Seer (The Seeker Series Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Seer (The Seeker Series Book 3)
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“Why? I don’t understand. She likes you too. I can tell. What is it with you two?” He wouldn’t answer; he shook his head and danced.

He insisted on walking me to my door when he dropped me off. “I thought I left the porch light on,” I mused. One of the girls must have accidentally turned it off before they left for work. I fumbled for my keys on the dark porch, suddenly nervous in the unexpected dark. I heard a soft meow coming from the bushes. “Wicky?” My cat ran toward me and wound himself around my ankles. I dropped my purse and picked him up. “What are you doing out?” Wicky was strictly an indoor cat; I never let him out because he had no claws. “Rémy! Something’s wrong!”

“Stay here,” he ordered as he bent to pick up my keys. He handed me my purse and used the keys to enter the dark house. He returned a few minutes later. “Call your stepfather. There’s been a break-in.”

I dialed the phone with cold, trembling fingers. Brian arrived before the units he had sent. “Come on in, Ally.” He finally allowed Rémy and me to enter the house. “I need you to look around and see if anything is missing. Your bedroom window was broken, but I can’t tell if anything was taken. I need you to do a quick inventory. Okay?”

I nodded and went to my bedroom to check. I had heard of how people who had experienced a break-in felt violated, but I had never understood it before. I knew exactly what it felt like now. Inside my bedroom I saw the broken glass beneath the window and wrapped my arms around my waist to ward off the chill from the cold air streaming in. Nothing seemed disturbed: my bed was still neatly made from that morning, all the bottles and jewelry on my dresser were the same as always. Then I noticed that the top dresser drawer was not pushed in completely. I pulled it out and stared into my lingerie collection. I knew immediately that it had been rifled through. God, I cannot describe the chill that invaded my bones as I thought of some unknown person running his hands through my underwear. I reached in and began sorting. Within about 30 seconds, I realized that a pair of red lacy panties was missing. I backed up until I felt my bed and sat.

“Panties. He took a pair of my panties,” I whispered. I was too horrified to be embarrassed.




Two hours later, the police officers were gone and my bedroom window was boarded up. I swept up the last fragments of glass, trying to come to terms with the fact that my house, my bedroom, had been invaded by some unknown entity. I was too numb to know what I felt.

“All right, sweetheart. We’re done here. Get a few things packed. Your mom insists you come home with me,” Brian said.

“No.” I shook my head. “I’m not leaving my home. What about Tara and Mina? They don’t even know. They’ll be home soon. I’m not leaving.”

“I’ll stay,” said Rémy. He and Brian shared a long look before Brain nodded. “Okay. I’ll have a unit drive by every fifteen minutes tonight.

I was changing into my sweats when Tara and Mina arrived home. “Hey, sweetie,” Tara sailed in and flopped on my bed. “How was the fundraiser? Why is Rémy still here? What the hell happened here?” She finally noticed my boarded-up window.

Several hours and multiple cups of tea–laced liberally with brandy—later, Tara and Mina finally turned in, retreating to their own bedrooms while I got the couch ready for Rémy. I insisted I was fine sleeping in my own room; I didn’t want to appear weak. But once in my bedroom with the door closed, I paced, unable to bring myself to sleep in the room where some unknown creeper had been rooting through my underwear. I was furious…and scared. I finally gave up and grabbed my fluffy blanket, planning to sneak in and sleep with Tara. I stopped short of the living room at the sight of Mina and Rémy having a hushed argument.

“You don’t know anything!” Rémy hissed at her. The tortured look on his face was heartbreaking.

“Then tell me what I should know! I don’t know what I’m doing here, Rémy. I feel useless, unnecessary. I should go home.” Mina delivered this speech in her usual quiet way. I was shocked; I had no idea she was unhappy.

“You can’t leave,” Rémy stated.

“Why not? What’s keeping me here? I don’t belong—” Rémy interrupted her, stepping forward, pulling her into his arms, and laying an epic kiss on her. She tensed in his arms and tried to push him away before giving in and melting into his kiss. I felt like an intruder and faded back into my bedroom, determined not to disturb their tender moment.

