Sea of Slaughter (60 page)

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Authors: Farley Mowat

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Warburton, A.B. “The Sea-Cow Fishery.”
3 (1902): 116–19.

Waters, J.H., and C.E. Ray. “The Former Range of the Sea Mink.”
Journal of Mammalogy
42: 380–83.

Whitbourne, Richard.
A Discourse and Discovery of New-Found-Land
... London: 1620.

Williamson, C.R.
The Bluefin Tuna in Newfoundland Waters.
St. John's: Newfoundland Tourist Office, 1962.

Wood, Thomas, and Stanley A. Munroe.
Dynamics of Snowshoe Hare Populations in the Maritime Provinces of Canada.
Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Papers 30. Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1977.


Numbers refer to pages in the print edition

aboriginal cultures, 170–71, 188, 392, 435–36, 441.
See also
specific peoples

and bears, 117, 120, 137, 139–45, 147

and buffalo, 167–71

and fur-bearing animals, 151, 153, 158, 159, 160, 180

and great auk, 17–21, 28

and marine animals, 223, 246, 346, 395

in New England, 28, 282–83, 286

in Newfoundland, 17–21, 188, 196

and seals, 410–11, 413, 435

U.S. government and, 174, 176–77

and whales, 282–83, 286, 304–6, 351

Advisory Committee on Seals and Sealing (COSS), 480, 489

agriculture, 137, 192, 194, 515

Alaska, 128, 132–33, 202, 305–6, 406, 518

Alberta, 147, 202

Aleut people, 305

alewife (gaspereau), 218

Algonkian people, 282–83, 286

ambergris, 270

Anderson, R.M., 139–40

Ango, Jean, 386

Animal Protection Institute of America, 496

animal welfare organizations, 495, 496–97, 512, 514.
See also
specific organizations

anti-whaling, 275

and seal hunt, 471–72, 475–77, 490, 509

Animated Nature
(Goldsmith), 404

Antarctic Ocean, 327–28, 332, 365

Anticosti Island, 396

bears on, 120, 146

fur-bearing animals on, 151–52, 156

Arctic, 130–31, 190–91

seal hunt in, 450, 458, 521

walrus in, 403–6

whales in, 292, 295–305, 350, 352, 357–58, 458

Arctic and Antarctic Institute, 379

Arctic Explorer
, 483

Arctic Fisheries, 364

Arctic fox.
white fox

Arctic hare, 184

Arctic right whale.
bowhead whale

Arctic tern, 32, 52

Argentina, 60, 68, 73, 78, 85, 89, 328

Argoll, Samuel, 171

Artek, 470–71, 473

Atlantic Ocean.
North Atlantic Ocean; South Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Provinces, 146, 155–56, 183, 504.
See also
specific provinces

Atlantic puffin, 54

Atlantic salmon, 213–31, 347

extermination of, 228–30, 253, 418–19, 517

Audubon, John James, 49, 63, 80, 88, 94

on egging, 32–34

on great auk, 14, 28

auks, 15, 52.
See also
great auk

Baffin Bay, 229–30, 302–4

Baggs, Arthur, 334–35

Baie Chaleur, 227, 352, 390–91

Baie St-Paul, 233

Bailey, H.H., 80

baitfishes, 212, 218–22, 517

Balaena, 314–15, 334

bald eagle, 104–5, 515

baleen, 297–301

of black right whale, 260, 262–63, 268

of blue whale, 319

of bowhead whale, 289–90

Baltic Sea, 114, 380

Banff National Park, 149

Banfield, A.W.F., 140, 292, 352

Banks, Joseph, 120–21, 161–64, 298–99

Barents Sea, 290, 381, 406

basking shark, 4, 244–45

Basques, 390, 440

and great auk, 26, 29

and grey whale, 280–81, 284–85, 287

and train oil, 35, 255

as whalers, 258–70, 291, 293

and white bear, 117, 119–20

Bay of Biscay, 259, 260, 380.
See also

Bay of Fundy, 99, 347n, 411

fish in, 219, 237

whales in, 277, 343, 352

beach birds, 81–90

beach robin.

