Seduced in the Dark (31 page)

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Authors: Cj Roberts

Tags: #Bdsm, #captive, #cj roberts, #captive in the dark

BOOK: Seduced in the Dark
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“What could be the harm?” Sloan asks. “She
misses you very much.”

I look down into my lap. I’m not sad. I’m
embarrassed to look Sloan in the eye and admit the truth. “I want
her to suffer.”

Sloan is quiet.

“The last few months have been awful,” I
continue, “I’ve been beaten, humiliated, and forced into situations
no person should ever have to suffer.” I pause, brooding and
getting angry at my mother. “Still, I’d live it all again, if I
could change the past eighteen years with my mother. I spent so
much time already, trying to make her love me, understand me. I
spent so much time giving a fuck about what she thought. I’m done,
Sloan. I’m done caring. It’s time for me to live my own life, my
own way and I don’t want her to be a part of it.”

“What is your way?” Sloan asks. There is no
emotional quality to her voice. If she’s judging me, I can’t tell.
If she agrees with me, it’s also a mystery.

“I don’t know. I have no idea who I’m
supposed to be anymore. I only know I don’t want to be who someone
else thinks I should be.”

“Good,” Sloan says.

Sloan and I talk for a while longer before I
tell her I’m tired and want to lie down. I let her hug me goodbye
and perhaps…I hold on to her for just a little longer than I
intended. Sloan doesn’t seem to mind.

Once she’s gone, I turn down the lights and
get in bed with Reed’s recorder. I turn it on and start



Another surge of electricity pumped through
me. I was starved for release. I screamed behind my gag and
struggled against my tethers, but all it did was heighten my
suffering. I lifted my ass, trying to find a way to move and create
enough friction to send me into orgasm, but it was crushingly
useless. I whimpered and let the tears flow when the pulsing
stopped. The door opened and a sigh of relief swept through me.
Caleb had finally come back to end my suffering. I knew he

He approached me slowly and I made soft,
pleading sounds to beg him to make it stop. As if reading my mind,
his warm hand cupped my face and I inclined toward it, pressing my
wet cheek against his wrist and crying pitifully. Had I been able
to see, perhaps I would’ve been more embarrassed and prideful.
Instead, I was simply lost in my misery and eager to be free of

His hand traveled down my neck and chest as
another pulse hit me. I arched. I wanted to come, no – I
to come. The table shook as I struggled. Caleb’s hand
caressed the soft flesh under my breast which only made it more
intense. I only needed a little more, just a little more. It
stopped. I cried harder.

I pleaded behind the gag, but Caleb said
nothing. Instead, his hands cupped both my breasts and then pulled
the clamps off my nipples slowly. Blood rushed to my nipples and I
screamed behind the gag. It hurt, but it also made me ache for
more. He massaged my breasts and I almost cooed as I tried to press
more of myself into his hands. Abruptly, the warmth of his mouth
kissed around my left breast and the soft tickle of his hair
caressed my chest.

“Yes.” I sighed.

Caleb’s mouth was achingly gentle, his
tongue swirled around my taut flesh, no teeth, no violent sucking,
just soft licks and kisses that made me want to touch him. As he
repeated the process on the other breast, yet another jolt of
electricity assailed my poor clit.

“Please!” I screamed behind the gag.

He stood back until the pulsing stopped and
I feared he would leave me again. I heard him unzip his pants and I
had to stop myself from nodding fervently.
Yes, I want this.
Please, I want this.
His fingers pulled down the gag and I
immediately began begging him for respite.

“Master, please make it stop, let me come.
I’ll be good. I swear. I’ll be good.” When he said nothing, I
whimpered, “Caleb, please!” The heat of him radiated close to my
face, followed by the soft press of his cock against my lips. I
didn’t hesitate; I opened my mouth and took him in.

Shocking realization hit me, this wasn’t
Caleb. He felt all wrong in my mouth. I tried to pull back, but the
stranger held the back of my head firmly in place – and despite my
instincts, I didn’t actually want to bite him.

