Samson and Sunset (23 page)

Read Samson and Sunset Online

Authors: Dorothy Annie Schritt

Tags: #romance love children family home husband wife mother father grandparents wealthy poverty cowboy drama ranch farm farmstead horses birth death change reunion faith religion god triumph tragedy

BOOK: Samson and Sunset
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  “Well, princess, foreplay with the
condom, or foreplay without the condom? What do you want? ’Cause
this is your thing.”

  “Oh, put it on first!” I said. “That
boneless bone of yours is already as big as it’s going to get!” I
told him, thinking how blessed he was, thus making me blessed, with

  I was sitting up with my legs crossed,
Indian-style, watching curiously, like a child getting ready for a
lesson. Shay slowly opened the foil package and with one hand he
held the very edge.

  “See,” he explained, “this has rolled
up sides so I can just place it over my penis and roll it down the
shaft. I have to get it on right the first time or it could

  “It doesn’t matter if you tear it,
babe,” I said. “We’re only using it for me to experience condom

I watched, fascinated, as he rolled it down
my joy-toy. I couldn’t believe it. There was my Shay Man with a
condom on. I was so excited! The condom had a little balloon on the
end of it, and without any thought whatsoever, I grabbed the tip of
the little balloon, pulled it about eighteen inches out and let it
snap back like you snap a rubber band. Wrong! This was the wrong
thing to do. The moment it hit the tip of Shay’s penis, gyrations
like I’d never seen began. He let out a yelp and did a dance with
steps one couldn’t retrace if they tried. He was then rolling on
the floor, both hands between his legs, just rolling and

  This little performance went on for
about fifteen minutes, and I probably don’t have to tell you, there
was no condom sex that night. In fact, sex was put on hold for an
hour or two. Maybe he just faked that pain so we’d never have
condom sex again. Well, hell of a deal, now I’d never know what sex
felt like with a condom.


Later that month we were at some friends’
house for an evening of supper and fun. After supper, our hostess
announced that we were going to play some games. She had bought
several gifts for prizes, and displayed them on the prize table.
There were four couples, plus the host and hostess. Our hostess
would first ask the wives questions; then she would ask the
husbands. The couple with the most matching answers got the prize.
One of the questions was, “How many hours a week would you say you
and your spouse have sex?”

  I counted two hours at night, two
hours in the morning, plus about one and a half hours in the
afternoon. So I did the math in my head and rounded it off at
thirty-five hours a week. Then came answer time. Four hours for one
couple, seven and a half for another, and then they get to Shay and
me. We had both put thirty-five hours. Well, hearing this, the
other couples just went crazy. They said it just couldn’t be true.
Finally I realized they were being serious. Well, this just ended
the game and we won the prize—a new toaster. But the rest of the
night was all about Shay and me. Tell us, they said, just tell us
how you do it! Thirty-five hours a week, plus with two children!
They just couldn’t get enough.

  This was the first time I realized
that we were having more than the normal amount of sex. Hell, I’d
never known anything else. No one ever told me there was a limit on
sex. I enjoyed all those hours, all those positions and different
places—from under a farm tractor to the bathroom counter. All
seemed normal and wonderful to me. Come to think of it, no wonder I
never gained a pound.

  Later, one of the wives told me I’d
gotten her into trouble; now her husband wanted much more sex! Gee,
guess he had me to thank for that. I believe that the more intimacy
a couple shares, the closer they stay. Just speaking for myself, it
made me love my soul mate, Shay, for the rest of my life. It is
true what they say, two become one.


By the middle of October I found myself
nauseous every morning. I knew this feeling well; it was definitely
morning sickness. I didn’t tell Shay, I wanted to see my doctor
first. I knew my period was due in four days, and I was just
praying for a blood storm.

  A week came and nothing. Then another.
It was time to see my doctor. I made an appointment and that was
the day it was confirmed. I was pregnant.

  Not that I didn’t want another baby,
but let’s face it, there was that one in one hundred chance I was
carrying a child of rape. I wasn’t sure how I was going to tell
Shay, but I knew I was going to watch his face closely when I did.
I think this was something that would have caused a question in any
man’s mind.

