Seduced by Sin: Sean (Rugged Riders #3) (21 page)

BOOK: Seduced by Sin: Sean (Rugged Riders #3)
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Chapter 9
That weekend…

anya had preprogrammed
the address that Marcus gave her to the bike shop before pulling out of her parking space back at the apartment not knowing it would take her less than fifteen minutes to get there.

The place was literally up the highway situated just outside of the city limits. When she pulled into the lot, she noticed Marcus’ black Hummer parked next to a motorcycle. She parked beside the Hummer and got out. The warm evening dew immediately hit her skin, blanketing her. She silently thanked herself for wearing something suited to the cooler night weather. It would be her first time joy riding on the back of a motorcycle and she had no idea what to expect. Tonight, she’d settled for a pair of dark denims and a red tank top. She figured the dress she’d originally taken out to wear wouldn’t have been appropriate.

The bike shop was more like a repair shop and retail store front all rolled into one. The store portion of it was closed on Sundays but the garage door was opened and she heard some racket and voices inside. There was a radio streaming hip hop music in the background. She noted Marcus’ voice immediately. He was in conversation with another man.

“Hello?” she stepped inside the garage and peered around the corner.

The men stopped mid conversation and Marcus was knelt beside a shining silver motorcycle. He came to a standing position when he saw her and grinned.

“Hi, beautiful.” He pulled off a pair of grease stained gloves and tossed them on the workbench behind him before coming to meet her.

His chest was bare, sweat moistened, and smudged here and there with a bit of engine grease. She couldn’t help but to bring her fingers up to touch him, tracing the edges of his muscles and the outlining of his tattoos—something that she’d gotten accustomed to doing whenever he was close and naked.

“Hi.” She felt her lips spread into a smile and a warm spark spread throughout her. No matter how many times she saw this man and despite the dozens of times they’d had sex throughout the week, it always felt like she was meeting him for the first time.

As their lips met, she inhaled deeply taking in the mixture of scents that she found alluring. Cologne, a tinge of engine oil, aftershave, and maybe even a whiff of the soap he’d used this morning in the shower. The combination had her grasping him tightly, wishing that he’d never let go.

And it appeared that he didn’t want to release her either. He deepened the kiss, pressing his chest into the front of her body and bringing his palm up to cup the back of her neck. She captured his tongue between her lips and sucked causing the bulge under his zipper to grow harder against her stomach. He sipped softly at her lips igniting an image of his mouth pleasing every inch of her body. She fell into him even more and her sex clenched in desperate need of him.

The other man in the garage cleared his throat loudly, startling her.

Marcus parted reluctantly from her.

Tanya recognized the other man right away. It was Trent. The brother she’d met at the wedding. “Hi, Trent,” she said, shyly.

“And so we meet again?” Trent’s gray eyes moved back and forth between she and Marcus and he had a knowing grin on his face.

He was bare chested as well with the same crest with the initials, R.R., tattooed on his chest. It looked as though they were both working on bikes before she drove up.

“I’ve heard a lot about you since Ocho Rios,” Trent said.

Embarrassment washed over her face and she looked at Marcus questioningly.

“Nothing bad.” Marcus grinned. “Although I did tell him that you had a knack for disappearing.” He held up the note she’d left on her nightstand yesterday morning. It read: Let yourself out. Lock the door. I’m going to work.

Tanya punched him playfully on the arm, and snatched the paper away from him.


The morning she’d left the note, she’d woken up in his arms. They’d had so much fun during their movie and sex marathon that Marcus hadn’t gone home that night. Usually he’d wake at the break of dawn to leave so that he could make it to work on time. Maybe their frequent tryst had finally taken a toll on him.

“You’ll meet some more of my brothers at the BBQ in the park.” He took her hand and led her toward the workshop area where he was working on his bike. “I hope you came hungry. There’s always lots of food.”

“I am,” she said. But not for food, she wanted to add.

He spread out a clean white towel on a work table and then lifted her on top of it. “I’ve got a filter to replace and then we’ll head out.”

Tanya didn’t mind one bit, in fact she enjoyed watching him naked as his muscles rippled on his arms and back. She hadn’t noticed it before, but he had a nice ass. Maybe it was because he was wearing jeans that were a little more form fitting today. She was accustomed to seeing him in business slacks or loose fitting khakis or jeans.

