Saving Katie Baker (17 page)

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Authors: H. Mattern

BOOK: Saving Katie Baker
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Blake’s mind began to roam again to the three of them. He would love to see Katie in that dress.
Ask her
. The thought popped into his head. He wondered if Katie would ever wear another wedding dress again or if it was completely out of the question.

“But—” the word slipped out.

Blake hadn’t meant to say anything out loud. Katie turned to him, having heard him begin to say something.

“Blake, are you alright? Did you say something?” Katie was standing, focused on him, waiting for a response.

“Katie, stay with me. Not just because of the storm, but because you want to. I want you, Katie Baker.”

There, he said it. It was out in the universe now, and there was no taking it back. The ball was in her court.

“What? I—” Katie couldn’t even finish the sentence.

Blake panicked; he knew he was risking everything by opening up his heart. He thought,
what the hell, I’m going to lose her eventually, anyways
. He’d tried to be careful with his words and tip-toed around the subject, but this was his chance. He stepped closer to Katie, set Micah down on the ground, and grabbed Katie’s hands between his own. Blake didn’t know how she had done it, but this woman had quickly captured his heart.

“Look. I know we just started to get to know each other, but I can’t get you out of my head. I keep thinking about you, dreaming about you. I see you in my arms, and wonder what it would be like. I don’t want you to leave. Please, Katie, we both know the roads will be cleared soon, but don’t go. Stay with me. I’m pretty sure it’s too late, I’m pretty sure I’ve already fallen in love with you.”

Katie tried to interrupt, but Blake cut her short by placing his finger over her lips.

“Wait. Let me finish; I know you don’t feel the same way right now, but I’ve always been told love is a choice. Perception is reality. Do you think you could maybe choose to love me? I’d take care of you and Micah forever, you’d want for nothing. You could stay living here with me and until you were ready for anything more, we’d move slowly, nothing has to change right away. Katie, please don’t go. Stay with me. Move in with me for real. Hell, marry me!”

Blake wasn’t sure whether that last statement was brought to the surface because of the dress in her arms or if it was the way she smiled at him around the breakfast table that very morning, but in this moment he wished the words hadn’t spilled out. He knew that it was too much.

Katie didn’t speak. She didn’t say anything in response to Blake’s declaration of love. He waited, hoping for some sign of life from her when a sound interrupted his thoughts.

As soon as the little silver Bug speedily made it’s way through, Katie was gone. She had bolted for the car.


As soon as she reached her friend she turned and saw Blake stand up, with a curious look on his face as to who had interrupted them. Micah was safe in his arms so Katie had no worries. She anxiously waited while her friend turned off her car and stepped out.

Jill barely made it out of the car before Katie was in her arms. Katie couldn’t hold anything in and began letting all of her feelings out, past and present. Tears, streamed down both of their faces, Katie sobbed while Jill worried and held her friend.

“I was so concerned about you. I tried calling but couldn’t get you and then I attempted to drive over after the storm, but the roads were all blocked off. Today was the first day I could make it through.”

Jill finished speaking and looked up at where Katie’s house once stood.

“Your house. Oh Katie. I’m so sorry.”

With the words, Jill turned away from the view of the spoils, as if attempting to shield her eyes from a scene in a horror movie and just held onto her friend even tighter.

Blake stood and watched the two girls, speculating about what they were discussing. He hoped that this friend would help Katie look up and not send her into another downward spiral toward depression.

He walked towards the two girls with Micah in his arms. He put his hand out to Jill and introduced himself.

“Hi, you must be Jill. I’m Blake.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Jill said with a smirk.

Blake looked a bit confused and shook his head.

“Nope. I’m pretty sure the last time I checked, my name hadn’t changed. Care to see my driver’s license?”

“Haha, I’ve heard much about you Mr. Motorcycle Man.” Jill said, and Katie elbowed her, with a look that she should shut up.

“I’m sure nothing good up until this point.” asked Blake.

“Jill, let’s go inside and catch up.”

Katie wanted to get her away from Blake; they didn’t need any more issues than they already had. Jill obliged. Micah reached her arms out to the red head and Jill accepted the little one, taking her into her embrace.

“Would you mind bringing those clothes back with you?” Katie asked Blake, not bothering to make eye contact as she helped usher her friend towards the house.

“Not a problem. We still need to talk later.”

Katie nodded her head, hoping that he’d just get the hint and drop the issue. As she quickly continued walking to the front door, she looked over at Jill, who arched her eyebrows high on her forehead.

“What’s going on here? I get the feeling there’s a bit of a love story brewing.” She said.

“Don’t even go there,” Katie said to Jill who had already begun chuckling.

“Looks like somebody had some fun during the storm. What all did I miss?”

Once she stepped inside the house, Jill took off her long-sleeve, brown cardigan to reveal a sheer blousy tank top that showed off a pink lace bra underneath.

“Seriously, Jill?” Katie asked, making eyes at her top.

“What? I didn’t think I was coming over to Mr. Motorcycle Man’s house. I thought I was going to check on and hang out with my girlfriend.”

