See (37 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee

Tags: #General Fiction

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He reached for my arm and gently held me back. Stepping behind me, he pulled my body against his and whispered in my ear, “If we’re friends, then I’m in your life…and you’re safe…everyone is safe…at least for now.”

I could feel the threat between his words. I couldn’t find the words to stand up to him – I knew I’d need help – I needed Draven.

He let my arm go, and I walked forward. “Call me when mom goes to sleep; I wanna hear your voice before I close my eyes.”

I didn’t say anything; I just pulled my hood up and fumbled with the knob on the door. I found Madison eagerly waiting on the other side. She looped her arm through mine.

Seriously – Kara just texted me. You have to meet your mom for an early dinner,” she said, pulling me through the house.

The two boys were leaning against the couch, staring blankly at me, almost as if they feared the moment I left. I looked for Bianca as we ran through the entry hall – prepared to fight with her, but I didn’t see her. I reached for my keys before we made it out the door. I ran to my car, and Madison climbed in just as I did. I didn’t bother putting my belt on as I threw the car in drive and circled the driveway. Madison started to dig through my bag, then plugged my phone in, turning Draven’s song all the way up. As soon as I heard his voice, I felt a calm come over me and I took in a deep breath.

Much better; put your belt on,” Madison yelled, rolling down her window.

I rolled my window down, trying to get air – to stop my heart from racing as I hit ‘Home’ on the GPS.

Well, is it over?” she asked seriously, turning the volume on radio down.

I shook my head no. “I don’t think he’s ever gonna let it be over – I have to talk to Draven.”

She furrowed her eyebrows in disgust. “Like now?” she said, reaching for my phone.

I took my phone from her. “This isn’t a conversation you have over the phone – I’ll tell him after dinner with my mom.”

At that moment, my phone vibrated and I felt my insides fall. Madison took my phone from me and looked down and read: “You better be on your way back Mom is too tired to wait for us to cook she wants to go out. Draven is driving us so we only have one car – hurry.”

I sighed, realizing that Draven would be at my house before I would and I’d have to find a way to explain where I’d been – I didn’t want to lie – but I wasn’t ready to tell the truth. I had to focus on getting through dinner with my mom.

Madison changed the song on the phone just as it vibrated.

You may have a guardian angel watching over you,” she said, scrolling through my texts.

Really?” I said, smiling as my father’s image flashed before my eyes.

Yep, this one is from Draven, saying he was across town playing with the guys he played with the other night, and this one is from your mom, saying that she’s having to wait for them to clean the car she’s renting.”

I took in a deep breath and relaxed into my seat, thinking I might be able to pull this off - or at least come close.

Take the next left,” she said, setting the phone on my dash.

It says to go straight,” I argued.

I grew up here; I know these roads better than a computer – do you wanna take a short cut or not?” she asked, crossing her arms.

You better be right,” I said, putting my blinker on.

I’m always right,” she said, turning up the radio.

I fidgeted in my seat, taking every turn Madison told me to, driving faster than I should. All at once, above the radio I heard a violent hiss; my heart started to race as I looked at Madison. She was whispering random words as fast as she could – but it just seemed to make it worse. It was so loud, I thought my ear drums would burst. Then out of nowhere, a dark shadow grew from the road we were driving on. I slammed on my breaks, not knowing what was on the other side of it.

You’re gonna have to help me,” Madison said as she let her seat belt loose. “Do you remember how? Tell me you do!” she screamed over the hiss that was all around us.

I do,” I said, letting my belt go and stepping out of the car.

I met her in front of the car. The hiss turned into laughter. “…Charlie…come,” the dark cloud mocked.

Show yourself!” I yelled.

At that moment, the dark cloud divided, and before us were hundreds of ashy ghostly images. My heart started to race, and I felt adrenaline rush through every part of me.

Madison stepped forward and into the mass of shadows, saying random words. “Summer…Buttercups…lavender.” Each time she said a word, one of the images would vanish.

It took everything I had, but I remembered my song and felt my shield come to life inside my mind. I faced the image closest to me. It was a woman; her eyes were cold, and as I stared into her soul I watched her life come to life around me – she had been hurt by everyone in her life - man and woman. I knew I’d have to dig deep to find a memory. I was so distracted by the fact that there were others that I grabbed the first memory I could find. It was a priest, and he simply said, “You are loved…you’re a beautiful soul.” I repeated his words, and at that moment she faded. Others closed in around me, whispering my name, begging me to come with them. I just stared forward and let the memories of lives that didn’t belong to me come to life – I didn’t even know which image they belonged to. I started to say words – names – cities – songs – smells – seasons of the year. At first, I thought I was doing it all wrong - too fast - because I couldn’t see them fade; when I thought I did, more would emerge - but then the hiss grew calm, and the whispers became innocent.

Their taunts ended, and their pleas began. I felt them fight for my attention – for my words that would bring an emotion to life – one that would help save their soul. I wanted to help them all, but I had to go – I had my own life to live.

I stepped back. “If you want my help – clear my path…let me find my light, and I’ll bring yours to you.”

As I said the words, the dark images melted into ordinary shadows and it was silent. I could see Madison a few feet in front of me. Shock and confusion was all over her face as she walked back to the car.

Stunned and numb, I stepped slowly back to the driver’s side and slid in. Madison climbed in, and we sat in silence as we stared forward at the ordinary world before us now.

I can’t believe they listened to you,” she finally said, daring to look at me.

They could just be playing games…I don’t trust any of it,” I said as I reached to turn down the still-playing radio.

