Saving Grace (13 page)

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Authors: Kimberly McKay

BOOK: Saving Grace
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Burke wasn’t a very romantic guy, but he remembered details.  Like the fact that upon meeting Grace on that first day, she had mentioned she’d be 21 ‘next week’.  Without knowing her actual birthday, he thought he’d do something special for her today.

After his errands, he stopped by the local bakery and bought her a few cupcakes for her special day … whenever that happened to be.  He just hoped he was close.

              “Hey, I’m home,” he hollered, and walked in the house, carrying in the pastry box.

              Just having someone to come home to had given him more peace than he could ever imagine.  Whether he wanted to admit it or not, something in him had mended with Grace’s presence. 

As Burke set the box on the counter, it dawned on him that he’d gotten used to her.  He laid his hand on the chair where Grace joined him for coffee that morning, and smiled in remembrance of her sleepy yawn. 

The fact that she still chose to sleep in his t-shirt and boxers, even though she’d purchased a set of pajamas on their shopping trip, made his gut twist in anticipation. 

Yes, he could get used to this.

He pulled out some tiny candles; he’d bought earlier, and placed one in a single cupcake.  Searching for some matches, he reached for his miscellaneous drawer, where he kept odds and ends for the kitchen.  Thankfully there were some inside.

He struck the match and lightly let it fall on the candlewick.  He smiled at the thought of her face, when she would see it.

“Grace, you decent?”  He softly knocked on his bedroom door and walked in.  “I brought you a surprise … for your birthday.”

Grace whipped around in time to see his face fall.  She loved the innocence in his eyes when he smiled, but now the only thing left was disappointment. 

He had walked in just in time to see her zip up her carry on and plop it on his bed.  She was about to say her goodbyes.

He quickly set the cupcake on dresser and left the room.  Grace’s head fell back and she stared at the ceiling. 

Great, Grace.  Way to go.
  She scolded herself. 

She quickly reached for her cupcake, and followed him out.

Burke didn’t expect that she’d stay forever, but couldn’t help how he felt when he saw her packing to leave.  She’d brought so much light into his life in such a short time, and he wasn’t ready to be in the dark again.

Grace touched his arm and stopped him.  She smiled sweetly and looked into his eyes, which were emotionless and flat. 

“Thank you.  This is very thoughtful. My birthday is actually tomorrow.” 

Grace softly blew out the candle, and then slid it from the cupcake to place the bottom tip in her mouth.  She licked the sweet butter cream frosting off and quietly sang its praise by letting out a small moan of satisfaction. 

“Best birthday cupcake ever...” She wistfully smiled up at him. 

He was trying to shut his emotions off, regain composure, and put his walls back up.  But, watching her enjoy something as simple as licking frosting off a candle about did him in.  He spun on his heel and left for the kitchen to put the rest of the cupcakes in the refrigerator.

What was supposed to be a sweet gesture ended up in an epic fail, and it was her fault.  She could tell he was fighting back the ogre, and wanted nothing more than to span the room and grab him into a big bear hug.  Instead she tried to keep it light.

              “What kind is this?  It’s wonderful.” She sunk her teeth into her gift, and followed him into the kitchen.

              He threw open his refrigerator, yanked out a Corona, and twisted off the cap.  He lifted the bottle and took a long swig.  It was a bit too early for a beer, but under the circumstances he’d give himself a pass.

              “What are you going to do?”  He gruffly asked her, sitting the bottle down with a heavy thud on his counter.

              “I figured I’d get a hotel until I figured the rest out,” she said between bites. Grace brought her finger up to her mouth and licked off more frosting.

Is she trying to kill me? 
His eyes dropped to her lips. 

He quickly turned his back to her to keep his mind from turning the simple act of eating a cupcake into a bedroom liaison.

              It took everything in him to bare his feelings.  After what happened with his ex-wife, he promised himself he’d never be the kind of man that asked a woman for anything, but this was Grace.  She wasn’t just any woman.

Although it killed him to say the words, he knew he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t.

With his back still turned, he mustered up the courage to softly say, “I’d like you to stay.”

Knowing he couldn’t see her, she did a little happy dance behind him.  After all, she didn’t want to leave.  She felt connected to this man, even when he was surly.

She quickly finished her little dance and settled down on a barstool, steadying her voice to ask, “Are you sure?” 

She waited for a second, but couldn’t stand the deafening silence.  So in true form, she began to banter to fill the void. 

“I mean only if you want me to.  I mean … I’m just some random girl that showed up on your beach.” 

“Are you done?”  He stared out his kitchen window; unable to believe he was baring his heart.

Grace’s eyes widened and she sunk further into her chair.  She smiled down at what was left of her cupcake, knowing how hard this must be for him. 


  “It took a lot for me to ask you,” he said softly.

She quietly got down from the stool, and walked up behind him, placing a hand on his arm to turn him toward her. 

He rested his hip against the counter and faced Grace.  She had such an open spirit and kind heart – that it was hard not to want her to stay. 

It was at that moment, he knew he’d fallen for this young tourist who encroached his beach and was thankful to God that He dropped her there.

“I know,” she said, searching his eyes.

“Please … stay,” he said softly.  He was close enough to her that he could pull her into an embrace, but he kept his distance.

Grace could feel the energy between them, which like an electric current that begged him to wrap his arms around her and pull her in. 

              She tipped her chin up so that she could make better eye contact.  His eyes were guarded, but sincere. 

              “Thank you, Burke … for my cupcake and the offer.  I’d like to stay.”

