Seduced in the Dark (34 page)

Read Seduced in the Dark Online

Authors: Cj Roberts

Tags: #Bdsm, #captive, #cj roberts, #captive in the dark

BOOK: Seduced in the Dark
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“What are you doing?” I shouted before I
could stop myself.

“Relax,” he said.

Shocked into instant silence, I immediately
willed myself to obey. Slowly, the object went in and I found
myself filled just to the point of pain and on the precipice of
intense pleasure. I could feel it in my stomach, and strangely, I
could also feel it pressing against the walls of my pussy. I lie
still, panting and moaning, trying to decipher what the hell just

Caleb’s warm body pressed against my back.
His hot mouth sucked at my earlobe, and my muscles contracted
strongly, surging with wetness. “Don’t you dare push this out, or
I’ll whip your ass raw.” As he said the words he thrust his
erection against me and shifted the plug inside me. I moaned.

“Yes, Master,” I whispered. My voice was a
wanton plea for more contact. He reared back, his left hand between
my shoulder blades, his hips still pressed against mine. I sighed
when he tugged my panties down to expose my ass. He reached between
us to trace his fingers between my cheeks. I thrust back, urging
him lower to the swollen bud of my clit, begging him to finish me.
It didn’t take long. He rubbed my clit gently with his fingers
while the palm of his hand shifted the plug inside me. I came
within moments, in hard, jerking motions, involving my entire body.
After, he helped me to the floor and told me to sleep.



I opened my eyes and stared into the
semi-darkness, unwilling to move in the event Caleb planned to
torture me further upon my waking. My sleep had been awkward. My
wrists were shackled to a tightly-laced leather corset. It was
difficult to breathe or lift my arms more than a few inches in
front of me. I was also made to sleep on the floor – it was padded
with bedding, but not anywhere near as comfortable as a bed.

I thought about the morning. After Caleb had
made his somewhat violent use of my mouth, which strangely enough
had me both wanting and hating him, he denied me the measure of
solace he’d up until now always given me after such ordeals –
affection. I had to admit, it really hurt my feelings. Despite
everything he’d put me through, he’d never made me feel cheap. Even
in the beginning, when he’d been even more of a calloused bastard,
he’d managed to allay my fear and anxiety when he was done with me
– I feared those days were gone.

Not since I told him I loved him.

Playing the day over in my mind did little
to urge me into waking, but I couldn’t sleep anymore. Not only had
I slept most of the day, but my stomach begged for something to
eat. Then, as if on cue, the door opened and Caleb strode into the
room. My heart instantly sped up and skipped a beat as I took in
the sight of him in a tuxedo. His thick and gorgeous blond hair,
often worn in a style of organized dishevelment, was now combed
away from his face. The intensity of his blue eyes at once felt
like both a punch to the stomach and a soft, hungering caress.

He seemed endlessly calm as he approached
me. I remembered myself and looked away. He knelt next to me. I let
out a sigh I didn’t realize I’d held when he reached out and traced
my chin with his long smooth fingers. He cupped my chin and tingles
spread throughout my body. I shivered in spite of myself. He turned
my face toward his, and I could no longer resist looking into his

“Did you sleep well, Kitten?” he asked so
softly, I ached.

“Yes, Master,” I whispered.

“Good. It’s time to go downstairs and
introduce you to the rest of the guests.”

My stomach twisted, though at this point it
had less to do with my hunger and more with my anxiety. I said
nothing, and didn’t resist when he helped me to my feet. As I stood
only inches away from him, his smell once again surrounded me. For
a moment, I couldn’t help but close my eyes and imagine a situation
different than this one – one where I could just be myself, and he
would adore me for it. He smoothed my hair back, unraveling the
snags formed in my sleep and working them through quickly and

“There,” he said, more to himself, than to
me, “that looks a lot better.”

An awkward silence fell between us. I kept
my eyes focused on the cleanly pressed shirt in front of me. He
sighed, and I couldn’t help but notice it was the kind of sigh
someone let out when they were preparing themselves to do something
difficult. I knew it had to do with Rafiq, somehow, but I couldn’t
ask him. I couldn’t accept my fate just yet. I had to hope the
Caleb I had grown to love was thriving inside the version of Caleb
in front of me. Hope was all I had left.

