Sea of Slaughter (61 page)

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Dorset culture, 435

harbour seal (dotar)

double-crested cormorant, 51

dovekie, 15

dowitcher, 84

ducks, 4, 34, 56, 91–97, 515.
See also
eider duck

Du Creux, François, 233

Dudley, Paul, 281

dugong, 232

dunlin, 84

Durham, Floyd, 305

Eagle River, 121–23, 226

eagles, 104–5, 515

eastern buffalo, 167, 170–74

eastern elk, 174

East Siberian Sea, 408

, 361

Edwards, Everett, 272

egging, 31–34, 38–39, 77, 79–80, 96–97

egret, 98

eider duck, 4, 34, 36–37, 96, 427

Eldey Island, 41–43

elk, 45, 172

Ellesmere Island, 131, 405

Elliott, John, 198–201

Elton, C.S., 139–40, 143

Englee, 436

English, 35

and buffalo, 169–71

and fishing, 207–9, 225–68

and seal hunt, 411, 443–49, 495, 501–3

and walrus, 393–95, 404

and whaling, 280, 295–97, 301–2, 311, 332, 404, 458–59

English Channel, 380, 393

The English Pilot
, 39

environmental movement.

Environment Canada.
See also
Department of Fisheries and Oceans

and seal hunt, 479–81, 485–92

seal killing by, 420–33, 494

and whaling, 340

, 453, 460

ermine weasel, 125, 150

Eskimo curlew, 14, 61–74, 88


seal products market in, 490, 492–96, 500

walrus in, 379–82

whale products market in, 260–61, 364, 365

whales in, 260, 367–68

European Economic Community (EEC), 490, 493–95, 500–501, 505, 508

Europeans, 30, 118, 127.
See also
specific nations

on Atlantic seaboard, 8, 15, 45–46, 409–12, 440

in cod fishery, 211

and seal hunt, 414, 440–43, 472, 490, 493–96

and walrus, 381–82, 390

and wolf, 194–96

and wolverine, 158–60

Europgroup for Animal Welfare, 495

Exploits Bay, 153

exploration, 23, 130–31

explosives, 196

in whaling, 271–72, 275–76, 278, 303–6, 312, 313, 518–19

factory ships

in fishing, 211, 215

in whaling, 279, 328–29, 331, 365

Faeroe Islands, 362, 380

Fagundes, João Alvares, 386, 390–92

Falkland Islands, 274, 326

Farley, Frank, 111

feather hunting, 34, 36–39, 52, 92, 93, 96–97, 102

Ferdinando, Simon, 171

fin whale, 4, 308, 309, 319, 334–36

extermination of, 314, 324, 332, 337–43

killing of, 321–24

as oil source, 330

survival of, 335–37

See also

and buffalo, 171–73

and cougars, 180

and grizzly bear, 144

and ice seals, 440, 443, 455, 465, 468, 473

and porpoises, 346

and seals, 421, 426–27, 450–51, 461, 476, 520

and walrus, 400, 402, 405

and whales, 354–55, 518

First International Scientific Meeting on the Polar Bear, 132

fish, 216, 223–24.
See also
salt fish;
specific species

as seal food, 424–25, 487

uses of, 217–22, 518

pekan (fisher); sea mink (fisher)

