SeduceMe (5 page)

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Authors: Calista Fox

BOOK: SeduceMe
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“Well,” she said in that breathy voice that had replaced her
normal one. Her heart picked up several extra beats as her pulse seemed to
radiate from every single erogenous zone she possessed, making her body
vibrate. “If it wouldn’t cause you any problems to show me what really happens
on stage, I think witnessing the reality of the situation might be…

The idea of spying on a few of the scenes heightened her
arousal, already in high gear because of her two new acquaintances.

They reached an elevator where a security guard stood
sentinel before the gleaming brass doors.

“My office is upstairs,” Drake informed her. “Shall we?”

The guard pushed the button on the richly paneled wall and
the doors slid open with a soft
that made Shana’s stomach flip.
Were it not for Yvette’s obvious advocacy of this unique opportunity, Shana
might have changed her mind. Cowardly backed out…just so she didn’t make a fool
of herself. Not that it’d been smooth sailing so far, what with her two left
feet and bundled nerves. But she was ready to experience something different.
Something significant. Something outside her realm of normalcy and

So as Drake made a sweeping gesture with his large hand, she
stepped inside the elegantly appointed elevator and silently said “to hell”
with her insecurities.

Chapter Three


Shana stood between Drake and Jane, tightly clutching her
small purse with both hands. Drake stole a glance at her, captivated by the way
she trembled ever so slightly, revealing both apprehension and exhilaration.

He found it impossible to believe some of the things Jane
had said about this woman earlier, particularly about her not being comfortable
with her body. Drake found every inch of her alluring. She had a striking face,
with wide-set, amber-colored eyes. They were as rich as the finest scotch he’d
ever poured and they sparkled beneath the soft glow of the elevator lights. Her
cheekbones were high and well-defined. Almost delicate looking and very
prominent. Her lips were full and painted a deep crimson color that
complemented her bronze skin.

From his research, he’d learned her father was from Playa
Del Carmen outside of Cancun and her mother was American. She’d been born in
the States and had dual citizenship, but she’d lived her first few years in
Mexico. Her real name was Shania Gonzalez. In her younger years, she’d been an
international sensation in the classical music world, and of course Drake’s
curiosity burned to know what had made her step out of the limelight after
she’d turned eighteen.

Not step out, he mentally amended.
Drop out
. The
woman had put an entire ocean and the US legal system between her and her past
existence in Europe, where she’d toured. She’d solicited a court order to help
her change her identity and had reemerged a completely different person.

He found this both intriguing and confusing. What had been
so bad about touring with a world-class, critically acclaimed orchestra—which
she’d headlined as Shania Gonzalez—that had caused her to completely reinvent

He’d been fascinated by her before he’d ever met her in
person. But now… He was thoroughly intrigued. And entranced. Making him worry
again that perhaps letting Jane have her way this evening wasn’t such a good
idea. His usual steel resolve when it came to maintaining some distance between
himself and humans was slipping fast with this woman.

Not helping his plight, from the other side of the elevator
Jane said to Shana, “I hope you don’t find us too forward. We’ve both been
anxious to meet you. Ever since Yvette mentioned the two of you were friends.”

Drake slid a glance toward Shana. Surprise flitted across
her face before she said, “That’s very flattering. Thank you.” She was quiet a
moment as they exited the elevator and strolled down the marbled hallway to his
office. They entered the spacious room as she added, “I’m curious to know how
you came up with the concept for the club.”

Her gaze lifted to Drake. For a split second, he wished he
possessed Jane’s gift. He’d give anything to know what made this woman tick. He
could see quite clearly from the inquisitive spark in her eyes that she was as
fascinated by him as he was by her.

That realization made him charge ahead when he knew he
should tread lightly.

Taking her by the hand—which she allowed—he guided her over
to the sofa and sat, subtly coaxing her to join him. A low fire burned in the
hearth across from them. Jane poured the champagne and handed out full glasses.
Then she sat on the other side of Shana and reached for the iPad on the end
table. She scrolled through a few camera angles before settling on one. The
first curtain was about to rise on a body mural and the three male models were
placing themselves accordingly, skipping the foreplay and getting right to it.

