Seize (St. Martin Family Saga: Emergency Responders) Book 2: Erotic Romance (15 page)

BOOK: Seize (St. Martin Family Saga: Emergency Responders) Book 2: Erotic Romance
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Chapter 14

They’d enjoyed a
steak dinner at the restaurant attached to the hotel—swanky compared to where they’d been staying. As always, Augie had been solicitous. She’d ordered her steak medium rare, but it was delivered too rare to eat. Without her saying a word, Augie noticed right away and had it sent back.

Now, seated on the edge of the king-sized bed, he flipped through the channels, landing on sports news. “Fucking Stros can’t get their shit together.”

It was funny watching him shout at the television set.

She pulled his shirt off and pushed against his chest until he leaned back on his elbows. A huge smile erupted across his face.

“I like where this is headed.”

“Where it’s headed is right here.” She circled her finger around his wound.

He frowned.

She pulled the breathable gauze away and found the wound appeared much improved. It had been three and a half days and the skin around the small incision had shrunk back to its normal size. She pulled the red antiseptic soap from a bag and walked to the basin. Lathering up a washcloth, she washed her hands as well. She’d been cleaning the wound twice per day, just as Gloria had instructed.

The task had become more and more unbearable and today was proving hardest of all as Augie relaxed on his elbows and let her have his way with him. Since he was practically healed, she noticed other things as she wiped at the stitches. Like the ripple of muscle across his side. She thought they were referred to as obliques, but she’d never seen any before. Not defined like Augie’s were. And then there was the six-pack of abdominal muscle that she couldn’t stop looking at no matter how hard she willed not to.

And speaking of wills, her palm landed on his lower abdominals and brushed across the dips and peaks there.

His fingers on her wrist startled her.

“No stitches there.”

“No, I guess not.” Her voice was breathy, her breathing shallow.

Taking the wet rag from her other hand, Augie tossed it in the direction of the bathroom. She was trapped beneath him in seconds; it took her breath away, how fast he could move. With his hands on her jaw, he held her head firmly in place and ever so gently licked her lips, moistening them, then he covered them with his own slick lips.

At her moan, his tongue slipped inside her warmth and he sucked on her tongue. She mimicked his every move, sucking on him hard and deep. One hand moved to the curve just below her breast, sending tingles to her nipples. He broke their connection in time to watch the peaks harden.

“I love how your body responds instantly to my touch.”

She loved it too. The fingers on her jaw moved to her lips, and his index finger slipped into her mouth. She sucked on it just as she’d done with his tongue. Fingers squeezed her taut nipple, and she growled in the back of her throat. Bending her leg at the knee, she slid her foot along his side until it rested near his hip. With him lying between her legs, she was humming with need, and longing to take him inside her. But she was done asking.

He leaned over the edge of the bed, rustled through the grocery sack, and removed the whipping cream. Shaking it, he watched her intensely. “Take off your clothes,” he said.

Demanding man. Yeah, she liked it, but she couldn’t make it too easy for him. “Excuse me?” she said, one brow lifted.

“You heard me.”

He cocked a brow back at her. Time stood frozen as he shook the can. They glared at each other, neither backing down. Who had the most to lose? She wanted him and knew he wanted her too, but maybe he was testing her to see if she really wanted what she said she wanted. She caved first. Her shirt and bra fluttered to the floor, her pants and underwear not far behind. Naked beneath him, her body trembled at the promises his held.

“God, you have the most beautiful tits I’ve ever seen.”

Sounds of fluffy cream being funneled through the applicator hit Mia’s ears just before the cold cream hit her breasts. Augie teased her nipple, pulling gently with his teeth before he licked the cream away. More cream hit her stomach as he licked a sticky trail down her side to her navel. She laughed when he touched the sensitive curve of her hip.

“Hmm, ticklish, huh?”

She shook her head.


His teeth bit delicately, erotically, into her, and she squirmed and giggled beneath him.