Another pulse hit and assaulted me from
every conceivable angle. I moaned around the stranger while
simultaneously trying to fuck the air and back away from him. I
wasn’t as afraid as I should be. Perhaps it was because he fucked
my mouth slowly, without violence. Yes, the stranger made it
obvious he wouldn’t allow me to turn away, but he was far from
rough. The pulsing stopped and I let my hips drop to the table. I
struggled to breathe steadily with the stranger’s cock in my mouth.
In the quiet stillness, I heard his soft, guttural moans as he
glided in and out of my mouth.

He withdrew without coming and I immediately
felt the awkwardness and shame I should’ve felt earlier settle to
the forefront. I wanted to ask who the fuck he was. I wanted to
scream for help, for Caleb, but I said nothing.

“Beautiful,” he said with a soft Spanish
accent. My entire body blushed then. I could feel the warmth of

“Felipe?” I asked timidly, on the verge of
fresh tears.

“Yes, my sweet girl, but you should not
speak unless you are asked,” he said gently. “I know your Master
has tried to teach you better. Still, I can’t blame him for being
so lenient with you. I let Celia get away with too much,” he
chuckled. “Though, I don’t know why he allows you to use his name.
It’s so intimate. Are both of you intimate?” I didn’t reply. I was
in too much shock. “Answer,” he said softly. I opened my mouth
then, but the only thing to come out was a long, throaty moan as
the electricity once again assaulted me. He stepped away and there
was a clicking sound. The pulsing stopped.

“Oh! God!” I moaned. “Thank you!” My heart
didn’t have a chance to slow down.

Felipe’s fingers stroked the inner lips of
my pussy almost immediately. I tried to shift away, but all I
managed was to move my hips up and down which seemed only to
further his efforts. A stutter of “No’s” flowed out of me when I
felt one of his fingers trying to worm its way inside me, but he
quickly silenced me with a firm tap on the side of my face and an
equally firm call for silence. It didn’t hurt, but it was

“I’m only looking,” he said. He pushed
against something painful inside of me. I started to cry and much
to my relief, the finger withdrew.

I wanted Caleb.
How could he leave me
here like this?

“You get really wet for a virgin,” he said,
and again my body flushed with heat and embarrassment. “Nothing
wrong with that though.” Was he smiling? Fear tapped across my
insides. I hoped this man would leave soon and Caleb would come
back to let me go. A long silence followed, punctuated by my low
sobs, and occasional intake of breath as I tried to keep my crying

Finally, he spoke, “Don’t worry, sweet girl.
I’ll be gone soon and I won’t hurt you. I was only curious.
Perhaps, when your real master allows it, I can better explore my
curiosity.” I tried to focus on the fact he’d said he wouldn’t hurt
me and sighed with relief, willing myself to calm and let the tears
dry away.

“Caleb is very…
of you,” he
said and laughed low. It seemed a private joke I was not privy to.
“Do you love him?” he asked casually.

I didn’t respond. I was too tired, shocked,
and scared to answer.

“I could always reconnect the machine,” he

“No!” I shouted before I could stop

“I thought you might say that,” he said.

“I don’t know,” I whispered.


“I’ve never been in love before. I wouldn’t

Felipe guffawed, “Everyone knows, my dear.
You know. Do you love him or not?”

I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know
enough about Felipe to guess whether or not he meant me or Caleb
any harm. Aside from Celia, I was never alone with anyone but

“Do you love, Celia?” I asked instead.

Felipe sighed, “Clever, girl. Answer a
question with a question and you can never say the wrong thing.
Regardless, I have my answer. It’s a pity he doesn’t know it.”

“He does,” I whispered.

Felipe laughed loudly, “One would think! Do
you know how I met Celia?”

I shook my head.

“She is the daughter of my former rival.
Many years ago, when I decided to make my name, I went up against
her father and won. As a trophy…I took Celia.” His voice turned
soft. “She hated me for many years and I was not always so kind to
her. Now…not a moment goes by I do not wish I could take back
wasted time. I spoil her.”

“By letting her clean your house and be your
slave?” I said, incredulous.

“I see why Caleb is so drawn to you. You’re
the type of woman who begs to be bridled and yet refuses to yield.
Such women are the nectar of life,” he said. “Believe me, Celia is
quite happy. I give her everything she needs and more than she

I kept my mouth shut and let Felipe have it
his way.

