Seduced by Sin: Sean (Rugged Riders #3) (11 page)

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“Oh, my gosh…” I moaned, trembled, and came all over his fingers.

I heard his zipper and opened my eyes.

He pulled his heavy erection out and began to stroke himself with his other hand still working my pussy. In no time, he had exploded a heavy load of come all over my thighs and on the sheets under me.

When we were both calm, I said, “You’re good. You brought me over with just your fingers.”

“I know I’m good.”

“Thanks, I needed that massage.” I rose from the bed and grabbed a spaghetti strapped dress from my closet and pulled it over my head.

“I’m gonna leave, okay?” Jonathan came up behind me and kissed my cheek. “I had a really good time with you, as always.”

I led him towards the door.

“I’ll call you early next week if not sooner,” I said.

He gave me one last kiss and hurried down the hall. I closed the door behind him.

My instant gratification didn’t last for long. Within hours, I felt empty again.


t was Tuesday after work
, and I was catching up on some of my weekly shopping for some groceries and other items. I would usually go on Sunday, but I had gotten caught up in beginning to make a list of things and packing just in case I found somewhere to move. I had already begun my search of looking for another less expensive condo. The place where I was at would soon go on a higher month-to-month lease and I couldn’t afford the increase at the moment.

My cell phone rang. I looked down at the screen. Sean’s name flashed. I sent the call to voicemail.

After paying for my groceries, I exited the store. As soon as I turned the corner to go out of the sliding glass doors, I ran straight into Sean. He jumped back in time and looked startled. Then, when he saw my face, he looked shocked.

“Now you’re trying to run me over, huh?”

I smacked my lips together. “You’ve been following me.” I maneuvered my shopping cart around him and started heading out the door.

I knew that he would turn around and come after me. “So, you’re going to do me like that, now? I haven’t seen you in over a month and you’re acting like this.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“How have you been?” He asked, walking alongside me through the parking lot.

“I’ve been very well. And yourself?”

“Not so good. You look beautiful, as always.” Not expecting that to come out of his mouth, I turned and looked at him. His expression told me that he was dead serious. And he was indeed checking me out. My daily gym visits must have really been paying off.

Not wanting to start an argument with him, I decided to play it cool and act like an adult rather than a child holding a grudge. I didn’t want it to seem that I was still angry and couldn’t get over him. “Thanks.”

“I have a closing tomorrow and I’m here to get a bottle of champagne to celebrate. By myself, I guess,” he said.

“Do what you gotta do.”

“The place is really nice. The builder and designer paid good attention to detail. It looks really spacious. I think it’s a little over three thousand square feet…something like that,” he said, nervously.

I pulled the cart up next to my car. When the trunk opened, Sean automatically started grabbing bags and placing them inside. Before I could reach in, he moved my hands away and said, “You let me do this.”

“I’m capable of putting my own groceries in my car.”

“I know that you’re capable.” He grabbed the last of the bags and placed them in the trunk, then gave the empty cart to a cart attendant passing by.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He leaned against my car with his arms folded. He had that look on his face, as if he wasn’t going anywhere. “I’m glad that I decided to stop by here, after all.”

I couldn’t help but give him the once over. He was in motorcycle gear and he had his shirtsleeves rolled up and cuffed just below his elbows, revealing the bulky muscles in his lower arms. I recalled licking his tattoos, and tried to rid the vision from my head. As he leaned against my car, obviously giving me the once over again, I took a quick glance at the sizable bulge in the front of his pants. I felt a quick flash of heat rush through my pelvis area just thinking about the things that his now concealed ten-inch rod and wicked tongue had done to me. With his looks, it was no wonder he had women offering themselves to him so freely. It was also no surprise that once they knew what he was working with that they weren’t quick to let him go, as in Jessica’s case. Well, I knew there were other fish in the sea. He wasn’t the only one for me.

“Well, are you going to let me leave? Or am I going to have to attempt to run you over again?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Oh!” he exclaimed and bent over laughing. “Are you serious?”

“Well, my idea of productive isn’t standing around in a grocery store parking lot.”

“Well, what are you doing tonight?”

“I’m going out.” It was true. Jonathan had asked me to go to the movies with him. He’d left the message on my voicemail. I hadn’t actually called him back yet, but I thought I would.

“I see… Are you free any of this week?”

“No, I’ll be pretty busy this week.”

“Are you making excuses to not see me?”

“No, I was busy when you came into my life and I stay busy even when you are not in my life.”

“Right, and when I was in your life, you found time for me, now you won’t,” he shot back.

