Second Chances (18 page)

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Authors: Kimberly McKay

BOOK: Second Chances
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“Yes, you’ll do.  How would you like to take me home tonight?”

Without hesitation, he scooted his chair back and offered his arm.  He wasn’t going to miss his chance to steal Davis’ girl from under his nose.  He always hated that guy in school and seeing him tonight reinforced that.

“Let’s go.” He lead her from the gym out to the valet.

Veronica stared out toward the night, feeling as if her ego had been run over by a truck.  How dare Davis embarrass her like that?

She was about to indulge in more self-pity until she saw a limousine pull up directly in front of them. The driver got out and opened their car door.

Veronica quickly forgot about her troubles and laughed, asking, “Did you rent this to impress your friends?”

Alan pursed his lips and said nothing.  He took her hand to help her inside before sliding in next to her.

As the door shut behind them, Veronica’s cell phone started to vibrate alerting her off an incoming text.  She glanced down at it only to get a small thrill. Davis was trying to reach her.

She grinned, snapping it shut.
He’s going to be so mad when he realizes I’m gone.

“Is he looking for you?” 

Veronica’s eyes were filled with mischief as she searched his.  It was then that she noticed that the gray in them that displayed flecks of gold.  She thought them to be quite beautiful.

“He is actually.”  She grinned at the humorous look on his face.

“He always was a jerk.”  He extended his hand, saying, “Hi, I’m Alan.”

“Veronica,” she replied softly.

“Mr. Devany – where to?”  The limo driver asked from the front.

“Where to?”  Alan looked at her, smiling.

Still wanting an answer to her question, she asked, “Seriously, how much are you renting this thing for?” She looked the limo over.

Alan chuckled.  “You don’t rent these things by the hour when you own them, or should I say my company does.”

Veronica’s eyes lit up, thinking Alan to be more attractive by the second.

“Just what do you do?”

“I own a tech firm and a few other small consulting companies.”

Veronica’s eyes bulged.  “Just how much are you worth?”

“Enough.”  He reached for a bottle of champagne and handed her a glass.

As Veronica’s purse started vibrating again, she was suddenly inspired.  “Can we make a stop in the parking lot?”

As he took a drink, Veronica noticed how masculine his hands were and once more realized how much more there was to this man than she originally thought.

“Sure. For what?”

She rolled down the window, and scanned the parking lot, saying, “Stop here.”

Alan watched as she quickly scampered from the limo, with a set of keys in hand.  He mentally said goodbye, thinking he’d seen the last of her when she surprised him by leaving the door open for a full view of what was to come next.  He almost snorted champagne through his nose, as she keyed a few perverse words on the side of a jag, which he could only assume was Davis’ car.

Veronica felt more alive than she had in a long time.  As Alan’s laughter filled the air, she jumped back inside the limo to slide her hands through his thick hair, pulling his glasses from his face.

“You shouldn’t hide behind these. You’re really cute.”  She seductively slipped into his lap before straddling him.

As his glasses fell into her grasp, he blinked and tried to keep her in focus. “I need them to see.”

“Well, we’ll have to get you some contacts.” She leaned into him and started to loosen his tie.

As she wrapped her legs around his waist, Alan slid the privacy glass up between them and his driver. 

Paige watched Davis search the gym for Veronica with no luck.  She grinned at Natasha and Nick, before saying, “I almost feel sorry for him.  He has no clue she went home with her next conquest.”


Davis texted Veronica once more with the same message: 
Where are you?  It’s time to go.

With no response, his patience had reached its limit.  While waiting for the valet to deliver his car, he tried calling this time. When she answered, she could hear the irritation in his voice.

“Where are you?” He growled. 

“Oh, it’s you.  Don’t wait for me.  I’ve left you for Alan.  He’ll be sending for my things.  Won’t you sweetie?” She deviously grinned to Alan before he buried his face in her neck.

Davis heard the commotion in the background, as she giggled in response to whomever she was with.

“What?  Where are you? Get back here.”

“I’m with Alan.”

“That computer geek?”  He asked a little too loudly.

Alan promptly took the phone and happily answered for her.

“This computer nerd makes more in a year than you’ll see in a lifetime, and it’s safe to say I’m taking your girl home.”

“What the? Veronica, you little …”  Davis heard her seductively giggle.

“Bye, Davis!”  She sang and hung up.

Davis balled his fists trying to refrain from throwing his phone.  He never regretted his relationship with her more until the valet pulled up in his Jaguar, which had been vandalized with a personal message.  He hung his head and let out a sigh, thinking this was one of the worst nights of his life.

