Seduction (30 page)

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Authors: Various

BOOK: Seduction
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Her lips pressed tight together, Morin drew ragged breaths through her nose. Sara's hand disappeared from her waist. Fingers tugged at her restraints.

‘Keep going. Don't stop.' The words burst free with a rush of air. Her body craved the attention. She'd never been so hot, so much in need before. The idea of Paul ploughing her cunt as Jason had Sara – bound, helpless. Paul . . . or Jason.

‘Oh, God.'

Three sets of hands caressed her, touched her skin, fondled her breasts. The softest pair slid low on her stomach. Sharp nails combed through the nest of hair surrounding her pussy.

A clean-shaven cheek teased her breast before a hot tongue lapped at her nipple. Jason . . . She resisted the temptation to open her eyes, confirm what she already knew. His mouth covered hers, sucking hard while his tongue licked her sensitive nipple.

Someone slipped between her body and the door frame. Kisses rained down her back, accompanied by the brush of day-old whiskers.

A long-nailed finger pulled her thong aside then raked across her clit, dipping between her folds. The rustle of silk floated away then soft lips teased her lower stomach. Cool air washed across her aching flesh as fingers prised her open, exposing her.
A tongue, soft and gentle, lapped at her slit. Sharp pleasure lanced through her as she pushed her hips forwards, seeking pressure.

A loud whack accompanied a stinging burn on her left ass cheek. Morin yelped in shock and pain.

‘You weren't supposed to move,' Paul's voice whispered from behind her.

Another swat, equally hard but not as surprising, landed on her right cheek. The blow forced her forwards against Sara's mouth. Jason's teeth raked against her nipple but he didn't lose his hold on her breast.

‘You like that, don't you, love?' Sara whispered. ‘His hand on your ass while I lick your pussy.'

Morin once again bit her abused lip. She wouldn't answer. Couldn't answer.

‘All you have to do to get more is move . . .' Sara ran her hand down Morin's inner thigh then back up again. ‘Go on, baby. Move.'

Her heart racing, Morin did as Sara demanded and canted her hips forwards. Another resounding slap rewarded her as Sara wrapped her lips around Morin's clit. Struggling against her binding garnered another whack. And another. Each swat sent pleasure peaking through her body, coming to rest in her clit.

‘Looks like I might need something more than my hand.' The jangle of Paul's belt buckle warned her of his meaning. The snap of leather as he jerked his belt free scared her. ‘If you stand still, I won't have to use it.'

Rough leather slid over her burning ass as Morin stood frozen in place.

Jason kissed a path from her breast to her neck. ‘I think she wants it.' His voice was a harsh whisper near her ear. ‘Don't you. Have your ass burning from a good leather belt. Gets you hot thinking about it.'

Sara's soft licking turned to hard sucking as Jason pinched Morin's nipples.

‘Do you want it, Morin?' Paul's breath teased her other ear. ‘Say yes . . .'

‘Yes!' Morin broke into a thousand pieces. ‘Yes!' The hard leather slapped across both cheeks. ‘Yes!' She strained forwards against the delirious pleasure of Sara's mouth. ‘Yes!'

Her eyes flew open as Jason planted a hard kiss on her mouth. His hand twisted through her hair, pulling tight near the base of her skull. Another blow. Another kiss. Another lick. Another pinch. Her senses went into overload. This orgasm wasn't just her cunt. Her entire body rode a wave of intense ecstasy.

‘More!' she moaned around Jason's tongue. Fighting her restraints with all the strength she could muster, she fell into the chasm of depravity she'd tried to avoid. She was putty in Paul's hands, to mould into whatever sexual situation he wanted.

Paul's insidious whisper invaded the furious pleasure storming across every nerve. ‘Do you want me to fuck you now?'

‘Yes . . .' she sobbed. She'd had too much but she needed more. ‘Yes . . . please.'

‘Or maybe you want Jason's cock up your hot tight cunt.'

Morin shivered from cold and heat, like a fever consuming her. The memory of Jason's cock, longer, thicker than Paul's, plunging into Sara forced the words from her tight chest. ‘Yes . . .'

Paul chuckled an almost sinister laugh. ‘Maybe we'll just take turns. Both have a chance.'