  When was I going to tell him? The
timing would have to be just right. I decided that the perfect time
would just present itself and I would know when it was.

  We were like a couple of foolish,
young kids in love. How could we be old enough to be parents? We
just did fun, goofy things. I remember standing in front of the
kitchen sink peeling potatoes for potato soup. I had on little
bikini panties, Shay’s big shirt and bobby socks. I’d heard him
come into the mudder room a little earlier, then the sound of the
shower. I heard the shower shut off, and a few minutes later I
thought I could feel someone looking at me. I turned around and saw
Shay standing, naked from the waist up, in the laundry room
doorway, watching me while he towel dried his hair.

  “Stop it, Shay,” I said, “you scared

  “I’m just looking at you, baby,” Shay
said in his sexy voice. “You turn me on so much. I love the way
your thin little legs go all the way from the floor straight up to
your cute little ass.”

  “Well, gooney googoo, where did you
think they’d go? Up to my ears?”

  “Oh, you little smart mouth, you are
in so much trouble. I’m going to do you right here on the floor,”
Shay said as he walked into the kitchen in his black underwear,
pulling a black t-shirt over his head. He had the most beautiful
chest, so fit and strong.

  I started laughing as he headed toward
me at the sink. I dashed around to the other side of the table.

  “First you’re going to have to catch

  Shay made one big dive, slid directly
over the table, tipping over my floral arrangement, and had me on
the floor in two seconds flat. He had me on my back, sitting on me
(never with his full weight, he always put his weight on his
knees,) with my arms pinned straight out.

  “What are you going to do now,” he
asked, laughing.

  I was laughing hysterically myself.
“The question is what are
going to do? ’Cause Yonnie is
upstairs playing with the kids.”

  “Well, princess, this is a panty raid,
’cause I need a nice soft cloth to wipe the dust off of my
windshield. These look perfect,” he said, and pulled my panties
down as far as he could. “Bring your knees way up, Callie.”

  “No,” I said, playing hard to get.

  So he let go of both my arms at the
same time and started tickling me wildly. I brought my knees up and
he just reached his hand back and slipped my panties off me.

  “See,” Shay said as he held them in
front of my face, “the perfect dusting cloth. And then I’m keeping
them in my glove box.”

  “There is a whole drawer full
upstairs, goony, why not just get one of those?”

  “You wore these, so I want these.”

  “You’re nuts, Shay Westover, that’s
just sick. Now let me up before the kids come down.”

  Shay jumped up and pulled me up by my
hand, just as we heard the kids coming down the stairs. He grabbed
a chair and sat down, pulling me down onto his lap so we were both

  “Hi, Daddy,” Kelly said when she saw
Shay. She was used to seeing Daddy holding Mommy, so she didn’t
give it a second thought, and neither did Yonnie.

  I told Yonnie there was a bowl of rice
crispy bars in a Tupperware container on the washer, and she was to
take them home with her. I thanked her for her help and said I’d
see her in the morning. We said our goodbyes; Yonnie took the
Tupperware and was off for home.

  This kind of buffoonery was always
going on in our home.

  That night, after my shower, I crawled
into bed nude. Shay was at his desk doing some paperwork. I’d
pulled the sheet up so just my shoulders were showing. When Shay
was at his desk, he couldn’t see the bed directly, but he could
look into the mirror on the dresser. Well, sure enough, he looked
in the mirror and saw me. It wasn’t long before he was beside me on
the bed, kissing my shoulder. Gentle kisses and nibbles. Sometimes
he’d move his tongue back and forth on a small part of my flesh. He
kissed my neck and eventually turned me on my back and kissed my
lips. It was so tender, soft and flawless.

  “Callie, you taste so damn good,” he
said. “I just don’t know how anyone can taste this good."

  “Shay, don’t exaggerate. I’m yours,
you don’t have to win me over,” I said between excited breaths.

  “Princess, when I put my mouth on you
anywhere, and baby I mean anywhere, you taste fruity.”

  “You think I’m a fruit?”