Just then Paige and Nick sailed by hand in hand.  When they saw his car, they couldn’t help but laugh.  Paige tried to stifle hers, but couldn’t. 

“Yeah – laugh it up. I bet you’re loving this.”  He sneered at them.

She couldn’t withhold the joy that spread across her face.  She nodded and simply said, “Yeah, I am.  Turnabout is fair play.”

“See you, buddy.”  Nick saluted in his direction.  “Better luck next time.”  He stifled a grin and pulled Paige toward his truck as the valet driver pulled up.

“Nice truck.”  Davis grimaced at the old paint job, which looked like it had seen better days.

Nick happily helped Paige inside and responded by saying, “Yeah, it is.  And the best thing is that it’s seen more action from your ex-wife than your bedroom ever did.”

Nick saw the murderous look that crossed Davis’ face and hopped in his truck before he could reach him.  Davis almost had his hand on the door, when Nick drove off chuckling.

“You did not just say that!”  She belly laughed.  “You liar!”

“Yeah, but he doesn’t know that.”

As they drove off into the night, Paige never felt more free.

“Well - we may just have to make good on your bet.”

“Huh?”  As Nick’s head jerked toward her, he nearly swerved off the road.

“Find us someplace private.”  She seductively smiled from across the cab of his truck.

“You don’t have to ask me twice.”

“Technically, I just did.”

Nick grinned at the fire that danced in her eyes and thought there was nothing more he wanted than to share these sort of moments with her for the rest of his life. He slowed at the next turn and pulled onto a private country road, where no one could interrupt.

In thought, he quietly pulled away from the streets lights into the shadows and cut the engine letting his truck roll down toward a grassy knoll by the lake.  Once he parked under a tree, he self-consciously patted his jacket pocket making sure the ring was still in place thinking it might turn out to be the perfect moment after all.

Before he could even unbuckle his seatbelt, Paige slid across the seat, and asked, “Now where were we?”

As her hands slid up Nick’s chest, she expected spontaneous combustion.  After all, they’d been dating for months.  In her mind, it was the moment they’d been working toward since day one.   However, when she sensed his hesitation, she slowed to find his solemn dark eyes slowly studying her.

“Everything okay?” She softly drew back.

“Everything’s better than okay.” He softly pulled her by the hand and opened his door.  “Follow me.”

Curious, she silently obeyed without a clue to what he was up to until he grabbed a blanket from his truckbed and led her near the water.  She knowingly smiled, waiting for him to spread it out on the dewy grass.

Paige slid down to her knees and reached for him, but he softly pulled her back up with a nervous smile.  She cocked her head, completely at a loss, and anxiously laughed.

As the sounds of crickets and whip-poor-wills greeted them, Nick nervously reached into his pocket and pulled out a small turquoise box.  As he opened it, he dropped to one knee and cleared his throat.

Here goes.
He blew out a deep breath, unsure of how she’d respond.

“Paige, I’ve known my whole life that you were special.  Not many people get second chances in life when in comes to love, especially with someone they have such history.  What I’m saying is - I can’t see a future without you in it. You walked back into my life at a time when I’d given up on love.”  He slowly stood gauging her thoughts and slowly slipped the ring from the box, adding, “Would you please do me the honor? Because, I can’t picture mine or Katie’s life without you.  Spend the rest of your life with me.”

Stunned, she lifted a hand to her mouth unable to speak.  There were no words to tell him how she felt.  All she could do was nod.

“Is that a yes?”  He paused before sliding the ring on her finger.

She watched as the moonlight bounced off the diamonds that encrusted her engagement ring.  She blinked thinking this moment wasn’t real.

“Yes.”  Her hand shook, as took hers in his.

“Yeah?”  He let go of the breath he’d been holding unable to believe she was truly his.  Her eyes shined with unshed tears, and she nodded once more.  Nick instantaneously picked her up and spun her around letting out a whoop of joy, as her joyous laughter rang through the air.

She glanced at her left hand in awe. After finally freeing herself from the thought that she’d never wear one again – she couldn’t believe how much she’d missed such a simple yet unmistakable symbol. The weight of her new ring had a familiarity about it, but this time, it was Nick’s love that had put it there.  And the difference was palpable.

“I never thought …”  She stopped herself.

“What?”  He leaned in and pulled them down to finally sit.

“I never thought I’d go down this road again.  After,” she hesitated not wanting to ruin the moment with the mention of Davis  “When I got the divorce papers, I threw his ring into the Potomac.”

