Sealed In Lies (31 page)

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Authors: Kelly Abell

BOOK: Sealed In Lies
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The physical attraction had been strong between them since she saw him in Warren’s study that night. It scared her. Not so much the fact that she wanted him, but after all she’d endured at Warren’s hand was she even capable of having a normal sexual encounter with another man? She warred with the fear, praying Warren hadn’t ruined that part of her life.

Time seemed to stand still as they stood at that kitchen counter. The clock on the wall clicked audibly as the seconds passed. Caroline could sense the tension mounting in the room and she thought, what the hell? I’ve certainly got nothing to lose, but she had to get one thing straight in her mind first. She took another step toward him and looked up at him with soulful green eyes.

Are you sure there is no other woman?” she said softly.

His eyes grew dark with passion and he moved toward her but didn’t touch her. “Yes, I’m sure. I haven’t been with a woman I cared about in a very long time. Caroline,” he paused. “Are you sure you want this?”

She swallowed, stepped up to him and placed both hands lightly on his bare chest. “I’m not sure I’m any good at this,” she said shyly. “I’ve never really had much of an opportunity to participate on my own. Warren was always so…” she trailed off.

He lifted her chin so she was looking at him with those wide green eyes. “Let me show you how it’s supposed to be.”

He leaned down and captured her mouth with his. Like their first kiss, he started out slow and light. He brushed his lips softly against hers and waited for her to invite him in. When she did and their tongues touched, it was magic. He put his arms around her and drew her into him, her warm body touching his. They were a perfect fit.

She melted against him drinking in all she could. She couldn’t remember a time when she had felt so many sensations all at once. Liquid warmth started in the pit of her belly and moved downward. Her arms slid up and around his neck and she just knew he must be able to feel her heart hammering against his.

His hands moved from her back down her sides, his thumbs caressing the inside of each breast, ending on her hips. He gently broke free from the kiss and looked into her eyes. “You are so beautiful, Caroline.”

I feel beautiful.” She whispered. “Love me, Jack.”

He didn’t hesitate. He kissed her again and his hands slid under her t-shirt, caressing each soft mound. His fingers played with the soft fabric of the exercise bra she’d bought earlier that day. Caroline thought her entire body must certainly be on fire. Her skin burned where his fingers traced circular patterns. When he ran his thumbs slightly over her nipples they sprang to attention against the thin fabric and she moaned in his mouth.

He tugged at the tail of the t-shirt, on his way up her body he grabbed the edges of the bra, and pulled both garments over her head. She watched him stare at her perfectly formed breasts. They were flushed with his caresses and her eyes widened when he brought his mouth down, capturing first one then the other, tugging gently at the dark erect nipples with his teeth.

Caroline just knew that within seconds, if she didn’t outright vaporize, she would at the very least melt into a liquid puddle of mush. Her skin tingled everywhere he touched her with his mouth and his hands. Before she knew what was happening, he had removed her jeans and her panties. He was touching her places and giving her sensations that she had never experienced with Warren. Jack was gentle where Warren was always selfish and rough. He had never cared about giving her the pleasure Jack was bestowing on her now.

Caroline gasped aloud when Jack found her center with his slick wet fingers. “Oh God, Jack.” She groaned. She immediately spread her legs wider as his fingers explored her very depths. If he didn’t support her soon she was going to collapse on the floor.

He must have sensed her weakened state because he picked her up in his arms and carried her upstairs to the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and Caroline watched enthralled as he undressed. This type of slow methodical foreplay was foreign to her. She was used to being entered right away, sometimes before she was even ready. Never had she felt so primed and ready for love. Jack was so beautiful. She couldn’t wait to see all of his glorious body.

He peeled off his jeans and Caroline drew a quick intake of breath at the absence of his underwear but she didn’t complain. He was magnificent. He smiled at her and Caroline thought she would turn into a puddle of jelly on the sheets. He had the sexiest smile. She patted the mattress lightly and he joined her on the bed. He began stroking her body in all the right places. With each sweep of his calloused fingers against her soft warm skin, sensations shot along her nerve endings and seemed to center right at her core. She couldn’t take much more of this. She had to have him, had to taste him all over.

Caroline rolled over and kissed Jack. She captured his face between her hands and kissed him deeply. She wanted to give as much pleasure as she was getting. She wanted him to feel like she did right now so she spread her kisses down his face, his neck, his chest and reached for him with her hands. It was his turn to gasp now as she massaged his swollen penis. She stroked him slowly and provocatively, moving down between his legs. When she added her tongue to her stroking hands, Jack went rigid.

He grabbed her hands. “You better stop that, right now,” he growled.

Caroline laughed a low throaty laugh. “Oh, I don’t think so, Mr. Weaver. I’m just getting started.”

Jack sat up and pulled her into his lap. She straddled him easily. He kissed her throat, and nipped again at her breasts.

Love me, Jack. I want you to love me now.”

He did. He rolled her slowly onto her back. She spread her legs for him and he entered her slowly. She was afraid at first; afraid she wouldn’t be able to hold all of him. She felt him tease her at first, then slowly inch by delicious inch, he began to fill her. She felt herself stretch but when he touched her center she rose automatically to let him all the way in. The sensation of him was so powerful but she didn’t fear him like she had Warren. This was sweet, it was right, somehow.

He began to move inside her. She easily matched his rhythm. Stroke for stroke she rose to meet him, taking him deeper inside. She was soaring. Colors and lights exploded around her as she came. She felt him shudder and she knew he’d joined her. They both went over the edge together.

