Seduced in the Dark (5 page)

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Authors: Cj Roberts

Tags: #Bdsm, #captive, #cj roberts, #captive in the dark

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One of Livvie’s hands reached up and Caleb
gave her his arm to use as a support. He wasn’t expecting it when
her other hand wrapped around his cock and squeezed. Caleb groaned

“No,” she said. Her tone brooked no
argument. “I don’t want to stop. I don’t want to think. I want to
stay here and pretend nothing’s waiting for us when we get out.”
Livvie’s words seemed to touch something deep inside him, something
he couldn’t touch on his own. Of course, there was also the very
physical touch of her palm against his cock.

He hissed through his gritted teeth. Her
hand was wrapped tight around him; her fingers not long enough to
touch. She squeezed again. More pleasure. More pain.

“We can’t. I’ll hurt you,” Caleb said.

Livvie’s hand released him just barely and
the sensation of blood rushing toward the head of his cock was
almost enough to make him thrust into her hand. He moaned as her
fingertips skimmed his hard flesh. “Well, I can
Caleb. Are they all…like this? I mean…are all men this big?”

Caleb put his hand over hers and held them
still. “Don’t talk about other men right now, Livvie. Not when you
have my dick in your hand.” He wasn’t jealous. He wasn’t the kind
to care enough for jealousy. But her question reminded him how much
he knew about other men and he didn’t fucking like it.

“Sorry,” she whispered and blushed. “I guess
no one would like that, would they?”

Livvie smiled at Caleb, cautiously,
beautifully, despite the bruises.

My tough girl.

Livvie’s brown eyes still drew his interest,
more than ever before. As he let himself take his fill, her eyes
seemed to do the same. Her fingers twitched beneath his hand and
against his cock. He moaned and watched her pupils dilate,
deepening the depths of her stare; he wondered if his did the

Caleb watched as her kitten tongue slid
slowly across her bottom lip. Slowly, the supple flesh disappeared
into her mouth and he watched as she bit down. He swallowed hard.
“No,” he said, his voice hoarse, “especially when in this sort of
position.” He smiled at her. “Still, I assure you, my dick is very

Livvie grinned. “I can’t believe…you had
this in me.”

Caleb’s hips rocked forward at her words.
His cock remembered fucking her in the ass, it recalled the
tightness, and warmth waiting inside her. He remembered her
whimpers and sighs, the way she undulated against his chest when
she came apart under him.

“I can’t. We can’t.” Caleb was surprised to
hear the rasp in his voice. He wanted this bad and he was doing a
poor job of hiding it.

Livvie stepped closer to him, until her head
touched his chest. Caleb’s arms went around her, as if by instinct.
“I want to make you come,” she whispered against his chest. Shyly.
Seductively. Her hand still held him and she slid her hand up and
down his length.

Caleb went up on his toes and groaned,
unable to resist the delicious friction of her hand, but fought the
urge to thrust against the softness of her breasts as they met with
the head of his cock.

“Keep doing that,” he rasped. He placed one
hand against the wall behind Livvie, his arm extended as a reminder
not to crush her. His other arm held her loosely against him. He
noted her injured shoulder was braced against him, her hand on his
tender, scalded hip.

She stroked him. He opened his mouth and
silently drew breath to keep from moaning, his stomach tightened
sharply. Her touch felt inexperienced, disjointed, like heaven one
second and an assault the next, but he was enjoying it. She was
touching him because she wanted to, and for no other reason.
What the fuck are you doing to me, Livvie?

The next minute, his mind went blank. Unable
to resist, he rocked into her hand, his hips snapping forward to
touch his cock against Livvie’s amazing fucking tits.

You’re ruining my life…

So soft. She was so fucking soft.

“Oh…god,” escaped his mouth, but Caleb
didn’t give a shit. Against his chest, Livvie panted with her
arousal and exertion. The fingers against Caleb’s hip tightened and
pulled his hips closer and then pushed them back.

More. Oh fuck! Please, more.

“Harder Livvie, hold me harder,” he panted.
Livvie complied, sending Caleb into a state of nirvana. He felt
like he was going to burn from the inside out. “Don’t stop. Just
like that.”

