Saved Folk in the House (23 page)

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Authors: Sonnie Beverly

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BOOK: Saved Folk in the House
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“You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl. Is there anything you don’t eat grits with, Erica? Smoked salmon, mussels, oysters, poached eggs, steamed shrimp, and a bowl of grits.”

“I can’t help it,” Erica said, putting a spoonful in her mouth. “Hmmm, they’re good too. What is this meeting about?”

“Why didn’t you send an interoffice memo so that we could be prepared?” Jada asked.

Erica and Jada laughed. Nikki was serious.

“Ladies, I have an announcement to make. Kevin and I are getting married.”

Jada gave Erica a quick glance.

“Congratulations, sis,” Jada said. “You’re an intelligent, spiritual woman who knows what she’s doing. I’m happy for you.”

“If you’re sure, then congrats,” Erica said, feigning a smile after getting over the shock.

“Well, thank you both. And I am sure,” she said. She was pretty sure about Jada’s sincerity, but doubted Erica’s.

“Wow, we have a wedding to plan,” Jada said.

“No hoopla. Only our immediate family and close circle of friends will be there. That’s you guys, the kids, and my parents, of course. Kevin’s parents died when he was young. His grandmother raised him and his sister, but the grandmother is in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s. So that leaves Randy; Kevin’s sister, Chanel; and her son, Rashad. That’s it. We don’t need any negative spirits I’m not sure about lingering around. Know what I mean?” Nikki asked, glancing at Erica, who was preoccupied with her grits.

“Yeah, girl. I know exactly what you mean,” Jada said.

Chapter Thirty-six

he children were spending their summer vacation in Virginia with their grandparents. Nikki and Kevin had plenty of time alone together to get to know each other better and to complete their marriage counseling.

Work had been going well, and Nikki had not pursued a higher-paying job because she liked working near Erica; however, since her marriage announcement, her favor at work seemed to have left. One day Vincent called her into his office.

“Nikki, your children are away for the summer, correct?”


“Then you should be able to come in at eight with the rest of the staff.”

“If you don’t mind, I have gotten used to this schedule and would like to keep it.”

“Personnel orders are that since you no longer require the flexible schedule, you begin at eight o’clock with the rest of the staff. Sorry.”

“No problem.”

“That’s it. Thank you.”

Personnel orders,
Nikki thought as she decided to pray about reopening her employment options.

That night, she and Kevin discussed their careers.

“My job is not fun anymore,” she told him.

“Well, then we have to make it fun,” Kevin said, and began tickling her.

She laughed hysterically.

“No, silly,” she said, trying to get away.

“No what?” he asked as he stopped tickling and just held her.

Lying relaxed in his arms, she began to explain.

“Being employed at the church is a lot of work, and it used to be fun and rewarding. If I could have afforded to do it for free, I would have. But lately, I don’t think they can pay me enough to stay there.”

“Why, baby?”

“Well, Erica was a big part of my wanting to be there. She’s my very first friend in Georgia, but she hasn’t seemed like my friend lately.”

“How so?”

“She’s been distant. She doesn’t call anymore, and when I call, she’s always busy.”

“Maybe she is.”

“Well, she wasn’t that busy before we got engaged.”

“You think that has something to do with it?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“You talk to her about it?”

“She’s been avoiding me.”

“Well, if it’s bothering you, talk to her. Lay it all out on the table and deal with it is my motto. That’s how I got you, baby,” he said, and started tickling her again.

The next day, Nikki went to Erica’s office to invite her to lunch.

“Sorry, I’m busy,” Erica said.

“You have been quite busy lately, girlfriend,” Nikki said.

“I’m sure you have been too.”

“Kind of,” Nikki said. “I also wanted to ask you about me continuing to come in at eight-thirty.”

“No more exceptions to the rules. With your new husband, you should be able to figure out how to get the kids to school and yourself to work on time. It can’t be that difficult.”

“I’m sure we can. Now, what’s your problem?” Nikki asked, closing the door.


“You have been acting weird since I announced my engagement.”

“You are imagining things, darling.”

“No, really, Erica. You’re my girl, and things have not been the same.”