She bit her lip as he held the handle of a screwdriver between his teeth before bending over to remove a set of screws from the bike. Her toes curled in her shoes as she thought about the way his teeth had nipped her breasts in the throes of passion.

“Tanya, do you see my wrench over there?”

She shook the naughty images from her mind, and looked at all the tools on the table where she sat. “Wrench?”

“Yea.” He looked up from the bike. “Right there, by your thigh. Silver. The one with a hook that looks like a C.”

“Ah.” She picked up the wrench, and slid off the bench. “This one?”

“That one. Thanks.” He slipped it from her grasp and tightened a bolt on the side of the bike. He bit his bottom lip and his forehead creased in concentration as he worked diligently.

“You’re good with tools,” she said, trailing her finger up his forearm.

Marcus stopped short of what he was doing to look at her, a devilish grin on his face. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm and then came to a standing position. “You think so?” He picked up her hand and kissed the pads of her fingers.

“Yes. Seems like you really know how to put one to good use.”

She saw the Adam’s apple bob in his throat as he swallowed. Then he took her pointer finger between his lips and sucked. “Mmmm. Know what else I can put to good use?”

“For Christ sakes!” Trent shouted at the other end of the garage. “Don’t you two do anything else other than fool around like horny devils?”

Tanya parted several inches away from Marcus. She’d been so engrossed in him that she’d completely forgotten that Trent was in the room.

“Every time I turn around you two are lip locking.” Trent raked a shirt on over his hard bronzed chest and began to roll his motorcycle toward the outside. “I’m out, bro. See you at the BBQ, Tanya.”

Trent revved up his motorcycle, slid on his helmet, and rode off.

“That is all we do, isn’t it?” Tanya asked.

“He’s just jealous that he doesn’t have someone as delicious as you,” Marcus replied, pulling her into his chest again.

“I’m not a food.”

“Oh, but you certainly do taste like peaches and cream today.” He kissed her lips softly. “So, do you wanna ride?”

She blushed. “You or the bike?”

Tanya felt his hand press up against the front of her pants and then heard the zipper of her pants being undone. She sucked in her breath as she felt hot fingers against her panties. Her center was already damp when he rubbed her.

“I’d like to satisfy this blatant need of yours before we go.”

“As long as you use this…” She palmed his hard rod, noting that it was erected high enough to reach the waistline of his jeans. Popping the buttons and spreading the zipper, she released him into her palm. He was big and heavy against her.

He led her to turn around and then he rained more kisses across her shoulders.

“Anyone can walk in here.” She looked toward the open garage door. She wasn’t sure why a thrill raced through her spine at the prospect of them being caught in the act.

“We’re closed today,” he whispered, dragging his tongue up the side of her neck as he pulled her jeans down her hips.

Marcus kneaded her backside, and she moaned, her next protests disappearing from her mind. He guided her behind the back of the bike and then lifted one leg up to rest on the bottom of the bike.

“Your hands here.” He placed her hands against the body of the motorcycle, and she grasped on tight when she felt his rod against the top of her ass. He tested her, sliding his fingers through her slit. “You’re wet and ready for me.” He guided himself inside of her.

“Oh, my God.” Her nails dug into the leather seat as his leathery rock hard flesh filled her moist canal. She’d never felt him quite like this before.

“I’ll probably say this more than once today,” he rasped as he massaged her behind, “but hold on tight and enjoy the ride.”

He thrust into her balls deep, tipping her g-spot in the process. She cried out and her voice echoed throughout the garage. Biting her lips, she prayed no one had heard her and that she wouldn’t make another outburst like that again.

Marcus had other plans. He drove into her, long and determined. Strokes that had her damn near the edge in no time. She shoved her hips back in tune with him. He surprised her, spanking her ass several times as he hit home.

“Is this what you wanted?” he panted.

“Yes,” she cried out.

The bike wobbled under her hold as he picked up the pace. He smacked her again across the ass and then kneaded the hurt away with his palm.

“It’s yours,” he groaned. “No more teasing. When you want this, you come get it.”

He switched angles, hitting her at just the right spot. The slapping of his balls against her pussy and their strangled groans could be heard loud and clear. She tried to press her lips together to avoid being caught, but her attempts were futile.

“Marcus…” Her orgasm rushed through her unexpectedly, capturing her and seizing every nerve ending in her body. Achieving completion with Marcus always carried her into a myriad of bliss.