He almost choked.  “You did not!” 

“I did.  I was so angry.”  Her face broke out into a smile before it turned serious once more.   

“Remind me not to make you mad.”  He took her left hand in his and stroked it.  “This looks good on you.”

Their eyes locked as he stroked her palm.  Paige drew in a breath, feeling like she was suspended high above the earth.

Nick softly ran his hands through her hair. He thought she’d never looked more beautiful as the moonlight caressed the tips of her red hair.  It looked like she had sparks dancing through her locks.

“We’re getting married.”  She softly touched his mouth to hers.

“If that’s okay with you,” he said between kisses.

              “There’s nothing I want more.” 

“Oh, I can think of one more thing.”  He seductively laughed and ran his hands down her back.

“You just gave me an idea.” Her eyes gleamed.

“Oh, I have idea alright.”  He seductively smiled and coaxed her closer.

“No, another idea.  Although that is worth investigating.  Come on.”  She pulled him back to the truck and opened the door.  “Get in.”

“Where are we going?”  Confused he looked to the blanket they just left. 

“Trust me.” 

As they jumped in the cab of the truck, she flipped on the interior light and pulled out her phone.

“I think it’s time to take a selfie with my new ring,” she chuckled.

Nick watched the mischief that crossed her face and chuckled.

“Okay?”  He grinned.

“Say cheese.”  She held up her left hand as she took a photo of the two of them. 

“It looks good.”  He glanced at the finished product.  “You gonna send it to your family?”

“Oh, I’m going to do better than that.”  Her eyes lit up as she scrolled through her contacts for Arielle’s number.  She finally stopped on a contact that read, She-devil.  After sending her their photo with a few happy face and heart emojis, she turned the screen to show Nick, who blinked back his surprise.  His pause for concern was short lived as a belly laugh erupted from within.  He brought a fist up to his mouth to cover his fitful laughter.

“She’s gonna have a fit!”  His eyes twinkled with mischief.

“Oh, yeah.”  Paige’s eyes radiated the same sentiment as her fiance before sobering.  Her laughter died as she brought her lips to his.  “Now where were we?”  She whispered before turning out the dome light.

Chapter 30

2 months later


Nick scanned the expectant crowd and fidgeted with his tie, as he stood at the altar. He made eye contact with a few friendly faces, including some former teammates, and gave a small wave in their direction, which resulted in a small cheer.

His stomach was rolling with anticipation. Every minute he and Paige had spent together had been leading to this day, and he couldn’t wait to make her his wife. 

“You look good, Granger.”  Tyler leaned over and whispered in his ear.

“Thanks,” he sighed in response.  “I’ve done this before.  You wouldn’t think I’d be this nervous.”

Sam, who was his best man, chuckled at his response. “This time, make it stick, okay?” 

As if on cue, the music shifted.  As Train’s ‘Marry Me’ flooded the speakers, Nick looked toward the doors expectantly, as Maya, Skylar, and Katie sailed through with bouquets in hand. 

Katie slowly trailed the women helping Sam’s daughter, Stacy, with her flower girl duties. As she coached her how to toss rose petals along the walkway, the toddler quickly scampered to pick up every petal they threw to put back into her basket.  The crowd chuckled at Katie’s efforts as they were no use.  Stacy wanted to keep every flower she could find.

As Paige’s bridesmaids approached to take their respective places next to Sam and Tyler, Nick watched Skylar’s eyes bulge at Tyler’s arms as she curled her fingers around his bicep.  He shook his head and laughed to himself.  Even at his wedding, she was on the prowl. 

Katie quietly dropped the flower girl off with Mrs. Knight and returned to the altar.  Before taking her place next to Maya, on the other side of the aisle, she stopped momentarily to kiss her dad on the cheek, saying, “Wait till you see her.  She’s beautiful.”

“Trust me.  I’m ready.”

Although happy to see his family and friends, he wished he could hit the fast forward button on some eternal remote so that he could see his bride.

Sam watched Nick struggle to stand still as each bridesmaid trailed into place.  If Sam didn’t know any better, he’d swear his friend was in agony.

“You look like you’re getting ready to run.”  Sam snickered.

“Yeah, straight for those doors if she doesn’t come through them soon.”  He pulled at his collar.

Nick down the stage to his parents, who flew in for the wedding and smiled.  They both were beaming, happy to see that their son had finally found the one.  As mother and son exchanged a wordless moment of appreciation, the wedding march started flowing from the speakers behind him. 