When I didn’t say anything, he continued, “Let me just ask you this, Karlina. Do I even have a slight chance of earning your trust back? Haven’t you punished me enough by avoiding me? Have you really moved on?”

I nodded. “Sean, I have really moved on.”

“Okay, I respect that.” He moved away from my car, uncrossed his arms, and stuffed his hands in his pant’s pockets. “How are things with you and your new boyfriend?”

“I don’t have a boyfriend. How are things with you and Jessica, your girlfriend?”

His eyes narrowed and he said, “Jessica isn’t my girlfriend. If you must know, I paid Jessica off and sold the house myself. I haven’t spoken to her since that night.”

“Oh. Congratulations.”

“I just bought a property in Sandy Springs and I’m starting my next project this weekend.”

“Don’t you stay a busy man?”

“Actually, I’m ready to settle down in a house of my own to make my move official here.”

“Well, I hope all goes well.”

“It was nice talking to you, Karlina. I hope we see each other again. Maybe next time will be different and you can find some time out of your busy schedule to go hang out or something.”

“Nice talking to you, too, Sean.” Before I could say anything else, he turned on his heels and walked away quickly. It felt as if something or someone was squeezing and wringing my heart in my chest. It was scary to have the feeling that I was making an awful decision, that I was letting the only man that I had ever loved walk away.

It was too late for us now.

ater that evening
and right before dark, I got a page down at the security desk telling me that I had a visitor.

Everyone that visited me usually came right on up, so I had the feeling that there was something different about this one. It wasn’t like Sean to stop at the desk. Jonathan never stopped by unexpectedly. And Tasha had keys to my apartment.

I pressed the intercom button again to speak to the operator. “Who is it?”

There was a brief silence and then static. “Marcus Brooks.”

“Um…I’ll be right down,” I said, nervously.

I slipped on some flats and attempted to straighten out my clothes. I’d long since changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt, so I didn’t look anywhere near presentable. But I wasn’t trying to impress Sean’s brother. In fact, this was odd of Marcus to drop by.

Had something happened to Sean? My heart beat in my chest about ten times faster than the ring of the elevator as it hit each floor downward. When the doors slid open, I made a sharp pivot to the right and hurried to the receiving area.

Marcus was standing there, one hand in his pants pocket and the other holding his motorcycle helmet.

I swallowed. “Hi, ah…is something wrong?”

Marcus wasn’t smiling. His poker face stared back at me and I couldn’t read him. But damned if he didn’t remind me of his brother. There were several differences about them that made it easy to tell them apart, but their mannerisms seemed the same.

Marcus shrugged. “You tell me. Is something wrong?”

I shook my head. “You’ve never come to my home before.”

He reached into his back jean’s pocket and handed me a rectangular-shaped slip of paper. With fingers shaking, I reached out to take it. It was a check made out to me from Sean’s investment company for a little over $16,000. The amount was insane.

I thrust the check back at Marcus. “No, I can’t.”

Marcus didn’t budge. “Well, I can’t take it back either. The check is in your name. Karlina Nguyen. For services performed on the Ridgeview Road property.”

“I didn’t do anything,” I said.

Marcus took my arm and led me to an isolated corner away from the front doors.

“Karlina, if my brother thought you didn’t do anything, he wouldn’t be paying you. Trust me, I know.”

“He sent you out here just to deliver this check?”

Marcus nodded. “He didn’t have your bank wire details since you’re not answering his phone calls, so he sent me to give it to you. Though that’s not the only reason why I’m here.”

I sighed. “You know?”

Marcus rolled his eyes. “I knew the night it happened. Sean hasn’t been this upset in a long time.”

“Well, did he tell you why we’re not together.”

“He regrets not telling you about the other woman because he was afraid you’d have second thoughts about him. Sean went through a rough time when Angel passed in the car accident on the same night he found out about her secret affair. It was too much for him and he felt he never really got to the bottom of it. Angel and the other woman, what’s her name, Jessica—they were best friends. Jessica claims that she was the only one that knew what was going on with Angel and this other guy. Sean already had the evidence, but Jessica confirmed it,” Marcus said.

“He told me some of this,” I said.

“For a while after that, he never let another woman that close. He just…” Marcus shrugged. “He just pretended to be in relationships to please my parents whenever they had family gatherings and to please his sponsors because they loved seeing stability.”

“Is that why he used dating agencies?” I asked.

Marcus’s brows furrowed. “How do you know about that?”

“It’s how we met. Well, not at first, but I worked for the agency briefly and he was my first and only client.”

“Interesting. So something good came out of it for him.” Marcus smiled. “Look, I just wanted you to know from me what happened.”