Caroline stirred performing a feline stretch on the bed. She felt so sated. Never in her life had sex been this hot or gratifying. With Warren, she couldn’t wait for it to be over. He was so rough and never gave a thought to what would please her. With Jack, it was so different. He actually seemed to care about her desires and because of that, they mutually enjoyed the experience. She rose on one elbow and found him staring up at her.

What?” He grinned.

You, that’s what,” She stroked her fingers over the triangle of hair on his chest.

What’d I do?”

Blew my mind, that’s what you did.” Caroline smiled.

Jack stretched his long legs and put his arms over his head. “You did your own share of mind blowing there, little missy.” He took his forefinger and tapped it against his cheek signaling her to kiss him. She obliged.

Suddenly Jack sat up in bed, banging his head into hers. “Shit!” he exclaimed.

Rubbing her jaw she said, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Caroline, I didn’t use a condom.”

Caroline faked a look of alarm. “You don’t have HIV do you?”

No, of course not, but what if you get pregnant?”

Take it easy, cowboy, I’m on the pill. Have been for years. I didn’t want to have children with Warren because of the abuse so I stayed on the pill even when he thought I wasn’t taking it anymore. I couldn’t stand the thought of us bringing children into that God forsaken farce of a marriage. What if he hurt them to?”

Jack let out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Okay. It’s just that I don’t want, I mean…Ah shit, I don’t know how to say it without it sounding like a self-centered bastard.”

Caroline smiled. “It’s okay, Jack. Really.”

No regrets?” He captured her chin in his fingers.

She wrapped her arms around him and straddled him. “None, whatsoever.”

He kissed her long and deep. She kissed him back.

They made love two more times that night then slept like babies, all computer programs, boogie men, and monsters under the bed completely forgotten.

Chapter 34

The Senator stared at him as he sat across the desk from him. Chuck didn’t like Warren Walters and he was nervous. He twisted a lanyard in his hands and his FBI identification badge twirled around like a pinwheel. He had no idea why he’d been summoned to this grand office in the Senate building.

Chuck was thin with hair the color of walnuts. It was curly and hung below his ears and over the collar of the Budweiser t-shirt he wore. The t-shirt was something he grabbed off the floor of his bedroom this morning on his way into work because he never anticipated being called into a meeting like this. He wished now he had taken the time to put on khakis, a polo shirt, and loafers, instead of the t-shirt, jeans and sneakers he had chosen to wear to day. His high forehead was breaking out with beads of sweat and he unconsciously began to rub the bridge of his crooked nose with a clammy thumb and forefinger. Why didn’t the man say anything? Was he just going to have to sit here under the scrutiny of those chilling blue eyes?

Warren steepled his fingers and said, “Chuck, you work in the tech department of the FBI don’t you?”

Yes sir.” He shifted uncomfortably in the leather chair and it made a farting sound. Chuck blushed uncontrollably.

Warren ignored the noise. “I hear you are one of the best computer techs we have. I’ve been told by your superiors that you know your way around the inside of computer systems like no one else. Is that true?”

That’s true,” Chuck said warily.

Good,” Warren rose and came around the desk to sit in the chair next to Chuck. “I need you to a little snooping for me.”

Uh oh this didn’t sound good. “Snooping, Sir?”

Yes, snooping. I’m sure you’ve heard about all this business with Jack Weaver and the fact that he has taken my wife hostage?”

Boy, had he, Chuck thought. It was all over town how Jack Weaver, one of the most elite agents in the CIA had killed Kent Larson, the Deputy Director, and kidnapped the Senator’s wife. His fear began to turn into excitement. This was going to be good. He cleared his throat. “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry about your wife.”

Thank you, Chuck.” He leaned forward in the chair his elbows braced on his knees. “Here is what I need from you. I want an entire dossier on Jack Weaver. I want you to dig into every nook and cranny of his life. I want to know where he was born, who his mother was, when he said his first word, and when he took his first shit. I want no stone unturned.”

Well, I beg your pardon, Sir, but doesn’t the CIA have all that information on file? Why do you need me to do what they have already done?”

I want you to find what they didn’t. Everyone has secrets, Chuck. For example, I know about those little parties you have with your buddies down by the river.” He smiled at Chuck’s sharp intake of breath. “Now, now don’t get all excited. No one else has to know about what goes on there but you, me and the little boys you drag down there. That is as long as you do what I ask.”

How does he know about that? Chuck squirmed visibly in the chair. Every bit of tension that ebbed away minutes before came rushing back. Chuck swallowed forcing the bile back down his throat. How did he handle this? Did he try to act coy and pretend the Senator was mistaken or did he own up to it? Chuck looked into the Senators face and the coldness he saw in those crystal blue eyes made the decision for him. “When do you need the information?”

Warren sat back in the chair and crossed his legs. He straightened the crease in his Armani suit pants. “I want everything you know by tomorrow afternoon. I am particularly interested in any siblings he might have. I’ve heard a rumor that he has a sister in the FBI. See if you can find out who she is. I’ve no doubt he has contacted her and it might help me find him once I can speak to her.”

Chuck rose and wiped sweaty palms on his jeans. Warren rose with him and ignored Chuck’s outstretched hand. He walked around the desk and dismissed Chuck with a wave. Chuck scuttled from the room and let out a sigh of relief as the door closed behind him. He went straight to the bathroom and promptly lost his breakfast in the first stall he came to. How did anyone know about his trips to the park? He had been so discrete and beyond careful. He ran water in the sink and splashed it on his face. He would just have to hope the Senator was true to his word.

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