‘Yes. Whatever you want.'

‘No, baby.' Paul's tone lowered to a comforting whisper. ‘It's whatever you want.'

‘I want . . .' Morin gasped for air and swallowed hard. Her mind whispered,
To stop
. . . But her lips said, ‘Both . . .'

Paul kissed the nape of her neck as his hands slid down her side. His fingers curled under the lacy strings of her thong. A hard yank snapped the delicate material. Her clit quivered at the shock as the material tugged tight.

Pulling the soggy remains of Morin's underwear away, Sara rose in front of her. ‘Good girl,' the woman whispered before kissing Sara long and hard. The flavour of Morin's cream mingled with the aftertaste of Sara's. Then Sara slipped away, her curvy body replaced by Jason's tall muscular build.

His pants open, his thick cock waved in the air. Sara reached around him and slipped a condom over his erection.

Paul's arms tightened around Morin's waist, lifting her towards Jason. Grabbing hold of the wooden curtain rod, Morin relieved her wrists of her weight as she once again closed her eyes.

The cold tip of the condom brushed her heated flesh. A soft moan escaped her as the head of Jason's cock prodded her folds. The thick crown pressed against her opening.

‘Be easy, Jase . . .' Paul's strong tone reassured her.

‘Man, she's hot,' Jason murmured as he pushed inside.

Morin opened her eyes. Jason stared at her with a frightening intensity. His face was red, beaded with sweat, as his cock stroked inside her a couple of inches. He pulled back quickly then lunged forwards faster, but still didn't plumb her depths. His breath panted like a dog's on a hot summer day.

‘Give me . . .' Morin whispered. Her gaze locked onto Jason's.

‘Give you what, baby?' Paul spoke in her ear.

‘All . . .' Morin leaned back against Paul's chest and wrapped her legs loosely around Jason's waist. Relaxing into Paul's embrace, she stared at Jason. ‘Now . . .'

As if freed from invisible bonds, Jason surged forwards, slamming deep into Morin's channel. His fingers dug into her thighs, holding her steady as he reared back and ploughed into her again.

Another rush of pleasure shot through her. Turning her head towards Paul, she met his mouth, opening, demanding a kiss. Her lover ravaged her lips as Jason fucked her with long, hard strokes. Each plunge of Jason's cock matched Paul's delving tongue.

Soft hands massaged her breasts, teasing her nipples. A hot mouth caught one aching nub and held, sucking, taunting. Explosion after explosion of desire fired through Morin's synapses.

Jason's hips jerked against her cunt. ‘Too much . . .' He grunted his finish as he ground his pelvis into her clit.

‘More . . .' Morin's throat ached as she coughed out the hoarse whisper.

The thick cock slid free of her pussy. Her cream dribbled down the crack of her ass as Jason lifted her legs from around his waist. He kissed her, hard, full of teeth and tongue, while he lowered her legs to the floor.

Paul pulled her hips back, clutching her around the waist, then pressed his cock between her thighs.

Her lover's cock slid inside her stretched channel, fast and hard. His hand slapped her ass, refreshing the stinging blows from earlier. Her pussy clenched around his length. ‘Yes!' she shouted into Jason's mouth.

Sara moved next to her then dropped to the floor. Morin didn't have to see what the woman was doing. She knew before the soft tongue lapped at her slit.

Yet another wave of pleasure launched Morin into a haze of brightness, light and floating.
Could someone die of orgasm?
The fleeting thought scared and amused her.

Paul's rough treatment didn't last long. His warm seed spread through her cunt as he bounced against her ass with a long groan. Sara's tongue continued to flicker against her slit even as Paul pulled out.

‘Enough . . .' Morin moaned, her body shuddering from over-stimulation. ‘For now . . . enough.'

Two sets of fingers fumbled with her restraints while Jason continued to hold her. Knees weak, she welcomed his strong grip but she was content when Paul wrapped his arms around her, freeing her from Jason.

‘Are you OK, baby?' Soft kisses fluttered across her face.

‘Uh-huh . . .' Morin didn't have the strength to do more than mumble.

‘Not mad?'

‘Huh-uh . . .'

‘Want to do it again sometime?'

Morin nodded her head against Paul's face. ‘Need a list . . .'