Beamish, Peter, 276–77

bearded seal, 128

bearded whale.
bowhead whale

Bear Island, 385, 386, 395

bears, 110–49.
See also
specific types of bears

beaters, 439–40

killing of, 443–44, 446–47, 450, 469, 508

Beaufort Sea, 277–78, 300–301, 305, 404

Beck, Brian, 425

Beddington, John, 490

bedlamers, 443, 450, 469

Bélanger, Etienne, 171

Belle Isle Strait, 4, 120, 161, 232

whaling in, 271, 291, 298, 311

beluga whale, 113, 349–57

killing of, 304, 350–55

uses of, 349, 355

Bent, Arthur C., 92–93

on curlews, 76, 79

on Eskimo curlew, 61, 66, 73

on seabirds, 34, 46

on shorebirds, 83–88

Beothuk people, 20, 28, 188, 196

Bering Sea, 233, 300–301, 404

bighorn sheep, 198

Bird Island, 26

Bird Rocks, 24–25, 46, 49–50, 416

birds of prey, 104–5, 111

buffalo; wisent

black-backed gull, 52

black bear, 116, 140–41, 145–49, 224

black duck, 93

black fox.
red fox

black guillemot, 53

black right whale (sarda), 260, 263–77, 293–94

extermination of, 270–77, 284–85, 326, 340, 518

migration of, 263–65, 269

as oil source, 25, 311

, 3

blubber, 266, 327, 399

of whales, 262–65, 270, 284, 290, 325

bluebacks, 455–58, 460, 469, 495, 501.
See also
hood seal

bluefin tuna, 239–43, 427

blue fox.
white fox

blue heron, 99–100

blue whale, 4, 307

extermination of, 314, 324, 326, 332, 337–43

food of, 254, 307, 308, 319

killing of, 316–21

as oil source, 320, 330

bobcat, 183–87

Bocall, Stevan de, 394

, 393

Bonaventure Island, 5, 26, 50

Bonavista Bay, 276, 444–45

Bonnycastle, Richard, 39

Boone, Daniel, 147, 172

bottlenose whale, 4, 358–64, 365

Boucher, Pierre, 172, 225, 235, 350

bounties, 185, 196, 353

on seals, 419–20, 426–27, 429–32, 519

Bowen, W.D., 490

bowhead whale, 284, 289–306

in Arctic, 286, 458

extermination of, 130, 299–305, 311, 518

boycotts, 433, 488, 492–96, 501–6, 508–9, 512, 520

Brandsson, Jon, 43

brant goose, 92

Bras d'Or Lake, 247

Brereton, John, 233

Brewster, William, 73

Brion Island, 116, 402

British Columbia, 197–98, 220

British Columbia Fish and Wildlife Service, 198, 201

British Columbia Fishing Association, 505


Brummett, Tony, 197–201

Bruner, Lawrence, 69

brush wolf.

