Sealed In Lies (34 page)

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Authors: Kelly Abell

BOOK: Sealed In Lies
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Jack thought of the movie
Jerry McGuire
where Renee Zellweger told Tom Cruise, “You complete me.” That is exactly how it feels with me, Jack thought, when he saw Caroline standing at the bottom of the steps. The thought took him by surprise. He was falling in love with her. Well, shit, he thought, I really don’t need this right now. He walked up to her, took her into his arms and held her tightly.

Boy, you smell good,” he said.

She chuckled. “I’ll bet. I haven’t had a shower yet and you gave me quite a work out last night.” She nuzzled his neck and nipped at his earlobe.

Jack became aroused almost immediately. “You better stop that, or I won’t make it to the Keys until tomorrow.”

Okay by me,” she murmured against his neck.

He placed his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back. “I need to get going. I want to be there by nightfall and get started on this decoding. I hope Hutch can decode them,” then when he caught her narrowed gaze, “I know, I know, I’ll be careful. I know how to look for a trap, Caroline. I’ve been a Marine, a spy, and a hired gun. I think I will know if someone is stalking me.”

I still think it is a bad idea for you to go alone.”

I’ll stay alert. If I see anything suspicious I’ll not even get out of the car. I know Hutch very well. I, like you, am not convinced he’s not involved, but I know he wouldn’t betray another team member. If there was one SEAL I could count on to watch my back, it was Hutch. I feel it in my gut that he won’t betray me. But, if he does, I’ll be prepared.”

I hope you’re right, Jack. I never could have thought it possible that Warren could be part of a plot to kill Michael, but I saw it on those discs with my own eyes. Power can do strange things to a man.”

I can’t disagree with you there. I’ll be careful. In the meantime you keep those guns loaded and close by, keep the doors locked, and try to stay inside as much as possible. I can’t imagine why anyone would knock on the door, but if they do, don’t answer it unless you know it is me. Got it?”

Aye, aye, Captain.” Caroline saluted. “Call me when you get there, will you?”

I will.” He kissed her good bye and went down the steps, jumping gracefully over the broken riser. “I need to fix that when I get back.”

Caroline laughed. “Be careful, Jack, please.” The look she gave him seared straight into his soul. He didn’t think he would be too far off the mark by thinking that she loved him too, but he brushed the thought away. He didn’t dare hope to be so lucky. If they got out of this mess alive then he would think about having more.

Right now he was just happy that she shared his bed. It surprised him that he wanted more. No one had ever inspired him to want anything beyond casual sex before. He imagined himself married to Caroline with and having two or three kids running through a suburban house. He shook his head. He’d better slow down and reign in the raging hormones. He needed to make sure they survived this nightmare before he thought any further into the future.

He opened the car door and got in. The engine roared to life and he backed around and headed down the gravel driveway. He looked in the rear view mirror and saw Caroline waving from the porch. He really was not much of a religious man, but right then he prayed that she would be safe until he returned.

Jack had driven three hours before he called Hutch to let him know he was on his way. He punched the number into his cell phone.

Hello? Jack is that you?”

Yep, it’s me. Listen, I left yesterday and drove all day. I should be at your place in about seven hours. I’ll call you when I get to the island, and you can give me directions from there.” Jack was not about to let Hutch know his point of origin. It put Caroline at risk. This way he would arrive hours before Hutch was expecting him and it would give him a chance to scope out the fishing cabin.

Good Lord, Jack, why didn’t you just fly down with the new ID I sent you? Would have been a hell of a lot easier.”

Too many records. It’s better this way. I’ll call you later, okay?”

Whatever, man. I’ll be here.”

Jack disconnected. Something did not sit right in his gut with this trip and he couldn’t really put his finger on what it was. He was uneasy about leaving Caroline alone, but he had seen her with those guns. She’s good, he thought. It was probably the fact that he didn’t trust Hutch. It was just too weird that Hutch had known about the discs and that he’d seemed so anxious to help. Jack knew the risks he was taking but at this point he had no choice. He couldn’t decode the files and until he had some proof he could not go to the proper authorities and clear his name. It was a catch 22. He had no choice but to trust Hutch and see what happens. He patted the Glock holstered at his side for reassurance.

Hutch hung up the phone and re-dialed.


I need the Emperor.” If he didn’t do this quickly he wasn’t going to be able to do it at all. There was a silence on the other end of the line for a full two minutes.

This is the Emperor.”

How Hutch was beginning to hate that Middle Eastern accent.

Emperor? This is Hutch. Weaver just called. He’ll be at my place by midnight. What’s your plan?”

It’s probably best that you don’t know the plan. Let’s just say by dawn tomorrow our little problem with Jack Weaver will be resolved. You will be rewarded for all you are doing here, Hutch. Ileana will be proud.”

I’ve told you before, I’m not so sure of that. Why don’t you let me see what he knows and trust me to deal with the situation? I know Jack better than any of you. He trusts me. I can feed him false information when I decode the discs and he will realize he doesn’t have enough evidence to prove anything against you. I can arrange for him to go underground. Warren gets his wife back and you go on with your evil plot to destroy the U.S. Government.

Jack tried to save her, Mohammed. You know that. You are setting dogs loose on a man who tried to save your sister. Do you really think Ileana would be proud of that?”

Hutch could almost feel the Emperor’s temper singe him through the phone. The use of his given name would no doubt be the source of his anger but Hutch needed to get through to him that killing the one person who tried to save Ileana was not the right thing to do.

Don’t ever do that again, Armstrong.” The Emperor was angry, his voice tight with it. “You follow the plan as we agreed or you might find yourself in hell along with Jack Weaver.” The line disconnected.