“I’m just giving you your space, Nikki. We’re still cool. Now, if you will excuse me, I really am busy,” Erica said.

“Fine,” Nikki said as she opened the door and left.

Nikki couldn’t figure out what Erica’s problem could be. They had been too close and had too much fun together for her to not be concerned about her friend. She needed some advice. She called her friend Zakia from back home.

“I need you, girl,” Nikki said when Zakia answered the phone.

“You got me, sis. What’s up?” Zakia asked.

“My best friend down here has been tripping on me lately. And I honestly don’t know what I have done to her,” Nikki said.

“You can’t remember doing anything? People are so funny, there’s no telling what you may have done. Think,” Zakia advised her friend.

Nikki remembered the glance Jada gave Erica at the restaurant when she first told them about her engagement. “I know who might know something,” she said.

“Go for it,” Zakia said.

“I’m going to do just that. Thanks,” Nikki said.

She decided to pay Jada a visit.

“Okay, come clean. I know you know something. What is wrong with our girl Erica?” Nikki asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, come on, Jada. I know you, attorney-at-law, have noticed a difference. Tell me, what did I do?”

Jada paused, then relented, not out of betrayal, but out of the same concern Nikki had for Erica.

“You got engaged, Nikki. What Erica wants more than anything in the world is to find Prince Charming, but she’ll settle for a good man who loves her and wants to marry her.”

“And avoiding me is going to help her reach that goal?”

“Give her some time. That’s been her constant prayer, and you could have cared less if you never got married again. It seems like you stole her blessing.”

“Give me a break.”

“Understand, Nikki, it’s not intentional. Spending so much time with the kids while you travel, she was really feeling the family thing. Now with Kevin, you have the whole package she’s been praying for, while she goes home alone.”

“Again, is that my fault? Why take it out on me?”

“You are living her dream. It’s tough to watch somebody get everything you have been fervently praying for. So try to understand her. She’ll get over it.”

“Dang. But it makes sense. How did I get so blessed?”

“God knows what He’s doing, girl, and Erica is going to just have to trust that.”

“So what do I do?”

“Nothing. Keep loving her and being her friend, and she’ll come around.”

“So no need to mention this to her?”

“No need whatsoever.”

“Okay. Wow! Revelation is an awesome thing.”

“Yes, it is.”

Nikki and Kevin decided to get married when Jean and Jim brought the children back from their summer vacation. Erica had come down with a virus and couldn’t attend the wedding. Jada stood up for Nikki, and Randy was Kevin’s best man.

They had decided to have an intimate wedding ceremony and an elegant steak and lobster dinner reception, all at a swank hotel. Their marriage counselor, Minister Slater, married them. The beautiful bride and handsome groom stood before each other and exchanged the vows they had written, both pledging to keep God at the center of their union. They both were dressed in soft cream. Nikki’s short pearled gown complemented Kevin’s tux perfectly. The glory of God filled the room, and nothing other than the groom or his bride could ever break the bond that was formed that day.

Jim and Jean stayed in Georgia with the children while Nikki and Kevin went on a Caribbean honeymoon cruise.

On the ship, Kevin scooped Nikki up and carried her across the threshold of their cabin. He set her on his lap and looked at her. She gazed at him, smiling. All the love they had been carrying for each other was about to be unleashed.

Chapter Thirty-seven

hen Nikki and Kevin returned from their honeymoon, Jim and Jean were packed and ready to go.

“What is it that you guys think you’re missing in Richmond?” Nikki asked.

“Atlanta is nice, and we love staying with our babies, but your dad has begun all of these projects—the pool, the barbecue, shelving the garage walls, the yard—and none of that is being taken care of while we’re here relaxing,” Jean explained.

“That’s right. Put it all on me,” Jim said.

Before they got in the Caddy, Jim took Nikki aside and looked deep into her eyes as if he was searching for something.

“I have never seen you this satisfied before. And for that reason, I can leave in peace. Kevin’s a good man, but if anything changes . . . well, you know what to do,” Jim instructed his daughter.