Fisher, Dean, 408, 420

Fisheries Council of Canada, 508

Fisheries Products Limited, 339

Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 425

fishermen, 245–47, 342, 432

and endangered species, 35, 117–19, 152, 153, 234–35

commercial fishing; fishing boats; net fishing; sport fishing

fishing boats.
See also

deep-sea freezer vessels, 241

draggers, 211, 213–14, 215

long-liners, 242, 244

purse seiners, 241, 242, 243

trawlers, 211–13, 214, 242–43

fish oil.
train oil

flatfish, 215–16, 517

Florida, 28, 181

flounder, 206, 215–16

Flowers Cove, 26

Fogo Island, 38, 443

Food and Agriculture Organization, 482

Forbush, Edward, 88

forest industry, 106, 155–56, 514

Fort Chimo, 141–43

Fort Nascapie, 141

Fort Nelson, 197–98

Fortune Bay, 26

Foundation for North American Sheep, 199

Foxe Basin, 284, 290

foxes, 19, 189–91

Foyn, Svend, 312–14

Franz Joseph Land, 290, 404

French, 29–31, 120, 162, 180, 440

and buffalo, 168–69, 170–71

and cod, 207, 209, 255

fishing by, 223–25, 234–35, 296–99

in Gulf of St. Lawrence, 21–22, 392–96

and seal hunt, 412–13, 429, 440–43, 495

and walrus, 386–88

and whales, 261, 350–52

Freydis Eriksdottir, 434

Friends of the Earth, 495

fulmars, 15, 47

Funk Island, 22–23, 24, 25, 32, 35–40, 42–43, 115

fur trade, 150–57, 159–63, 185, 189–90, 516.
See also

and bears, 120, 128–29, 131, 133–34, 139–45, 147

and buffalo, 168–69, 170–72, 174–75

Gama, Vasco da, 166

game birds, 84, 102–4, 515–16

Gannet Rock, 17

gannets, 5, 15, 18, 49–50

extermination of, 32, 46

Gaspé, 5, 148, 155, 181–82

gaspereau (alewife), 218

geese, 5, 91–95, 515

George River, 141, 142, 143

Germany, 197, 235, 328, 472

Gilbert, Humphrey, 30, 161, 170, 207, 233, 411

Globe and Mail
, 431, 503

Godbout River, 103, 223–24

godwit, 78–79

golden eagle, 104

golden plover, 88–90

Goldsmith, Oliver, 404

Goodman, Dan, 431

See also
specific provinces and countries

and bears, 132, 145, 148

and buffalo, 174

and commercial fishing, 212–16, 221–23

and fur trade, 157, 185

and natural resource industries, 211–17, 252–54

pesticide use by, 156–59, 230

and seabirds, 39, 51, 56, 59

and seal hunt, 428–29, 465–66, 471–73, 475–76, 478–81, 487, 492–95, 504–5, 507–8

and seals, 419–33

and whaling, 306, 333, 339–42, 354–57

and wolves, 197–98

, 207

orca (killer whale)