“Oh, god, Caleb. You’re so hard,” Livvie’s
voice was pure lust. “I want you to come. I want to watch you
come.” She tried to pull back, but Caleb held her closer.

He shook his head. “Don’t watch me, watch my
cock. Watch it come all over you.”

Livvie’s hand tightened and sped up.

Caleb couldn’t hold it in any longer. With a
cry, he rose up on his toes and came all over Livvie’s bountiful
tits. As he panted and tried to keep from passing out, Caleb
listened to Livvie squeal in shock.

“Oh. My. God!” She whispered and laughed.
She looked down at her body, her expression, priceless. “It’s all
over the place. Eww. Caleb – it’s…

Caleb laughed and watched as she poked at
his semen and tried to wash it off.

He snickered. “It’s stickier when it’s wet,”
he warned. He turned and reached for the soap. He stilled at the
touch of her hand against his back. He sighed deeply. In the glow
of his orgasm, he didn’t have the energy to argue or fight.

He tensed as she came closer. He shut his
eyes while she traced the harsh white lines crisscrossing his back.
His skin was red from the heat of the water and he knew the scars
were more pronounced because of it. This wasn’t the first time
anyone had seen his scars. He wasn’t necessarily ashamed of them
and it wasn’t like he hid his body from lovers. But he never talked
about it, not ever.

“What happened?” The whisper was so soft,
Caleb, might have missed it if he didn’t know it was coming.

“Fucked up childhood,” he said

Livvie’s breath skated across his skin. She
kissed his scars.




Livvie got in the car and slammed the door.
She tried to hide it, but Caleb saw the way she winced and rubbed
her collarbone.

“Happy? Have we taught the door a lesson?”
Caleb taunted through a gentle laugh.

Her eyes narrowed in his direction, her rage
unmistakable. “I can’t believe what you did to those people Caleb.
You’re just...never mind. Can we just go please?”

Caleb’s ire, dormant because of his
unexpected orgasm earlier, now rose to the surface. “Which part
can’t you believe?” he snapped, jamming the key in the ignition of
the stolen car and turning it. “The part where I rescued you from a
bunch of would-be rapists that beat you half to death? Or perhaps
the part where – at great risk to myself – I kidnapped a doctor to
help save you? Which part is it, because I’d like to know which of
those things I should never do for you again?” He threw the vehicle
in gear and took off. For a moment, he didn’t care Livvie had been
jostled in her seat.


Caleb sat back, satisfied. It wasn’t like he
killed them. The doctor and his wife were free to live their lives,
no worse for wear. Livvie had been mortified to find the couple
exactly as he had left them the night before – taped to their
dining room chairs. Granted, the fact they had urinated on
themselves during the course of the evening was distasteful, but
they were otherwise unharmed. In a different situation, he might
not have let them off so easy. He wondered how Livvie would have
reacted to such a thing.

“Thank you,” Livvie muttered from the
passenger seat.

“For what?” Caleb was still irritated.

“For saving my life. Even if you’re just
going to put it in danger again,” she whispered.

Caleb had no response. It was exactly what
he was going to do. Drive her to Tuxtepec, bring her to Rafiq,
train her, sell her…lose her forever.

And kill Vladek. Don’t forget that part.

The thought didn’t assuage the guilt taking
up residence inside him. His heart was heavy, his thoughts
scrambled. Still, he couldn’t allow himself to show weakness. All
the turmoil within him had to be hidden, from every one.

“You’re welcome, Kitten,” he scoffed. From
the corner of his eye, he watched Kitten swipe at her eye and flick
her tears toward the floor of the car.
Ruining my life!

Things had been so much easier in the
shower, easier when it was just the two of them and the outside
world seemed irrelevant and beyond the reach of his thoughts. The
world was in the car with them now and it was Kitten who seemed
beyond reach.

