Second Chances (16 page)

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Authors: Kimberly McKay

BOOK: Second Chances
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Chapter 27


Paige wrapped her flannel sheets around her body, as dawn broke and filtered through her curtains, leaving just enough light to see the silhouettes of her furniture.   Running her hands through her hair, she sighed as the images from last night’s date rolled through her mind.  Stretching, she rolled over to check her clock, wondering if it was too early to text.

Being pursued was something completely foreign in Paige’s world.  As she’d never been the object of anyone’s desire, she wanted to see where things could lead but was torn.  They were both adults, who had been married, and she had waited a whole lifetime for this kind of chemistry. But she didn’t want to fall back on that as an excuse to give way to desire.  Her upbringing and her faith kept her from being blinded to the fact that they shouldn’t move too fast.   

Compatible or not, Katie’s phone call had been the perfect distraction - as she’d rather not wake up this morning with any regrets.  Suddenly, the recollection of Nick’s conversation quickly infiltrated the sleepy cobwebs that wound around the edges of her brain. Paige’s stomach lurched. 
Was Arielle here to see Katie, Nick, or both?

Her digital clock glowed, reading 6:45 a.m.  With a split second decision, she jumped in the shower and thought it couldn’t hurt to run a few errands and happen to be in the neighborhood by Nick’s house.



Arielle snuck up the steps toward the kitchen.  Katie was still asleep in the basement, and would most likely still be out for a while longer.  If she timed it just right, she might bump into Nick on his way out the door.

              She softly closed the door behind her and peeked around the corner, where Nick was predictably pouring himself a steaming cup of coffee.

              “I thought you’d be up.  Have enough for one more?”  She leaned against the doorway.

              “How’d you know?” 

              “We were married for ten years.  I know you well enough to remember that your need your coffee before seven or the whole world better watch out.”  She laughed and crossed her arms.

              Nick glanced up from his mug and turned his back to her.  She had slept in one of his old shirts.  Her long bare legs used to beckon to him in that shirt.  Nick blinked, clamped his lips together, and turned back around to face her.

              “Why are you really here?”  His eyes narrowed. 

              “I’m here to see Katie.”  She innocently blinked.

              “Really?  Because she’s downstairs.  And you’re up here, teasing me … in my shirt.”

              “It’s mine now.”  She raised her eyebrows and  seductively smiled, taking a step further into the kitchen.

“If I remember correctly you used to love me in this shirt.”

              “‘Used to’ are the operative words!”  He slammed his mug down on the counter, causing hot coffee to splatter across the back of his hand.  “Ouch!”  He lifted his hand to his mouth and sucked it.

              Arielle turned the cold water on, saying, “Come here.”

              Nick placed his hand under the cold stream and nudged her away. “Get back, please.”

              “Does it bother you for me to get close?”

              “No.”  He dried his hand off.  “It bothers me that you’re still trying to get under my skin when you made your choice a long time ago.  You left us, and I’ve moved on.  You’re married - and I’m in a relationship.”

“Well, things aren’t what I thought they would be with my marriage.”  She pouted, hoping he would sympathize.

Nick raised his eyebrow, fuming that she’d try to sneak back into their family after all she’d done.  “After Katie wakes up … take her to the Hilton and lock my house up when you leave.”

              Arielle watched him grab his keys and slam the door behind him.  She slunk onto the couch feeling defeated, wondering when she’d lost her seductive powers over him. That’s when she spotted his cell phone, which he’d accidentally left on the counter in his rush to leave.

              Instinctively, she reached for it and opened the door to remind him to take it, but all she could see was the tail end of his humble truck as it turned the corner.

“I always hated that truck,” she mumbled, shutting the door and putting his cell back in place. Almost simultaneously it dinged.  As she glanced down, she noticed an incoming text from Paige, which read:

‘Will you be there in about 30 mins?’

              Arielle deviously smiled. 
Nick won’t be here – but I will.

She sent a reply on Nick’s behalf and grinned while storing Paige’s number into her cell directory for future reference.

              Thirty minutes later, Paige pulled into Nick’s drive with a couple of hot coffees from the bakery in town.  She debated on getting half dozen bagels but didn’t know if it would send the wrong message.  Coffee was quick and easy – but bagels meant staying for breakfast.  Unsure of where she and Nick were, she figured coffee was the perfect offering. 

              As she put her car in park, she thought it odd that his truck wasn’t in the drive but discounted it, thinking it could have easily been in the garage.


Arielle checked her reflection, messing her hair up just enough to appear tousled.  She quickly undid a couple more buttons on her night shirt and shook it loose to lay over her shoulder.  She watched Paige approach the porch from the front window, and reached for the door knob.