Grand Banks

fish on, 205–15, 221–22, 461

seabirds on, 15, 38–39

whales on, 203–84

Grand Manan Islands, 27, 346

Gray, David, 361

great auk, 14, 15–44

extermination of, 17, 36–39

native cultures and, 18–20

rookeries of, 22–28, 29–35

as scapegoat, 41, 42–43

great blue heron, 99, 101, 407

Great Britain.
English; Scotland

great cormorant, 47, 51

greater yellowlegs, 86

great grey owl, 105

Greeb, William, 177

Green Island, 26


fishing in, 55, 230

hunting in, 54, 405

seal hunt in, 450, 463–64, 465, 521

walrus in, 310, 404, 405

whaling in, 302, 306, 357, 362

white bear in, 114–15, 129–32, 133

Greenland Sea

ice seals in, 436, 458

whales in, 295–97, 301–2

Greenpeace, 485, 495, 502, 509

Gregory Island, 26

grenadier fish (rat-tail), 215

Grenfell, Wilfred, 454, 457

grey seal (horsehead), 161, 376, 408–31, 440

extermination of, 417, 420–23, 432–33, 486, 494, 511

killing of, 412, 416, 426–27

as scapegoat, 423–26

survival of, 519–20

white bear and, 119, 125

grey whale (otta sotta), 259–60, 269, 270, 277–87, 311

extermination of, 260, 285–87, 326

migration of, 259–60, 277–78, 282–86

grey wolf, 191, 194

Gridley, Col., 401–2

grizzly bear, 136–45

groundfish, 206, 212–13, 215, 216, 222

grouse, 102

Grzimek, Bernard, 472

guillemot, 34, 52–53

Gulf of Bothnia, 114

Gulf of Maine, 5, 27, 54, 101, 117, 245, 282

Gulf of Mexico, 28, 80, 167, 169, 179, 240, 263, 284, 306

Gulf of St. Lawrence, 4–6, 57, 389–91, 435

beluga whales in, 350–53, 356–57

birds in, 26, 27–34, 36, 80, 99

cod in, 208, 209, 390

fish in, 205, 219–21, 226, 229, 389, 390

fishing industry in, 13, 214, 221

grey seals in, 390, 410–11, 413–16

ice seals in, 436–39, 456

porpoises in, 345–47

seal hunt in, 464–65, 491–92, 520

walrus in, 389–403

whales in, 261, 262, 264, 284, 290–91, 319, 343, 390

whaling in, 269, 271, 286, 291–93, 297, 311

white bear in, 116–17, 119–20, 128

gulls, 18, 34, 52


Gunson, John, 202

habitat destruction

of birds, 52, 57–58, 80–81, 93, 515

of fish, 219, 227, 228–29, 236, 248

of fur-bearing animals, 152, 154

of grizzly bear, 145

of whales, 278, 306

haddock, 210, 213–14, 244, 517

hake, 517

Hakluyt, Richard, 23, 116, 171, 393

Haldiman, Lieut., 397–98, 400–402

Haliburton, Thomas, 416

halibut, 6, 205, 215, 218, 517

Hamilton Inlet, 142, 190, 417, 442, 445

harbour porpoise, 344–45, 349

harbour seal (dotar), 376, 408–11, 414, 417–20

extermination of, 425–26, 486, 494

as scapegoat, 417–20, 426–27

white bear and, 119, 125

harlequin duck, 95

Harp and Hood Seal Protocol, 481

Harper, Francis, 144

Harpoon Cape, 264

harpoons, 259, 283

explosive, 271–72, 312–13, 315, 319, 332, 334, 338, 361–63, 518

harp seal, 6, 119, 338, 376, 409, 416, 421, 436–53.
See also
beaters; bedlamers; ice seals; raggedy-jackets; whitecoats

extermination of, 417, 429, 450–52, 511

killing of, 442, 447–49

migration of, 436–37, 440, 442

on moulting patches, 439–40, 450, 464

as scapegoat, 425

skin of, 439, 443

as source of oil, 440, 443

on whelping patches, 438–39, 444–49, 452, 456–61, 465, 479, 492

Hawkes Harbour, 322, 337n

hawks, 104, 105, 111

Hayes, Edward, 30

heath hen, 102–3

Henry III of England, 114–15

Henry IV of France, 386, 388

Henry VII of England, 183

herbicides, 105, 106, 515

Herjolfsson, Bjarni, 380

Hermitage Bay, 312, 314, 321

herons, 98, 99–100, 407

herring, 36, 209, 218–21, 517

as whale food, 308, 334, 335, 352

herring gull, 52

Higginson, Francis, 179, 249

History of Nantucket
(Macy), 286

Holland, 285–86, 295–97, 299, 332, 458

Holt, Sydney, 511–12

hood seal, 119, 376, 409, 416, 454–57.
See also
bluebacks; ice seals

extermination of, 429, 455–56, 511

as scapegoat, 425

survival of, 500n

on whelping patches, 454, 456–61, 464, 479

, 394–95

Hore, Master, 23–24, 99, 116

grey seal (horsehead)

horses, wild, 369, 373

Horwood, Harold, 142, 253, 331, 455, 465

Hudson, Henry, 295

Hudson, W.H., 89

Hudson Bay, 111, 403

lowlands of, 127, 134

whales in, 284, 287–91, 302–4, 354–56

Hudsonian curlew.

Hudsonian godwit, 78–79

Hudson River, 171, 239

Hudson's Bay Company, 64, 140–42, 303, 354

Hughes, Tom, 477

Humane Society, 471, 474, 477, 496

humpback whale, 271, 309–12, 330, 337, 343

extermination of, 324, 326

killing of, 310–11, 321

protection of, 339, 341n

Hunter, Martin, 142

hunting, 120, 128–29, 194.
See also
commercial hunting; poaching; sport hunting;
specific animals

of birds, 51, 53–54, 81–82

Hut Island, 422

ibises, 98, 99

Iceland, 41–43, 114, 261, 284, 331n, 362, 381

ice seals, 376.
See also
harp seal; hood seal; whitecoats

extermination of, 458–60, 463–65, 469–70, 475–76, 487–92, 496, 499–500, 520–21

killing of, 460, 467–69, 477, 482–85

Île aux Coudres, 233, 351, 353, 396

Île des Démons, 116–17

Île Madame, 392

India, 166

Indian Ocean, 273, 326

Ingram, David, 28, 117, 169–70


International Commission for the North Atlantic Fishery (ICNAF), 475–76, 479, 481–82, 489, 490.
See also
North Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)

International Convention on Trade in Endangered Species, 428

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 425

International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), 479, 483, 490, 495, 501–4, 512

violence towards, 497, 506, 509

International Whaling Commission, 233, 275, 279, 339, 342, 364, 519

Inuit, 160, 187, 194, 441

and birds, 20, 60–61

and caribou, 143, 194

and grizzly bear, 139, 143–44

as sealers, 441, 450

and walrus, 404–5

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