Savor Me

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Authors: Aly Martinez

BOOK: Savor Me
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Savor Me

Copyright © 2014 by Aly Martinez


Editor: Mickey Reed

Self Publishing Editing Service


All rights reserved. No part of this novel may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without written permission from the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. If you would like to share this book with others please purchase a copy for each person. This eBook my not be re-sold or given away to other people.


Savor Me is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and occurrences are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, events, or locations is purely coincidental.




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Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


About The Author



This content contains material that may be offensive to some readers.

Including graphic language and adult situations.

For Ash and Fall.


Without the hours upon hours of dirty iMessage chats, there would be no Mason and Hunter. Thank you for listening me bitch, whine, cry, and disappear. I have no idea what I would do without y'all. All I can do to thank you is dedicate this book to y'all. It has two hot guys. I figured y'all would like that best anyway.

at age thirteen. I know what you're thinking, and the answer is no. I wasn't raped or molested. Nothing horrible happened to me. I didn’t have a daddy complex or a shit life I needed to be rescued from. I just happened to like boys...a lot. I like them all. Tall, short, skinny, buff, light hair, or dark—I don't discriminate. My favorite kind, though, are the ones who like other boys too. Hey! Don't judge. Have you ever seen two completely straight guys making out just because you asked them to? They are willing to do anything to be with you, even if includes sharing you with another man. That's all right in my book.

I realized early on that one man isn't enough for me. It's a simple mathematical fact. Why have one man when you can have two? Any more than two gets complicated. Hell, half the time even two gets complicated. But it’s worth it. Sometimes every woman has to make an exception though—two crappy losers or one fuck-hot man.

The night I laid eyes on Hunter Coy, I made my choice. At least for a little while.

"Lacey!" my best friend, Lydia, screams from across the bar.

I'm chatting up two strong sevens when she catches my attention. I level her with an 'I'm busy!' glare, but her wide eyes have me abandoning my two mediocre sure things and heading her way.

"What the hell, Lydia?" I question her.

"Oh, you're going to want to see this," she says, tipping her beer bottle toward the front entrance of the bar.

Damn if she wasn't right. Walking in is the hottest country boy a drunken redneck sperm ever produced. I don't do cowboy. It's just not my thing. Their jeans are always too tight, and I can't get down with flannel. I purposely avoid county bars like the plague. This is backwoods Georgia, but there are still some places you can go to forget that you are surrounded by hicks. However, if this fine specimen of man is any indication of what I'm missing, I might have a few new hangouts soon.

"Fuck," I unintentionally breathe.

"Please tell me you are going ride that tonight," Lydia whispers, never taking her eyes off the man handing his ID to the bouncer.

"Like a rodeo queen." I continue to stare as he walks into the bar.

He has to be at least six foot one, black hair, and even in the dim light of the bar, I can tell his eyes are dark. I can only hope he is half as dark as the attitude he's giving off. It's been a while since I have taken a bad boy for a ride. His jeans are tight enough to outline his toned thighs, and he's rocking black cowboy boots like it's his fucking job. Oh, he knows every woman in the room is watching him right now, the same way I know there isn't a man here who can peel his eyes away from me.

"I'll be right back." I hand Lydia my beer and make my way over to tonight’s main attraction.

Just as I get within steps from him, he lifts his head and makes direct eye contact. His dark glare levels me and renders me completely unable to move. Damn it, I've never frozen for a man before. He does a quick head-to-toe assessment over my body before turning back to the bar, completely ignoring me.

My sevens catch back up to me and begin pushing me toward the bar. I just need to escape for a minute and figure out what the hell just went down. Cowboy openly judged me and apparently found me lacking. With any other man, I would have marched over, grabbed him by the balls, and made sure he never made that mistake again. However, this guy, well… He has me tucking my tail and walking away. I'm trying to shake off the guys who are urging me back to their table when I hear a deep rasping bark from behind me.

"How old are you?"

"What?" I ask, confused and slightly irritated by his tone. I have no idea who this guy thinks he is, but it’s obvious he thinks pretty highly of himself.

"How old are you?" he repeats very slowly, implying that I'm stupid.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Hunter Coy, and you are, sugar?"

"Did you just call me sugar?" I snap.

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"Not if you're my ninety-year-old paw paw, but judging by the arrogance that is currently dry humping your overly inflated ego, I'm going to say yes, I very much have a problem with you calling me sugar."