“I know, Daddy. I love you,” she said, hugging and squeezing him as tight as she could. “I am very happy and satisfied.”

Nikki went to the store to get milk. On her way back, she stopped to get the mail and noticed a letter from Rae. She had sent her cousin a postcard during her honeymoon to let Rae know about her marriage and was anxious to read her cousin’s response. She opened the letter right there, standing outside beside the mailboxes.

Dear Nikki,

You go, girl! I’m so happy for you, cuz. I’m doing as well as can be expected up in here. The Bible study group is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am respected, not for being tough, but because of what the others see God doing through me. Inmates and guards come to me for advice. And I put the Word on them, just like you do me. My time could even get reduced for good behavior. Thanks for not giving up on me.


P.S. And tell your new husband he better treat you right.

Nikki smiled as a calm peacefulness came over her. She knew that Rae was going to be all right.

A month into her new marriage, it was time to move forward. Nikki wanted to know where things stood with her girlfriends, so she called Jada.

“What’s the deal, sis?” she asked when Jada answered the phone.

“Hey, newlywed. How was the cruise?”

“Short. We learned a lot about each other. We both have a desire to visit Africa, so we’re planning to go there next summer,” Nikki said.

“That’s great,” Jada said.

“How’s Erica?” Nikki asked.

“In denial.”

“I’m going to talk to her,” Nikki said.

“It’s sensitive right now. Be with your husband. She’ll get over it. You take care of your family,” Jada advised.

“All right, but Kevin and I decided on the cruise that I would accept one of those offers that Accountants R Us has been throwing my way. I mean, working at the church doesn’t feel right anymore.”

“Hey, all good things come to an end. New marriage, why not a new job? New beginnings are great. Go for it. Warren and I have been having some serious talks too.” Jada had met Warren Alexander, who was also studying for the bar, and things had been going so well between them that shortly after they passed the exam, they decided to start a practice together.

“All right, now! I wish you nothing but the best, sis.”

“Same to you, sis. Now, go see if that husband of yours needs anything.”

Nikki called Accountants R Us and was sent on an interview that called for her corporate best. She wore her navy brass: her special navy knee-length skirt, brass-buttoned jacket with matching jewelry, nude shimmering hose, and navy pumps. She had studied the company’s financials and was ready to dazzle them. The interview team of the Fortune 500 company was indeed impressed with her and her credentials, assuring Nikki that she would be hearing from them. A few days later, they made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. The seventy-five-thousand-dollar salary was far above her expectations.

Nikki went in to give Vincent her two weeks’ notice. She had briefly thought of telling Erica but dismissed the thought. Vincent reluctantly accepted Nikki’s resignation.

“Why are you leaving us?” he asked after reading the letter.

“It’s just timing. I have grown so much here, have learned to trust and believe God in every area of my life, and the time has come to move on.”

“You have done a wonderful job here. I’m sorry to see you go, but I wish you much success in your future endeavors,” Vincent said.

“Thank you. It has truly been an honor and a pleasure to serve this ministry. I’ll look for you at church.”

Chapter Thirty-eight

ollowing service a few days after Nikki resigned, the children went home with Kevin, and Nikki rode with Jada to brunch. She was surprised to learn Erica was joining them.

“So what was her one-eighty about?” Nikki asked Jada.

“Let her tell you, but I have some news of my own to share.”


“Oh, here she comes now,” Jada said.

“Hello, sisters,” Erica said as she sat down. “I’m famished.”

“Me too,” Jada said as they all looked at their menus.

Nikki hadn’t spoken, still curious about this change of attitude, but glad to see the old Erica back.

Once their orders were taken, Erica took both of Nikki’s hands into hers and looked deep into her eyes.

“The Word was so on time today. I had been hiding behind issues that I didn’t even know I had, Nikki. Since I got a revelation about my denial, breakthroughs have been coming forth left and right. I had my own issues I needed to deal with, and I took my unhappiness and frustrations out on you rather than being happy for you. I knew I had gone too far when you didn’t even tell me you were leaving the job. I’m sorry you didn’t feel you could come to me. I want you to know I’m changing. God is really speaking to my heart.”

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