He wasn’t too far behind, driving into her until his climax took him. When he came, she felt hot cum flood her insides, filling her as she’d never been filled before.

Slowing down, he pulsed within her until every last drop was spent. He turned her around to face him, capturing her lips with his. She kissed him back, wanting to speak—to tell him how much she needed him but was afraid of where her revelation might take their relationship. She loved how they were now. Carefree. Spontaneous. Taking each day one at a time. Not held down by the empty promises like the one’s she’d heard in the past.

Their bodies shuddered as the remnants of the climax faded.

He was still holding her when he spoke again, “There’s a shower in the apartment over the store where we can continue this in a more private setting.”

Tanya grinned. “As long as you bring your tools with you…lead the way.”

Marcus scooped her up and took her toward a door near the other end of the garage.

Chapter 10
At the BBQ…

y the time
they reached the BBQ, the little picnic reserved for the group event was crowded and those that were there were already engrossed in the festivities. As Tanya slipped off Marcus’ motorcycles, her eyes widened at the dozens of bikes parked in the lot. The men outweighed the women, but Marcus had told her that women rarely joined them officially. They could very well hang out with the men, but those women that did associate with the club were usually a member’s significant other.

Tanya handed Marcus the helmet and he locked it on the motorcycle next to his.

“You have a lot of brothers,” she said.

“Only a dozen or so are sworn-in members. Others are friends and family of members. Some are wanna-be’s, which means that they would like to pledge or are already in the process of becoming an official member,” Marcus said, as they made their way across the field to join the others. “We try to have these get-togethers at least once a month, sometimes twice a month. Our meetings to discuss official business, finances, and investments are restricted to members only. Those are held at least once per quarter. Some of our members are constantly on the road. Most of us have settled down locally though, here in Atlanta, were the whole thing started.”

Tanya knew the day wouldn’t be just about the two of them. She was particularly interested to learn more about Marcus’ secondary lifestyle. He walked her up to a picnic table where a group of people sat talking and laughing loudly amongst themselves over food and drinks. She noticed Trent right away and figured these must have been Marcus’ closest brothers—the other four that he mentioned.

A guy that appeared to be Marcus’ twin got up immediately. He and Marcus exchanged some kind of hand shake and exchanged a brotherly hug. They were literally the same height, give or take a few centimeters.

“I’ve been in town since last week. Been trying to catch up with you forever, man,” Marcus’ lookalike said as they parted from the hug.

“Was wondering if you’d made it back,” Marcus said. “I’ve been a bit busy with work and things.”

The guy turned a sly eye on Tanya, a questioning look marring his face as he took her in. “I can see that.”

“Sean, this is Tanya. Tanya, my youngest brother, Sean.”

The resemblance made perfect sense then. Both had the same prominent nose and squared-jaw, and even pecan complexion.

“Hi, Sean. Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” Sean nodded, but from the look on his face Tanya could tell that he had a million reservations about her. “If Marcus hasn’t told you yet, I’m the youngest brother. The one who likes to stir up the most trouble and take things to the extreme.”

“That’s nice to know.” She smiled. “But that description seems to fit Marcus as well. Coming here with him was one hell of a ride.”

Marcus chuckled beside her and winked. “You asked for it.”

“Sounds like the two of you have gotten cozy on more than just Marcus’ bike,” Sean said.

A heated blush ran over her body and she cleared her throat. When Marcus spoke again, she was relieved to have the subject changed.

“Andrew is in town with Reanna. They’re supposed to be attending some business expo here and are staying at my crib. Maybe we can all get together before he goes back,” Marcus said as he grabbed her hand, and then they made their way to the picnic table.

“For sure,” Sean said.

From there on out, she was bombarded with new faces and introductions. Except for Trent, who she’d met under different circumstances, they all regarded her carefully. They seemed skeptical, but still they were very respectful of her presence and the fact that she and Marcus were there together.

Tanya would have to get used to these types of gatherings again. Since college she’d literally become an introvert, but now Marcus was bringing out the extrovert in her.

ou have
an interesting group of friends,” Tanya said, resting the back of her head against Marcus’ chest. “I wish I had this many.”