“Sounds like the same story, but I’m so sorry, Marcus. It’s too late for Sean and me.”

“Why? Are you with someone else?”

“I have been,” I whispered.

Marcus groaned. “Look, I’m not gonna tell him this. He’s already erratic and unstable as it is. I found out from another member of Rugged that he’s been racing underground almost nightly now. It seemed as if the moment you exited his life was the moment he took his racing to the extreme again. And it’s not about winning the money for Sean. He’s got money. He does it because it’s what relaxes him.”

“Racing at inhuman speeds
him?” I asked, disbelieving.

“It’s kind of like me jumping on my bike and racing down the freeway when I’ve had a rough day,” Marcus replied.

“Or like going to the gym and turning the treadmill up a notch. I understand.”

“Exactly. If there’s any way you can forgive him…” Marcus visibly swallowed. “Please do.”

“I’ve already forgiven him, but I trusted him and he let me down. It feels like yesterday and it might take me a while.”

“I’ll tell him you’ll think about.” Marcus pulled out his wallet and extended me a business card. “Here’s my number if you ever want to talk, but Sean is the best person to really tell you how he feels.”

I took the card and glanced down at it.
Marcus Brooks. CEO. Svelte Technologies.

“Thank you for coming out tonight. And you can tell him that I said thanks for the commission check, but I’ll probably call him myself for that.”

Marcus nodded once, and then turned around and headed toward the exit. Why did his retreating back remind me of the time that Sean and I had gone out on our pretend date?

I swallowed and willed the visual away and then took the elevator back up to my level.

Once I was inside, I dialed Sean’s number from memory. I exhaled a sigh of relief when his voicemail picked up. I guess I wasn’t really ready to face him just. I wasn’t really ready to confirm that I’d moved on a lot more than he would have imagined.

I left a voicemail thanking him for the commission.


?” Jonathan asked as the attendant checked our tickets and pointed in the direction of the correct theater.


“Candy? Any snacks?”

“No, thank you.”

“Okay.” He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the room where our movie was being shown.

Jonathan and I had managed to catch a late night movie, after all. I had called him around eight, asking him if he was still in the mood to go. He agreed, of course, and picked me up a little over two hours later. Jonathan picked seats way in the back and we chatted as we waited for the movie to start.

“Tuesday must not be a very popular night to go to the movies,” I said, scanning the room, looking at all the empty seats.

“You’re right. We’re one of maybe eight couples here.” He agreed, looking around, as well.

“At least, it’ll be quiet,” I said, rubbing my arms. I should have worn longer sleeves instead of a tank top. I forgot how cold movie theaters could be.

“You cold?” Jonathan must have seen me rubbing my arms. He pulled the armrest up that was separating us and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me in closer. “Better?”

I nodded.

“Mmmmmm.” He pressed his nose up against my hair. “You smell like apples.”

I smiled. “My moisturizer, maybe.”

“I think it’s all you.”

The previews had just started showing. Jonathan placed his arms around my shoulders again and I scooted in closer to him. My mind was everywhere, but it wasn’t on the movie and it wasn’t on Jonathan. I kept getting this visual of Marcus’s retreating back, but only this time, Sean was the one walking away.

After the movie, Jonathan drove me home and walked me up to my door. I stood with my back to the wood as he leaned down to kiss me.

“Thank you for a great night,” I said.

“No, thank you. I always look forward to going out with you because I have the most fun.”

“That’s good.”

“I’m free again on Thursday night. Wanna do something?” He was kissing and nibbling on my neck.

I pulled back. “Yes, I may be a little tired, so why don’t you come on over here and we can watch movies and have dinner or something like that.”

“Sounds good. How about if I come over around eightish?”


“I’ll bring some champagne.” He gave me one last kiss on the lips and pulled away.

He waited until I was inside my condo and then left.

t was Thursday evening
, and I was getting ready for my dinner and movie night with Jonathan. He was scheduled to be over here in about two hours. I mixed the pasta salad and prepared the mixed vegetables in advance to pass the time, and then I took the next hour to soak in a nice hot bath and get dressed.

I began filling my tub with hot water and chose my favorite scent, apple cinnamon. As I was getting undressed, I heard my cell phone ring. I ran to go check the caller id. It was Tasha.

“Hi, Tasha.”

“Hi, girl, what’s up?”

“Nothing much. Just getting ready for bed and I thought I would call you.”

“It’s pretty early to be getting ready for bed isn’t it?” I asked, walking back in my bedroom and sat in front of my vanity.

