Scorpion (6 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Scorpion
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“Father, do you know mine too?”

His head shook a soft no.  What could this mean?

It means just what it does, Stace. 
That you are the only one.

I stood to protest Cas and give him a piece of my mind.  Szar
’s darkened future leader voice said deeply, “Park your real estate back down and listen.” 

I ignored him and turned back to face Cas with my typical rapid fire reaction, “Nej!  NO CAS, it doesn
’t.  This just can’t be true.  I’m not this ONE.  I went along with all this before because people I cared about were in danger, but matching birthmarks and mysterious letters don’t make us all superheroes.”

The scarlet letter burning my skin like a branding iron lit up like it had a mind of its own.  I know it
’s all in my head, but it still feels like fire that might take over my body and leave just an ember of my existence.

The dreams

’ hand flew up but I stopped it after my quick breath, “No!  Dreams don’t count.  Some of this could just be coincidence.”

I wasn
’t aware of how this looked to the group until all of their faces were in a solid shock at me answering Cas’ obvious thoughts.  Oops!

Calum stood fast, “But you are.  You didn
’t see yourself that first day at the school.  You kick butt in every ring.   You hold back what you can really do.  You feel things like feelings of others and their growing still, I...”

“How did you know about that?” I popped off.

“Lee is half Valkyrie,” he mumbled.  Oh, forgot traitor boy again.  Thanks for the reminder that he can read my constantly changing emotions.

“All this connection talk, the names, the marks,” Calum gestured to all our stomachs, “the trinkets like rings and letters left behind.”  He looked up a second.  “It all fits.  And you know it.”

“He’s right.  You said Thorn’s name at birth and he said yours.  Cassius that is.  That is no coincidence.  I’ve known that for so many years even with the little clues along the way, I couldn’t help but see the possible outcomes even knowing the future like I did.  You have something from every faction, from your mother as she foretold, and then some,” my father’s muffled speech filtered through the room.  He wasn’t himself. “They don't.  This centers on you.  Get the powers you need and control the ones you have."

"I have control of the ones I own."

"With your Valkyrie powers of persuasion, no male that isn’t your blood relative can survive it unless you get it under control.”  His eyes went to Calum.  Was he insinuating that Calum only like me because I
him like me? 

“Just be sure it
’s controlled,” he added.

Calum blanched.

I know he's wrong.  I just don't know how to prove it.  “Okay fine.  So where does that land me?”  I didn’t want to talk about something
I had no say in.

My father raised his face no longer wet.  “It leaves you where you
’re safest until we find out how to proceed.  Until you see your purpose.”

I knew his answer without asking.  “Whether you
’re ready to make that decision or not, Lord Cross has the means to protect you like no other or he will die trying.”

“How are you so sure?”  I asked with doubt. 

Cas snorted beside me.

I didn
’t mean the protecting me part.

Cas gave me a frustrated level ten look, “Anastacia.”

Cas saying my name, and not his incessant nickname, meant he was aiming for clarity.  He wanted me to pay close attention to what he was saying outwardly and in between the lines.  I didn’t have an argument. There was nothing I could do.  “So when Lord Green is in place, we resume normal life and just wait for it, whatever that is.”

, sis.  Whatever comes our way, you have us “muscles” to rough up the bad guys.  Sit your pretty ass down and let the big boys take care of business.” 

He said this just to get a rise out of me.  I chose to smirk at him and let it go. 
was so hard to do!  I also noticed every single person in the room held their hands into fists now.  We were definitely the warrior types.  Boy, did I not fit in. 

“It will not be long,” my father added.

What the he—heck does that mean? Did he really know?

Your father knows the future Stace
, let him be.  To know a part of everyone’s fate, yet he only knows yours, and how that involves others allows him to know ours too.  It is the biggest burden to live with.  He has lived with it since you were born. 

Does he know his own death?
  My mind tossed it’s subconscious cookies.

Cas didn
’t respond.  I folded over him and flung my head to his arm to hide my face.  I looked up soon eyeing the herculean effort my father was displaying to conform me to his plan.  “I will do what you say.  Whatever it is.” 