“Whatever, you know that you’d have picked out this same outfit if you were to do it all over again. Maybe you should put your cardigan back on.”

Katie handed Jill the sweater in the hopes that she’d put it back on, but right as the words were out of her mouth, Blake came strutting in with his arms full of the clothing Katie had salvaged. Katie caught him glance at Jill’s shirt and it irritated her, but she wouldn’t evaluate why it bothered her so much. She knew he probably couldn’t help it since the bra was so obvious and in-your-face that nobody could miss it, even if they wanted to.

When Blake glanced up to Katie, his face turned bright red knowing he’d been caught.

“Sorry to make you blush, I didn’t think I’d be around the opposite sex,” Jill said as she buttoned the cardigan back over her shoulders.

Blake stuttered, struggling to get words out.

“Uh, Um . . . No apologies needed, I’m just . . . not used to having girls around. I . . . I think I’m going to go for a walk and leave you two alone to catch up.”

With that, Blake walked out the door.

“Isn’t he just the cutest thing? You are one lucky mama to get trapped here with such a hottie.”

Jill sat on the couch and patted the cushion next to her. She was obviously eager for Katie to come join her and start filling her in on all the missing pieces of what she was certain would be a hot and steamy story.

“Okay, first of all, it’s not what you’re thinking—far from it, actually. I didn’t want to come here. I didn’t choose to come here. When the storm hit, he was at my side and basically forced us to his place. It was horrible. You know how much he gets on my nerves.”

Jill nodded, “Oh, trust me, I know.”

“Seriously. Please, can you put aside your crazy, matchmaking ideas for a mere second and have a grown up conversation with me, just this once? This isn’t high school.”

Katie was irritated and flustered. Jill grabbed at her heart, joking that Katie’s words had just stabbed her in the chest, and then smiled.

“You know I’m just kidding with you. Trying to add a bit of humor to the situation.”

“And I love you for it, you know I do,” said Katie, “but I need my friend right now, not a comedian.”

Katie stood up and walked to the kitchen in search of a few things to throw together for them to have for lunch. Jill put Micah down to play with the dog and followed her friend who had grabbed bread and begun to make them sandwiches.

“I’m sorry Katie. I was just so worried.”

The two girls hugged again and worked together on lunch. Katie began sharing the details from the night of the storm.

“It all happened so fast. He was there, telling us to get down, and I didn’t know what else to do. I guess it was a good thing we listened because if we had been at my place . . .”

Her voice trailed off at the thought of what might have been if they’d gone inside the little cottage.

“I’m glad you let him help you. I would have hated to lose my best friend.” Jill said with tears in her eyes.

Jill was not one who cried very often. She often joked about it by saying she was emotionally constipated. Katie knew these tears in this moment were sacred.

“Things have gotten so complicated. I don’t know what to do. There’s so much to do. Oh Jill, everything is such a mess.”

Katie put her head down in her hands on the counter.

“I feel so overwhelmed right now.”

Jill put her hand on Katie’s back.

“Don’t be overwhelmed, I talked to our supervisor and she said that everyone has time to get their houses in order before the school will be starting up again. She’s closing down for at least a month.”

Katie looked at her friend, “Jill, I’m not going back.”

Blake walked into the house with another handful of clothes.

“I’ll go ahead and throw these in the washing machine. Oh, those sandwiches look great—I’m starved.”

Jill winked at him and invited him to come sit at the table with them for lunch. Micah bounced into the kitchen and began rubbing her eyes as if she was already prepared for a nap.

“Looks like it’s almost time for you to take a nap. Want Aunt Jill to lay with you for a little bit after we eat?” Micah nodded her head and smiled.

Blake sat down and devoured the bologna sandwich that the girls had thrown together. There wasn’t a whole lot of talking going on during their brief, simple lunch. He fidgeted with his hands, obviously uncomfortable with the knowledge that he was the cause of their silence.

“Don’t let my presence end your conversation.” He said to the girls after waiting for one of them to break the awkward silence.

“Okay. So anyways, back to what we were talking about. Why aren’t you coming back?” Jill asked Katie.

Blake turned to her, with a confused look on his face.

“What’s she talking about, Katie?”

“I told her I’m not going back to work. I decided it just today. I love my job there, it’s been great over the years, but it’s time to move on.”

“Where will you work then?” asked Jill. “Do you have a better option that you’re keeping from me? Oh, do share the love.”

Katie debated what to say, this wasn’t the right time to share her plans, but after this morning she realized there would never be a “right time”. She took a deep breath and let the cat out of the bag.

“I’m leaving.”

Both Blake and Jill put down their food and stared at Katie. Jill’s mouth was gaped open as if paused mid bite. Blake lowered his head into his hand.

“What?” He asked.

“You heard me. It’s the only way, Blake. I should go back home, truth is I should have gone back years ago. I don’t know what I was thinking. I can’t do this alone. I’ve decided to go live with my dad. It’s the most logical decision. There isn’t any other option.”

Katie put stress on the word “isn’t.”

Blake looked down at his plate “I totally disagree, and you know it.”

Jill looked at Katie and then at Blake, feeling as though she was missing some piece of this puzzle.

