SCARRED (5 page)

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Authors: Faith Price

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      Lawson sighed and walked to her bedroom door. He knocked softly and waited to hear a response. When he didn’t get one, he put his face close to the door and spoke just loud enough for her to hopefully hear him. “I’m sorry, Serene. I had no right to yell at you.”

      Serene stared at the door over her shoulder before turning back to the book on her lap. Ireland is a lush green place with hills and valleys that could hide most anyone. She touched an aerial picture of coastline as a fat tear fell and splashed onto the two-dimensional water. She quickly dabbed at it with her shirt. She didn’t want her book ruined.

      “Serene? Please let me in.”

      Lawson had been nice to her, but he was still a stranger. She was torn between leaving the door shut and locked, which would risk him going into a rage and just beating it down anyway, or simply giving in, as usual. She had given in to men her whole life. First her father, then Ted, and finally to whatever whim her dates had in store for her. She was just tired of it all.

      She stood slowly and tossed the book on the bed. She went to the door and spoke quietly to the waiting man on the other side. “I’m tired, Lawson. I want to just go to bed.”

      “Ok. I’ll have breakfast ready by nine tomorrow. Goodnight.”

      Serene couldn’t believe her ears. His voice was void of all malice. He simply sounded as tired as she was. “Goodnight, Lawson.” Serene walked to her bed and picked up the book again, but she quickly tossed it aside, curling up on her side clutching the doll she had named Rebecca.

      Lawson stood at her door for five full minutes after she had said goodnight. He had hoped she would change her mind and come back out, but when he realized she wasn’t, he laid his hands and forehead against the wood of the door and prayed that he could salvage the thin line of trust with her again.

* * * *

      The next morning Lawson knocked on her door at exactly nine o’clock. Serene stretched realizing that she had not only slept in her clothes, but she had left her light on as well. She sleepily stumbled into the bathroom and quickly took a shower.

      When she arrived in the dining room she saw that Lawson had fixed a huge breakfast. There were eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, and some kind of Danishes with white frosting.

      Lawson was placing juice and coffee in front of her plate. He immediately came to her and pulled her into his arms.

      “I’m sorry.” He mumbled into her wet hair.

      Serene returned the hug and breathed in his scent. He always smelled faintly of some type of cologne. It was nice. “It’s all right, Lawson. I guess I should have left it alone.” She pulled out of his embrace and looked at the table again. “Wow. What time did you get up?”

      “Seven.” He backed away a step and pulled her chair out for her. “I brewed the Sumatra today.”

      Serene took her seat and waited for him to return. His kindness was overwhelming at times. Who was she to deserve it?

      “I went out this morning to get the Danishes, but I wasn’t sure what jelly you might want for the toast. So, there’s orange marmalade and strawberry.”

      “I’ve always wanted to try the marmalade.”

      His satisfied smile was enough to cause her to smile back. “Good.” He sat and began helping his plate. “What would you like to do today?”

      Serene shrugged with one shoulder. “I’d like to take some more pictures.”

      Lawson nodded. “All right. Anything else?”

      “Whatever you want.”

      “There’s a creek behind this property. Since the leaves are starting to change, you might be able to get some good shots.”

      Serene grinned. “Do you think I might see some wild animals?”

Lawson smirked. “Just me.”

      Her delighted laugh sent a wave of pleasure through him.

      “How far are we from the actual city?”

      “About fifteen miles. The mall I took you to is nearer to the city, so you might see some wildlife, but I doubt it will consist of more than a few squirrels and mice.”

      Serene took a bite of one of the Danishes and soft cream cheese oozed into her mouth. She closed her eyes and softly made a sound indicating how good it was. Lawson watched her with a blank face; knowing that the night was far off. He felt like smacking the pastry from her hand. Who would have thought that watching Serene eat could be an aphrodisiac? Lawson made a mental note to have a pastry of some sort at every breakfast.

      Serene opened her eyes and saw him watching her with an odd expression. “What?”

      He shook his head and moved his fork indicating she should keep eating. She took another bite and a small amount of the cream cheese remained on her lower lip. Lawson pointed to his own lip, and watched with bright eyes as she flicked her tongue out and licked her lower lip. That was all it took. He stood and walked silently to her and held out his hand. She took it with a quizzical expression, and allowed him to lead her into the bathroom. It was a windowless room and once he closed the door they were in complete darkness. It had to be dark for Lawson.

      He turned her around and bent her slightly over the bathroom sink as he pulled her jeans down around her ankles. Gently lifting one foot at a time he pulled the jeans from her body and he let his own pants fall around his feet with a quick flick of his wrist at the button and a swifter yank of the zipper. Serene reached under her shirt and unclasped her bra. Lawson grasped both of her breasts as he positioned himself behind her. She could feel the silky tip of his cock rub against her just before he shoved it hard and deep within her.