He put his drink on the ground beside them and wrapped his arm around her. “Having an abundance of friends doesn’t really ensure happiness. I’d much rather be surrounded by family and loved ones. I’ve always wanted that one person that I can share any and everything with and not be ridiculed or challenged.”

They were seated under the shade of a huge oak tree, watching the sky as daylight folded into night. The festivities had ended, but like them, dozens of bikers and their friends were still left behind. The guys who’d manned the grill all day had just put out the last of food on the serving tables. It looked as though as long as there was food on the table, drinks in the cooler, and music blaring from the speakers, the party wasn’t anywhere near its end.

“Do you get that a lot?” she asked. “Challenged?”

“Very much so. Being the middle child, I learned how to prove myself and come out on top in the end. It’s not that I craved the attention, it’s just that I got tired of being invisible. I knew I was good for something, but it took me years to find out what that was. My older brother, Andrew, followed in my father’s footsteps earning a full football scholarship to Virginia Tech. My younger brother had always been doted on from the time my parents decided that they would never have any more babies up until he officially left their home at seventeen. My parents and grandparents kind of cherished Sean in his earlier years more. And then that leaves me.” He chuckled. “I was the trouble maker until Sean came into his own. As the youngest, he rebelled a lot. I have the same drive as my father when I want something, and my father wanted me to pursue things that I had no desire in pursuing. I fought to control my own future more than anything else. When I graduated high school, I earned a full scholarship to Virginia Tech as well, but not to play football. I had no interest in football. My father claims that I broke the tradition, because next thing we know Sean didn’t attend Virginia Tech at all.”

“Mmmm, sorry you got the blame, but…” she closed her eyes and relaxed against him “sounds like you have an interesting family.”

“You’ll understand more one day when you meet them,” he said. “How did you and Zaira meet?”

“We both went to Georgia Tech. Remember when I told you how difficult the first half of my freshman year was with being away from home for the first time and my grandmother being sick?” When he nodded, she continued, “Well, I was a complete loner. I kept to myself because I was drowning in my own issues. I took a chance one day and went out to a fraternity party. I met Zaira at said party and she convinced me to let go and have fun. It was months later when I found out who her father was. Had I known before that she came from old money with practically the world at her feet, I would have felt intimated by it and missed out on a true friend.”

He laughed. “Frat parties…I remember those.”

“Yeah, and I never was the same after one of those.”

“Hmmm, were you one those girls?”

“What do you mean by those girls?”

“You know, played every brother you could, making him empty his wallets, toying with his heart, screwing with his emotions…”

“Who? Not me.” She shook her head, laughing. “Did you just make that up…or are you claiming those things happened to you?”

“Women can be mischievous when they want to…”

She brought his arms tighter around her waist. “Well, do you think I’m capable of this mischievousness you speak of?”

He kissed the side of her face, then trailed a few of them down her neck. “You might use my admission to your advantage.”

Tanya shivered when his lips found an intimate spot against her nape. She pressed her behind back into his groin. “I’d like to use a lot more than your admission to my advantage.”

“Mmmm.” He groaned lightly in her ear. “I—”

“Well. Look at that.” A sharp female voice presented itself over them.

Tanya followed the shadow of a woman standing over them. Her gaze traveled up lengthy bare legs the color of honey, too-tight booty shorts, and a flimsy top to finally reach a face. A face she didn’t recognize. A face that wore a nasty expression.

“Marcus,” the woman said. “No wonder you haven’t been answering my calls.”

Tanya’s heart twisted and she nearly bolted upright but Marcus’ arms were now tighter around her. She could practically feel the tension in his body and shock crackling in the air.

“Becca,” Marcus said between clenched teeth.

to see you,” Becca said in a clipped tone. “I haven’t been introduced to your new
.” She said the words buddy as if she was trying to rid her mouth of something bad tasting.

Blood rushed through Tanya’s vein in alarm as her brain registered the real situation. She swallowed down the dry shock rising up in her throat.

“What’s the point?” Marcus shot back.

“The point?” Becca brought up her freshly manicured hands to her lips and giggled behind them. “No introduction…well, she must not mean that much to you. Just wanted to know a bit about who your new broad was.”

With only seconds into this woman’s arrival Tanya had had enough. Plus, she knew exactly where this was going and had a hunch about who Becca was to Marcus.

Shaking herself from Marcus’ grip, she shot up where she stood eye to eye with the woman named Becca. “Look, chick…right now I don’t want to know you or vice versa. Let’s keep it that way.”