After she’d made him feel more pleasure than
he’d ever had – with a hand job, no less – he’d reveled in soaping
her skin, watching intently as water sluiced over the taut peaks of
her nipples, down the slopes of her tan belly and hips, and
descending past the raven triangle between her thighs. He’d touched
her there as well, sifted his fingers through her sparse hair until
he felt her slippery flesh part under his fingers. It was like
opening a flower, her petals pink and vibrant, shiny with dew and

He’d knelt before her, worshipful. She’d
opened for him, hungry, full of want. His every sense had been
engaged and focused on her. He could smell her arousal, he could
see the way her flesh darkened, and against his fingers he had felt
her tremble, he had heard her soft whimpers. She had begged him to
taste her. Slowly, he had licked her tiny bud.

Oh! How she had wanted him.

She’d spread wider and placed her fingers in
his hair and pulled him closer.

“Beg me,” he’d whispered the words against

“Please, Caleb. Please, lick me.”

He’d obeyed. One long, wet, lick across her
open petals.

She sobbed, “Again. Please. Again.”

“Say you want me to lick your pussy.”

She gripped his hair tighter, “Caleb!” she’d

“Say it. I want to hear more filth from your

She hesitated. Her hips rocked toward his
mouth, but he’d do no more than kiss her with his lips.

“Please, Caleb. L-lick my…pussy.”

Nothing had ever turned him on more. He’d
pushed her legs wide, cradling her thighs on his shoulders and
pressed his face into her pussy. Lick her? He fucking devoured

Pain had no longer seemed to be an issue for
her as she undulated and rocked her hips against his rapacious
mouth. Her hands held his head, pushing him deeper, demanding more,
even as he gave and gave.

When she’d come, her pussy had gripped his
tongue. Wet, pulsing, flesh, fluttering against wet, pulsing,
flesh. Her juices saturated his mouth, a rush of honey he not only
swallowed, but sucked from her flesh long after she had begged him
to stop.

But that had been then. This was now.

Caleb sighed heavily, frustrated by the turn
of events. More bothersome than Kitten’s demeanor was the prospect
of Rafiq’s impending visit. He had tried to call Rafiq earlier,
while Kitten was getting dressed and combing her hair, but there
had been no answer. Caleb could only assume Rafiq was either on his
way or ignoring him. He hoped it was the latter. The last thing he
needed after what was sure to be a very long and taxing car trip
was a confrontation with Rafiq.

Their relationship was beyond complicated.
Rafiq was many things to Caleb. At one time, his guardian. Later, a
friend. Now? Rafiq called him
. But Rafiq was also
much more. Rafiq held a power and a sway over Caleb he’d never felt
comfortable with. Caleb had been a difficult teenager. After
Narweh, he was left with a lot of fear that had turned to anger.
There had been times when they had argued and Caleb had seen things
in Rafiq he wished never to see again.

Rafiq would stop at nothing to have his
plans carried through. Everyone was expendable; anyone, collateral
damage. If ever it came down to it, Rafiq would kill him, and
therefore, Caleb had to be prepared to strike first. The truce lay
in the fact neither of them would relish the task.

As Caleb made his way through the narrow
roads, he spared a thought to think about what he would do if Rafiq
were waiting for them in Tuxtepec. He gripped the wheel tighter. He
knew. That was the problem. He knew exactly what would happen.

Prepare her.

“It’s going to take us all day and part of
tomorrow to reach our destination.” He relaxed his grip on the
wheel and leaned into the back of his seat. He had to stop being
soft with her. He had to make her tough, make her hard, and he knew
better than most how the coldness of reality would sober any
wide-eyed hopeful. The first step had been telling her the truth
about her future, but he had to push her further. He had to make
her understand. There was no future for them. “I suggest you take
the time and wrap your mind around the seriousness of your
situation. I forgive you for running away, but only because fate
has done a better job of punishing you than I could.” Caleb kept
his eyes forward, refusing to acknowledge the heartbroken girl next
to him. He didn’t have to see her to know how much his words hurt
her. An echo of her pain seemed to reverberate through him. At
least, that’s what he wanted to believe it was – an echo.

He recalled the press of her lips against
his scars.
She kisses my scars and I create new ones for

“You’re still going through with it?”
Kitten’s tone was anguished, but also angry and determined.

He told himself over and over:
plotting her revenge already. She’ll never care for you.
If he
reminded himself enough, perhaps he could get the truth through his
head. So, he repeated the words like a mantra.
She’s playing
you. She’s just bidding time until she can be rid of you.

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