Crashed on Alien Planet: A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

BOOK: Crashed on Alien Planet: A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance
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Crashed on Alien Planet



By: Ruth Anne Scott

(Theme and Character ideas by Jasmine McDowell)



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Chapter 1

Chris Sebastiani's eyelids fluttered, but before she could bring herself fully awake, the room rocked beneath her and tumbled her out of bed onto the floor. This wasn't the same room where she fell asleep. Where was the soft pile carpet? Where was her mirrored Queen Ann dressing table across the room? Where was her goose down comforter and pillows?

They were all gone. She landed hard on her knees on a cold concrete floor. White walls surrounded her on all sides. The warm wooden paneling of her bedroom and the carved plaster ceiling were all gone, too, and instead of the comforting glow of her frosted wall sconces, a stark fluorescent glare lit the room. It left no shadow and stabbed her sleepy eyes.

The room heaved and shook. She dared not rise to her feet, but clung as best she could to the floor for stability. The floor itself swayed and pitched until she lay down flat and screamed in terror. “What’s happening? Where am I?”

All at once, a deafening crash smashed her ears, and she rolled sideways. She slammed into the wall, but the floor only heaved the other way, and she slammed into the opposite wall. Back and forth she tumbled, side to side and every which way. She screamed until her voice wouldn’t work anymore. “Mama! Help me!” Her mother lived fifty miles away in Redding, “Where are you, Alex? Where’s Riccarton?” Alex was her boyfriend, and her cat Riccarton always slept at the end of her bed. “Help me, anybody! Why won’t anybody help me? Where am I? Oh, dear God!” She couldn’t hear her own voice over the din.

The tumbling and falling and crashing battered her bones black and blue, but it didn’t stop until she screamed in pain. She couldn’t hold her hands over her head to protect herself. Just when she couldn’t bear another moment, an almighty shock sent her flying through the air. She slammed into the ceiling and back down onto the floor. The concussion knocked her out, and for the first time since she woke up, she lay still with her eyes shut against the future.

An incredible quiet dragged her out of her stupor, and her eyelids fluttered open again. She raised her head, and blood and saliva trickled out of her mouth. The wind brushed her cheek and cooled it. Her eye fell on faraway mountains, and her blood ran cold. “Where am I? What’s happening?” Her voice vanished into the distance.

Then she looked around her and collapsed to her knees. She stared and stared, but she couldn’t comprehend it. All around her, women staggered through hideous piles of twisted metal. They moaned and screamed in terror and agony. Women stuck out from under the debris with half their bodies hidden from view. They called for their mothers and loved ones the same way Chris just did, but she couldn’t move to help them. She could only stare in blank shock.

A sturdy young girl with straight black hair hanging down to her waist walked up to Chris. She laid her hand on Chris’s shoulder and peered into her face with sparkling black eyes. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Then she noticed the bruises on Chris’s face and head and arms. “You’re hurt. Sit down over here.”

Chris struggled to her feet. “No, no. I’m okay. I just got banged up when the....I don’t know what happened, but I....” She trailed off. Nothing made sense.

The girl nodded. “That’s all right then. As long as you’re not hurt, that’s the main thing.”

She started to move off when Chris grabbed her by the arm. “Hey, wait a minute. What’s going on here? What is all this?”

The girl turned back. “Can’t you see? We crashed.”

Chris looked around. “But I....I was sound asleep in my room at home. Then I woke up and....the room was shaking all over the place, but it wasn’t my room. I didn’t know where I was.....and then, I was here.....I don’t understand what....” Words failed her.

The girl fixed her with a hard stare. Then she nodded again. “That explains why you don’t understand what happened. We were on an alien ship. We were abducted from Earth, and they were transporting us to a galactic slave market. But it looks like we crashed on some other world. That’s what all this mess is.”

“But how do you....?” Chris shook her head, but she couldn’t clear her thoughts.

The girl pursed her lips. “Listen....what did you say your name was?”

“Chris,” she stammered. “Chris Sebastiani.”

“Where are you from?” the girl asked.

“I’m from Humboldt, California,” Chris replied.

“Well, I’m Sasha Marquez, from Eagle Pass, Texas,” she answered. “I wasn’t asleep in my bed when they took me. I was standing on the sidewalk in front of my father’s convenience store with five of my girlfriends, and a white van pulled up to the curb next to us. We didn’t pay it any attention until my friend Netta pointed out that it didn’t have any windows or license plate.”

