SCARRED (3 page)

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Authors: Faith Price

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      She hadn’t looked at the living room very closely the night before. She found a plush sofa that had its back to the dining room across the hall, but faced a large screen television mounted on the opposite side of the room. A fireplace was under it and it looked clean and orderly. Even the fireplace tools gleamed. There was a matching love seat under the picture window, and opposite from that was a built in bookcase that spanned the entire wall.

      The hard wood of the hallway and dining room ended at the entrance of the living room, and cream carpet like her room’s blanketed the floor. She noticed an ongoing theme in the décor, since the furniture was burgundy.

He really likes that color. Maybe he’s a Skins fan.

      She entered the dining room and found another note.

Please make yourself at home. If you need anything call the number listed below. I will return tonight.

      Serene laid the note back on the table and walked through the swinging door into the kitchen. The room was large with an island in the center that had a rack for pots and pans above it. All of the appliances were stainless steel and looked fairly new. As with the rest of the house, she couldn’t find a speck of dirt.

      The refrigerator was full of food. She found the tray from the night before wrapped tightly with plastic wrap. There were various vegetables, fruits, and a loaf of whole grain bread. There were also several brands of bottled water. She didn’t see one unhealthy thing. She opened the freezer looking for ice cream, but was disappointed to find only frozen vegetables, meat, and some frozen dinners.

      She pulled one out and made a face. With ‘Lean’ as the first word how could it taste like anything other than cardboard? With a sigh she went back to the refrigerator side and pulled out the tray from the night before. With surprise she found mayonnaise and decided a sandwich would be perfect, even if it was on healthy bread.

      After the sandwich and a full bottle of water, Serene was feeling more energized than she had in a while. She decided to go outside and see what was in the yard. The backdoor led into a small backyard that bordered a small swath of woods. There wasn’t much to see, other than a few trees and some pinecones, but there was a small deck with a swing and she sat there enjoying the cool air and listened to birds in the trees.

      She began to doze and woke with a start, feeling eyes on her. She turned her head slowly and had to laugh when she realized the eyes belonged to a squirrel. Her laughter caused him to dart from the deck with an acorn planted firmly in his mouth. She rose from the swing and walked around the side of the house to the front yard. She was pleased to see two flower beds on either side of the front steps. It looked like Lawson had planted the fall flowers in the back row.

      They stood sentinel over the shorter dying flowers of spring and summer. The front porch was narrow but there were hanging baskets of mums at either end. Serene wondered about Lawson. He obviously wasn’t gay, but he thought of things that only women did. Rarely did men plant flowers and keep their homes neat as a pin. Her father and Ted were perfect examples. She had a feeling her bedroom was decorated before her arrival. She wondered how long he had planned it before approaching Ted. Did Ted know Lawson before he showed up?

She dismally thought. Ted had an angle for most everything.

She noticed the front yard was long and it looked like the wooded area that was in the backyard curved around the house and created a horseshoe kind of barrier. The driveway entered the road with hedges lining each side. It was obvious Lawson liked his privacy. That thought brought back her fear that he was a serial killer of some sort, but she dismissed it. So far he was being nice, gentlemanly; and she would worry about escape only if the situation warranted it.

      In the mean time she would enjoy a clean house that matched, and a fridge full of healthy food. She also would enjoy not being fucked by several different men every month, but most of all, she would enjoy not being hit for the least little offense. With a giant smile, Serene practically skipped back to the rear door and reentered the kitchen.

      She spent the rest of the afternoon playing with her new camera. She took pictures of birds, flowers, trees, and even herself. She also took several pictures of the house. The camera was extremely nice and she could work it well by night fall. Serene had never enjoyed something so much.

Maybe I could be a photographer.
She thought as she stepped into the shower. She had found huge plush towels in the linen closet and was looking forward to using one of them after her shower.

She took meticulous care in how she applied the lotion and makeup after her shower. She wanted Lawson to find her attractive, although that had never occurred to her with other dates. There had been one named Trevor, which she had crushed on for a while. He was one of Ted’s closest friends, and he would come over to play cards or pick up dope.

      He was fairly short and muscular, with hair the color of sand. Serene would blush every time his green eyes fell on her. Once he found out that she was for sale, he bought her for a date. As it turned out he was impotent, whether it was a constant condition or temporary didn’t matter. He took his rage out on Serene. She awoke a day later in the hospital. The doctors had told Ted she was lucky to be alive. Trevor never came to the house again.

      Serene pulled the fabric of the robe around herself and smiled at how light it was. It was like wearing a cobweb without the icky feeling. She looked in the mirror and decided she looked better than she had in months. She turned her head and looked at the clock. It was 9:30.
When is he getting here?
She thought irritably. As if on cue, the front door opened and slammed shut. Serene stepped into the hallway and placed a hand on the wall. She wanted to make her pose sexy, but all she felt was awkward.

      Lawson had his mask on again which was fine with Serene. Maybe there was something under there she didn’t want to see. Lawson had a paper bag of groceries in his arms, and he set it gently on the floor when he saw her emerge in the hallway. She looked more beautiful than he ever thought she would.