“Okay, I’m totally confused here. Am I missing something?” she asked.

“No,” replied Katie. “You aren’t missing anything. Blake is just being difficult.”

“Difficult? Really Katie?”

After the words were out, Blake walked his plate to the sink.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jill.” Blake said before going to the back bedroom.

“You too.” She replied.

After Blake was out of earshot, Jill looked over to Katie with her eyes wide. “Okay, what just happened? That poor guy looked like a wounded puppy. What did you do Katie?”

Katie looked at Jill and sighed in frustration. Where should she even begin?

“I didn’t do anything. I’ve been trying to tell him not to get close. I haven’t been nice. I’ve been a total ass, actually, and the guy—he thinks he’s in love with me, and . . . oh Jill, it’s so horrible.”

“Come on Katie, tell me, I’m your best friend remember?”

Jill put down the milk that she was drinking and Micah climbed up on her lap, laying her head down upon her shoulder.

“Right before you drove up, he asked me to stay with him. I think he might have even accidentally proposed to me. Who does that? Only crazy people.”

Jill laughed out loud. “Are you serious? So . . . what did you say?”

Katie shook her head.

“I didn’t say anything. He didn’t give me a chance, he kept going on and on about how this was a legitimate and good idea, and then you drove up. Thank God for that rescue, by the way. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if you hadn’t arrived when you did.”

“So, he loves you? Do you have feelings for him?”

Katie stared at her friend in disbelief.

“How can you ask me that? You know how I feel about love and relationships. I’m done with them. I’m never going to love anyone like that, ever again. I found my man, I had my chance at happily ever after and it didn’t work, remember? My prince charming was taken from me. That’s it. End of story.”

“Katie, you could really be happy here. I know you don’t think you love him, but the way you look at him. Katie, I haven’t seen those looks in your eyes since—well, since you looked at Micah. Granted, they aren’t as strong just yet, but you watched him when he walked inside, you took note of where his eyes roamed. Girl, you actually cared whether or not he noticed me when I took off my cardigan. You don’t ever care about men looking at me like that.”

Katie walked to the sink to put her plate in the dishwasher and to avoid the conversation that was about to take place. She didn’t want to go into it right now.

“Look, I need to put Micah down for a nap, can we just forget about this conversation?”

“No, we can’t. Katie, listen to me, you have to move on. It’s time. You survived that night for a reason, I wish he’d survived, too, but sadly, he didn’t. The tornado took your house but left Blake’s, maybe this is it, maybe THIS is your happily ever after. Look at all the omens. Perhaps they’re trying to tell you something.”

“Stop being a drama queen, Jill. I’m not going to marry him. It’s out of the question.”

Katie scooped up Micah and headed to the master bedroom. Jill followed behind her.

“I’m not saying you should marry the dude, and more than likely, that’s not what he meant either. I’m just saying don’t run away because the idea of a new relationship scares you. It’s time to grow up, little sister. I’m sorry to upset you, but think about Micah. What’s best for her? Do you think growing up without a dad like you grew up without a mother is going to be best for her?”

“Whoa. You’ve crossed a line, Jill. I know what’s best for my daughter and that, my friend, is to get out of the south and go live with her grandfather. End of discussion.”

Jill gave up on the fight and replied with, “As you wish. I don’t agree with you and I don’t want to see you go, but I love you and will stand behind whatever you decide.”

The three girls lay silently together and soaked up the quiet, done with arguing. Jill smiled at Katie as she watched Micah’s eyes come close to shutting.

“She really is beautiful, Katie.”

Katie looked at her daughter. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that Micah was a beautiful mixture of her parents. Katie watched as Micah inhaled and exhaled, lying there so innocent and peaceful. Oh, to be young again and not have to worry about responsibilities and difficult choices. Katie got teary.

“I really do want what’s best for her,” she told Jill.

Jill squeezed Katie’s hand, “I know sweetheart, I know. You’re a great mommy. You know that, right?”

Katie smiled at her friend. Once Micah was sound asleep, the two of them made their way back out into the living room. They found Blake sitting alone on the couch with a book in his hand.

“What are you reading?” asked Jill.

“A book,” said Blake.

Jill smirked and looked at Katie with a goofy grin. She pointed to Blake and laughed.

“That’s it. I think I found the one glitch with him,” she said. “He’s a smart ass.”

Blake wasn’t humored. “Actually, I’m not. I’m just a bit pent up right now, if you haven’t noticed. Reading calms me.”

He turned the book over and gave the girls a glance at the title. It was a collection of short stories by none other than Katie’s favorite author, Ray Bradbury.

This made Jill snicker and whisper, “It’s a sign” to Katie.

“Don’t even go there Jill,” said Katie with her brows dangerously low.

Katie waited to see what Blake was going to say to Jill’s riddled prompt. Jill was often the braver one and never thought about her words before they came rushing out. The kind of person that you either loved or hated, she was the real deal who always let you know exactly what was on her mind. There was no need to guess what was going on inside that head of hers because she so willingly offered it to the world for free.

“Tell me, what’s a sign?” Blake asked and glanced up at Katie.

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