With no further ado, he turned me around and
swept the bulk of my hair over my left shoulder. My entire body
shivered. I heard him pull something from his pocket. I tensed when
I felt the smooth band of leather circle my throat.

“It’s not the same collar you wore before. I
like this one much better. It’s softer, and it won’t dig into you,”
he whispered.

Were my hands free I might have reached up
to touch the loop attached to the front, but they weren’t free –
like me, they were bound by circumstance.

“I want you to know,” he said
matter-of-factly, “there’s going to be a lot of people downstairs.
These people are important acquaintances of mine. I expect you to
behave. Do exactly as I say, keep your eyes lowered, and it should
be an enjoyable evening for the both of us. Understood?”

I swallowed thickly and managed to whisper,
“Yes, Master.”

“Turn around,” he said. “I have a little
something to ensure your obedience.” As I turned, I couldn’t help
but meet his eyes. He pulled me close, holding me in place by way
of his hand at the small of my back. His other hand cupped my
breast just inside my corset. He put his mouth on my nipple and

I couldn’t hold in a powerful sigh. I was
wet, but his affection was to be short lived. Just as soon as his
mouth released me, firm pressure took hold of my nipple. While I
swooned, he repeated the perfunctory process on my other breast and
then stood back to admire his work.

I looked down at my breasts through a haze
of tears to notice the delicate clamps adorning my nipples. A thin
gold chain joined them and led directly into Caleb’s hand. As I
took stock of my predicament I couldn’t help looking up at Caleb
with a pleading expression. He tugged gently, as if to say my
pleading was meaningless. My body stiffened and a jolt of pain and
sensation drilled down through my belly ending between my legs. The
plug in my ass moved, exaggerating the sensation. In midstream, the
pain changed to something pulsating, something near pleasure. Like
a puppet, my body relaxed as Caleb released the tension.

“Are we clear on the rules of obedience?”
Caleb asked, and then not waiting for my answer he continued, “This
is a test of sorts, Kitten. Don’t disappoint me.” He turned his
back to me. “Follow behind on my left, keep your eyes lowered and
there should be no need to test the sensitivity of your

“Yes, Master,” I replied, not able to keep
the tremor from my voice. Tears clung to my lashes and my body
quaked, but I followed Caleb as directed.

We walked the pace of a parade. A slight
murmur of low voices reached the top of the stairway. Candlelight
from the room below glimmered across the marble stairs, lighting
our descent in living color. The warm glow eased some of my
quaking, along with Caleb’s care of the chain joining us

At the bottom of the stairway, Felipe
greeted Caleb, “Good to have you join us my friend. I see you have
your lovely Kitten in tow. Everyone is looking forward to seeing

“Felipe,” Caleb acknowledged. I couldn’t
help but notice Caleb didn’t sound too pleased.

Our eyes met over Caleb’s shoulder, but he
did not let on about my disobedience. In fact, he winked at me. We
were sharing yet another moment, unbeknownst to my master. I
flushed deeply.

“I thought you should know the boy is here
with Mr. B tonight and will be part of the evening’s
entertainment,” Felipe added in a whisper loud enough for me to
hear. The statement had a mocking edge, as if he were poking fun at
Caleb. I didn’t like it.

“Interesting,” Caleb replied, simple and
abrupt. Caleb lifted his head and scanned the small gathering of
people. Instinctually, I scanned the room as well, and promptly
received a continuous tug of shooting pain through my nipples for
the effort.

“Eyes down,” Caleb said over his shoulder to
me, his voice riddled with undisguised anger.

“Yes, Master,” I said in a jagged whisper. I
wanted to scream from the pain torturing my nipples, but the
tension on the chain lessened, and my breath spun out in a heavy
sigh of relief.

Caleb moved past Felipe. I followed, fearful
of the damn chain he held. We stepped off the marble stairway onto
carpet and crossed the room. The soft touch of the plush carpeting
massaged the bottom of my stocking feet.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” came a
man’s Southern drawl, followed by a low whistle. “She’s a beauty.
I’d love to test-drive her, especially if she handles anything like
this one Felipe gave my wife to try.” The man moved back for Caleb
to look.