              He felt the anxiety slowly drain from his body.  She was staying – he could breathe. 

              “Happy Birthday.”  He stared down at her, wanting more than anything than to kiss her.

              Grace leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. 

“This is going to be the best one yet,” she whispered in his ear.

              As stepped back, Grace felt her pocket vibrate.  “Oh!  My new phone!”  She dug in her jeans pocket.

              For the second time that day, he felt he couldn’t control his impulses.  He took a few steps back and took another long swig from his beer. 

Saved by the bell.

Grace read the message that popped up on her screen. 

“It’s from my friend, Mercy.  She’s the only one that I gave this number to.”  Grace glanced down and quickly read.

You know hell has frozen over when Lilah keeps calling me to see where you are.  It’s been a week already…will you contact her so she’ll stop calling me?  She mentioned that she’d contacted the local police in HI and reported you missing.


“Oh no,” Grace groaned, and slumped against the counter.

              “What happened?” He settled in next to her, and let his hips rest next to hers.

“My friend just gave me some bad news.”

“You don’t have to do this alone, Grace.”  He took her hand in his, and softly rubbed his thumb along the inside of her wrist. 

His touch made it feel like her arm was on fire.  Her eyes darted up to his, as her heart skipped a beat. 

How does he do that to me with just a touch?

They held a stare that both were too far-gone to pull away from.  He slowly ran his hand up her arm to the base of her neck and then gently stroked the side of her face, where her bruise was. 

Unable to wait any longer, she dropped her phone in haste, slid her hands up his large biceps, and wound her arms around his neck.  He quickly lifted his hands to cup her face and bring her face to meet his.

He hesitated before placing his lips on hers.  She’d been hurt, and he didn’t want to give her the full court press.  He softly laid his full lips on hers and massaged her mouth open.

Grace felt like her insides were exploding, like fireworks had erupted from her heart and were traveling to every nerve ending in her body.  For the first time, every fiber of her felt alive … and kissing Burke was as natural as breathing.

              “I come with a lot of baggage.”  She panted as his arms wound around her tiny waist, pulling her tighter against him.  She could feel how much he needed her.

              He slowly let her words sink in and let out a deep breath.  He stopped mid-kiss and pulled his head back to stare into her dark chocolate eyes.  He noticed she had flecks of gold in them. 

              “You’re amazing.  And, we all have baggage.”  He drew her closer for another kiss.

              “Wait.”  She rested her forehead on his.  Her chest was rising and falling with every word.  “You make me feel like never before.” 

He gently nuzzled her neck.

              “Mmm,” he groaned.  She did the same thing for him.  Even when he was married, the fireworks weren’t this intense.

              “I want us to know more about each other before we …” Grace pulled back a bit. 

She was a virgin and although was ready and willing like never before, she wanted to make sure she listened to her head over her heart. 

Her heart was drowning in emotions she’d never felt before, but that last bit of sense in her head was telling her to slow down.  Her faith and her breeding both taught her to stay chaste, but with Burke it was hard to remember either. 

“I want to know who I’m getting involved with.  I’ve been involved with the wrong person before.”

              Her sobering words and the memory of her bruise were enough to bring him back to reality.  He didn’t want to scare her.  After all, he was almost twice her size.

              “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to go too fast.  Are you okay?”  He pulled back and was pleased see peace in her eyes versus fear.

              “I am more than okay.  I want you like I’ve never wanted anyone.  You bring something out in me that I thought was lost.” 

Grace smiled and touched his face.  She liked how his slightly crooked nose, gave him an imperfection.  Otherwise his looks might be intimidating. 

“But I need to make sure I take care of myself too.  I trust you … I’m not sure why.  I’ve not known you very long – but I feel like I’m safe with you.”  She took his strong hands in hers.

              “You are.  I can take care of you, Grace.”  Burke roughly added, and raised her hands and kissed the insides of her palms.  “Are you going to tell me who did this to you now?” 

He tried to respect her privacy, but the more time she spent under his roof the more protective he felt toward her

Whoever did this should plan for a beating of his own
, he thought and frowned.

              “Oh, now your sour face again?”  She giggled and leaned in to kiss his furrowed brow.  “If you stop this, I’ll tell you everything.” 

              “Come here.”  He pulled her toward the papasan lounger to lie down.  He pulled her on top of him, and covered them up with a light blanket.  He liked the way her legs tangled with his.

              Grace laid her head on his chest, where she could hear his heart was beating.  She took a deep sniff and smiled.  It reminded her of the sheets on his bed.

“Okay,” he chuckled, and kissed the top of her head.  “You can’t see me frowning from here.”

Grace laid her arms across his chest, and propped her chin on them. She lifted her right eyebrow and wrinkled her nose at him.  “Yes, I can, but I don’t mind it all that much.  You have this dark brooding handsome thing going on.”

It gave her what she was waiting on … his laugh.  It bounded through the room, giving her much joy.  She liked this side of him, and was happy she could bring it out.

“Okay.”  Grace sighed.  “You ready?”  She sadly smiled.  He quickly laced his fingers through hers and squeezed her hand.

“I’m here, Grace.  Let me in.”  He kissed her forehead. “What did the text say?”

“Well apparently there’s a missing persons report out on me.”  She sighed once more.  “And to be honest, I don’t want to be found.”

Burke sat up a little straighter and pulled her into him.  “What do I need to do to help?”

She told him about her grandparents, the reason behind her trip, and her escape from Zach, but omitted anything about her parent’s death, family money, or the fact that she had a sister.  She didn’t want to tell him too much too soon.

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