“I told my boss I’d be in early to make up for the time I took off for my doctor’s appointment yesterday. So, what are you up to tonight?” she asked.

“I’m waiting for Jonathan to get here. We’re just going to stay in tonight and watch some movies.”

“I really need to meet this guy. Are you gonna let me meet him?”

“One day, I guess.” I shrugged.

“This new guy must be good in bed or something. You’ve been seeing him for two weeks right?”

“More than that. We haven’t had sex. Jonathan just gives really good…massages.”

“So, you and Sean really have moved on without each other, haven’t you?”

“Yes, I have. It was gonna happen anyway. I should have stood by the agency’s rules. Never date clients.”

“Yup, but sometimes we don’t listen,” she chimed.

“Once you meet Jonathan, you’ll know why I hang out with him. He’s really fun.”

“Well, so are you,” Tasha said. “Why do you think I hang out with you?”

I laughed. “I’m not exactly the life of the party, but thanks for the compliment.”

“You guys are still just friends, huh?”

“Yep, still just friends.” I walked over to the closet and pulled out the apple cinnamon body wash and bath sponge.

“It won’t be long before he wants to make it official…”

“Maybe he is. I’m not looking for anything official though.”

, it smells good in here.” I’d finished my bath early and knew he’d be on his way, so when Jonathan arrived, I had just finished grilling the chicken. He placed his keys and two bottles of champagne on my coffee table then turned his attention to me. “You look hot, woman.”


“Do you always dress like this around the house?”

“No, this is all for you. You look handsome yourself.”

He wore crisp blue slacks that looked like they’d just come from the cleaners, and a nice, white, collared shirt with thin vertical blue lines. The entire outfit complimented his small, but fit frame.

“This is all for me, huh?” he asked, following me into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around me as I was placing the grilled chicken and side dishes on the plate.


He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck.

“You smell like those apples again.” He licked my neck in one slow caress. “Mmmmmm.”

I smiled. “The dinner is ready. Aren’t you hungry? You said you would come really hungry.” I turned around with the dinner plates in my hands.

“Yes, I’m ravenous. I could eat that chicken and then you for dessert.”

I began walking over to the table that I had set out and placed the plates on the placemats. “I already picked up a dessert from the store on the way home. What about sundaes?”

We both sat down. “I don’t want sundaes for dessert, I want you for dessert.”

“I’m not on the menu,” I teased, placing the cloth napkin in my lap. He did the same with his.

“We’ll see.”

I watched as he used his knife and fork to cut a piece off the chicken breast and placed it in his mouth. I watched his full set of luscious lips as he chewed. “Mmm. This is so good. If I knew you could cook like this, I would have wanted you to cook for me a long time ago.” He looked up at me and grinned. “After tonight, it might be extremely hard for you to get rid of me.”

“I’m glad you like it,” I said, beginning to take small bites of my meal.

“Would you like to open the champagne, or leave it for dessert?”

“Let’s leave it for dessert,” I said, taking a sip of water.

We continued eating, both of us a little speechless for a while. I watched as he downed the whole glass of ice water I had placed out on the table just before he’d arrived. I made sure to put a pitcher with more on the table. I reached for the carafe and poured him another glass. “So, how was your day?”

“Okay. Actually, I’m off on Thursdays.”

“Oh, so what did you do all day?” I asked.

He took another guzzle of water before he spoke. “I did a little bit of cleaning, laundry, shopping. The usual.”

“On your day off?”


“Okay, whatever. So, tell me about your family…do you have family here in Atlanta?”

He pulled the cloth napkin from his lap and wiped his mouth before answering. “I do. My mother and father live about forty-five minutes north of Atlanta. They’re both retired from the airline industry. I have a sister who lives in Florida. She comes up from time to time, she and her daughter.”

“Gosh, I’m so full that I don’t think I can eat anymore.”

“Me, too,” he said. His plate was so clean, you would have thought that it had just come out of the dishwasher.

“You ate everything. You want dessert?” I asked, picking up both plates and taking them over to the kitchen.

“Not yet. That’s if you want to wait a bit. Champagne would be nice, though.”

He got up and grabbed the bottles of champagne from the coffee table.

“Sounds good. I don’t have any room for desert, either.”

We poured the champagne into glasses and took them over to the coffee table in front of the television.

I kicked off my shoes and wrapped my legs under my dress. I didn’t care that the dress was so short that now my thighs were barely covered. I was pretty comfortable in front of Jonathan now.

“Can I ask you something, Karlina?”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“Have you ever been in a relationship that you wanted out of, but you felt like you were stuck between a rock and a hard place? If you got out, you would be miserable, and if you stayed in you would be miserable.”