Tanya stormed off, heading toward the parking lot where they’d come. Eyes were glued to the scene caused by Becca’s appearance and people stopped doing what they were doing to observe the drama she wanted no part of.

Just before she reached the lot, Marcus caught her arm. “Tanya, wait!”

“No!” She snatched her arm from his grasp.

“Listen to me.” He managed to pull her close to him. “She means nothing to me. I don’t know what possessed her to come here. I haven’t spoken with her in months.”

Tanya swallowed hard. Why did she feel hurt? She and Marcus weren’t even in a serious relationship. As far as she was concerned, all they did was have sex, but why did this revelation break her heart?

She pushed at his chest, but he stood there like a solid brick wall holding her hostage. “You could have told me you had a girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend…no.” He shook his head. “You’ve got it all wrong. Do you think I would mess up what we have like that? Becca is my ex. It’s been nearly a year since I last saw her.”

Tanya looked over his shoulder and caught glimpse of Marcus’ acquaintances glancing their way with wide eyes, whispering amongst each other. She knew they were talking about her and how stupid she was.

“You’re causing a scene in front of your friends.”

His grip softened. “Tanya, I don’t care what people think of me. I know what I want and I want you. I don’t give a damn about anything else.”

She focused her gaze on him. “How do I know you’re not playing with me?”

“We’ve not had much time together, Tanya. This has been my life ever since I can remember, but I’ve grown and now I value my time more. I won’t turn my back on my brothers, but I know a woman’s worth when I see it. Let me prove myself to you. Give me time. You mean so much to me.”

“I can’t, Marcus.” She shook her head. “I’ve already dealt with men who can’t make up their minds and who like to test many waters at the expense of everyone’s feelings. I’m not dealing with it again. Let’s call it right here right now before it’s too late. We’ve already had our fun, now let’s just call it.”


She backed away. “I thought I wanted this with you. The thrill. The crazy life. This attraction that has somehow turned into full blown sexual frenzy, but—”

“That’s not—”

“—I was wrong. This…” She held out her arms. “…I’m not fit for this. I’m safer when things are normal.”

Tanya dug into her handbag and pulled out her cell and keyed in some numbers.

“I’ll take you home.”

“No, I was just calling a cab.” The operator on the other end answer her call. “Yes, I’d like a ca—”

Marcus had slipped the phone from her finger and disconnected the call. “Let me take you home.”

Her blood started to boil. “Do you ever stop thinking about sex?”

He exhaled on a huff. “That’s not what I meant, and you know that. I got you here. Let me take you back to your car at the shop.”

Tanya searched his saddened expression. Was he sad because he’d made the mistake of lying to her or was he sad because he couldn’t get what he wanted—his cake and the buffet too?

She held out her hand. “My phone.”

He handed her the phone. “It’s getting late. It’s dark back at the shop. If you insist on calling a cab, I’ll ride behind it to make sure you arrive safely.”

“I don’t want anything else to do with you and your drama, thus I’m not riding anywhere with you and I don’t want you coming anywhere behind me.”

Before he could protest, Trent walked up behind them. “Everything okay here?”

“Trent, man, what the fuck is wrong with that woman? She popped up unannounced and has just made a mess of things,” Marcus said, his voice sounded just as aggravated as hers.

“I know, bro.” Trent shook his head. “That shit was dirty as hell.”

“Do me a favor, Trent?” He motioned toward Tanya. “Give Tanya a ride back to the shop. Make sure she gets home safely.”

“Sure thing.” Trent nodded, and then turned to acknowledge her. “Ready?”

Tanya gave Marcus what she hoped was a deadly stare. She hoped he remembered it well, because after tonight, he wouldn’t get to see anymore of her. She had never felt so embarrassed and utterly used in all her life. Not even when Justin had ran out on her.

“I’ll call you tonight,” Marcus said.

“Please don’t,” she said, and went with Trent.

“Here you go.” Trent handed her a helmet. “I take it that Marcus has given you the spiel on motorcycle safety tips when riding bitch.”

“What!” She knew he didn’t just up and call her a bitch. What was wrong with these men? They seemed to turn etiquette on and off when it was convenient for them.

He lifted an eyebrow at her, a serious expression on his face. “Riding bitch. A passenger on the back of a motorcycle.”

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