Outside it was dark, and there were no lights on in the room, but Mia’s senses were heightened. Every touch on her body elicited a purr from her. When he inserted the tip of the can into her core and pressed the applicator, she sucked in a harsh breath at the shock of the cold, wet cream.


“Don’t worry, your heat will melt the cream and it’ll leak from you and into my mouth as I feast on your sweet little cunt.”

Warm hands at the back of her thighs pushed until she was spread for him.

Oh God. She couldn’t breathe. Her heart pounded away in her chest. This was it. Death. Her tombstone would read:
Here lies Mia Brown. Never penetrated, but died in an act of tremendous cunnilingus.

Fingers parted her flesh and he blew over her exposed skin, causing a pulsing knot to form at her sex. She knew if he were to touch her, she’d explode.

“You’re perfect, Mia. You deserve perfection right back.”

She couldn’t answer because his lips were licking and nibbling on her parted flesh and she was lost.

He was everywhere he wanted to be and nowhere she needed him to be. The knot at her core was growing larger, and she thought she might explode. She’d never been so aware of it before, but her clit now throbbed with its own pulse.

“Please.” She needed him to move just a little to the right. “

“Not yet, baby. I want to feast on you for hours.”

Oh God, not hours
. He was teasing her to death. His velvet tongue barely made contact with the lips of her sex as he traced their shape. Parting her again, he entered her with his tongue and rubbed his face against her, trying to go as deep as he could. Plunging in and out, swirling around and around, his tongue kept a rhythm that had her almost where she longed to be. Her fingers fisted in his hair and pulled on him as her body bowed, but she couldn’t reach the pinnacle.


His dark laughter against her flesh sent shivers through her sex, further adding to her torment.

“What’s that, baby, did you need something?”

“Augie.” His name was a breathless whisper.

He opened her again, and then fingers massaged the knot where all sensation was coiled tight. She cried out.

“God, feel how excited you are. I never knew a woman’s body could respond like this.”

What was he saying? Oh God, she didn’t care. She just needed release. “Please.”

“Please what?”

Her eyes flew open and she tried to pull her legs together, but his hands held her thighs in place. She wasn’t going to beg.

“Just tell me what you want.”

“You know what I want!” she cried, her voice sounding different than she’d ever heard it before, laced with frustration and passion.

“But I like it when you tell me. Say the words.”

Fine! “I want you to suck my … m-my …
.” She wasn’t used to saying those things.

“Your clit, baby. It’s called a clit.”

“Yeah, I want you to suck my clit. Suck it hard.”

She practically screamed, and he chuckled against her again, sending vibrations straight to her core.

When his teeth grazed the tender nub, stars, comets, and asteroids—all of the heavens—collided around them. She screamed his name and pulled his hair as her back arched up from the mattress. With him sucking her into his mouth, wave after wave rolled through her body as she shuddered around him. Yet he was relentless. More rolling orgasms waved through her body, shaking her, as she bowed her neck on a moan.

He kissed up and down her inner thigh, rubbing the moisture from his lips across her skin. He kissed her belly and laid his head on her as her heartbeat started to slow.

Unspoken words electrified the room.

A loud commotion outside the door coupled with a crash had him on his feet in a flash.

“What is it?”

“Quiet—put your clothes on.”

Gun in hand, he stalked toward the door like he was tailing a wanted man, looking more like a soldier than she’d ever seen him. As she dressed, she watched him linger near the door before he cracked it and peeked out. She heard laughter, then female voices swearing and carrying on. Placing the gun at the small of his back, he opened the door wide and stepped out.

“Hey, big daddy, you wanna play?”

Mia heard one of the girls coo. She actually cooed.

“Don’t touch me. And no, I don’t want to play. You’re both drunk. Do you mind carrying on your conversation somewhere else?”

“Mmm. You’re sexy when you’re demanding, but then again, I bet you’re always sexy.”