Lord Hathown, my father, visibly let his shoulders drop an inch and I felt his fear dissipate immensely.  I
’m sure I am the only one who noticed.

The moments to pass in the next half hour were the tensest moments I
’d ever encountered in my so called life.  All the details were worked out and not another word of what all we were was mentioned.  Nor was a meeting with Cord Ryan arranged.

We said goodbye.
   I went back afterward to the Hunter school for the last time to pack my things at my own insistence with a deliberate frostiness to cure my frustrated aching heart.  Cas walked me through my court to acquire a few extra things I needed in my old room that the lady's maid might have missed.  I didn’t want to think about who touched the rest of my stuff that Cas’ people moved for me.  He let me go alone to the school and told me he’d wait on the edge of the wood line.

I didn
’t want to face him yet.  He was my captor and he didn’t feel the least bit capsized by the burden I would most likely be.  He looked rather triumphant when he walked me out of the room of people.

I waited for Calum knowing he
’d be standing there after Maze, Liz, and even Lee said their goodbyes.  I reminded them all that it wasn’t goodbye, but see you later.  I had everything ready and turned to go.  Calum was in my doorway with the singled out stare that he wore well.

I looked at the pe
rfect way he leaned on the doorframe that caught any girl’s attention just by being him.  It had me!  He was gorgeous. 

Calum caught my look and gave a toothy grin
to add danger already there with his mussed hair that was now longer falling a little in one eye.  He reached his arms out open and I gave him what he needed waiting for him to find a way to release me.  When he did he looked down into my eyes wanting me to give him the answers he wanted but instead stepped back and surveyed me up and down telling me, “You really are amazing, you know that?”

“Not really, just appealingly different to your Hunter girls.”  I couldn
’t ignore my Valkyrie internal calling card anymore.  I’d hid the effect for so long.  I just hoped now that it was said out loud, that it didn’t mean Cas would leave because he thought I’d persuaded him to like me.

“No, you have a glow.  An ethereal almost look about you that no other comes close too.  I can see it now that I am more clear-headed.  I still have the upmost feelings for you Stace, no denial there. I have this peace inside somehow that I am right with you.  I am not going all ‘effing girl on you or anything, I just want you to know, I
’m okay with this.  I don’t want to lose you.”

“That is the most wonderful news I
’ve heard all night.  Will you walk me to the wood line?”

He put his hand on my back to follow me out.  His hand happen to be where the circle was cut of the tank I
’d chosen to wear attempting coolness for a hot night.  We both jolted up and then we laughed.  It was the most beautiful sound.

I hated to dampen the mood, but I wanted his opinion on something.  “Why were Quinn and Lee there if they are untrustworthy?”

He leaned against a pine.  “Lee is technically a go between so whether he is selling juice to others hasn’t been questioned by anyone but you.  He is an excellent fact finder.”


“Yeah.  He has many names.  Most not appropriate for sharing.”


“And Quinn has been named the new dean.  I will stay in the apartment my dad had.  Quinn will be next door.  Remember, what you and I know about him isn’t what the rest do.  Lee is his nephew.  They both have major status in our world lining from royalty.  The Hunter faction sees Quinn as striking gold for the school since they see me taking on “apprenticeship” to my dad.”  He rolled his eyes and pranced about, “Your brother and I have joked about our new duties for hours.  We are lords in training.”

Szar and Calum best buds.  I couldn
’t see it, but it works.

“For now, we watch.  They confirmed any of their doubts today and there
’s no reason why others can’t know about us.  Quinn and Lee are probably not our worst enemies anyway.  If anything, they fear us maybe.”

“You don
’t see it as them knowing the chink in our armor.  It could hurt us to let others know what we can do if Borgon is working with Quinn and Lee is feeding facts to him.  They can build against us.”

“Or we can make him scared.  Even twist the facts when the time is right to alter the outcome.  Remember Stace, think with your four walls.”

Calum was a true Hunter.  He thought like a fighter.

For now.  I trust your instincts.”

He looked at me funny.  “You do?” 