Chris frowned. “That’s weird.”

“Of course it’s weird,” Sasha replied. “But we didn’t have time to figure it out, because the next minute, a blinding flash of light covered the sidewalk. The next thing we knew, we were all in a plain white box moving off somewhere. We couldn’t see where, but when the box stopped moving, we were on an alien ship with these sick creatures who said they were taking us to sell in the market on another planet.”

Chris stared at her. Then she closed her eyes and shook her head. “That’s impossible.”

Sasha waved to her. “Follow me. I’ll show you something that will make you believe me.”

She walked away, leaving Chris no choice but to follow her through clusters of terrified women. Some huddled together for protection against unseen dangers. Some sobbed and moaned and rocked in mindless agony. Others stood still and stared into space. What had they been through, to disturb them this way?

Sasha led Chris through the wreckage to a hunk of twisted metal. She kicked at it. “Here. Take a look. Then tell me how impossible it is.”

Chris peered down at the lump. The sun slipped closer to the horizon and the light faded to dusk. It would disappear in a minute, and already, the wind bit her skin with its cold teeth. These frightened and injured women couldn’t spend the night out here in the open, with no food, no shelter, and only the flimsy clothes on their backs.

Then a flicker of movement caught her eye. She bent down to get a better look. A head stuck out from under the debris. But there was no way on God’s green earth—or anywhere else for that matter—that she could mistake this head for a human being.

The thing had pale pink skin and bright purple eyes with no pupils. The dusky light set off the mottled tones of its skin—or maybe its injuries made its skin change color from pale pink to darker violet. It stared straight up with its featureless eyes, seeing nothing. The creature didn’t move at all, but a ripple of movement shimmered around its lips. Chris bent down closer, but she couldn’t make it out.

Sasha laid her hand on Chris’s arm. “Don’t get too close. He could catch you.”

“How could he do that?” Chris asked. “He’s dead.”

Before Sasha could answer, the shivering skin around the creature’s mouth hole shot out toward her. Tiny tentacles as thin and whispery as fine hairs lashed the air.

“You see?” Sasha told her. “They’re called the Romarie. They have telekinetic powers, and the power comes from these tentacles.”

Chris’s mouth fell open. “Telekinetic powers? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Sasha grimaced. She set her hands on her hips and threw her hip out to one side. “Look at him! You can’t stand there and tell me it’s impossible that aliens abducted us from Earth. You might have been asleep when it happened, but it still happened. How do you think all these women wound up wandering around this crash site?”

Chris stared down at the creature and shook her head. “I can’t believe it—I mean, I have to believe it because it’s right here in front of my face. It’s just so incredible. I.....I guess I’m finding it hard to believe. ”

“Believe it,” Sasha snapped. “These things are the sickest, most sadistic bastards in the galaxy, and they treated us like cattle. This one.....” She kicked the creature in the shoulder, and one arm flopped out from under the debris. That arm ended in a featureless stump. It had no hand. “His name is Albinim, and he attacked my friend Sabrina. When she resisted, he killed her. They don’t give a rip about human life. We’re nothing but a bunch of lifeless cargo to them.”

Chris stared at her with her mouth open. “But I....”

Sasha fixed her with a ferocious glare. “They did the same thing to you, even though you slept right through it. You’ll never get back to your family now. You’re in the same boat as the rest of us. You better get used to that.”

Chris stared down at the creature. It still didn’t move. It must be close to death, with more than half its body crushed under that gnarled pile of what was left of its ship.

Then she sighed and cast a critical eye around the crash sight. “Well, we better round up the others and see what sort of supplies we can salvage. We’ve got a long, cold night ahead of us, and none of these women can stand much more than they’ve already been through. Come on, Sasha. The first thing we have to do is build a fire to keep everybody warm. We can’t survive a night in the cold without one.”

Sasha didn’t turn around. “Not so fast. We’ve got a bigger problem right now.”

Chris looked down at her, but Sasha wasn’t looking at the crash site at all. “What do you mean?”

Sasha didn’t answer. Chris followed her gaze to the horizon, where the last light of day set off the black outline of the hills. Wide, flat meadows surrounded them on all sides and created a bowl between the hills surrounding them on all sides. Standing on the crest of the rise, set off black, crisp, and clear against the bright sky behind, was a figure.

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