His hands went to the gun at his back, but Mia was there. A simple touch of her hand to his forearm and a shake of her head brought him back from the bad thoughts. He smiled a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, but he nodded at her.

“I said get the fuck out of here!” At his yell, the girls scurried down the hall.

He slammed the door. “Stupid bachelorette-party girls.”

is right. Who knows where their escapades would have led had they not been interrupted.

She bet women propositioned him wherever he went. Funny, though, that he didn’t seem to care for it.

“Never change, Mia. You’re the exception.” He pulled her to his chest and kissed the top of her head. “Stay the exception.”

He was so cryptic, she had no idea what he was talking about. “Were you going to shoot them?” She smiled against his skin.

“What? No, just teach them a lesson.”

“Wanna watch a movie?”


As they watched a newly released comedy, he held her tightly spooned. She had no idea what time she fell asleep wrapped in a cocoon made of Augustine Roy.

Chapter 15

The next day
they set their course for Tricolor Bay, outside of Ontario. They’d driven half the distance and now were three hours out. Augie insisted on driving, which didn’t really bother Mia since she wasn’t all that fond of driving, but it was another element of their relationship that he controlled. He’d even order for her in restaurants. Sure, he’d ask her how she liked something cooked or if she even enjoyed steak or pork, but with that information, he’d make the final decision.

He didn’t listen to music when he drove, or talk very much, which she found odd.

“Hey, do you wanna play I Spy?”

His brow furrowed. “Uh, I don’t follow.”

“I Spy.”

“I spy?”

“Yeah, do you want to play?”

He gestured at the windshield. “Mia, I’m driving.”

“It’s a driving game.”

“A driving game.”

“Yeah, you play while you drive. Did you seriously not do this as a child?” She smiled at her memories. “Whole family loads up in the car and drives across the country singing bad karaoke and playing driving games. Occasionally you elbow a sibling or give them a rope burn.”

He gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white. “We never did anything like that.” His tone was almost regretful, and she imagined Augie as a small reserved child. Had he always been this way?

“Now’s your chance. We’re gonna play.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Come on, it’ll be fun.” She fished a pen and a sheet of paper from his backpack.

“You have an uncanny ability to make me do things I don’t want to do.”

She laughed. “Spare me. You don’t do anything you don’t want to do.”

“Oh, really? Drinking that green shit, stopping at the hotel last night, not killing a man, eating a salad, helping crazy Russell with the mixer, and now this. I’m sure there are more, but I think that’s enough to make my case.”

“I think you’ll agree those activities will only make your life better.”

She made two cards with six squares each. “You have to find a McDonald’s, a Montana license plate, a speed-limit-sixty-five sign, a green car, a school bus, and a blue semi-trailer truck. As you find the items, I’ll mark out the squares. First person to find all six items wins.”

His brow knit in confusion. “What do we win?”

“Um …” She dug through a convenience store bag. “How about a package of trail mix?”

He scratched his neck. “Seems like a lot of work for trail mix.”

“What do you want to win?”

“How about winner gets a hand job?”

“What’s a hand job?”

Smirking, he said, “See, if I win, you would take your hand and …” He placed his hand between his legs. “Wait, I’ve got it all wrong. If I win, I get to massage your beautiful cunt until you explode on my hand.” He turned his head, probably to make sure she was still conscious. “You in?”

She swallowed back the lump in her throat. “I’m in.”

“Speed-limit-sixty-five sign right there.” He pointed out the front windshield to a sign she couldn’t decipher since it was too far away.

“How can you see that?”

He shrugged. As it came into view, it was clear he’d just cleared one square.

“And a green car”—he pointed across the highway—“there.”

What the hell? She went easy on him when she’d designed his game board. Her mistake. Dammit. Wait. Why did she care? She wanted him to win. Wanted what he’d described as his prize.

“Okay, so you’ve knocked out two squares.”

“Three. There’s a McDonald’s.”