Bryde's whale, 308

buff, 166–71.
See also

buffalo, 165–78

Bulmer, Ron, 508

Bureau, Yvon, 503

Burgeo Islands, 335, 392

Burger King, 504

buteo hawks, 105

Buterus, 257, 264–67

Cabot, John, 115, 205, 207

Cabot, Sebastian, 115

Cabot Strait, 27, 188

Cabot Whaling Company, 314

Cahalane, Victor, 190, 191

Cameron, Silver Donald, 482–85

, 459

Camp Island, 421

Campobello Island, 164

See also
specific government departments

offshore limits of, 212, 483, 486

and seal hunt, 428, 464–67, 470–72, 475–76, 480–81, 491–92, 495

and whaling industry, 306, 338–43, 356

and white bear, 132–34

Canada goose, 92, 93

Canadian Armed Forces, 498

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 471

Canadian Coast Guard, 466, 489, 498, 510

Canadian Nature Federation, 198–99

Canadian Sealers Association, 503, 506

Canadian Wildlife Federation, 198–201, 490

Canadian Wildlife Service, 154, 198

and seabirds, 49, 59

and white bears, 126, 133

canneries, 228, 251, 355

Canso Strait, 344, 348

Cape Breton Island, 6, 247, 249

animals in, 147–48, 151–52, 185, 193

birds in, 31, 99, 105

cod at, 208, 209

seals on, 411, 430

walrus on, 392

whales at, 264, 352

Cape buffalo, 166

Cape Cod, 346

fish at, 235, 245

grey seals at, 414, 422

shorebirds on, 81–82, 83–84, 86

whales at, 261–62, 287, 368

capelin, 36, 218–21, 308

extermination of, 58–59, 221–22, 517

Cape Ray, 436

Cape St. Mary's, 46

Caribbean Sea, 411n

caribou, 143, 144, 174, 184, 198

Carino Company, 496–97, 504

Carson, Rachel, 105

Cartier, Jacques, 115–16, 392, 410

on fish, 205, 237

and great auk, 21–22, 24

on marine animals, 233, 345, 350

Cartwright, George, 226

on bears, 121–24, 140

on birds, 37, 64, 80

on foxes, 188, 190

on fur-bearing animals, 151, 153

Casco Bay, 232

Caspian tern, 52

cats, 167, 179–87.
See also

Chaleur Bay, 72, 225–27, 267, 352, 392, 401

Champlain, Samuel de, 120, 171–72, 188

on birds, 27, 80, 82, 101

on fish, 234–35, 237

on great auk, 24, 27

on marine animals, 345, 350, 396, 411

, 394

Chaney John.
bottlenose whale

Chapel Arm, 370

Chappell, Lieut., 215

Charlevoix, Pierre de, 168, 180, 209

on birds, 24–25, 100

on marine animals, 351–52, 413

Chateau Bay, 294, 298

Chedabucto Bay, 27, 392

Chefd'ostel, 386–88

, 301

Chesapeake Bay, 36, 183, 239

, 497–98

Chukchee people, 259

Chukchi Sea, 277, 300–301, 305, 404

Churchill, 77

whales at, 287–88, 354, 369

white bear at, 111–12, 134

clams, 246, 247–48, 378

Cobb Island, 80

cod, 205, 206–12, 347

extermination of, 207–11, 517

predators of, 119, 488

cod-worm, 424–25

Cody, William Frederick (“Buffalo Bill”), 177

Coffin Island, 406

Cole, John, 238–39

Columbier Island, 55

Comeau, Napoleon, 103, 223, 346

commercial fishing, 206–23, 517–18.
See also
fishing boats; overfishing; whaling industry;
specific nations and types of fish

bears and, 120–23

and cod-worm, 424–25, 432

decline of, 487–88, 493, 517

government policy and, 210–17, 221–23

international involvement in, 221–22, 241–42, 487

nets used in, 55–56, 230–31

of plankton, 254, 518

and porpoises, 346–47

and seabirds, 45–48, 51, 55–57, 515

and seal hunt, 475–76, 484–86, 492–93, 496–97, 500–509, 511–12

and seals, 417–19, 424–26

wastage in, 213, 217, 218, 251, 346

and whaling, 342, 350–53

commercial hunting, 131–32, 144–45, 183

of birds, 64–65, 70, 79, 95–97, 100–102

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, 357

Conception Bay, 219, 445, 451

conservationists; protection of species; sanctuaries, wildlife

Conservation and Protection Branch.
Environment Canada

conservationists, 100–101, 134, 332–33, 515, 516.
See also
animal welfare organizations; protests

and seal hunt, 422–23, 433, 476, 487, 492, 510

and wolves, 199, 202

Conservative Party of Canada, 509

Cooper's hawk, 105

cormorants, 30, 46–47, 50–51, 115, 382

Corte Real, Gaspar, 115, 382

Coues, Eliot, 64

cougar, 179–82

Courtemanche, Sieur de, 30–31, 120, 172, 226, 414

on whales, 262, 266–67

Cousteau, Jacques, 203, 430

Cow Head, 26, 396

Cox, Steven, 143

coyote, 191–93, 516–17

crab, 517–18

cranes, 100

cross fox.
red fox

cruelty, 186, 215

to birds, 35–36, 38, 46–48, 50, 85–86

in seal hunt, 447–48, 460, 468, 471–75, 477, 492

to walrus, 398–400

in whaling, 275–76, 371

, 302

curlew berry, 63, 72, 77

curlews, 61, 75–78.
See also
Eskimo curlew

Danforth, Stuart, 85

Davies, Brian, 473–76, 479, 482–83, 487, 492, 501–4

Davis, Jack, 340, 478–79, 480–81

Davis Strait, 290, 297, 298, 302, 435, 458

DDT, 57, 105, 156, 230

Deadman Island, 416, 422

de Bané, Pierre, 431, 494–511

deer, 145, 516

defoliants, 156, 230

Delaware River, 236

Denmark, 132, 229, 425, 475

Denys, Nicolas

on birds, 35, 45, 91, 99

on fish, 208, 225, 235, 244

on fur-bearing animals, 153, 247

on marine animals, 346, 352

on seals, 412

Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
See also
Environment Canada

and fish, 221–23, 243, 245

and seabirds, 43, 56, 59

and seal hunt, 470–73, 476, 477–78, 485–87

and seals, 408, 421–33, 518–20

and whales, 275, 339–42, 357

Department of Trade, 509

Department of Transport, 506

de Visser, John, 477

de Vries, David, 285–86

DeWitt, Captain, 3–4

, 459

Diereville, Sieur de, 412

Dildo, 339, 364–65, 370–71

Disco Island, 302

dogs, 148, 180, 187, 193

wild, 187–202

dolphins, 262, 345–48, 427.
See also

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