See (36 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee

Tags: #General Fiction

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Are you trying to say something?” I asked sarcastically.

Not to you,” she said as she whispered another word.

I turned the radio all the way down and watched the shadows on the road – they were normal.

What are you doing? What are you whispering?”

I’m clearing a path – I told you they were everywhere.”

You can’t possibly be seeing – not that fast.”

She shook her head at me as she whispered another word. “I’ve gotten ‘that’ fast – so has Draven and Aden. When you’re outnumbered, you have no choice.”

I pushed the button to roll her window up in a vain attempt to stop her. “It’s not about how fast you do it – it’s about doing it right. There’s no way you’re even sure you’re helping anyone…it’s not right…they deserve your undivided attention.”

Do they?” Madison said, crossing her arms. “They deserve that because they lived such a good life – and in the end, for some reason – they were picked for misery – I don’t think so.”

We aren’t judges…you could be making it worse – what if you picked the wrong memory?”

I’m not a fool – I wait until I see the light,” she said, looking out the window and whispering another word.

I looked in my rearview mirror for any sign of a light that she could be talking about.

I’ve never seen a light…they just fade,” I said, sure that that memory was correct.

It must be your shield,” Madison said, looking to her side at me. “I always see a light – just a little one, but it makes it worth it.”

I must be the weak link now…I don’t even hear what you’re helping,” I said, letting out a deep breath.

Doubt that,” she mumbled as she crossed her arms.

Why do I feel like you’re mad at me?” I asked, glancing at my side at her.

I’m not mad…frustrated, but not mad.”


If this doesn’t work, this goodbye – then you’re telling Draven about all of this…did you ever stop to think that they’re trying to drive us apart? To make us weak?”

I did…but that’s not what this is about; they want to end us, not weaken us.”

Then we all have a right to face it,” she said, turning in her seat.

Let me do this – my way.” I argued.

Fine – but I warned you I’d tell Draven if this doesn’t work.”

If it doesn’t work – I’ll tell him,” I said under my breath.

The closer we got to Britain’s, the harder it got for me to breathe. I felt this pressure on my chest, and my stomach was tying in knots. My anxiety didn’t go unnoticed. I could feel the concerned gaze of Madison and her struggling to find the words to say to give me courage.




Chapter 16

The GPS had us turn into a driveway that was almost twenty feet wide. A large iron gate was connected to a brick wall that was at least ten feet high. The gate opened as soon as my car pulled in front of it. In the distance, I could see a massive dark brick, almost black house; it was three times the size of my house, and it had wide white pillars across the front porch.

Creepy; luxurious, but still creepy,” Madison said as she unfastened her seat belt.

I rolled my eyes as we circled in front of the house. Britain’s Aston Martin was parked in the front, along with three other cars that I was sure were more expensive than my house.

Madison reached for Draven’s hoddie, which was lying across my lap. “Put this on – I feel a chill,” she said seriously.

I don’t need to wave any flags – I already told him Draven’s name by accident,” I said as I let my fingertips run across the Celtic cross on the breast of the hoodie.

This guy needs a red flag – one that says, ‘I’m not alone’,” she said boldly.

I pushed my arms through the sleeves, smelling Draven’s cologne. Though it made me feel safe, it also made me feel guilty. I zipped it up, then put my bag across myself and stuffed my keys inside. Madison got out first and looked up at the house like it was a mountain she had to climb. I took a deep breath and called back the memory of my song to my mind. I felt the shield I always had come to life as I opened my door.

Madison ran up the steps and rang the bell. The sound it made was eerie, so loud I felt it echo through me. I walked slowly up behind her just as the door opened. Bianca was standing there.

Her eyes coldly met Madison’s, then glanced at me. “Seriously, Charlie.”

Alibi,” I said, staring blankly at Bianca. “You know what those are –right?” I said coldly.

What’s with the attitude?” she asked, furrowing her eyebrows at me.

I pushed passed her into the large open entry hall. Nothing less than luxury was in front of me. White marble floors, huge oil paintings, a red velvet staircase that circled to the floors above. In the distance, I could hear a loud TV – gaming.

Madison was at my side as Bianca circled around us. “What are you?” I said flatly to her.

What kind of question is that?” she said, smiling adoringly – trying to look innocent.

I stepped closer to her and smirked. “I don’t even wanna know – you’re not worth my time.”

Bianca reached for my shoulder, and Madison blocked her. “Keep your hands to yourself,” Madison said boldly.

Bianca smirked, no longer trying to hold her innocent approach. “I knew I should have handled you sooner.”

Handle me now,” Madison said, bowing her chest out as she glared at her.

I shook my head from side to side. “No one is handling anyone – get the hell out of my life – you hear me?” I said calmly as I walked passed her toward the sound of the gaming that I was sure was coming from the room in front of me.

The hall opened up into a huge room. The back wall was windows, and to the left there was a massive TV. Two guys from my party were lounging on leather couches, playing some kind of game. Britain was sitting on the arm, watching with little interest.

I’d forgotten how attractive he was. His dark blond hair was brushed perfectly out of his eyes. He was wearing black slacks and an oxford button up shirt. He didn’t look like a teenager – he looked like a powerful man – someone who had no fears. The moment I stepped in the room, he looked at me, and his commanding steel blue eyes captivated me. I felt like he could see right through me. I reached back and pulled my hood up.

Told you it was cold,” Madison said, quietly plotting how she’d play this.