“So three.” She scratched out McDonald’s.

“You’re not trying very hard to finish yours. Maybe I can help you.” He leaned over to try to glance at her board.

“Eyes on the road, Roy.”

Straightening, he asked, “What’s on your list?”

Holding up her list she answered, “A church, police car, dog, deer-crossing sign, and a blue Impala.”

“Blue Impala? Don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those in my entire life.”

“I was attempting to make it easier for you since you’re a rookie.”

“Oh, is that it.”

“Never mind.” Looking out the window, she pointed. “Right there, a church.”

“Look behind us.”

She turned. “Police car.” She fist pumped the air and marked her paper accordingly.

A dog that met his untimely demise was decaying on the side of the highway. “Um, dog …there.” Again she pointed out the window.

“Yeah, but that’s some bad karma, huh? Using the poor dog like that to get ahead.”

She nodded. “It counts.”

He threw his head back, and laughter filled the car. It was deep and infectious as it rumbled through Mia.

He found his last three before lunch and even though Mia was competitive when it came to I spy, she couldn’t make one bone in her body feel remorseful at her loss.

After exiting the highway, they came to a stop at a red light. “Hungry?” he asked.

“Yes.” She sat forward and searched through the windshield. “How about Chinese?”

He shook his head. “I don’t like Chinese. How about a hamburger?”

Her lips tightened, but she nodded.

“Why are you pouting?”

“I’m not.”

“You so are.”

A strong hand clamped onto her side, and she squealed in laughter. “Stop it.”

“First tell me why you’re pouting.”


He stopped torturing her, but refused to turn away.

“You never let me pick out any meals.”

His forehead creased. “You don’t like hamburgers?”

“I do, but why can’t I pick the place?”

“Fine. Pick it.” His eyes narrowed.

“Look who’s pouting now.”

The light turned green. “Where to?” Augie asked, moving slowly.

“Um …” She didn’t know the area, so how was she going to pick? They passed a sign featuring a variety of food icons. One was a picture of a burger and beneath it read
An arrow on the sign led to the right. “Turn right at the corner.”

He turned, and she kept her eyes focused on locating the burger joint.

“Where am I headed?”

“We’re looking for a drive-in burger joint.”

The next light turned yellow, and he stepped on the gas. “I think what you’re looking for is just up ahead.”

“How can you see these things?”

“What things?”

“The speed-limit sign, the green car, the burger joint. I can’t see them, and I don’t have vision problems. How can you see them?”

His hand scrubbed at his chin. “I have above average vision.” Patting the space next to him on the seat, he said, “Get your jacket and come sit next to me.”

She scooted across the seat. “Are you getting lonely over here all by yourself?”

“Yes.” He picked up her coat. “Cover yourself with the jacket and slide your pants and underwear down.”

Her head whipped in his direction. Eyes wide, she stared at the side of his poker face.

He didn’t attempt to explain or comfort. He kept his head forward and drove. Her stomach stewed with nervous excitement. She would never be able to eat now, so she covered her lap with the jacket. She undid her jeans and then hooked her thumbs in both her underwear and the denim and lifted her butt off the seat to slide them down. When they rested at her knees, his hand landed on her thigh.

“That’s good.”

Under the jacket, his arm snaked around her thigh and his hand slid between her legs. His finger rubbed up and down her seam before breaking through. “You’re wet.”

It was exhilarating to listen to him state private erotic matters so casually. And she wasn’t surprised when she felt herself grow wetter. Both his words and his fingers turned her on. Her lips parted, and she could barely breathe when he rubbed her clit.

“I can feel you getting hard beneath my fingers. Do you like it when I touch you?”

Her legs closed around his hand. “Yes,” she whispered. Couldn’t he tell?

He pulled into the drive-in and she started to pull her pants up. His hand pushed them back down.

“I don’t think so.”