"Is sweetheart any better for you?" he asks, amused by my rant.

"You're getting younger, but you still sound like a sixty-year-old bartender with a bad comb over named Sunny. You may have nice hair now, but with a vocabulary like that, you are only a few years away from asking him for his barber’s name."

He doesn't even try to fight back the laughter. Wouldn't you know his flipping laughing is sexy too?

"Okay, let’s try this again. You know, before I start going gray like your paw paw or start balding like Sunny the bartender. What's your name?" he asks while sporting a crooked grin.

Still annoyed from earlier, I roll my eyes and walk away. I don't make it very far because just a few steps away I come face to face with my worst enemy—my sister, Abby.

"Lacey, you little whore." She reaches forward immediately on the attack.

Luckily, after the last few years, I'm skilled at avoiding her bitchiness. I quickly step to the left as she topples over forward, narrowly missing the sevens. There is no question that she is drunk. Hell, she's always drunk.

I take three giant steps back into the wall. Only it's not a wall at all—it's Hunter fucking Coy.

"You okay, sugar?” He looks down at me with a smirk.

"I've got to get out of here." I speed walk away as fast as my four-inch heels will allow. When I find Lydia, she is trying to ignore some guy she wouldn't even let refill her gas tank if she were stranded on the side of the road. "We need to leave. Abby is here."

The sevens once again find me. I can't tell if they are dueling dicks to see who will get me in bed or if they are actually interested in sharing me tonight. That alone might bump them up to eights.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Jesus, leave me alone! Can you not see I am in full drama mode? This is not going to end positively for y'all if you keep following me. I'll catch you some other night."

"Did you fuck these two also?" I hear Abby yell as she stumbles in my direction.

I quickly turn my attention to her and shout, "Quit being such a fucking cunt!" I have no qualms about telling Abby what I think of her. She is always embarrassing me. I need to get out of here before she starts airing all my slutty laundry like she usually does.

"A cunt? Are you kidding me?" She lunges for me, but luckily she's caught around the waist by a muscular arm.

My eyes flash up in silent gratitude—and also to figure out who I will later owe a blowjob—when I find humor-filled dark eyes. Strike whatever I said earlier. Hunter Coy is my new worst enemy. Well, not really. He is actually an orgasm in cowboy boots, but right now, I both love him and hate him. Sure, he’s holding my sister back, but he is laughing while he is doing it.

"I'm leaving," I say to Lydia as she smirks at Abby, who’s trying to fight her way towards me. If it weren't so fucking embarrassing watching her flail around Hunter’s arm, I would admit that this whole situation is funny too.

I haul ass out the front door. It’s barely even ten p.m. and I'm already on my way home. This night fucking blows. As I'm digging through my bra to try to find my solo car key, I hear the sounds of the gravel crushing beneath someone’s feet.

"Sugar?" I hear the rasp from behind me.

Fuck my life with a huge pink dildo
. "What?" I spin around, ready to unleash the brunt of my anger on him. I'm annoyed, pissed off, and—worst of all—sober. "What the fuck do you want? Do you need another laugh? Or maybe another opportunity to judge me?" I throw both arms out to the side and spin in a circle. "Well here I am! Now, if you will leave me the hell alone, I need to go home before my crazy-ass sister follows me out here too!" And just because God hates me, Abby chooses this exact moment to come bursting out the bar’s double doors.

"Let's go!" Hunter grabs my hand, dragging me into the side parking lot.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper-yell, but I'm way more willing to follow him than I am to face my sister again.

"I'm getting you out of here." He continues to sneak through the parking lot, pulling me behind him.

He stops beside a brand-spanking-new pickup truck. It's typical redneck in the sense that it’s jacked up with huge mud tires, but not many boys around here can afford something this nice. Oh yeah, this guy is definitely overcompensating for something. And since he is sexy as sin, I'm going to assume he is lacking in the pants.

He swings open the door, revealing an immaculate interior. Everything is top of the line, from the leathers seat to the built-in navigation, right down to the custom stereo system.

"Jesus, how small is your dick?" I ask, climbing inside.

"Well, I haven't exactly measured it, but I'd be happy to let you take a peek if you'd like."

"Would I need tweezers and a magnifying glass to see it?" I ask, causing him let out a loud laugh.

"You know, if I wasn't helping you escape your whack-job sister, I might be offended right now."

"Shit, you’re right. Get me out of here, and I'll insult your package somewhere else."

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