I couldn’t bring myself to lay on my bed, so I curled up in the armchair and wrapped my fluffy blanket around me, sure that I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I watched my bedside clock change minute-by-minute until 3 a.m. I must have drifted off finally, only to be woken by a soft, deep voice.

“Ally, sweetheart. Wake up.”

“Jack?” I couldn’t believe my eyes and was sure I had conjured him up in my dreams. The clock on my nightstand read 3:45 a.m.

“Yeah, querida. I’m here.” He was really here. I was so glad to see him; he was what I had needed all night long.

“How? I thought you were camping? There was no cell service.” To my shame, I had tried earlier in the evening.

“Rémy called me. Not on the phone.” He smiled crookedly as he said this. Rémy must have mentally reached out to Jack. I knew I’d be in awe of his powers in the morning; right now I focused on being in Jack’s arms. “Mat and I packed up and got here as fast as we could. He’s with Tara.”

“Oh, God, Jack.” I threw myself into his embrace, letting loose the tears that I had kept in all evening. “I was so scared. I still am.”

“I know, babe. I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you.”

“You’re here now.”

He picked me up and carried me to the bed. “You need to get some rest. Do you think you can sleep for a few hours?”

“If you stay with me. Please? I won’t try anything,” I promised sleepily.

“Hey, that’s my line,” he teased. “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.” I watched as he unlaced and toed off his hiking boots, then discarded his jacket and several layers of shirts, leaving his dog tags lying against his bare chest. His jeans were the last item to go, leaving him in boxers. “Sorry I smell like a campfire,” he said as he pulled the covers over us both.

“You smell amazing.” I wrapped my arms around him, tucking my chin under his. Oh, I could get used to this. I had seen him shirtless before—swimming and that sort of thing—but I had never had much opportunity to touch. I knew I had to behave; he wouldn’t be able to withstand much hand wandering, so I simply flattened my palm over his muscular left pectoral, right above his heart.

He pulled me even closer, tangling his legs with mine. He was so incredibly warm and I felt the fear melt away as I concentrated on the beat of his heart within his chest. “Go to sleep, querida. I’m here now.”




I woke, engulfed in warmth, with the weight of Jack’s arm draped across my body. The dim light in the room told me it was early morning. I watched him as he slept and smiled at how handsome he was. He hadn’t shaved in several days and his black beard came in thick. His lashes against his cheek were unfairly long and his lips were full, parted slightly as he slept, a soft snore more adorable than anything else. He must have felt me staring because he rolled toward me and pulled my body close.

“Hey,” he mumbled sleepily.

“Hey, yourself.”

“What time is it?”

I turned my head to peer at the clock. “7:00.”

He groaned. “Three hours is not enough. Shh. Go back to sleep.”

The next time I awoke, it was 11:00 and the spot next to me was empty. I had a moment of panic before I realized the bedroom door was open and I heard his voice from the kitchen, along with Mat and Rémy’s. The pillow still held the indentation from his head. I hugged it, breathing in the lingering scent of Jack’s fragrance—a mix of his aftershave, his own unique essence, with an overtone of smoke—and wondered at the feasibility of never washing my sheets again. I forced myself to get up and took a few minutes to wash my face and brush my teeth before making my appearance.

“Hey, gorgeous,” Jack greeted when I slipped my arms around him as he poured himself another cup of coffee. “How are you feeling?” He kissed me and then reached in the cabinet to get another cup for me.

“Thanks.” I gratefully took a sip of the strong, dark brew. “Mmm. Better. I’m so glad you came. I’m sorry you had to cut your camping trip short but—”

“You are more important than any camping trip.”

I smiled at him as I took another sip of coffee. “Rémy, thanks for getting hold of him. I am in awe of your abilities, by the way.”

He smiled, just a bit of a smirk; he looked like he hadn’t slept well. “My pleasure, chérie. I know you needed him,” he said simply.