              Paige shifted her keys and coffee to one hand to ring the doorbell, expecting Nick to answer.  When Arielle opened it, looking like she’d taken a few rolls in Nick’s bed - Paige sucked in a breathe.  Dread slowly descended, claiming every part of her - as her heart slowly tore in two.

              “Well, hi there.”  Arielle grinned, pulling what looked like one of Nick’s shirts up to cover her shoulder. 

              Paige blinked in reply.

              “You’re here for Nick?”  Arielle cocked her head.

              Paige pursed her mouth.  “Something tells me he’s busy.”

              She casually looked behind her.  “You could say that.  Did You bring us coffee?  How sweet.”  Arielle grinned.  “My Nicky’s friends are always the best.”

              Paige glared across the threshold wanting to smack the indulgent smile from her face. Her eyes darted behind Arielle hoping to catch a glance of Nick so she could toss a cup of coffee at him, but shoved them in Arielle’s hands instead.  She quickly raced down the steps toward her car, not wanting to give Arielle the satisfaction of seeing her cry. 

              It was happening again.  Why did the men in her life always choose someone else?  Why wasn’t she enough?  When was she going to be the one?


As Paige piled into her car and sped off, Arielle chuckled and shut the door only to turn and face her daughter.

              “Who was that?”  Katie appeared from the stairwell.

              “One of your dad’s friends brought us a treat.”  Arielle feigned innocence, and set the cups on the kitchen counter.  “Here ...  You’re old enough for coffee, right?”

              Katie cautiously nodded.  “Which friend?”

              “Paisley or something.”  Her mom lifted her eyebrow and sipped her cup.


              “Yeah, that’s it.”

Katie wanted to believe her mother took the high road, but something told her that her mom had just stuck her nose where it didn’t belong.  She slowly reached for her coffee and her phone and said, “I’m going to call her and thank her.”

              Arielle laid a hand on her daughter’s hand and pulled it from her phone.  “She said had a busy day.  I wouldn’t bother her right now. Besides …”  She nodded toward the bathroom.  “Your dad told us to get a hotel, and we need to leave before he gets back. Time to hit the showers, kiddo.”

              “Okay.”  Katie’s skeptical heart warmed once more.

              As soon as her daughter started for the bathroom, Arielle swiftly grabbed Nick’s phone to delete any text history with Paige. She set it back in place and started humming as she took another sip of her coffee.  She thought back to the look on Paige’s face and smirked, thinking one more step was needed.

She scrolled through the photos on her phone and found an old one of her and Nick after Katie was born.  She kept it as a reminder of how happy they used to be but never knew it would be so useful in this instance.  It was taken when were laying it bed, taking a selfie, while she was wearing the same nightshirt.

She chuckled as she texted the photo to Paige’s phone, thinking it would be the last that the sassy little redhead would darken her family’s door.  She then looked at her reflection in the foyer mirror and fixed her tousled hair, saying, “Knocked it out of the park.”

Chapter 28


“He did what?”  Natasha asked between reps.  She set her kettlebell down on the gym floor and finally understood why Paige’s eyes had been red and puffy all morning.

“You heard me.”  Paige squatted, and lifted her kettlebell.

“There has to be some mistake.  This is Nick we’re talking about.  He’s crazy about you.”  Natasha folded her arms in disbelief.  “I’ve seen how he looks at you.  It’s like…”  Natasha tried to formulate her thoughts.  “It’s like there’s never been anyone else.”

Paige finished her set and rolled her eyes.  “But there has been, and she married to him.  They have a child, Trish.”  Paige grunted and sat down on a stability ball.  “Maybe he realized how much he missed her or how much Katie needed her, and got caught up in it all.”

She looked to her friend’s incredulous look and withdrew her phone from her sports bra, saying, “I have proof.”  She stuck the photo from Arielle toward Natasha and raised her eyebrows.  “See?”

“No, uh huh.  I’m not buying it.  There has to be some explanation.  Has he given you his side?”

“How much proof do you need?”

“He looks like ten years younger in that photo!  It could have been taken at any time!”Natasha defended him.

“She was wearing the same shirt!”  Paige shook her head and reached for her bottled water.  After a sip, she closed her eyes and sighed.  “Nevermind - I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

“You haven’t talked to him, have you?”  Natasha pushed further.

Paige started for the locker room to grab her gear and ignored her friend’s question.  As Natasha trailed her, she asked once more.

“What did he say about it?”

Paige spun around and put her hands up as her eyes welled up for the hundredth time.  She’d cried enough over the last couple of days to fill the Potomac.

“Nothing – okay?  He said nothing.  He’s been calling, but I’ve not answered.” 

“What did his messages say?”
              “Hear for yourself.”  Paige tossed her cell toward her.