I dared raise my eyes only a bit, my head
still bent toward the floor. From the corner of my eye I saw a boy
near my age standing on his knees. He was perhaps the most
beautifully handsome boy I’d ever seen. Still, I could not shake
the notion I knew him somehow. He raised his dark blue eyes, just
enough to connect with mine. My breath caught and my eyes opened

“Kid!” I exclaimed before I could stop
myself. Pain quickly overturned surprise as my nipples burned from
incessant pressure.

“Eyes down, Kitten,” Caleb snapped.

I was slow in my obedience. I’d known Kid
had been captured, but I hadn’t seen him since the night Caleb and
I had arrived at the mansion. I wondered where he had been all this
time. His hair was longer, his body leaner, and his demeanor
signaled just how deeply he’d been broken down. Despite everything,
he looked healthy, perhaps even happy. I didn’t know how to feel
about seeing him. Kid reminded me too much of what had happened to
me with the bikers. I tried hard to remember he had been the one to
stop his friends from beating me to death.

Caleb tugged again, this time with only as
much force as was necessary to demand my attention.

“Yes, Master,” I finally whispered and Caleb
held me still to untie my wrists.

“Keep your hands behind your back unless you
need them for balance.”

Forced into close proximity, I couldn’t help
but take in the sight of Kid dressed only in a loin cloth. His
wrists were tethered and he had clamps on his nipples. Around his
neck there was a collar with a leather leash attached. His body
radiated heat against my legs. I wanted to cry out from the
injustice of it all. I began to pant with anxiety, maybe even

“Oh, she’s a feisty one. I think I’d like to
play with her for a while,” Mr. B added, and a chuckle rumbled out
sounding like it came from the bottom of his belly.

“That won’t be possible,” Caleb said. His
tone was somewhat harsh and I couldn’t help but notice the way
those near him stared at him. “Kitten is meant for other

I raised my eyes slightly, looking through
the fringe of my lashes as he led me toward a table dressed in
white linen. Candelabras bathed a warm glow over the two couples at
the table enjoying cocktails and conversation. They wore suits and
gowns, aristocrats dressed up for an expensive night out.

A woman, dressed similar to me, sat on her
knees near the table. Her body was poised, yet relaxed. Her eyes
were cast down and her hands were folded over her thighs. Caleb
stopped near her, dropping the chain into her hands. He pressed my
shoulders down. I bent down to rest on my knees and the plug in my
ass shifted. Sensations pulsed through my body, making me

“I’ll be right back, Celia. Make sure Kitten
remains here for a few minutes.”

I gasped, not recognizing Celia, but kept my
eyes down. As soon as Caleb walked away, I raised my eyes slightly
to get a better look. Celia looked exotic and beautiful. I knew, of
course, she belonged to Felipe, but I had no idea she was subject
to participating in anything like this. Last time, she had wielded
the crop, but tonight, she was a prisoner, like me - and
apparently, Kid.

Another couple, a tall woman and a short
man, dressed in white, approached pulling a red corseted woman
behind them. The woman wore nipple chains, red silk stockings, and
a red lace thong, with a red ribbon weaved through her long dark
hair. The couple settled at the table, and the woman in red sat on
her knees next to the man.

The classic formalwear and respectful murmur
of voices intertwined with a gentle tinkle of laughter. Theirs was
a different world from the one I was used to. Men with smiling
faces, women dripping with sparkling jewelry and long polished
nails, tugging behind them corseted half-naked women. I noticed Kid
was the only male prisoner.

“Everyone, please find a seat. We are ready
to serve your first course,” Felipe announced from the end of the
table. Gentle music began playing in the background and more
candles were lit around the room. Caleb came to get me at the same
time Felipe came for Celia.

“Come on Kitten, let’s have some dinner. I’m
sure you’re hungry.” Caleb moved slowly so I could keep up crawling
along on my knees the few feet to the table. He sat down at the
table, positioning me next to him on the floor.

Servers dressed in scant uniforms, barely
covering their breasts or backsides, placed platters of appetizers
down the center of the table, some refreshed water glasses, and
others refilled wine glasses.

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