I thought about his question before I answered. “Well, I think that can be said about any relationship or break-up situation. If you’re in a serious relationship and you really love the person, it may be hard for you to say goodbye. For one reason or the other, you may not want to say goodbye because you’re afraid of being lonely or heartbroken or hurting the other person. So, yes, I can apply that one way or the other to all my relationships…obviously. Why do you ask?”

“Just asking. Wondering if I was the only one who felt that way.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Can I use your bathroom?” He caught me off guard by asking.

“Over there by the coat closet,” I said, gesturing toward my guest bathroom.

When he was gone, I thought about what he had asked me. I wondered what relationship he’d been in before me that had made him feel miserable? Maybe he was like me. Maybe his past relationships were so painful they made him afraid to take it to the next step with me. That made sense now. At least, I knew now that he wasn’t making any moves because he wasn’t really attracted to me, but because he had been in bad relationships before. Just like me.

I sighed and brought my legs up from under me. I stretched my feet out on the coffee table in front of me and downed the rest of my champagne.

“You had some boxes stashed in there. Are you packing?” Jonathan had come out of the bathroom.

“Yeah, I’ll be moving within the next two months or so. The boxes were getting a little cluttered so the only place I could think of to put them was stacked up in the guest bathroom. Hope they didn’t get in your way.”

He was standing over me and looking at my legs and my feet.

“See something you like?” I teased.

“As a matter of fact, I do.” He knelt down on the area rug in front of me and ran his soft hands over my legs. “Can I?”

I didn’t say anything and he continued, beginning to massage my calves and ankles. His hands felt so good. “I’m going to have to hire you as my personal masseuse,” I whispered, closing my eyes.

“I specialize in tantra massages, you know.” He was gently kneading my knees and the back of my legs. “Your skin is so soft. You feel freshly shaved.”

“I wax. I barely ever shave.”

“Oh, not just your legs, though, right?”

“Right, everywhere, except the hair on my head.”

“I noticed that the other night. That is sooo hot!”

His hands moved closer to my thighs. He lifted one of my legs and moved so that he knelt before me. He maneuvered my legs so that one of my calves rested on his shoulder, and the other was in his hands. I opened my eyes in time to catch him examining my foot. I didn’t protest when he began to lick the toes. I watched, intently, as he took his time on each foot, licking and sucking everywhere. At least five minutes had passed before he brought his attention back to my face. I looked down and saw the erection in the front of his pants. He locked his gaze with mine and moved both of my feet to the front of his pants, using them to massage him through his trousers. He closed his eyes and moaned out load. He was extremely hard. I took charge and began moving my feet slowly over the bulge in his pants and watched as he became even more aroused by it.

“Unzip your pants,” I demanded.

He quickly unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and out popped his erection.

I used both feet to hold him steady and moved my feet up and down his shaft.

“Oh, my God,” he groaned.

This was the first time that I had ever stroked a man’s dick with something other than my fingers or tongue. Most men preferred my mouth or my pussy. Jonathan, on the other hand, was extremely turned on by my feet jacking him off.

“You like that, don’t you?” I asked.

“Don’t stop.”

“You want to come?”

“I’m going to come all over your beautiful toes.”

He came hard and long across my feet.

“Damn...” I said as he regained his composure.

He stood up. “Stay right there. Don’t move. Do you have a towel?”

“There’s one in the guest bathroom.”

He ran over to the guest bathroom, stuffing himself back in his pants, then came back and wiped the semen off my feet with the towel. After all traces were gone, he pulled me forward and kissed me passionately. His hands were massaging the insides of my thighs and I could hear myself moaning softly. He gently pulled down my dress and bra so that my breasts were exposed. I leaned back against the couch as he moved forward and sucked my nipples. His wet tongue licked every part of my breast, causing the bud to tighten and harden with every lick. I wanted him to fuck me, I needed to come. He reached down and lifted my dress so that the hem was bunched up around my waist. He used his teeth to pull my champagne-colored thong panties down my legs and over my feet. He placed the panties on the couch beside me. I needed to come so bad, it felt like my clit was in pain. He pulled my pelvis towards him so that my ass was seated at the very edge of the couch and then gently used his hands to spread my thighs apart.

“Jonathan, I need you…”

His index finger taunted my clit, moving the little bud back and forth ever so lightly. Finally, he inserted two fingers into my pussy and stroked back and forth while watching me the whole time.

“Does your pussy taste like apples, too?” he whispered. “I bet it does…” He took the fingers out of me and sucked the juice off them slowly.

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