      She moaned as he pulled her hips downward with each thrust. She could hear his breathing coming in shorter gasps and she reached between her legs to rub frantically. He came with one final hard push into her. He knew she wasn’t finished and pulled out of her quickly, turning her around and setting her on the counter. He pushed her legs open and she felt his tongue whipping fire around her clit.

      Fireworks exploded in her head as her climax exploded in her body. Lawson wasn’t satisfied and continued to devour her while he fucked her already dripping pussy with two of his long fingers until she came again, this time with a scream; her finger nails digging through his shirt and into his shoulder.

* * * *

      An hour later they were in the kitchen cleaning up from the barely-eaten breakfast. Serene twirled a dishtowel between her hands and snapped it at Lawson’s hip. He dodged it nimbly and laughed heartily. They felt the magic of the afternoon stretching out around them, and for two people that rarely saw magic in anything, they clung to it with every ounce of strength they had.

      Serene did take the trip into the wooded area just as Lawson promised, and she was able to take a few dozen pictures. The creek was beautiful with rocks that stuck out from the water in places, causing the gurgling sound that attracted so many to that type of water. Lawson watched her from the shade of large maple as she darted from place to place forever capturing whatever caught her fancy.

      Later that evening, as she decided what pictures to trash and which ones to print, Lawson was amazed at her artistic eye. He held one in his hands that showed the light slanting through a copse of trees near the water. She had captured the golden light in just the right angle to make it appear like fairies were dancing on the surface of the water. He picked up another of an orange mum with a bee in the center.

      “These are very good. You have an eye for photography.”

      Serene beamed up at him. “Really?”

      Lawson nodded. “I think you should take a photography class.”

      Serene’s face fell a little. “That’s expensive, and I might not do very well in a class.”

      “Why not?”

      “Well, I’m not very smart.”

      Lawson regarded her for a moment. “I think you’re smart. You’ve never been given the opportunity to show it. You just need a little refinement.” Serene didn’t respond. She just stared at him with her impossibly blue eyes. “Do you have a high school diploma?”

      She shook her head. “I have a GED.”

      “That’s the same thing.”

      “Not really.” She said and turned back to the computer screen.

      “You like travel books. What other books do you like?”

      Serene leaned back in her chair and thought about it for a moment. “I read more when I was younger. I liked Alice in Wonderland and other fairytale type stories.”

      Lawson smiled. “I think I’ll get you some books. Reading increases intelligence.”

      “Did you go to college?”

      “Yes.” He replied quietly. “I majored in criminal law.”

      “So, you’re a lawyer?”

      He walked to the couch and sat down. “Not anymore.”

      Serene felt a little disappointed. To her lawyers were right up there with doctors; an unattainable and fascinating echelon of society. “What do you do now?”

      He looked at her slowly. “I’m into investments…of sorts.”

      Serene frowned and drew her eyebrows together. “Oh.” She didn’t press him further. He seemed to be a closing door at that moment. The day had been too wonderful for him to close up now. “I guess tomorrow night you won’t be here?”

      “I’ll have dinner with you, but that’s it for tomorrow.”

      Serene narrowed her eyes turning her hips in the chair. “Are you sure you’re not married?”


      Shrugging, she went back to her pictures. Lawson was completely closed to her for the night.
Just as well.
She thought to herself.
I can be moody and distant too!
But in reality all she wanted was to hear his laughter ringing in her ears.

* * * *

      Over the course of the next two months Serene and Lawson became close. Their love making was erratic at best, he often just wanted to talk to her or give her lessons in etiquette. He taught her how to handle herself at dinner, proper place setting for dinner parties, and how to conduct herself like a lady publically.

      Serene practiced cool and formal greetings in front of the bathroom mirror. But the most surprising thing was how many books she was reading. Since he first brought it up, she had read two Charles Dickens books, one Jane Austin, and had moved on to the Bronte sisters.

      Lawson came in one Friday evening and found Serene stirring something in a pot absentmindedly while holding a copy of Wuthering Heights close to her face. When she noticed him watching her, she lowered the book and smiled brightly.

      “This is my favorite one so far! I just adore Heathcliff!”

      Lawson walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “He’s a bit brooding don’t you think?”

      “That’s what I like about him! He just can’t let his true love go! It’s so romantic!”

      Lawson chuckled and looked into the pot. Her cooking skills were improving, but still could use some work. “What’s for dinner?”

      She laid the book down and pushed him aside. With a pot holder she pulled a pan of rolls out of the oven. “I made soup and rolls.”

      Lawson looked at the flattened bread on the pan doubtfully. He picked one up and felt its density. He let it drop back onto the pan with a clunk. “Did you remember yeast?”

      “Mmmhmm.” She said with her book back in front of her face.

      Lawson gently removed the spoon from her hands and guided her to the kitchen door. “The house looks extra clean and you’ve been cooking, let me finish and you go and enjoy your book.”

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