checked on that a few times.”

“I mean with cleavage and big round melon breasts and curvy hips and butts.”

Yeah, usually that was what he liked, but she was more exotic than any woman he’d ever had. He couldn’t understand it himself. She was pure, she was truth, she was his and his only, and he found those things to be more alluring than any physical feature.

He wanted her to never question her beauty again.

“Your graceful long neck”—he skimmed the line of her neck with his teeth—“your perky breasts and sensitive tits”—he drew them erect using his teeth—“the smooth column of your torso”—his fingers feathered down to the space at the top of her thighs—“and the delicate, dainty folds that hide all your treasures … Those are the things that make you the most beautiful woman I’ve ever had in my arms. You make me forget everyone else.”

She preened at his words, arching her neck and back, showcasing her body and offering herself to him. Her skin glistened as she slowly rolled her hips, and she smiled seductively, revealing her pearly white teeth. His fingers manipulated the rigid knot of nerves between her legs, flesh already slick with her desire. Her legs gave out, and he pulled her into him, all the while keeping up his massage. It drove him wild, the way she responded to his touch, knowing too it had always been
his touch. He massaged until her panting and the leg climbing high around his waist told him she was ready to climax.

“Let yourself go, Mia.”

“I don’t … I don’t want to until you’re with me.” Her breaths were shallow, her skin heated, her cheeks flushed.

“Baby, you’re going to come again and again tonight, but we can’t start until you’re ready for me. I need you to come right now on my hand.”

At his words, she bucked and uncoiled, releasing on his fingers. She was utterly perfect. Responding to his command as well as to his touch made her a goddess in his eyes.

Her eyes closed as the vestiges of her climax shuddered through her. Dropping her head back, she said, “Please tell me I’m ready to take you now.”

His teeth grazed the pulsing vein in her neck. “No one’s ever been more ready, baby.” His hands cupped her ass, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips. He set her on the edge of the bed, and her gaze followed his every move. Her body shuddered.

“Hey, you having second thoughts?”

“I have thoughts, but not that kind.”

“What kind then?”

“You’re big—I heard that was desirable.”

He didn’t know how desirable it would be for a virgin but yeah, he’d never had any complaints. But fuck, this was different. He’d never taken someone’s virginity before. Would he hurt her? He thought it was inevitable. “It’s going to hurt.”

Her eyes held confidence. “I know. That’s why I want it to be you. I trust you.”

“Tell me if you want me to stop.”

She nodded.

He fixed a pillow beneath her ass to lift her to him. Placing the head of his dick at her entrance, he rubbed through her wetness and slowly inserted the tip. The pressure he needed to breach her entrance was significant and if he was struggling, he knew she would be hurting. Shit, this was crazy.

Her chest rapidly pulsed up and down. He pulled back and positioned her better with her legs back and her hands on her knees, holding herself open to him. He inserted his middle finger and when she took it, he added his index finger. This was the fullest she’d ever been. Her breathing was heavy as her tension grew. Withdrawing his fingers, he licked her seam to apply lubrication and he rubbed her clit to keep her charged for him.

He pulled her to the end of the bed. “Mia, please look at me.”

She opened her eyes. God, he could fall into those purple eyes and stay forever.

“Don’t take your eyes off me.” He had to get past this first part and then they could enjoy each other. A bead of sweat rolled down his temple. Mia held her knees up and he held the backs of her thighs as he pushed through the initial barrier in one strong thrust, inserting himself two inches.

A low groan escaped her lips, but her eyes stayed focused on his. As her body quivered, her tits grew harder and a shade darker. So beautiful. Her hips spread a little more as he pushed in another few inches. She closed her eyes.

“No, look at me.”

Sleepy, lust-drugged eyes opened, half-hooded.


Her eyes opened wider.

“Can you take more?”

She moaned, her chest bowing off the bed. She stretched and whispered a breathy, “Augie, please.”

Did that mean yes? Fuck it. His body was hurting from holding back, so he pushed in another two inches. God, it felt good to push into her soft, wet heat.

Her whimpers would have alarmed him had he not been watching her face.

“You okay, babe?”

“Need a minute.”

She bit her lip and pushed against his thigh with her hand, her body feebly fighting his invasion. One more good push and they’d be home free. Her body writhed beneath him and her hips rolled sensuously.

“Are you ready?”

“Ah, yes.”

He grabbed her waist and pushed in deep, eliciting a half cry, half sob from her, but God it felt good to stretch his full length into her, his balls resting on the curve of her buttocks. His hands slid up her back. Pressing her to him, he kissed her cheek, her nose, her lips. He pushed her hair from her face, the wet strands sticking to her neck. He took in her every contour and shadow, as though he hadn’t seen her every day, nearly every hour, for the last seven days. Being inside her was as close to heaven as he’d ever get, and he wanted to memorize every sensation. What a gift she’d given him. He would always be her first; no other guy would be able to take that away from him. Shit, he didn’t like thinking about her with other men.

“How do you feel?”

She lifted her face to his and delicately placed a kiss on his lips. “I love you, Augie.”

“Mia, I …” God, she cut him to the quick with her innocent honesty. Did he love her? Had he ever loved anyone? He loved his brothers and his parents because they were his family. His feelings for Mia were already much deeper. But what did that mean? He pulled a few inches from her and pushed back in delicately, testing her ability to take what he gave. She moved her hips, meeting his thrusts, and he increased to a steady rhythm, not too rough for her delicate body. He’d never had sex like this before, never thought about his partner this way. He just took what he needed and hoped they got something out of it too.

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