Security (23 page)

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Authors: Mike Shade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Security
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Kenny pushed his ass back toward Rick. "You could let me do him."


"Not a chance." Rick swatted Kenny again, playfully. "Pushy boy."


Kenny moaned a little and started leaning against Rick. "I'm not going to give up, you know."


"I know." Rick grinned over. "I'm not either."


Simon chuckled, tossed a snowball over. "I'm right here, you two."


"I say we pounce him," Kenny suggested, including Bay as well as Rick in the suggestion.
"I say that I still have an axe, Kenny."


Kenny stuck his tongue out at Simon. Simon chuckled, waggled his tongue at Kenny. Kenny pounced and stole more kisses.


Bay leaned against Rick, trying to stay warm now that they weren't moving, and watched.


The kisses didn't last too long, because Simon got them moving. "Come on. Grab the tree. Let's go in and play."


"I thought you and Rick were gonna deal with the tree." Kenny patted Simon's pecs.


"I cut it down. Come on, kiddo. Let's go."


"No way. Me and Bay aren't studs like you and Rick."


"We'll do it," Bay interrupted Kenny before he could get himself worked up. "But it would be awesome if you and Rick could help."


"Well, of course. I didn't expect anyone to do all the work." Simon grabbed the trunk, Rick staring Kenny down until he went to help.


Bay did his part, helping, and it wasn't bad with all four of them carrying it.


To forget how cold it was, he started singing carols. The problem was, he and Kenny only knew pretty much just half a verse of each one, so they jumped from one to the next to the next.
Rick finally kept singing one, his low voice ringing out as the reached the house.


They managed to get the tree inside without bringing too much snow or losing too many of the needles.


"Did someone say hot buttered rum?" Kenny asked.


"Yeah. I'll do that and the popcorn, if you help get the tree in the stand." Simon pulled his coat off, his mitts.


"You keep singing, Rick." Bay gave the big man a kiss and grabbed the Christmas tree stand.


So far this was shaping up to be the best Christmas they'd had in a long time.




The tree was lit up, presents underneath. The twins were asleep -- not in that visions of sugarplums way, but in that loud, furious monkey-sex way.


Those two could tie it up.


Simon leaned back against the couch, blinking slow, checking the camera feeds from outside every half an hour or so.


He'd had worse Christmases.


Rick came in from the kitchen with a plate of cookies and two mugs of something steaming. Hot chocolate by the smell of it. "Want some company?"
"I do." He scooted over, patted the couch. "Have a seat."


"Everything secure?" Rick asked as he sat, their bodies touching from shoulders to thighs to knees. "No one coming down the chimney?"


"Nothing. Not a reindeer in sight. I even checked for elves."


"Good. It should be a nice quiet Christmas, then." Rick's arm wrapped around his shoulder. "Unless you count the noise the boys make."


He leaned in, smiled. "They're dear and I love them, but... well, you know how I am."


Rick's nose rubbed his own and then their lips met. "I do, do I?"


"Yeah, baby. You so do." Fuck, he was brutally in love. "Yeah, maybe I do." Rick's mouth closed over his.
He opened up, their tongues sliding together. God, Rick tasted good.


"When'd you last check the perimeter?" "In person? Before Ken's third orgasm."
"Then we have time." Rick pushed him back against the couch.


"Oh." Merry Christmas to him. "Yeah. We got time."
Rick's smile was part sweet, part feral and the kiss was all need. He wrapped around Rick, humped up into the kiss.


"Sexy little fucker, aren't you?" Rick was hard as they ground together; he could feel it through their jeans.


"Not that little." He reached down, cupped Rick's balls.


Rick grunted and pushed into his hands. "You're shorter than me."


"I'm shorter than most guys, but I'm broad."


"You're just right, actually. Sure fit good against me." Rick kept moving. He pushed one hand between them, tugging at their top buttons.


"Fuck. Tell me I'm not dreaming." It was still so fucking new.


"If you are, I'm right there with you."


Rick sucked on his tongue and nipped at his nose and finally got the stupid buttons undone. Which meant he was now fighting their zippers, fingers bumping his cock over and over.


Once their cocks were bared, it was worth it. Rick was wet at the tip, stroking against his, leaving a trail. Rick didn't say a word. There was grunting and groaning and moaning which told him everything he needed to know.


They found a rhythm, strong and steady, not too fast, not
too slow. Rick's kisses filled his mouth with heat, and then slid over to his jaw, his neck as Rick tasted his skin.


"Babe." Oh, fuck. That was hot.


"Gonna be soon." Rick's growl made his balls ache. "Uh-huh. Come on." They knew what they needed. "You first."
"Pushy." He loved it.


Rick laughed at that. The sound was husky and sexy and pushed him right over the edge.


He shot so hard his muscles burned, his balls tight.


"That's it!" Rick nodded and his hips bucked, more heat splashing between them.


