Saving Grace (29 page)

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Authors: Katie Graykowski

BOOK: Saving Grace
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“Yes, of course, yes.” She kissed him full on the mouth. “Clean rooms and clean dishes. What woman in her right mind would say no?”

She said yes. He got to spend the rest of his life with Grace. He thanked God, Buddha, The Universe, and every other deity he could think of. He got his saving Grace. “Yeah, you’re the luckiest woman in the world.”






One Year Later



“Think they’ll get married?” Summer Grayson sat cross -legged on a red quilt in Grace and Chord’s backyard holding the chubby hands of her baby girl, who was just learning to walk.

“I hope so.” Grace cradled her four-month-old baby boy, Luke Vernon, on her lap. “If these two grew up and fell in love, they would make us some beautiful grandbabies.”

“Yes, ma’am they sure would.” Sweet Louise took baby Luke out of Grace’s hands and nuzzled him. “Come over here, Julia, and give your boyfriend a kiss.”

Julia wiggled out of her mother’s grasp and on stumpy, unsure legs took her first step before she fell down in front of Sweet Louise, leaned over, and kissed Luke square on the mouth.

“Now there’s a lady who knows what she wants.” Sweet Louise cradled Luke in one arm and scooped up Julia with the other. “My honorary grandbabies.”

She shot Devon a glare and raised her voice so she could be heard over the game of touch football going on in front of them. “The only grandchildren it seems I’ll ever have until my son gets off his butt and finds a wife.”

“I’m ignoring you.” Devon yelled back from the makeshift field, and then the game turned from touch to full on tackle as Keshan Dawkins took him down.

“Thanks, Keshan. You’re such a sweet boy.” Sweet Louise blew him a kiss.

Grace had never seen an African-American man blush before, but Keshan’s cheeks were flaming.

“So, tell us about your meeting with Alice.” Summer’s voice held concern as she played with Luke’s sweet baby toes.

“She kept calling, and I wanted to know if she was serious about seeing the kids.” Grace shivered at the memory of meeting the woman yesterday. She’d never met someone so cold and calculating. Her heart broke for the kids, because they would never know their biological mother. “She was evil. She only wanted money and threatened all sorts of things.”

Summer’s hand went over her mouth. Her friend was so good to the core that she didn’t understand a mother who couldn’t love. “What did you do?”

“I hope you conked her over the head, duct taped her to some concrete blocks, and dumped her in Lake Travis.” Sweet Louise kissed Julia and settled her on her lap.

“I love you.” Summer touched the older woman’s shoulder. “You’re good people.”

“I took the high road. I told her to bring it on, and then I tossed a fiver at her and left.” Grace was proud of herself. “I think she was a little stunned I wouldn’t rollover and give in. Chord has referred all communication with her to me. If she wants to start something, I’m calling Sweet Louise to take her down.”

“Honey,” she patted Grace’s knee, “I’ve got your back.”

And she did. These women had welcomed her and loved her.

“So when is your next album coming out?” Summer stretched her arms over her head like she was working the kinks out of her back.

“I don’t know. I’ve written most of the songs, but I don’t know when I’ll have the time to record them.” Not only had Grace recorded one song with Project Hope, but she’d recorded an entire album. When she’d put it up on iTunes, she’d expected a couple of sales. She smiled to herself. But to sell a whopping one hundred thousand copies in the first twenty-four hours? No one could have expected that. She was still humbled by her fans.

“I can’t believe you donated all of your profits back into Project Hope.” Sweet Louise kissed the top of Luke’s head.”

“And that Chord matched the money.” Summer continued to stretch her back. “That was so sweet.”

“Thanks for shaming Clint and the rest of the players into donating too.” Grace missed the weight of her baby in her arms.

“No problem. Someone has to be their social conscience.” Summer rolled her shoulders.. “Now Project Hope will continue on for years.”

With Project Hope, Grace was doing what she loved and helping to ease the burden of a scary hospital trip for so many kids. Her new life had brought her so many blessings.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Clementine bound across the yard, jump the five-foot wrought-iron fence surrounding the pool, and fly into the crystal-blue water.

“I see your dog has finally gotten over his fear of water.” Summer shaded her eyes to watch the dog.

“Clementine only braves the water when he thinks someone is drowning. The trouble is, he thinks anyone in the pool is drowning.” She watched as he clamped his teeth onto HW’s swimsuit and hauled him to the steps.

“At least you don’t have to worry about accidental drowning.” Summer shrugged. “Unless he’s the one doing the drowning.”

“Mom! Clementine tried to kill me again.” HW screamed from the pool deck.

“You’re okay. Shake it off.” Her soul glowed every time one of the kids called her mom.

“Can we borrow Clementine?” Summer asked. “I want a pool, but Clint is convinced Julia is not only the smartest baby in the world, but that she can climb the five foot fence I was planning to put around the pool.” She glanced at her husband and grinned. “I’m willing to overlook his interesting logic because he has a great ass.”

They all looked at Clint.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I agree with you.” Sweet Louise nodded as she turned to Grace. “Your husband’s ass isn’t bad either.”

“Thanks.” Grace was happy. This was a perfect moment in time. Her baby son slept in her arms, the kids were arguing over Clementine, and Chord watched her with a smile on his face.

“Excuse me,” yelled a man in a white shirt and khakis carrying a huge bowl filled with something brown. She squinted to get a better look, but couldn’t make out what was in the bowl. He walked from the direction of the gate. “I have a delivery for,” he glanced at the card, “Grace Robbins.”

Chord was always surprising her. As a wedding present, he’d bought back her father’s guitar. He made every day special.

She rolled onto her knees, gathered her son in football style, and stood. “That’s me.”

As the man got closer, the brown contents turned into Tootsie Rolls. Thousands and thousands of Tootsie Rolls. He walked to the nearest table and set the dish down. Grace followed him. He handed her a card. She opened the envelope and slid out the business-card-sized paper. It read, “One year ago today, you said yes. Thanks. Love Chord.”

Her gaze found him, and he turned to her. She blew him a kiss, and he caught it and returned it.

Once upon a time, he’d commented that she’d blown into his life Mary Poppins style and he was right. Now, he’d rooted her here—grounded her. There was nowhere on earth she’d rather be. All the wandering from job to job and gig to gig had led her here. This was her place—the life she was meant to have. Chord had given her this.

She was home.


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