Seeing the vase of roses on the table across the room jogged my memory. “Jack, thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful. That was really sweet of you.”

“Huh? What flowers?”

With a sinking feeling in my stomach, I got up and walked across to the roses. I detached the small card from the pick and handed it to Jack. “These flowers. You sent them, right?”

He read the card and looked up at me, his jaw flexing. “I didn’t send these, Ally.”




on earth didn’t you call me last night?” I didn’t bother to answer my dad since he had been ranting and asking the same question for the past twenty minutes. He had shown up about five minutes after I woke up and had been scolding me ever since. Am I ever glad that he didn’t show up while Jack and I were in bed together—that would have been a bit awkward. I knew he wasn’t angry; he was scared. Close on his heels was the crew to install a state-of-the-art alarm system and bars on every window. My adorable little house was about to become Fort Freaking Knox and I couldn’t work up any emotion beyond a numb acceptance.

“Josh, give it a rest, man. She’s had about all she can take.” Jack and my dad locked eyes in a silent battle.

“Easy for you to say,” groused my dad. “She called you.” Actually Rémy had called him, but I wasn’t about to correct him.

“Jack.” I roused myself from my stupor long enough to attempt to douse the rising testosterone level in the room. “Why don’t you go home for a while, okay? Get a shower and change.” I pleaded with my eyes for him to understand.

He looked hard at me for a few seconds before finally nodding in understanding. I walked him to the front door. “Let me take you out tonight, Ally. You need to think of something else for a while.”

“You think you can distract me?” I asked, a bit of my normal spirit fighting its way to the surface.

He flashed me a wolfish grin before swooping me into a fierce kiss, right in front of my father. My dad made a disgusted noise and retreated to the kitchen.

“Mmmm,” I said, licking my lips, savoring his flavor. “That was some kiss, Mr. Ruiz.” I recovered enough to give him a stern look. “You are not in competition with my father. Be nice.”

“Sorry.” He had the grace to look a bit ashamed. A tiny bit. “So, I’ll pick you up later, okay?”

“Okay. I guess it would be good to get out of here for a while. Where are we going? What should I wear?”

“You always look great.” It was what he always said.

“Well, I could wear those boots you like, if you want.” I tried to look innocent. “Or sneakers.” I shrugged.

He laughed and pulled me in for a hug. “I love you, you know?”

“I know.”




I wandered into the kitchen to find my dad, Brian, and Rémy huddled over cups of coffee, discussing the case while Mina prepared lunch. Mat had taken Tara out earlier, leaving his truck for Jack. I moved to help Mina make sandwiches, interested to observe the dynamics between her and Rémy since their lip-lock the night before.

The horrid red roses were still in the middle of the table, mocking me with their presence. Brian had stopped me from stuffing them in the trashcan earlier, stating that they and the note were evidence. I wanted them off my table and out of my house, pronto.

“I’ll take them with me when I leave, Ally. I promise,” Brian said, accepting the sandwich I had made for him. “Thanks, sweetie.”

“You’re welcome, Dad.” I kissed his cheek before placing another sandwich in front of Josh. “And one for you, Dad.” I kissed his cheek, as well. They both chuckled appreciatively at my teasing. “I just want those damn flowers gone. They give me the wiggins!” I shuddered and sat down at the opposite end of the table, waving away the sandwich Mina tried to place in front of me. I had not regained my appetite yet. She placed it in front of me anyway, and then gave Rémy one. I expected a special, secret smile or a lingering touch or something! They didn’t even acknowledge each other. Seriously? Yikes. What was up with them?

It’s a good thing I had no appetite; rehashing the break-in, the personal ads, and the whole being followed thing made my stomach cramp. Brian studied the note, which he had placed in an evidence bag. “The roses were on the front step when you arrived home yesterday? What time was that?”

“Around five.”

“Did you see anyone loitering, hanging around? Anyone who didn’t quite belong?”

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