Hutch looked at the phone he held in his large black hand. The receiver seemed distorted, like it was shrinking, disappearing into the palm that gripped it. He blinked and the tear that was the source of the distortion plopped onto his lap. He placed the phone on the small table and picked up the framed photograph of Ileana. It wasn’t the nice silver frame that Mohammed had, but it’s plastic was able to hold the image of his love just as efficiently.

His fingers brushed the glass gently. “I wish I could take back what happened to you ten years ago, Illy. I never should have gotten involved with you. It was dangerous from the start and I knew it. It’s my fault you died in that horrible room at the hands of that bastard. I hope that what I am doing will put an end to all this.

Your brother is so hell bent on avenging your death. He is so angry. I understand his grief because I feel it too, yet I am having trouble coming to grips with what he wants me to do. I am leading Jack straight into a trap. I think he suspects, but he will come anyway. I just need to decide what I’m going to do.”

Hutch, still holding the picture, walked out of the small room, out the front door, and sat down on the steps watching the dolphins leap and play in the sea. He liked talking to Ileana. It helped him think. He could still feel her presence when he talked to her. She gave him answers and helped him come to terms with her death. Most people would think he had lost his mind if they could see him talking to a picture but it soothed him. If that made him crazy then so be it.

Jack would be here within twelve hours and Hutch had that much time to make up his mind what he was going to do.

Chapter 38

Chuck paced the tiled floor of the entrance foyer nervously turning the CD he held in his hand. He had done exactly what the Senator asked him to do and he hoped that would be enough to keep the Senator from revealing his secret to his boss at the FBI or anyone else for that matter.

It was not easy fulfilling the Senator’s request. All the files he accessed were top-secret clearance and he did not have that clearance level. The amount of hacking it took was unbelievable. He was sure he would be discovered. He was pleased with the results though. He found information that no one knew about Jack Weaver except one other person in the FBI and that person was dead.

His sweaty palms dropped the disc and it clattered to the floor. He stooped and picked it up quickly. What was taking the Senator so long? He had been waiting at least a half hour. As if Senator Walters heard him, Chuck saw the man appear at the top of the stairs. Behind him emerged another man wearing a tight black t-shirt and black cargo pants. Must be a bodyguard, Chuck thought. He couldn’t imagine having someone follow him everywhere. He thought it would be annoying.

Chuck,” Warren Walters said descending the stairs. “I’m glad you were able to honor my request so quickly. What did you find out on your little quest?”

A lot, Senator. I think you’ll like what I found.” Chuck was nervous and his voice was high and tight. He cleared his throat in an effort to make it sound deeper. “I saved everything for you on this CD. It is the only copy I have, I didn’t save a backup, just like you requested.” That wasn’t true but Chuck didn’t see how the Senator would possibly know that.

Warren took the disc from Chuck and frowned down at it. He reached into his pocket to remove his handkerchief and wipe the dampness from the case. Chuck looked at the tile floor embarrassed.

Let’s see what you have put together for us, shall we?” Warren started back up the stairs motioning Chuck to follow. The bodyguard brought up the rear.

Chuck ogled the upstairs hallway as they passed through the landing to Warren’s office. He nearly gasped when the Senator opened the double doors leading into a room with rich walnut furniture and oak paneled walls. There were statues and paintings about the room that Chuck was sure he couldn’t buy even with ten years worth of salary. He was impressed and proud of himself that the Senator had chosen him for this important task.

Warren walked to his desk, also made of some dark wood that Chuck couldn’t identify, and placed the disc into the computer. While he was waiting for it to boot up, he looked at Chuck. “Would you like a drink, Chuck?”

Chuck sat on one of the wing back chairs, close to the fireplace. “Yeah, that’d be great. I’ll take a bourbon and water if you have it.” Chuck smiled. Wow, this was way cool, being asked to have drinks with the Senator. He couldn’t wait to tell all his friends.

Ron, fix the man a drink, would you please? I’ll also have my usual, if you don’t mind.” Warren smiled at Chuck over the slim monitor on his desk. He began tapping keys on a keyboard.

The huge man, Ron, walked to a small bar and mixed the drinks. He carried the Senator’s drink to him first and then handed Chuck one. Chuck crossed one leg over the other propping his foot on his knee and sat back in the leather chair. He sipped his drink and watched the Senator’s face across the monitor.

Well, Chuck,” Warren, said after a few minutes of scrolling through the information. “I would say you have outdone yourself here.”

Chuck stood up excitedly and walked over to Warren’s desk. He set his drink down on the desk suddenly and the bourbon sloshed out onto the blotter. Chuck quickly mopped it up with the sleeve of his shirt. “Sorry,” he said looking mildly embarrassed. “Did you see where I found out he has a sister in the FBI? That was buried so deep I practically had to mine for it. They must not have wanted anyone to know they were related. There is nothing about her in his personnel files or any of the documents that you can get to on the first level of security. I had to break into the Top Security database to get that stuff.

She has a farm down in Florida and I just bet you she’s letting him live there while he’s hiding out. It’s in a small town called Plant City. I mapped it out for you and everything.”

Warren was facing the monitor with Chuck at his back. He seemed to be listening intently. Suddenly Chuck stumbled and bumped into the back of the Senator’s chair. “Scuse me,” he slurred. “Thash weird, I feel funny.” Chuck stumbled against the desk again and nearly fell except for grabbing the corner of the desk to steady himself. He stared at Warren and shook his head. There were two Senator Walters sitting in desk chairs side by side. Fear began to snake through his belly and up his spine. He looked at the drink on the Senator’s desk that he spilled earlier. Then he looked at the Senator’s untouched glass next to his.

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