She surveyed the parking lot. The place was jumping. It was lunchtime and there were people everywhere. He pulled up behind a car that was backing out and took the slot next to the oversized burger logo. Even the picnic tables were all full and the diners sitting there could see directly into the car. Since they were just outside the kitchen, carhops skated by on every side. Augie rolled the windows down, and a welcome breeze blew through Mia’s hair.

“But, Augie,” she whispered, “there are people

“Mmm, I know. So you’ll just have to be quiet and act natural.” He fisted his hand between her legs, and she let out a strangled gasp.

A carhop rolled right up to the car and Augie started his order. His middle finger lightly circled her clit, not quite giving her enough. Her vision went spotty, and she laid her head back against the seat.

“Make it a double cheeseburger and a strawberry milkshake and she’ll have a … Well, actually, let me get her to tell you. I wouldn’t want to order for her.” He turned to face Mia, still massaging. “Babe, tell the lady what you’d like.”

Her eyes flew open and narrowed at him.

“I know you don’t like it when I order for you, so tell her what you want.” His finger entered her—slowly, so slowly—and her jaw dropped. Incoherent words emerged from her throat.

“I’m sorry, babe, Melissa here didn’t get that. Will you say it again?”

The finger inside her danced as one on top circled round and round.

“Ah, the, the, ahhh … what … he’s … having.”

It was all because she’d confessed her dislike of him ordering for her. Melissa skated off to put in their order.

“Bastard,” she whispered.

“That’s a bit harsh.” He frowned.

She closed her eyes and rested her head on the seat. A loud car pulled into the slot next to them. Augie whistled through his teeth.

“Look at that. A 1957 Corvette Stingray convertible.”

Mia opened her eyes and tipped her head toward the window. The old man driving the car nodded at her.

“Nice wheels,” Augie said, leaning slightly toward her but looking out the window.

Oh God, they were exchanging compliments about the car. Augie was playing with her clit, driving her crazy, and he was talking to some guy about his car. She was stuck in the middle and completely ravenous for his touch. She squirmed for more and he gave it to her, all the while conversing with their oblivious neighbor. Augie pumped his finger into her, and she ever so slightly rode him, but at this point she didn’t care who knew. She just needed him to bring her to that sweet climax only he knew how to do.

“You guys from around here?”

Augie pointed with his free hand. “She is, born and bred. Right, babe?”

Her eyes opened again, but she didn’t see anything. “Wh-what?”

“The man wants to know where you’re from.”

“E-Elora.” His thumb massaged while his finger curled inside of her.

“Elora, that’s near the gorge, isn’t it?”

Her eyelids went down again.

“Babe.” Augie whispered his hot breath into her ear as he worked his magic on her sex. “He asked you a question; don’t be rude. He wants to know if Elora’s near the gorge.”

She blinked at the man in the convertible.

“You okay, miss?”

She felt the coil tighten like an elastic band, and then she exploded.

“Oh, oh yes, yes, I’m … oh, yes, I’m fine. Ah …”

Her back bowed against the seat as she exhaled and then inhaled long and deep, smiling at the stranger. “Elora is a small town outside Ontario, and you’re correct, it’s near a gorge.”

His jaw hung open and his eyes were too wide. Next to her, Augie chuckled, and in that moment, Mia knew she loved him with everything she had. She couldn’t imagine feeling this comfortable with anyone else. She trusted him, yes, even his shenanigans. She enjoyed sharing parts of herself with him
enjoyed the fact that he let her share herself. He’d indulged her silly game and even walked away liking it. Turning her smiling face toward him, she sighed. Augie kissed her nose.

“Miss Brown, I do believe you have just enjoyed your first public orgasm. I honestly didn’t think you’d let me go all the way with it, but I can’t tell you how glad I am that you did. You’re very brave.” He pulled his hand free of her and placed his finger in his mouth. She moaned at the sight that had her quivering all over again. She loved how contented and safe she felt next to him. He would die keeping her protected and satisfied. She knew he would.

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