Natasha put it on speaker and touched one of the many voicemails she saw on the screen of her friend’s smartphone.  She wistfully smiled as she heard his frustrated voice saying, “Paige, this is Nick again.  I’m not sure what’s going on.  Why won’t you call me back?  I came to your house this morning.  You didn’t answer the door.  Are you okay?  Call me.”

Natasha shut off the phone and softly handed it back to her friend.  She bit her lip and shook her head at Paige.


“Paige, that doesn’t sound like a man, who has a guilty conscience.  That sounds like someone who has no clue what’s going on.  Call him.”

“I don’t know.  I knew getting involved with anyone was a bad idea.  I am not ready to be hurt again.”

Natasha gently reached for Paige’s arm, and said, “He’s not Davis - not even close.  Give him the benefit of the doubt.”

“I’m not sure if I can.” Her face twisted as she held back more tears.

“Okay.  You’re a big girl, but if you ask me you’re making a mistake.”

“I’m not asking you.”  Paige instantly regretted her words as a small frown flashed across Natasha’s face.  “I’m sorry, Nat.”

“It’s okay.”  Natasha waved her off.  “Change of subject.  Did you get your reunion reminder in the mail?”

Paige half laughed.  “That’s the last thing on my mind.  I haven’t RSVP’d nor was I planning on going.”

“You sound like my husband.  Jack won’t step foot into those sort of things, and I need a date.”

Paige exhaled, in complete agreement.  Taking a trip down memory lane wasn’t at the top of her list.  As she shoved her sweatshirt into her gym bag, she tossed it over her shoulder, saying, “I’ve got to run.  Thanks for working out with me today.  I needed it.” 

Natasha yelled after her friend.  “Remember what I said – about both of them.  Call Nick and the reunion is next month!”


Four days later, Paige finished her last shift at Tight Ends and turned in her apron to Linley with a huge smile, relieved that there was a silver lining in all of this.  She’d never have to see that smug, self-righteous face again.

“Good riddance,” she softly said to herself when she left Tinley’s office.  On her way through the back door, she gave Poppie a quick hug, thankful to be leaving painful memories behind her.

After only one shift, she quickly understood that working at Tight Ends was just a sad reminder of what she almost had and lost.  Since it was always meant to be a temporary position, she quickly resigned thinking that if anything her recent heartbreak gave her the motivation to find something that fit her lifestyle better.   

As she pulled her keys from her purse, she saw the interior of her bag light up from another missed call from Nick.  In anger, she shut off the phone, and pushed it further into an interior pocket, as if to push any thought of him from her mind. 

It’s not that she didn’t want to talk to him.  She just didn’t need another explanation of how someone else in her life had moved on to greener pastures.  She couldn’t handle a repeat of what she’d already experienced. 

Paige’s mind swirled with scenarios of how she would react if she saw them together.  No, she couldn't bare seeing the three of them dining as a family at Tight Ends.  It was better that she left now. A new job would lessen the chances of running into Nick and his rekindled love.


Nick saw her from across the parking lot, staring into her purse - oblivious to his presence as he leapt from the hood of his truck.  He ran his hand along his five o’clock shadow hoping she’d talk to him.  For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she was avoiding him.  He’d not slept in nights, running every scenario through his mind as to what could have happened.  Nothing came to light, except the timing of his ex-wife’s arrival.  Deep in his gut, he knew Arielle was at the root of it.  He just didn’t know how.

As Paige glanced up from her purse, she stopped in her tracks and drew in a sharp breath, unsure of what to say or how to avoid speaking to him.  She took a slow step forward only to soften when she saw the dark circles under his eyes.  He looked as miserable as she felt.

Nick saw the hesitation that crossed her face.  The only thing he wanted to do was wrap her in his arms, but at this point, he was unsure if she was open to it.

“Can we talk?”  He slowly advanced.

Paige shrugged and started for her car. 

He closed the gap and placed a hand on her car door, forcing her to face him.

“Why haven’t you returned my calls?”  He lowered his voice, scared of her answer.

Paige gave him a look of disbelief and turned back to her car, but Nick held his hand firm on the door leaving her no way to open it.

“Let me go,” she said between her teeth.

“Not until you answer my question.” 

As he leaned closer, the of fresh pine and pure male musk brought back the sting of what almost was.  She lowered her head unable to breathe, as the tears flowed down her face.

Nick’s heart lurched.  She was hurt, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why.  He gently turned her back to face him and wiped her face.

“Don’t.”  She turned her head.

“What did I do?”  His voice softened.

She turned back to him with steely eyes, and said, “Why don’t you ask your wife.” 

Her sharp glare sent shivers down his spine.  What had Arielle done this time? “I don’t understand.  What did she do?”

“Don’t you mean, what did you both do? Right after you dropped me off from our date?  On the very same night, you seemed to want me, you slept with her!”  Paige’s face was bright red with the fury that swept through her.