Guess my growing people skills still weren’t all they were cracked up to be. I concluded that conveying how I felt wasn’t my strongpoint either.  He couldn’t even tell I had every bit of confidence in him.
              Calum was still leaning on the tree keeping a safe distance from me that I knew he worked hard at.  He seemed a little more at ease as an audience of two with all the “god and goddess” talk, but just now he uncrossed his legs and shoved a hand in one pocket.  I knew that meant he was uncomfortable. 

“Calum,” I said wanting him to see my honesty, “I have and always will think you are very good at what you do.  That first day in the gym you commented I held back.  You held back too.  And we may not be together, but we are still more powerful united.  I want to see you strong, magnificent as you are.”

His deadly smile perked up, “Magnificent, huh?”  His ego boosted ten levels.

’t let it get to your head!” 

“Already there, babe.”

He latched off the side of the pine and followed me closer in to where Cas would join us.

When we were just inside
the tree line I felt Cas waiting, pulling at me with the magnetic force field we were connected with and not just our minds.  I wondered if my father knew about the other connection.

Calum said to the darkness, “Take care of her.”

Cas stepped forward now and I walked eagerly to him wanting to feel him.  He didn’t ask.  I knew he’d heard.  When I looked back, Calum was gone.  That chapter was over.  A new chapter has begun.

Chapter Seven
It was the worst of times...


When I woke the next morning, Cas was gone.  My father called late the night before and insisted I stay at the manor instead of even riding in the motorcade.  I was angry, but C as promised to make it up to me.  I already felt like a hermit princess in wait.

I was alone in the Cross Manor with the exception of servants and guards.  This place was easily twice the size of the Valkyrie mansion that I now deemed most definitely just a manor of sorts.  I thought it odd the last time I
’d stayed here that the servants were human.  And even more odd that the guards were not.  I guess Vampires do not see fit to serve others at menial tasks.  They have to be warriors.  What did I really see myself as?  The same right?  I’d never once considered a life of cooking or cleaning. 

I laid there too long thinking over everything that
’s happened since the day I went to the Hunter school.  So much.  Calum.  My brother’s crazy set-up kidnapping though part of a bigger plan.  Borgon and his unknown minions, but several fishy allies who seem to be on both sides like double agents.  We knew of some, but not all.  We knew the Elves were involved evident by the fact that they have attacked me twice on someone else’s word.  I didn’t see much of the first time since Cas kidnapped me at my own eighteenth birthday party before they could get to me.  That was a good thing but ironic in that I was the kidnapped and now consider him my whole life.

And now...I was this princess, idolized goddess person that was supposed to have been created to bring the factions back into some order that would make them see reason and discontinue their endless feuding. 
Nothing big, right?

But not all of it made sense.  Cas was very cooperative with the Valkyrie court as was the Hunter court.  That left the
Were court out of the loop, and well the Elves, but they stayed hidden.  Not once in my life had I ever heard mention of them until I went on my first mission and was accosted by one who wanted to kill me.  He left before I even saw him.  I was only told he was there by the other culprit I was there to question about a rogue Valkyrie who joined the wrong team. I asked my father before I left his court yesterday if all of the feuding was blown out of proportion since I didn’t see much of it.  He explained one major detail that would have been nice to know earlier.  Until the day we were born, the factions hadn’t spoken to each other for over a hundred years.  It was heavily rumored that the twins and Hunter child were a sign.  It is where the folktales started from that circulated my court.

I was sick with the fear of what might be happening, but sat it aside to find food.  I only had an hour till Cas would most likely return.  All would be well though neither of us had addressed the frosty attitude of avoiding my choice in living where I wish.  The truth was I wanted to be here.  That didn
’t mean I wanted him to know that yet.

I sauntered down to the kitchens in my new yellow tank and my old black yoga pants with the word princess printed in bright yellow on the rear end.  I kept them on purpose to make my point.  Being a princess was a pain in
the rear-end.