Twelve Steps
Shada Royce

couples go to sex therapy . . . I just happen to go by myself. Why, you ask, would I bother going to a sex therapist alone? What good could this do for a twenty-something singleton with decent-enough looks who doesn't have a problem getting laid? The answer is obvious in its simplicity – I need to learn to enjoy sex. You heard me right, I didn't stutter. I've finally admitted my problem. Step one. Check.

So back to the sex therapist and my self-made, self-implemented twelve-step program to discover my ‘inner' sex goddess.

Thinking back, I guess I came to realise I had a real problem sometime during my senior year in college. After a whopping total of four lovers in my life, I began to wonder why some women couldn't get enough sex. My best girlfriend used to go on and on about this thing her boyfriend could do with his tongue. Other friends discussed which sexual positions they enjoyed most, what types of foreplay, if they liked to be tied up or have their hair pulled. Tied up? Really? To my amazement, I realised women talked about sex and the big ‘O' – a lot.

That was when it hit me, when I fully understood I had never had one of those mind-blowing, howling, clawing-your-own-skin kind of orgasms. Sure, sex had been pleasant enough but I didn't get antsy after going celibate for six months.

Although I never had problems finding a partner, most of the guys I slept with ended up being more of a buddy. Or worse, the guys I found really interesting would eventually say something to the effect of ‘I don't want to ruin our friendship' even before the big dance.

Not only had I never experienced the seventh level of orgasmic enlightenment, but I came to understand how lousy I was at seducing a man into my bed. I mean, really getting a guy hot and bothered. Mind you, I know most college guys will screw anything with two legs and a pie-hole, but I wanted more. I wanted what my girlfriends chatted about and dreamed about. I wanted to make a man lose control, thereby making me lose control. So I embarked on a sexual journey to discover if I, like other women I knew, could become addicted to sex.

I began my path to discovery in the library. I know, you're thinking ‘the library'? Did I fail to mention that my degree is in scientific research? Needless to say, the library was a natural place for me to begin. I researched everything I could find, from ‘how to give a great blowjob' to the scientific evidence behind the elusive orgasm. I became obsessed with discovering who I was in the bedroom and what I really enjoyed. I wanted to know if there was any hope for me. Were men really immune to me or did I just need to learn the secrets of seduction?

Over the course of my research I developed a twelve-step program to aid my quest for sexual self-discovery. The steps resembled the Alcohol Anonymous program, but I guess you could say I was forming an addiction rather than fighting one. Don't laugh. I know it sounds ridiculous, but once I started following the steps I really started becoming more comfortable in my own skin.

So step one is, of course, admitting you need help and you have a problem. This was the easiest step: I figured since I was researching I had admitted I needed help. Steps two through eleven involved everything from buying decent lingerie from
somewhere other than a cheap department store to going out in public with no knickers to learning how to pleasure myself with a sex toy. Anything I could think of that I would never tell another person, I did.

The final steps brought me to the library once again, but this time the step wouldn't involve research and books. Were the eleven previous steps enough to prepare me for the home stretch? The day I put the program to the test forever changed my perspective on seduction.

‘Excuse me?'

The library attendant on duty turned around as I leaned across the counter. ‘Can I help you?' He smiled, the small scar above his lip stretching with the action. My gaze focused on his firm, full lips. Flashes of how his hot, wet mouth would feel trailing a path down my shoulder made me dizzy. A wave of heat flashed over my skin as I considered what I was about to do, what I prayed I had the gumption to do.

A breeze drifted from the door to caress the length of my bare legs and flirt with the naked, heated flesh under my skirt. The cooling effect of the tendrils of the wind's breath reminded me of my state of undress. Knowing I didn't have knickers on brought a rush of fluttering sensations pulsing through my body, bringing goosebumps to my heated skin and tightening my over-sensitive nipples. I shifted over the counter, bringing my arms together so my breasts pushed against my hot pink tank top.

He glanced down at my cleavage then back to my face with little more than a blink.

I cleared my throat, a little unnerved by his nonchalant reaction to my display. Looking around, I leaned over before whispering my request. ‘Do you have any books on oral sex?'

This time his eyebrows shot up into his hairline before snapping together in a tight V over his blue eyes. ‘Is this some kind of joke?'

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