“What?”  Nick took a step back, shocked.  “We never!  I would never.  And she’s my
-wife.  And I am with you!”

Paige took a deep breath, confused.  She wanted to believe him, but she saw the proof with her very own eyes.

Nick watched the myriad of emotions that danced across her face and mentally backtracked. 

“Let me get this straight.”  He ran his hand through his hair and looked up at the sky.  “You think I slept with her.  Did Arielle say that?  And why would you believe her?  Tell me how this happened.”

Paige grimaced.  “Aren’t you a little too old to need that sort of thing explained.  I think you know how it happens.”

He squinted.  “You know what I mean.  Tell me how you jumped to that conclusion – because it couldn’t be farther from the truth.”

“Okay.”  Paige bit her lip and decided to let him tell his side.  “Why don’t you tell me what happened after you dropped me off and then the next morning.  I texted you – you knew I was coming over.”

It quickly dawned on him what might have transpired.  Instead of jumping ahead, he stayed the course giving her what she needed by filling in the blanks.

“I dropped you off and then went home to face Katie and Arielle.  I was angry that she showed up without any notice, but Katie was glowing.  She was so happy to see her mom.  It was late, and she begged me to let her stay.”

“Of course.”  She cut her eyes and crossed her arms.

“Let me finish.”  His soft eyes beckoned.  “Katie begged me to let her mom stay in the basement with her so that they could have a slumber party.  I told them both that Arielle needed to get a hotel, but Katie pleaded.  She was so happy, and against my better judgment - I gave in.”

Paige nodded.  It wasn’t ideal, but she could see where he didn’t want to disappoint his daughter. 

Seeing her eyes soften some, Nick continued.  “I agreed – with the condition that they get a hotel first thing in the morning. Then - Katie could spend the rest of the weekend with her mom somewhere other than under my roof.”

“And the next morning?”  She looked at her feet.

Nick lifted her chin and stroked her face.  “I left around seven that morning for a meeting, and then grabbed some gear from the locker room for Sam.  He and Conner were going to run drills.  You can call him to verify.”

“But your phone?  I texted you to let you know I was coming over, and you texted back.”

Nick slowly nodded.  “I left my phone at home.  I was in a rush to leave because Arielle was wearing one of my old shirts that she kept after the divorce. She woke up early, leaving Katie downstairs so she could test the waters with me.”

Paige’s eyebrows shot up.  “And?”

“And in my rush to leave, I reminded her to get a hotel and walked out the door … without my cell.”

“Then how do you explain this?”  She turned her phone on to scroll through her text messages.  As she shoved the picture Arielle had sent her in his face, he groaned and rubbed his hand across his jaw.

“That was taken while we were married.  She loved to take selfies.  I have no idea why she’d still have photos of us on her phone, but I guess in this instance it was used to hurt you.  I’m so sorry.”  He reached for her hand.

Paige looked to her feet once more, but this time with relief.  She recounted that morning, understanding things with a whole new perspective.

“So,” he sighed.  “Why don’t you tell me what happened the next morning after our date.”

Paige’s cheeks burned with embarrassment, knowing she’d thought the worst about Nick without giving him a chance to straighten things out.

“Why do you put up with me?”  She bit her lip and sheepishly looked into his loving eyes.

Nick didn’t hesitate to draw her in this time and slowly kiss her salty lips. 

Paige closed her eyes, grateful to have a grasp of just how lucky she was. 

“I thought I lost you.” Her voice was a raw whisper.

“Never.”  He encircled her waist.  “Now tell me what happened with Arielle.”

Paige dropped head to his chest.  “I feel so stupid.”

“You’re not stupid.  I’m the one who was stupid for letting her stay one night in my house.  I knew better.”

As Paige filled him in, anger coursed through his veins.  Arielle’s jealous streak had always been a sticking point in their marriage, but that was when she had a claim to him.  Now that that they were divorced, she had no right to stick her nose into his business.  And to top it off – she hurt Paige.  That was inexcusable.

“I’m going to throttle her,” he growled.

Paige shook her head.  “No harm was done.”

“No harm was done?  I haven’t slept in a week from worry.  You’ve been crying.”

Paige ducked her head.  “It wasn’t that bad.”

“Wasn’t that bad?”  Nick half-laughed.  “Did you know I got a call from your brother this week asking me what I did to you? He said your eyes were puffy, and you weren’t talking to the family.  He was about to ring my neck.”

Paige laughed.  “What in the world?”

“I’d say there was plenty of harm done.”
              “Well, now we know what to expect from her.”  She pushed her hands into the jeans, and slowly said,  “If you react, you’re only giving her what she wants.  If we go back to status-quo, that’s the best revenge we have.”

“I don’t want to go back to status-quo.”  He leaned forward and murmured in her ear.

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