      Even as skinny as she was, there was a definite hourglass shape that the corset brought out in full force. He felt his body respond as he walked slowly up the hall towards her. He took her by the hand and led her into the room that was hers.

      “Lay on the bed.” He said in a husky voice.

      She obeyed and slid backwards until her head rested on the pillows. He stood for several minutes looking at her, before turning the light off. Serene was surprised. After all he had gone to the trouble of buying the lingerie. She could hear him tugging at the drapes until every ounce of light escaped from the room.

      Serene felt a moment of panic; this was it. She would know in a matter of minutes if he really was a sadist, or just a wealthy lonely man. The bed shifted as his weight was applied to the mattress. His fingers found her in the dark and began unsnapping the corset. He pulled it down to her waist and paused. Understanding, she lifted her hips so he could pull it completely free of her body. There was a rustle of clothes and she heard the clank of his belt as he threw his pants to the floor.

      His hands were cool on her skin, but not in an unpleasant way. He explored her waist and belly before grabbing both of her breasts in his hands. His caress was gentle and he ended it by lightly squeezing each nipple. His hands pushed her thighs open and she felt his breath on her face as he lowered himself between her legs. Serene gasped as he entered her. He was much larger than she expected. He seemed to understand as she began to wriggle away from him, and he eased the length of his shaft into her, before he began to rhythmically move.

      Her initial discomfort gave way to a hot fire in the pit of her belly and she reached up to grab his back. His shirt was still on, so she grabbed handfuls of it as his thrusts became harder. He paused for a moment and pulled out. Serene whispered ‘no’. His hands started moving between her legs, deftly finding her clitoris, until she was on the brink of madness. When her moans became loud, he quickly mounted her again and thrust into her hard sending her over the brink, as her body opened like a flower.

      She hadn’t had an orgasm of that intensity on any of her dates. She had
had an orgasm on her dates. They lay on the bed, breathless and holding each other. Lawson sat up and moved to the edge of the bed; his voice moved around her in the darkness.

      “Go wash, and meet me in the dining room. I brought a treat.”

* * * *

      Serene quickly jumped back in the shower and rinsed off. She felt a stinging between her legs, but it didn’t truly hurt; it was just a reminder of his size. She chose a t-shirt and sweat pants, frowning at how worn they looked.

      When she entered the dining room Lawson was standing by the table grinning from under his mask. He spread his arms wide. “I brought you treats!”

      Serene couldn’t help but grin as she looked over the table. There were three different types of dessert there, each beautifully decorated. “Wow! They’re beautiful!”

      “I wanted you to try Tiramisu, and I got a little carried away when I saw the other two. The cake is orange with butter cream and the other is chocolate cannoli.” He cut a small piece from each item and placed them on a plate for her. “Please sit down. What would you like to drink?”

      Serene smelled the rich aroma in front of her and knew exactly what would complement it best. “Do you have any coffee?”

      His smile spread and was absolutely boyish in its enthusiasm. I thought of that while you were in the shower. I already brewed it. I wasn’t sure if you liked coffee or what type, so I bought Sumatra, Kona, and Columbian. I brewed the Columbian.”

      “That will be fine.”

      “Cream and sugar?”

      “Yes, please.”

      She watched him walk into the kitchen and felt something tug at her throat. This man was going to extremes to make her feel special. It wasn’t just the money he had spent on her, it was the way he asked her what
wanted. He made her feel like she mattered.

      When he reemerged from the kitchen, he carried a tray with two steaming mugs of coffee. Once he sat her mug in front of her she dug her fork into the orange cake. The flavor was intense and the butter cream icing melted in her mouth.

      “How do you like it?”

      “It’s delicious!”

      “Now try the Tiramisu, that’s my favorite dessert.”

      Serene took a sip of coffee before she took a bite. The cake was moist and felt spongy on her tongue. The slight sweet flavor of some kind of liquor filled her mouth and she swallowed with satisfaction. “Oh wow! That is really good!” She ignored the cannoli until she had eaten all of the other two. She had eaten cannoli before and wasn’t impressed.

      “Do you want more?” he asked rising slightly and reaching for the serving knife.

      She leaned back and shook her hands at him before letting them rest on her stomach. “Oh no, I’m stuffed!”

      He sat back down satisfied. He was pleased she had enjoyed it. “More coffee?”

      “Yeah, that would be nice. Hey, can we sit in the living room?”

      He paused before answering. “You would like to do that?”

      “Well yeah. Maybe we can watch a movie.”

      “Ok.” He said quietly.

      Serene happily rose from the chair and went into the living room. He watched her for a moment and felt conflicting emotions warring within him. Ever since he first saw Serene, pale and timid, walk out the back door of that horrible house, he wanted to protect her. He had expected something very different; a hardened whore with a worn look. What he found was a woman barely an adult, with large scared eyes; a broken bird who was possibly lonelier than he was.

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