I found the chocolate stash Cas told me he
’d collected and hidden from the staff in the kitchen.  I found the perfect treat.  Chocolate fudge pastry tarts.  I heated it to the wonderful awesome thirty seconds it took the microwave oven to melt the inside fudge to a liquid perfection.  I even found the fridge and poured a glass of cow’s milk to sip with every bite.

Claire and Arlene nodded and laughed at me as they left the kitchen with their weekly shopping list and headed out the back door for their exit.  I could tell both wanted to say something motherly, but refrained.  Mother...never had one.

I intended to go to the table but found it more comfortable to stay right there.  Tables were overrated and lonely to sit at alone. I climbed onto the same stainless steel counter where I’d learned how the sun and the stars seem to rule my every step in life.  A good thing— just mind blowing scary.

I crossed one leg under the other with my left knee in the air against my chin feeling a little more comfortable and like myself.  I savored every single bite and frowned when I had only two bites left.  The chocolate was energizing.  My mind wandered to the day I was lifted out of the air and taken at the party without warning.  The scent of him overwhelmed me and stirred memories.  Great!  Now I was daydreaming about the way he smells.

Another wave hit me.  That night changed my life.  I’d been so angry initially and that had melted away almost instantly with him.  I wondered then if he didn’t have some type of Vampire calming spell over me.

“No!  That I did not do!”

My head popped up, “You’re back.”

’m back.”  No smile yet. 

He stood at the kitchen entrance leaning on the doorframe with crossed arms, all weapons still attached at various places on his body.  He saw me searching over him labeling with my eyes.  I knew my mind was blank therefore he was not able to read my reasons for knowing his preferences on strategically placed weapons.  I laughed inwardly at my FBI instincts.  They were unfortunately drilled in me for years.

But then I noted the way he stared with such an acute precision of detail.  I’d noticed that Calum had a way about him that made you feel his gaze, but Cas...his stare was burning a hole through me now. 

What might that be for?
His ineffable outer silence and lack of movement rattled me.

What?  Oh, the laugh. 
Analyzing your choice in weapons and because you couldn’t read what wasn’t there.  I tried to keep my mind quiet.

’re getting better at.

He raked his eyes slowly over me from my bed head look to my bare feet.  I quietly watched listening to his mind speak very clearly describing his perspective of how I looked to him.  This far from him, I could smell something stronger than before like musk and all man strong and it affected me.  He affected me.

Bad, bad Kissa.  You’re driving me nuts like that you know.  I like the yellow.  Bet the guy you got it from knew exactly what it would do to him.  And the yellow toenails, they are just asking me to…

“Okay, enough.  This is a kitchen.  G rated stuff only, bucko!”

He smiled ruthlessly.  “Just saying.  Don’t go around like that unless…”

“Cas, I
’m not naked.  I can wear pajamas, right?  If I’m going to be prisoner, can’t at least act somewhat normal.”

His face fell. 

“Oh, no.  I didn’t mean that I felt like a prisoner.  It’s just my father didn’t give me my own choices.  I’d have come here if you’d invited me, but he didn’t give me that luxury.”

I invited you before you ever left. 
He was turning to leave and I had to stop him.  I hated that I hurt him or even gave any indication that the ingratitude I just displayed was far from the truth.

I jumped down from the counter and was there with my hand on his back before he
’d moved even a centimeter away from the door. 
Don’t.  I am right where I want to be.  I just wanted to be able to come here on my own accord.  My rules.  I make my own rules Cas.  No one tells me what to do.  And my father is still controlling me.

I don’
t want you to do anything you don’t want to. 
He was still disconcerted by my thoughtlessness.

’m not.  I told you.  I just wanted it to be between us.  Not them.  I don’t want the taste of them on my tongue.  I want what happens with you, with me, with us, only us.  No one else.

I backed up hoping he would follow my lead.  He turned back to me letting me smile up to him at his eagerness to let me fix my screw up.  I could see in his eyes he wanted the same thing I did. 

And we were still in a kitchen, no doubt.

Yeah, he read me completely.  I had only seconds before he had me against the SAME counter, pinned and melting into his warm deep cinnamon and spice taste, the musky scent mixing with it now.  He really did smell good.  Different somehow at times, but
good.  I was lost for a second and falling.  His tongue nicked mine and I practically moaned longer than three seconds.