At that moment, I felt someone pull me back and looked back to see Bianca pushing me against the wall. “Time to go back to sleep – sweetheart,” she said as she smiled wickedly and her pupils began to expand and contract.

I closed my eyes tightly, blocking them as I felt her ripped away from the hold she had on me. I opened my eyes to see Madison on the floor on top of Bianca, slapping her; Bianca fought back. Britain had come to their side, and he looped his strong arms around Madison, holding her back. Thinking for sure that we were now outnumbered, I had no choice but to charge him- but before I reached him, he kicked Bianca away from him and Madison.

Get her out of here,” he said firmly to the room.

The boys that were playing the game had dropped their controllers and were just waiting for a command. The biggest one pulled Bianca up; she spit, trying to hit Madison, but Britain moved her out of the path.

This isn’t over – no – this has now begun!” Bianca yelled.

Out!” Britain said firmly. The boy pulled her through the entry hall as she kicked and thrashed against him.

Britain didn’t let go of Madison immediately. He held her…gently…almost as if he were enjoying how she felt against his body. She was still at first – like she was trapped in the same twisted illusion he was in, then she stepped forward, then looked back at him. As they held each other’s stare, I felt an odd current flowing between them – one that was full of countless emotions that neither of them seemed to understand.

I need to talk to you,” I said, breaking the tense silence.

He nodded. “Excuse us…,” he said quietly, smiling slightly at Madison. “Let them know if you need anything.”

Britain nodded for me to follow him to another room. I began to follow him as I tried to focus on the song playing in my mind – my father’s song.

OK, but listen,” Madison said. Reaching in her bag, she said, “I’m the mom alert, and you only – and I mean only - have minutes.”

Britain hesitated; as he heard her voice, he turned to look at her and nodded politely. Then he placed his hand on the small of my back and led me out of the room and into a doorway to the left. It led into a study that was covered wall-to-wall in books. An arched window framed a beautiful flower garden outside.

He closed the door. I took two steps in, then turned, wanting a fast exit.

He stepped slowly forward, holding my gaze. When he reached me, he raised his hands cautiously and pushed my hood back. I held the breath that wanted to escape.

I stepped back, wanting more space between us. Even though he had protected Madison and ordered Bianca away, I didn’t trust him; in my mind, he was still dangerous. He tilted his head and smiled innocently as his eyes searched over me.

What have they done to my Charlie?” he asked.

Nothing,” I said sarcastically.

Then why are you so mad?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

I remember, Britain,” I said, finding strength in my voice.

Then you remember that nothing happened,” he said calmly, holding my gaze.

Nothing could have happened – Bianca took my free will – but all she did was delay the inevitable,” I said, staring boldly into his blue eyes.

You’re right…,” he answered innocently.

I stared past him, not finding the courage to look him in the eyes any longer. “Free will…my free will is telling you to leave me alone…I can’t help you now.”

He gently reached to turn my chin to look at him. “My free will wants to stay right here with you…I told you…you’re addictive…both of you are.”

A new fear shot through me – it was for Madison. I didn’t ever want her to have to find herself captivated by the silence around him…the illusion of protection - but then I had a wild thought: what if she could save him? What if I was only meant to lead him to the one that could help him? Aden may have said I was the strongest of all of us, but that was only his perspective. I knew we were all strong – that we all had a purpose behind the gifts we shared. I tried to think what Madison would say if she were in this room – without a doubt, she’d find a way to gain the information she needed to understand what he was – to protect us.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I said, “Do you have a birthmark?”

He smirked at my question, and his eyes sparkled. “No.”

I don’t think I believe you,” I mumbled as I told myself to stick to the plan and just tell him to go away.

Britain took a step back, then slowly began to unbutton his shirt. I held his stare as he let his shirt fall to the floor. He still had on a tight white tank top. I held my breath and tried to not let heat rush to my skin as he raised his shirt, revealing every perfect sculpted part of his lean body. He turned to show me his back; I couldn’t see a single mark on him.

He turned to look back at me. “Do you wanna look anywhere else?” he asked with an alluring smile.

I shook my head no and held the look of anger. “There may be hope for you…but I can’t save you now…I need you to leave my life. When I understand what has control over you - I’ll help you.”

His eyes moved back to Draven’s hoodie, then he locked gazes with me. “He doesn’t know I exist – does he?” he asked, smiling.

Why does that matter?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

His grin grew, and I saw confidence build in his eyes. “I can be your secret, if that’s what you want.”

What kind of twisted mind do you have? Do you even have one? You have no connection to me – you never have.”

He moved his head from side to side as if I were oblivious, which only made me angry. “This Draven boy…I have no harsh feelings for him….I’m not the one that can hurt him.”

I slowly shook my head no, refusing to let him fool me. I was sure he was trying to push the blame on Bianca, but I was no fool – birds of a feather flock together.

His eyes moved slowly across my face. “I have empathy for him…for he’s the one that’s truly blind right now.”

He’s going to stay that way, then,” I said shortly.

Not for long…not for long,” Britain said as disdain for something beyond Draven was made apparent on his face.

Madison knocked on the door. “Mom alert – let’s go,” she yelled through the door.

Britain ignored her and stepped forward. I stepped back, but he causally followed me and leaned his forehead to mine. “You don’t wanna leave me…think about the risk.”

The risk of staying near you is worse,” I said, stepping back, then walking around him.

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