As the congregation stood and turned the double doors, Nick’s gaze flew to find Paige standing in a vintage ivory gown.  She looked up from her bouquet and met his stare with a brilliant smile. When her eyes were linked with his,  it was as if every fiber of his being reverberated.  And with each step she took, he felt his heart pang harder from within. 

It was the most visceral response he’d experienced, seeing his future bride as was about to join him at the altar.  Every part of his skin felt like it was ablaze with desire.

““Wow,” he whispered in awe as soft light cascaded around her from the foyer.  She looked like an angel that had descended straight from heaven.

“Dude, you’re a lucky man.”  Tyler slapped him on the back, snapping him back to reality.

As Paige came down the aisle with her dad at her side, Nick couldn’t believe she was really his. He thought himself a permanent bachelor after his first marriage, unable to trust love until Paige walked back into his life.  She proved to him that second chances were for real, and he wanted nothing more than spend the rest of his life proving that to her.

  The rest of ceremony was a blur to them both. Once at the alter, all they could do was stare into one another’s eyes and wait for their first kiss as man and wife.

The second the pastor gave him permission, Nick slipped his arms around her slim frame and almost breathed her in, causing the church to hush in adoration. 

Paige pulled away, saying, “Now, that was a kiss.”

“Yeah.”  He smiled down at his wife.  He liked the sound of that.

After announcing the small gathering, the pastor started to lift his hand to release them to the reception, when Nick cleared his throat.

“Um, excuse me.”  He looked to the pastor, who handed him his mic.

Paige looked at him with confusion as he nervously shifted from one foot to the other.

Nick thanked the Pastor before saying, “I think Paige would agree with me when I say we’re really happy you’re all here with us.  And as you filter into the foyer, you’ll see an attendant with flyers. On them, you’ll find instructions to the reception.”

“Huh?” Paige looked at her husband like he was speaking a foreign language.

“Thank you, and we’ll see you very soon.”

As he handed the microphone back, the pastor lifted it up to his lips, saying, “Well, you heard the man.  Please make your way to the foyer, as the family stays behind for photos. We’ll see you momentarily at the reception.”

As Paige’s face filled with bewilderment, he held his breath.  He hoped his surprise wasn’t going to cost him his marriage before it even started.

“As of last night’s rehearsal dinner, we had our reception planned here, at the church.” She raised her eyebrows.  “What in the world is going on?”

He squeezed her hand, saying nothing in return.  He looked like he was about to jump off the high dive, not knowing if the water below would break his fall.

Katie smiled knowingly up to her dad, and winked to Paige, saying, “Trust me.  You’re going to love it.”

“I hope.”  Nick rubbed his hands together.

“Okay, do I change after pictures?”  She asked, fishing for any hints.  “Or  should I keep this fabulous dress on?”  She spun for effect.

“Keep it on.” He gulped. “Where we’re going – you’ll need it.”

“Really?”   Paige grimaced.  “Now I’m totally confused.”


After the photographer finished, the rest of their family quickly made their exit waving to the new couple on the way out the door.  Paige curiously watched the whole Knight clan quickly head for their cars. 

“Will anyone tell me what’s going on?”  She smiled sweetly to her new step-daughter, who had already claimed her heart.  She reached out to stroke the side of her face, and added, “Please?”

Katie only shook her head and said, “Nope, but I can’t wait for you to find out.  You’re going to be so happy.”  She reached up to kiss her stepmom’s cheek.

“How long has this been in the works?”  She looked to her new family, hoping one of them would break.

“Come on, Mrs. Granger.”  Nick pulled her close. 

As they left the church, Katie spotted Conner waiting in the parking lot.  She expectantly looked to her dad and lifted her shoulders. 

Nick’s brow furrowed.  Over the last few weeks, the two had been spending more time together than he’d like but at least with Conner on his team – he could keep an eye on him.  And he had to admit, he wasn’t a bad kid.

“Go ahead.”  He nodded toward Conner, who was perched on the hood of his car.

“Thanks, dad.  See you guys in a few.”  She leaned for a quick hug, before hurrying off to slide into the front seat of Conner’s car.

“She’s growing up.”  He grimaced. 

As they left, the pastor locked the church behind them and headed for his car, saying, “See you there, Nick.”
              “Thanks, Pastor.”  He nodded to him as he passed by.

Before they reached his truck, Paige put a firm hand on his arm. “I’m not taking one more step until you tell me where we’re going.”

Nick raised his brows and grinned. “You’re going to ruin the surprise.”  