Charlie – you just told them to clear a path, and they did…you made a promise to them…if I were you, I’d keep it.”

I will…as soon as I figure out how,” I said, putting the car in drive. I was so numb from the adrenaline, I felt dizzy.

Maybe they’re our weapon…not the enemy,” Madison said, turning in her seat to look at me.

That doesn’t make me feel any better – the bigger the weapon, the bigger the enemy.”

It’s gonna take the four us to do this – you see that now, don’t you?” Madison asked me in a pleading voice.

More than the four us…much more...I don’t know what to think…I just know this is the beginning, not the end.”

Evan is flying people over here….”

What?!” I asked, completely confused.

Madison pointed for me to turn; once I did, I hit the gas, knowing I’d lost time helping those shadows.

There are more of us…a lot more…so far, we’re the best…the strongest - but after what happened to you, we had no choice but to reach out to others – we can’t be outnumbered.”

We already are – who’s he bringing?”

I’m not sure…I was too focused on you. Ask Draven tonight when you tell him about all of this.”

Her directions managed to cut twenty minutes off our time. I slowed down as I crossed the bridge in my driveway, then sped up again as I circled the house.

Madison threw her hands up in the air. “Score – no Hummer.”

I sighed and pulled into my spot in the garage. I put the car in park and leaned back in my seat, telling myself to just breathe. I felt Madison’s hand on my arm, and I opened my eyes.

Tell him, have dinner with your mom, smile and be happy, and tonight tell him. Don’t let Bianca destroy you – the both of you,” she said quietly,

I smiled faintly. “K,” I said as my eyes danced over her face. “What was with that look you and Britain had? It didn’t look like you two hated each other then.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know if he can see or not, but if he can, I’m sure he saw my dream….Aden saw it the other day….at least parts of it.”

What did he say about it?”

She raised her eyebrows. “Now he and Draven are more determined for us to go with Austin.”

My eyes grew wide. “You showed them Britain?!”

He saw my dream…I was thinking about it, and I didn’t know he was watching me – they don’t know the name – I doubt they think he’s real – I was more focused on that gray world.”

Real enough to wanna leave.”

She shook her head. “They may be my cousins, but they’ve always acted like big brothers…they’re just overprotective of the both of us.”

I may need you to save Britain…you caused him to hesitate – twice. That doesn’t happen to him. He always knows what to say and what to do.”

Charlie, let this go – you don’t need me – you need Draven. I doubt he can be saved.” Even though her words were strong, her tone was weak…she saw something in him, too; she just didn’t want to admit it.

I looked in my rearview mirror to see Draven’s Hummer pulling in behind me.

OK,” she said as she climbed out. She kept her eyes down and rushed to her car. It was obvious she was avoiding Draven.

I pulled my phone loose and pushed it in my bag as I got out. Draven was walking to me, looking over his shoulder at Madison.

What have you guys been up to?” Draven asked, turning to look carefully over me.

Nothing much….she’s gotten really fast at saving people.”

He stepped forward, let his hands settle on my waist, and pulled me to him. “We all have,” he whispered.

I didn’t wait for him to lean in to kiss me. I reached my arms around his neck and pulled him to me. The moment his lips touched mine, I felt the stress wash away and I pushed the pressure of Britain down deep inside.

Draven pulled slowly away and looked down. “Please tell me what’s wrong?” he pleaded.

I reached up and pulled his perfect face to me, stealing another kiss. “Get me through this dinner…and I’ll tell you everything.”

He started to say something, but Kara opened the back door, stopping him.

Finally – are you trying to give me a stroke?” she said, looking at me.

I locked eyes with her and begged her just to stop and not say a thing about where I was. Draven looked back and forth between us.

Kara put on a fake smile. “Shall we?” she said, walking to Draven’s Hummer.

I didn’t look at him; I just put my arm around him and let him lead me to the passenger side of his truck. When he closed the door, Kara slid in the center of the backseat. “Well?”

Not now.”

Not good, Charlie,” she said in a concerned tone.

Draven climbed in. As his eyes met Kara’s in the mirror, I could see him looking all around her, hesitating as he backed out. I bit my lip, fearing he’d see right through her somehow and read her concern for me before I had a chance to explain. He didn’t say anything as he pulled forward.

I hope you’re OK with eating early,” Kara said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Starving. I haven’t eaten today,” Draven said, smiling slightly.

Me either,” I said quietly.

Alright, no one tell mom that – wait, I’m innocent; she was in your care for breakfast and lunch,” Kara said in a teasing tone.

Draven’s jaw tightened and reached for my hand. “Starting to regret letting her out of my sight...”

He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my skin.

Kara relaxed into her seat, and I reached to turn up the radio.

This is what I did today,” Draven said, nodding in the direction of the sound.

I started to rock back and forth with the sound, recognizing some of the lyrics: ‘hold fast to the dream you think you never had.’

Mom texted Kara before we pulled into the restaurant, saying she already had a table and appetizers ordered. Kara climbed out as soon as Draven parked. I fumbled with my seat belt, feeling nervous. Draven reached over and unlatched it for me.

Calm down,” he said quietly.

I tried to smile and avoided his eyes as I climbed out. He met me in front of the Hummer and took my hand. I focused on the hum I felt from his skin and followed Kara in.

Mom was sitting at a side table, dressed in one of her powerhouse business suits. As soon as she saw us, she tucked her phone in her purse and stood up and hugged Kara, kissing her on the cheek. I let go of Draven’s hand, knowing I’d be next.

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