“Will you allow Caleb to sell you?” he

“I don’t have a choice,” I whispered.

“To live as a slave or to die by one’s own
terms is always a choice, sweet girl,” he whispered. “Perhaps you
should remind your current master.”

“Why do you say, my

“Didn’t Caleb tell you? Rafiq arrives
tomorrow. I suspect you’ll both be leaving us very soon. It’s a
pity though, I begrudgingly admit I’ve enjoyed having you both
around. Caleb is an interesting man, a bit…drastic, but interesting

I felt as though someone had punched me in
the stomach and knocked the air out of my lungs. Rafiq was coming
for me and Caleb wasn’t going to stop him. It was over. I’d

“Let me go,” I whimpered. “Please, help

Felipe sighed, “I’m afraid it isn’t
possible, sweet girl. Rafiq…well, let me just say, he does not take
kindly to betrayal.”

As I tried to process what he was telling
me, I heard his steps and cringed when he set the wet gag back into
place and secured it firmly. I panicked when the coldness of the
cables ran up along my body. I didn’t want the clamps back on my
nipples. I struggled with all my might. My torso was relatively
free, so it was with some difficulty he held me down with his
weight to replace the clamps.

“No!” I screamed in frustration, but there
was only his soft laughter in response.

“I’m sorry sweet girl, but I can’t have your
master find you in a different position. It’s rude.”

I whined pitifully. I had finally come down
from my heightened arousal, my clit ached, and my nipples too – but
I had been glad to feel somewhat normal again. I wasn’t sure I
could handle more torture.

“I’ll give you a gift before I go,” said

I shook my head passionately, but it didn’t
stop him from placing his hand between my legs and caressing me. My
body stilled, and against my wishes, he stoked the flame of my
desire, in no time making it burn hotly once more. Soon, I pressed
myself toward him, looking for the release I needed so desperately.
And finally, he sent me over the edge. He rubbed me harder and
faster, and I screamed as my orgasm ripped me apart. I wanted more.
As starved as I was, the powerful orgasm did little to ebb my
passion. It was with deep dread, I realized he was replacing the
clamp taken from my clit. I begged for him not to do it.

Within moments of him leaving, my torture
began anew.




It was a very long time before the door
opened again and this time, I wasn’t going to simply be content
with physical release. Unless of course, physical release included
punching Caleb in the stomach and then raping him into

I growled when I heard footsteps coming near
me, secretly praying it was Caleb I was directing my wrath toward
and not another uninvited visitor. One smug laugh later, I knew it
was him. I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of relief.

“How’re you feeling, Pet?” I would’ve liked
to spew invective at him just then, but the machine went off again
and it was all I could do to hold in my screaming. Over the course
of the night, the charges had become less frequent. I wondered if
it had been a mercy my mysterious visitor had imparted. Regardless,
the pulses were powerful, and it had been going on for hours. They
were both pleasurable and painful, with increasing tendencies
toward the pain. When the charge finally released me I couldn’t
help but sob softly behind the drenched gag in my mouth.

“That bad huh?” he said, but I knew his
words held absolutely no sympathy for what he’d done. I sucked in
air deeply when he removed the clamps from my body.

“I hate you!” I yelled. Though the words
were muffled behind the gag, I knew he could make them out. He
cupped my breasts in both hands and gently massaged me.

“I hate you,
,” he said with
hungry lust lacing his voice.

He tweaked my nipples playfully. I winced
and I tried to shrink away from his touch.

“Sensitive?” he whispered softly in my ear.
When I didn’t respond, he pinched them a little harder and a yelp
broke past my lips. “Answer,” he said coolly.

“Yes, Master,” I whined. My anger with him
had grown as the hours had passed. I’d convinced myself when he
came to get me I would really give him a piece of my mind. Of
course – it’s easy to be brave when the object of your fear isn’t
holding your sore nipples hostage.

“Good, Kitten,” he said. He placed his warm
palms against my stiff little peaks and pressed softly to massage
them as he also kneaded my breasts. I moaned loudly. My head rolled
to the side as he touched me exactly the way I needed to be
touched. I never wanted the feeling to end.

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