Dianthe's Awakening

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Authors: J.B. Miller

Tags: #Group Sex, #Orgies, #Shifters, #Gods, #Paranormal Romance, #Love Story, #Romance, #Werewolves, #Fantasy Romance, #Menege, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #MM, #Fae

BOOK: Dianthe's Awakening
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Dianthe's Awakening
Number II of
A Dia Mclearey Novel
J.B. Miller
JK Publishing, Inc. (2014)
Tags: Erotic, Fantasy, Paranormal

  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences.  Contain language and actions some may deem offensive.  Sexually explicit content.  MF with MMM scenes.

  In book two in the Dia Mclearey Novels:  Dia thought adjusting to life in two different realities was hard.  The day she found out that everything she had ever known was only the surface of a whole new world—well…she dealt with it and all the fallout that followed. 

  Now Dia finds herself with the Hunt, but circumstances can be deceiving.  While in the presence of the Hunt, she comes to terms with the godling part of herself.  And along the way, she learns that her life wasn't complete when she is hit yet again with one of life's surprises.

  While Dianthe learns what life has in store for her with the Hunt, her mates are in Bean struggling with her disappearance.  One is deteriorating at an alarming rate while another is missing her, lost in finding his place within their group, and the Puck—well, he sticks to his true form of always having a plan to get the answers.

  Join, Dia, the Hunt, and her mates, as each battle between what they want out of their lives to what the prophesy has in store for them.


Dianthe's Awakening


A Dia Mclearey Novel

Book Two


by JB Miller


© Copyright September 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.


All cover art and logo © Copyright September 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved.


Artwork by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.



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As always, I have to thank my hubby. He is the one who takes over being mom and dad when I lose myself in the written world.

I want to thank Nic and Sam. You guys rock, and are always happy to listen to me when I twist plots and add kink.

I also want to give a special thank you to my publisher and editor, Jana and Michelle. When the words stopped flowing, they were there to say its okay and we are here if you need to talk. Don’t worry about it, and it will come. Just knowing you guys were supporting me, helped more than you know!




Table of Contents




Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight


Chapter Nine


Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve




Books by J.B. Miller


Excerpt from Dianthe Rising


JK Publishing, Inc.



Chapter One




I became aware in degrees. The first thing I noticed was that I was alive. Everything ached, so I couldn’t be dead. My eyes would not open; it felt as if they had been welded shut. So I lay there listening, trying to take in the things around me.

Warmth surrounded me. It felt similar to being wrapped in a living pile of heated duvets.

The sound of the wind whistling through the trees and a fire crackling merrily somewhere close by filled my ears. Soft neighing and nickering came to me from the left; it was so relaxing I almost dozed off again. It had to be a dream, nothing else made sense. My body began to relax and I thought of Robin. How well he would fit into this scenario. The thought of my Puck brought the last few moments of uncertainty to a crashing end.

! I sat up like a bolt, my head spinning while the memories of the Hunt bombarded me. I could see the image of my father falling beneath the blade of a wicked sword. The moment the leader of the Hunt held out his hand and offered the lives of my mates if I came willingly. I could almost feel the electric charge when our hands touched and he pulled me up before him. Kale’s howl of rage rang in my ear along with the memory of thunder and lightning splitting the heavens around us. It all ended with the sound of my Robin crying out my name in anguish as we disappeared into the night.

I gasped for air and put my hand to my chest while I looked around me frantically. It was dark and we were in a forest. I was absolutely
in Scotland anymore. You would think the first thing I would notice was the things closest to me. Well, you would be wrong. I was so freaking busy looking around me, I didn’t even think about my warm bed. It wasn’t until said bed began to move that I realized I wasn’t in a nest of cozy blankets like I had originally thought. Several large bodies surrounded me in varying shades of mottled furriness. I quickly shut my mouth to hold back the scream that wanted to claw its way out of my throat. I was in a gods be damned puppy pile with the hounds of the Hunt!

“They will not harm you, woman,” a resonating masculine voice spoke from nearby. Well, there went any plan I hadn’t come up with yet of sneaking away. Turning toward the direction the voice came from, I saw my captor lounging with his back to the fire. He sat there with eyes steadily watching me.

“Isn’t it their job to tear people apart?” I asked quietly. I did not want to startle the dogs around me.

“They are my creatures and obey my command,” he shrugged. “I ordered them to keep you safe, so until I tell them otherwise, that is what they will do.”

“O… Kay…” I drawled out. “I know you’re part of the Hunt, but that’s about it. Is it all right to ask who you are?” This was my first kidnapping and I didn’t know if there was some sort of etiquette or anything.

He nodded to me regally, his massive rack bowing gently with him. I almost giggled at my own mental pun,
massive rack ha-ha
, I thought.

The stress must be getting to me.

“I am Cernunnos, Lord of the Hunt.” Nodding back to him, I absently worked the sound of his name on my tongue.

“Keir-noo-nos,” I sounded out. I had read about him in my studies. There was tons of history on the horned god in many different cultures.

“Yes,” he replied. His lips lifted at the corner. “You have heard of me?"

“Umm…yeah.” I pushed some of the hair out of my face. “You are a pretty prominent figure in mythology, and I study history and myths for a living.”

“It is a good thing to know, one’s history. We often repeat our past mistakes,” Cernunnos replied seriously. I laughed softly and replied without thinking.

“Yeah, but we never seem to learn from those mistakes.” His laughter joined mine and the hounds raised their heads at the disturbance.

“You are correct, little female, it takes a very wise man to learn from his mistakes. They seem to be far and few between.”

One of the hounds lifted his giant head and looked at me. A whine came from his throat and I watched, terrified, as he scooted closer to me, nearly climbing into my lap.

“Cú,” Cernunnos said threateningly. The dog whimpered as it looked at his master and laid his head upon my lap. I glanced at the watching god warily and asked.

“Is that his name, Cú?”

Grunting derisively, he replied, “No, Cú means hound. They are the hounds of the Hunt. That is all the name they need.”

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