"I love you." He whispered the words against Rick's jaw. "Love you, Simon. Always have. Always will."
"Good." Thank God.


There was a sound at the door and when he looked, Bay and Ken padded further into the room, naked but for the quilt they had wrapped around themselves, shared between them.


"Hey boys." Simon waved lazily, covering Rick's ass with an afghan. Rick shifted, hand resting possessively on his hip.
"Can we open gifts now?" Kenny asked, bouncing, the quilt slipping to give them glimpses of his cock and balls jiggling.


"One each. We can't sleep," Bay added.


"After all those orgasms, you can't sleep?" Rick looked over, lips twisting.


." Kenny said it like that explained everything.


"That it is." Simon stripped off his shirt, cleaning him and Rick off. "Well, grab a gift, kid, and come sit."


They could celebrate.


Hell, they had been all evening. He looked over at Rick. Smiled.


Merry Christmas.
Chapter Fifteen


Ken watched the snow come down. God, winter was a bitch up here. It kept snowing and snowing and snowing. There was nowhere to go and nothing to do.


Simon went by the house, doing rounds and Ken grinned, grabbed his boots and coat and jogged after the stud. "Hey! Hey, Simon. Hold up."


Simon slowed, offered him a slow smile. "Hey. You good?"


"No." He went ahead of Simon, walking backward so he could watch the man move. "Are we really going to be here all winter?"


"Yeah, looks like. Have you two finished all your video games already?"


"I'm tired of playing video games." He bounced along. "You could let me fuck you."


"Could I?" Simon chuckled, smiled at him.


"You could! It would be good. Something new, something different, something awesome!" He was not giving up, he didn't care how many times Simon and Rick said no, he'd keep asking. Eventually they'd decide to go for it -- no one could resist him forever.


"Sorry, Kenny. I told you, that was up to Rick."


"So let's go ask him!" He grabbed hold of Simon’s hand and tried to head him back toward the cabin.
"Kenny, honey, I have to check the perimeter."


"That's all everyone does around here is check the damn perimeter!" He knew he sounded childish, hell, he knew it was childish, but damn it, he'd been good for weeks, months.


"You want to come with me? I could use the company."


"Yeah, okay." He kicked at the snow with his feet. It was something to do. Besides, he actually liked Simon.


"Have you ever done cross country skiing? I found the equipment in the barn." Simon's arm wrapped around his waist.


He cuddled into Simon's side, as well as he could with their winter coats on, anyway. "Downhill yes, cross-country, never. Isn't it boring?"


"It's damn hard work, good exercise, and we could explore a little bit."


"Yeah?" He shrugged. "Okay, if you say it's worth it then let's do it." It would be something different, anyway.


"We'll have to try it tomorrow, huh?" Simon's eyes twinkled, the look pure mischief.


"Yeah, yeah, okay." Man, he bet Simon could make watching paint dry seem interesting.


"Cool." Simon headed toward some trees, leaned back against one and dragged him close, kissed him hard.
He opened up right away for Simon, loving that take charge attitude. His arms slid around Simon's middle. Simon kissed him like no one else, tongue fucking his lips, eyes heated and focused. He looked right back, his cock hard already, from kisses. Simon was hot.


"You look less bored." Simon kissed him again, hard.


"You have that kind of effect on me." He tried to rub them together, but warm winter coats were thick.


"We could go to the barn..." Oh, that worked.


"Yes, please." He nodded, pushing up for another kiss. Simon walked him around, hand splayed over his ass.
"Are you going to let me fuck you?" he asked as they went inside the barn.


"Nope." Simon wasn't budging.


"One of these days you'll cave." And even if Simon didn't, it was fun bugging him about it. "Are you gonna fuck me?"


"I was considering fucking your mouth, actually."


His dick got even harder and his mouth started to water. "Oh, God. Okay."


Simon leaned back against the door, legs spread. "On your knees, sweet boy."


Pulling off his coat, he went to his knees and looked up at
Simon. Simon smiled at him, the look warm, fond, one finger traced his mouth. He opened up, trying to capture Simon's finger between his lips.


"Pretty mouth."


Ken moaned and nipped at Simon's fingertip. "Take out my cock."
He pushed Simon's winter coat out of the way and reached for the zipper in the man's jeans.


Those square fingers pushed into his hair, petted him. "Good. I want in."


"Uh-huh. Gonna suck you off good."


He got the zipper down, and reached in to tug Simon's cock out. It was so hot in his hand. Simon arched and pushed against his hand, prick bumping his lips. He opened his mouth for it and lapped at the head. Salt teased his tongue, made him hungry for more and he flicked the slit, pushed in a little. Simon grunted, hand wrapping around the back of his head and drawing him in close.


He loved that. He loved a hard hand in his hair. He went down slowly.


"Good boy." He heard Simon's groan, Simon’s hand encouraging him to sink deeper.


He breathed in hard through his nose and went right to the base. He swallowed around the tip and pulled off again.
"Damn. Do it again."

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