She nervously laughed.  “I never liked surprises, but with you.  It seems you’re full of them.  And while I appreciate that, right now I need to know.”

He looked at the ground as he considered her words, and prayed the gamble he made would pay off.  If she didn’t approve, he had a lot of backtracking to do to make things right.

“Remember when I first kissed you at Tight Ends?  When Veronica was there?” He started for his truck once more to open her door.
              “How could I forget?”  She grinned at the memory, lifting her train and wrapping it around her waist.

“That night I was having a beer with Tyler, who told me to get in touch with our … my former coach.”

“And this affects our wedding, how?”  She laid a hand on the car door, pausing before attempting to lift her train inside.

Nick took a deep breath, took her hands in his, and closed his eyes.  When he finally opened them, she could see the promise they held within.

“He said Coach Gibbs was looking to make some changes.  I didn’t give it much thought as I’ve had my hands full here, in Granite.  So when I didn’t call, he reached out.  The morning you met Arielle on my porch?”

“Yes.” She frowned at the thought of his ex-wife practically naked in his doorway.

“Well, when you stopped by that’s where I was.  Coach called me into his office.”

“To play again?  I thought you had an injury.” She looked to his knee, concerned.

“No, not to play - to coach.”

“Really?”  Her eyebrows raised with surprise.

“To be his special teams coach.”

“Nick, that’s great!  Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I started to say something about it the night Arielle came to town, but then everything between us unraveled.  Then after we got back together, I didn’t know if I was going to take it.  So, there wasn't anything to tell.  Then, once you agreed to be my wife, I wanted to provide a better life for you.”

Touched by his sentiment, she covered her heart and said, “Nick, I don’t need anything but you and Katie.”

He lifted her chin for a kiss.  “I know.  But, I need to feel like I can provide, as your husband.  So, I took the job and with that came a pretty nice salary plus a signing bonus.  I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before.  I wanted to surprise you.”

She drew in a deep breath and nodded.  “You succeeded.  So, I can assume we’re leaving Granite?” “You succeeded.  So, I can assume we’re leaving Granite?”

Most of her was excited at the concept, but she’d gotten used to having her family and friends around.

He shrugged.  “Barely -  in fact, if you’ll allow me to help you in the truck, our new house is just outside town, where our reception and guests are waiting for us.”

“What? You’re kidding right?”  Her eyes filled with awe.

“Are you okay?”  Nick hoped her tears weren’t a sign of something worse.

She nodded her head, unable to speak. 

“So the tears?”

“Tears of joy,” she said, between her short breath.  “Thank you.”

He let out a sigh and helped lift both her and her dress in the truck.

“Maybe you should have changed.”  He pretended to groan, as he hoisted the bulk of the fabric inside.

She sent him a playful glare and pushed him away.

“I could have.  Why do I need to wear my dress home anyway?”

He liked that she called their house a home already.  He sent her a sexy grin, and said, “Because I want to carry my wife over the threshold.  And for that, you need to be in your dress.”  He shut the door and smiled at her through the windshield.  Once inside, he leaned over for a kiss, saying, “And then once the night is over, I want to take it off in our new bedroom.”

Paige’s heart raced at the thought. “Easy now. Apparently, we have a house full of guests.  There’s no telling how long they’ll stay.”

Nick grimaced.  “I should have planned that better.”

She laughed as he started the engine. “You’re just now figuring this out?”

He pulled to the edge of the parking lot, but before entering the main road he sent her a devilish grin.

“You don’t think I thought of that?  I called the caterer last week and canceled half our portions.  Once the food runs out, people won’t stick around.”

“You did not!”  She cracked up.

He nodded, and suddenly pulled to the side of the road.  He put in the truck in park and turned to face his wife. 

“In all seriousness, I want you all to myself.  So I

took a few steps to make sure things wouldn’t get in the way.”

“Like what?”  She blinked.

“Like putting Maya in charge of seeing Katie off at the airport tonight.  She’ll be at Arielle’s for the week.  And I put Tyler in charge of showing everyone out before nine p.m.”

“Nick!”  Paige feigned shock but was pleasantly surprised.  “You think of everything, don’t you?”

He peered at her from under his lids, and gazed deeply into her eyes saying, “I’ve thought of you since the day I met you, and I want nothing less to spend the rest of my life showing you how much you’re loved. I missed my chance to kiss you all those years ago, and I knew when you walked back into my life this year I wasn’t going to miss again.”

“I love you.” She kissed him, as a single tear escaped.

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