Or perhaps, given the fact they all had erections, they’d
already familiarized themselves with one another and were primed for the
intimate body connections. All of them wore condoms in preparation for the
completion of their mural.

Two of the men faced each other, with a modest gap between
them. They were painted from head to toe in a mahogany color with high- and
lowlight streaks that produced the grain on the pseudo-wooden sides of the
bookshelf they were creating. Another man, painted from the hips down in the
same fashion as the others—for the obvious purpose of blending in with his
wood-painted partner—but covered just above the hips and upward in a nearly
translucent green color against his pale skin, comprised the glass shelf. He
pressed his backside to one model and bent over. The standing model gripped his
partner by the waist and thrust his cock into him. Both men groaned in pleasure
as Shana gasped.

Drake bit back a grin. “I failed to mention that all pairings
aren’t necessarily boy-girl.”

“Um, yes. I can s-see that.” Her cheeks flamed and the rosy
color complemented her skin tone. Her amber eyes were wide with shock, but she
continued to watch the onscreen action as though captivated. Her mouth gaped
slightly though, confirming her surprise.

With his arms plastered to his sides, the man serving as the
glass shelf took the other cock in his mouth, drawing it in deep and sucking
hard, if the grunt of ecstasy from his partner were any indication.

Drake leaned in close to Shana and whispered in her ear.
“The concept for the club wasn’t actually mine,” he said, answering the
question he suspected she’d forgotten she’d even posed minutes before. “Not
entirely, that is. I intended to open an upscale, exclusive nightclub, but
given my love of art, it wasn’t difficult for Finn to talk me into adding the
gallery and the Sunday brunch where we auction off photos and commissioned
paintings of the work from the Friday and Saturday night shows.”

The model whose cock was being enthusiastically
serviced—until he placed the potted plant he’d been holding on the flat back of
his glass-shelf-painted lover—seemed to hold his breath as the velvet curtain
began to rise.

“They hold this position for two minutes,” Jane chimed in,
her voice delicate and refined, but laced with a hint of arousal. “No moving

Shana drew in a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “That
must be torture.” Her eyes were glued to the screen. “In such an erotic way…”

Drake’s arm draped along the top of the sofa, brushing
against Shana’s shoulders and making her squirm in her seat. Still leaning
close to her, he murmured, “I know how tormenting it is to not be able to act
on primal instincts and physical needs. In this case, were it us required to
stand perfectly still like that, the need for me would be to pump my cock in
and out of your tight pussy. For you, the natural need would be to squeeze and
milk my cock.”

She gasped again. This time it was a soft, sexy sound that
was tinged not so much with shock as it was excitement.

She was quiet, and for a moment, he wondered if he’d gone
too far. He watched her intently as her head slowly swiveled in his direction,
her gaze meeting his. The flash of lust in her eyes was impossible to miss, but
it was mixed with uncertainty and confusion. Yet for all her supposed
insecurity, she didn’t look away from him. She did, however, lick her
crimson-colored lips, which drove him absolutely wild.

Her enticing chest rose and fell with her accelerated
breathing. She appeared stunned into silence, but so entranced she couldn’t
tear her gaze from his. Two minutes passed. They continued to stare at each
other. Drake saw the curtain drop from the corner of his eye and Jane turned
the sound up a notch as the models succumbed to the natural desire to finish
what they’d started.

One let out a low groan.

“Suck me hard,” another said in a strained voice.

The model positioned between the other two did as instructed
as the man behind him pumped his cock into him while gripping his hips. The
fake plant on the “glass shelf” took a violent tumble to the stage floor.

Sharp grunts and lusty groans filled the quiet office in
which a now-captive audience of three sat. Shana broke her gaze with Drake,
though he still studied her closely as her attention shifted to the flat panel
above the fireplace.

He could see what happened onscreen from his peripheral
vision and was completely in tune to how Shana reacted to it. Her body was
rigid as she sat perfectly still on the sofa, her back ramrod straight. She’d
set her purse on the coffee table when she’d accepted her glass of champagne
from Jane and now wrapped one hand around the stem of the crystal flute and one
around the bowl, surprisingly not shattering it with what appeared to be a
tight grip.