  “Did I say that? I said you
like fruit. Like oranges or pineapple. Your skin even
smells like citrus. I’m serious, Callie, every spot on your body
smells and tastes so damn good; just like fresh citrus. I’m sorry,
babe, but that’s how it is. Maybe it’s all that orange and
pineapple juice you drink.”

  Later in life we learned from a doctor
of nutrition that if a woman (and maybe a man, too, I don’t know
about that,) drinks two small glasses of pineapple juice a day, her
genitals will smell and taste of that juice. Shay and I were way
ahead of them. We’d already made this discovery, as I was a
pineapple and orange juice fanatic. I was also an extremely clean
person, and a man must surely appreciate that in his wife.

  I remember the night I told Shay I
could put both of my feet behind my head. He got this cool grin on
his face, picked me up, carried me to the bathroom and sat me on
the counter.

  “Put your feet behind your head,
princess,” he directed.

  It took a little space and a bit of
gyrating, but I did it. Needless to say, Shay loved that sexual
position. He called it his own private, secret position.

  “What does that mean?” I asked.

  “It means I won’t share it with any of
my friends.”

  Well I should think not!

  It was good to know that what had
happened to me in the Straw House hadn’t changed things between
Shay and me. If anything, he loved me all the more fiercely—a
combination of possessiveness, arousal and, I like to think, the
desire to perform, as the song goes, a little sexual healing. Well,
he definitely did that. Now all I had to worry about was the

  Hard Liquor

  We spent most of evenings playing with
the kids before they went to bed. They loved wrestling with Shay.
They would tackle him, small as they were, and he’d fall to the
floor, letting them sit on him. The three of them loved their time
together. After the kids were tuckered out and tucked in, we went
and played some adult games in the shower, then some adult games
outside of the shower.

  Daddy tackled Mommy and sat on her
until Mommy cried uncle and said, “Yes, Shay, you’re the greatest
lover in the world. Yes, Shay, you’re a stud.” Then we had some of
that magic Shay-foreplay. That man never ceased to get my
temperature to 278.6 degrees.

  Well, Shay was in a great mood, so I
figured this was the time to tell him my somewhat delicate news. I
was lying with my head on his shoulder and his arm around me,
playing with the hair on his chest, making little tiny curls. (I
always used Shay’s body to make little fun games to entertain
myself. He was so patient; he’d just lie there and watch to see
what I was going to do next.)

  “Shay,” I said, a bit hesitantly. “I’m
pregnant. We’re going to have a baby.”

  “Callie,” he said, rolling me up in
his arms. “That’s great! I’m so happy! I just love it when you’re
pregnant. You’re so cute and radiant. Woman, you are one sexy
pregnant woman. I know it’s a girl, too; I know it is. And I can
even tell you when she’s due, ’cause I know the night she was
conceived. So am I right, babe? Was she conceived the night I

  “Well, the baby is due sometime in the
middle of June, so I guess you were right on the mark, Shay.”

  I was surprised he seemed so happy. If
he was thinking of Frank, he didn’t let on. I know there is no way
he didn’t think about it. He really did love Kelly, though, and she
wasn’t his, so maybe that’s what he was thinking. We went on as
though all was right with the world.


One Sunday night Shay and I went to the
drive-in theatre. Let me tell you, I don’t know how they were able
to play this particular movie; it had to be X rated. We soon had
the Impala windows all steamed up and one hot lovemaking session in
full swing. There was no way anyone could see in the windows, but
if I had to venture a guess, I’d say any couple there couldn’t see
out of their windows either.

  That Tuesday I had a pre-natal visit
with my new baby doctor. He was great; we called him Doc Sam. Doc
Sam was fairly new, around our age. He came from a small town up
north and had several children of his own. I mentioned to him that
we had gone to the drive-in theatre Sunday night, and how it was so
risqué that we made love right there in the car. Now why I told him
this, I don’t know. I was probably just being a chatterbox. Guess
it was still on my mind.

  “Was that around ten this past Sunday
night?” asked Doc Sam.


  “My wife and I were coming home from
my parents' and we saw that playing from the road. We didn’t have
the sound, but all we needed was the pictures. We pulled off the
highway and parked. Our kids were asleep in the backseat and we
probably did exactly what you and Shay were doing.”

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