He chuckled and pulled his face back and up to see my eyes open with beat red cheeks blaring at him. 


’t be.  It only makes this that much harder.

He leaned in again taking his hands away from touching me and resting them on the steel cold countertop forcing me to either look at his chest or tip upward to show what I wanted too.  Agony crept up me at losing his touch so I easily gave in.  There were too many things I had to avoid in this world of mine that his kiss made me forget entirely.  I didn
’t want to ever avoid that.

His mouth kissed me slowly at first while his fading black eyes watched mine.  I forced mine to stay open not wanting to miss a second of his growing desire and what it might produce.  I needed to stop myself.  We were still in a kitchen.  Of course my mind had to think of this
, right?

I missed the absence of his hands on me and wondered how long it would be before he returned them.  Knowing he was reading all this, I willed him to return them. 

I swear his eyes danced a little in laughter at this.  He pulled his mouth slowly into another kiss and continued to watch me.  I wanted to say something but this was just too fascinating to miss.

He finished the kiss and walked two steps back.  I stood there like a complete idiot and couldn
’t will my heated body to move.  He knew exactly what he was doing. 

’re right.  Wear what you want, when you want, or nothing at all if you like.  Feel at home.  But know that everything you do drives me absolutely crazy and I have forewarned you.

Or what?

I’ll not control my actions even in the kitchen.

This was a threat.  A really great threat, but was I really ready for this kind of threat? 
Even my inner voice was breathy and rasping for air.

He waited, his eyes eager.

I will wait for marriage.  You need to know this. It’s how I was raised and I won’t give on that.

He was upset with my declaration
letting his face fell.  I totally misinterpreted this too.  Will I ever read him right?

I onl
y had the same intentions, Kissa.  I would never force you.

Oh.  Okay.  I…thank you.  I…don
’t misread me.  I want too.  With you.  And only you.  I want to…

He moved back to me putting his warming hands on my bare shoulders.  The feeling was so amazing. 

Stace, I only mean the same if that’s what you want.  I have waited for you for so long.
  “You seem to misread everything I mean.  I don’t know why that is.”  He switched from thoughts to verbal.

’m sorry.  Maybe it's a girl thing."”  I dropped my eyes.  He pulled my chin up to force my eyes to see him again regardless.  No one else would I ever let control me this way...or any way.  No one!  It was too vulnerable and left one open to physical and emotional pain not to mention the trust factor.

“I trust you.” 

“Stace, I don’t think this is the right time to say this and I don’t think you’ll even read this right, but I hope it comes across the way I want or at least you will want.  I know we haven’t spent much time together, but I know what I know regardless. I want forever with you.”

I waited.  A different fear gripped me like ice.  I was really and truly speechless every time he opened up like this for me.  I didn
’t feel I deserved him.  Men didn’t talk like this unless...

Say something,
he insisted.

I don’
t know what to say. 
He sucked the words right out of me.


I pondered like always carefully choosing my words, “I didn’t know how my life would play out.  I sure didn’t know you were going to come along.  I could have never predicted it.  My life…this prophecy…I have no control—

He started to speak and I put my hand to his mouth. He stiffened but I couldn
’t see or tell why.  “I think maybe I am nuts.  I have to be.  But I know one thing for sure,” I looked directly into his eyes.  “I absolutely am very thankful my father made me come, I absolutely don’t want to be anywhere else, and I absolutely want you to want me the rest of whatever this life involves.  But I want it to be by mine,” I put my hand on my heart first and then his, “and your decision.”

“I am not sorry at all that your father asked for you to be here no matter how much I willingly encouraged it. I can and will protect you.  I absolutely love you with everything I have and will spend every waking moment till you make that decision if that
’s what you want.”

’s what I want Cas.  It’s definitely what I want.

He picked me up and twirled me around pulling my shirt up with it.  When he let me back down, and I could look up, I saw the most happiness in his eyes I
’d ever seen.  I adjusted my clothes as he watched me noting the way he analyzed my mark.

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