Her breathing was shallow and she pressed her legs together
as she watched the threesome behind the red curtain.

The model fucking the bent-over partner reached around and
wrapped his long fingers around his lover’s cock, his hand feverishly stroking
the erect penis in time with his quick, forceful bucking.

“That’s it,” the man receiving the blowjob said. “Fuck him
harder. He takes me deeper each time.”

“Oh!” The word seemed to fall unbidden from Shana’s parted
lips. Her eyes widened and Drake saw another patch of pink on her flawless skin
as it crept up her neck. She swallowed hard and her pulse jumped at her throat,
tempting Drake.

He didn’t drink human blood anymore, but that did not keep
him from craving a taste of hers.

A dangerous yearning, to be sure. But a natural compulsion
he couldn’t help.

He tore his gaze from the beauty beside him and focused on
the screen as he sought a distraction from his errant and torturous thoughts.
Her blood wasn’t the only thing he wanted to taste. Her scent was intoxicating—downright
mouthwatering, in fact. He was painfully aroused, his cock straining against
the confining material of his boxer-style briefs and his suit pants.

Sitting so close to her was hardly wise. His arm along the
back of the sofa could easily drape over her bare shoulders. His fingers burned
to touch her skin. He’d already learned it was warm and supple. Simply holding
her hand for the two brief times he had made him desperate to stroke every inch
of bare skin that covered her gorgeous curves.

He fought the temptation, though. No easy feat. Somehow, he
managed to summon enough willpower to keep from reaching over and grazing his
fingers along the line of bronze flesh exposed by the high slit in her dress.

His diversionary tactic of watching the models didn’t work.
The onscreen action wasn’t particularly stimulating to him, so his thoughts
continued to drift to Shana, sitting right beside him, her nipples pebbled
tight and tenting the satin material of her dress. Her breathing was uneven and
her pulse raced, as evidenced by the vein in her neck that kept drawing his

The voices echoing in his dimly lit, cozy office rose as the
thrusting and sucking and stroking reached a fevered pitch and the sexual
tension mounted.

“Fuck that tight ass,” said the model whose cock was in the
mouth of the one being fucked. “I’m going to come.” His fingers were twined in
his partner’s hair, making the painted strands stick out in all directions.

“Oh, yeah.” The man bucking wildly as he jerked off his
lover grunted. “Clench your cheeks and squeeze me tight. Fuck my cock.” The
grinding against his pelvis made him groan loudly.

The model getting blown detangled one hand from the strands
of hair and cupped his own balls, rolling them and lightly tugging on them as
his breathing turned ragged. “That’s it,” he said as his eyes drifted closed.
“Just like that. Suck me hard. Oh…oh…oh, yes!”

His body convulsed as he came. His partner released him and
let out a sharp groan as the fist encasing his cock pumped faster.

“Give it to me good,” he said in a hoarse voice. “Yeah,
that’s what I want. Oh fuck, yes!”

The spasms from his orgasm clearly caused him to squeeze his
lover tighter, because the man hammering into him finally allowed his own
release. He let out a satisfied groan as his body jerked and his cock pushed
deep into the haven it’d found.

More grunts and sighs of pleasure followed when they finally
detangled themselves from one another.

The room fell silent as Jane turned off the security

Shana blinked several times, still staring at the now-blank
flat panel. She was clearly at a loss for words.

Drake wanted to reach for her hand again, but she was quick
to move forward in the seat and set her champagne glass on the coffee table. He
noticed her hands shook.

“Well, that was…enlightening,” she said in a provocative
voice that ignited every sexual craving Drake had worked so hard to suppress
this evening.

He wanted to crush his mouth to hers and kiss her hard and
passionately. He wanted to haul her body up against his and feel every luscious
inch of her pressed to him. He wanted to lift her skirt and thrust his cock
deep into her, sating every animalistic desire gripping him so tightly. He
could barely hold back. It was hell to do so, but uncertainty marred her lovely
features, making her brow furrow. He wanted to smooth away the wrinkle and
reassure her that it was okay to be aroused, to be swept away by the sensuality
of the moment.

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