Salesmen on the Rise (9 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Tags: #Romance

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He took a sip and passed it to Cam. They’d both had the sinful beverage before, but why ruin her fun?

“Strong stuff.” She took the last sip and shivered.

“Let’s sit down and get a real lunch. We’ll bring Topher back something.” Cam nodded.

“Why did he agree to watch the booth at lunch?” Don asked.

“He has to leave before dinner. Some preplanned thing in the morning that he needs to drive back home to make. It’s not a big deal. We’ve covered anything we need from an engineer,” she said.

“Okay, we’ll have plenty of fun without him.” Don watched Zoe so at ease walking with her guys. The give and take didn’t seem to bother her.

She certainly could over think things. They all could, but that’s when she seemed to freak out, especially at night, when her brain had time to spin in all directions. They could help her with that if she just opened up more. Not that they’d give up on putting the pieces together in a way that worked for all of them. In some ways, it was already working well. Don sat back and realized not being the center of attention all the time was a big relief. Growing up, he’d had all eyes on him. Now, he was able to fit in, blend in and lay low if he felt like it.

All the guys were happy, and Cam gave Don a quick wink. Zoe’s stress from the previous day seemed to be gone, and they kicked back to enjoy lunch. Don couldn’t wait until the show was over, and they could go to bed. Tomorrow, they’d be on the road back to Lucky Springs. Home always felt better.

* * * *

After dinner, Don popped open the bottle of champagne in their hotel room. As they celebrated, the clothes came off. Zoe seemed to relax as the intent turned sexual. Part of him wanted to slow it down and force a conversation, but he knew it’d be better to let her cool off. Encouraging a talk at home where she could go back with the girls, find a little neutral space and female support was the smarter move.

Now, it was much better to fulfill what they all needed and what never failed to connect them. Sex let them express their feelings without any awkwardness, and Don had an itch to change things up in their sexual positions just a tad.

Pressed between Cam and Owen, Zoe kissed both men as they teased her body. Jar pulled the necessary supplies from their luggage, and Don moved over to join him.

“Good trip.” He kissed Jar.

After a half-step back, Jar finally joined in the kiss. Don wanted to prove to Zoe that love and lust went in all directions.

“Maybe we should all make Zoe crazy?” Jar whispered.

“We will. All together.” Don squeezed Jar’s ass.

Jar collected enough condoms and lube, and Don steered the other man to the bed already occupied by three hot bodies. Naturally, Jar went on his hands and knees, but Don swatted his ass and climbed on the bed himself.

“What are you up to?” Cam asked.

“I think we need to show Zoe just how together we can all be.” Don lubed Jar’s ass.

Jar moaned and pushed back on Don’s fingers. Don’s cock was already hard, but those big blue eyes eagerly asking for pleasure pulled at Don.

“We’re always all together.” Zoe had a growing cock in each hand.

“Not like this.” Don winked at Cam and nodded to Owen.

Cam’s eyebrow arched as he caught on. Sliding behind Owen, Cam lubed Owen’s tight ass before he slid on protection. Don nudged Jar to Zoe’s other side and settled Jar on his knees facing the sexy woman. Reclining, Don pulled Jar back to impale himself on the hard cock. Watching that sweet ass spread, Don let the connection fuel his love and lust.

“Zoe, I think Jar has a hard on for you. Want to ride him?” Don asked as he put a condom on Jar’s cock.

“You can’t handle us both,” she argued.

“The hell he can’t. Trust us.” Cam guided her to straddle Jar’s hips.

Her moans and sighs plucked at Don’s resistance. Her beautiful hands braced on Jar’s shoulders. Don wanted all of his family together. His group. His lovers. A strong connection took work and cooperation.

The hard part was over. Don knew Owen and Cam would complete the chain. Zoe gasped, and Don grinned. She craned her neck to look back. Owen’s hands cupped her breasts as he filled her ass.

“Oh God, you men are insatiable.” Zoe’s smile grew as she clung to Jar.

“True, we can’t get enough of you. It’ll never be enough,” Don said. “Not here or in Lucky Springs. Not now or in ten years.”

She moaned but didn’t agree or disagree.

“Room for one more?” Cam joked as he took Owen’s ass. Don heard the groan from Owen and saw the pleasure on his face. The thrusts began and quickly synchronized.

“God!” Zoe’s nails dug into Jar’s back. Her body went from empty to stretched. It was nothing new to her, but she looked over Jar’s shoulder and saw Don deep inside the other man.

When she looked Don in the eye, he felt her love and fear. If she didn’t love them, she wouldn’t be afraid of what they had and of losing it.

“You can handle it Zoe, we’re all here for you and each other.” Don wanted to go on. They’d share the good and the bad. The pressure wouldn’t fall on her. But Jar’s body tightened on Don’s cock, and Don’s control slipped.

She rocked between the men. “Damn right, I can handle it. I love it. Four hot men all for me. Four big cocks.”

Don saw the power and thrill in her eyes. She belonged with them, but suppressing her fears wouldn’t erase her doubts. For now, he’d keep it all about sex. “Want us all to take turns and screw your brains out, or do you like this better?” he asked.

“I can have both.” She groaned and bounced faster on the cocks. Hands teased and pinched in all directions as hips worked toward the inevitable.

Don knew he’d lose control first, but that didn’t matter. Jar’s gorgeous body worked to please Zoe and rocked back for cock. Lifting harder, Don allowed himself to believe they’d be like this forever. All together and open. Nothing would scare or break up their loving group. There was nothing the five of them couldn’t handle.

So close, Don closed his eyes. The second Jar tightened on his cock, Don came in a flood of triumph and relief. He fucked Jar’s ass hard until his strength was gone. Then Don fell back and scooted up to watch.

Jar thrust into Zoe faster, and her hips responded in kind. Owen had her ass cheeks spread wide and filled her balls deep. Zoe was meant for this life. Like it or not, normal or not, she loved it. Don knew in the end, it’d work out. Rough patches would happen, but they’d never give up.

His eyes studied Cam’s body grinding to Owen’s ass. Cam was close. Don couldn’t resist crawling over and licking up his lover’s body. Don kissed Cam hard, and their tongues tangled. Cam’s moans as he came in Owens’ ass were muffled in Don’s mouth. Don held Cam and enjoyed the feel of his man shaking and kissing him in return, all while fucking another man.

There was no jealously, no concern, just pleasure and sharing. Spent, Cam fell back on the bed. Don kissed Owen and gave his worked-over ass a squeeze.

“Damn!” Owen pressed to Zoe.

Don watched Owen’s body go limp. The sweet release left Owen slumped on their woman’s back. Reaching between Jar and Zoe, Don rubbed her clit as he kissed her neck. Zoe’s mouth was fused to Jar’s as her hips rode him as if his were the last hard cock on earth. Or in this case, the room. He worked her clit faster and harder until she cried out. Zoe and Jar both screamed nonsense as they achieve climax. Don soaked in the love and release. He’d never been more convinced that they could make this work.

When Zoe turned to him and bit his lower lip, he pulled back. She kissed him demandingly.

“Get what you want?” she asked.

“I think we all did. If you want more, I’m ready to please.” He pulled her off the cocks and sprawled her on her back. Without a reply from their sexy woman, Don licked her cunt. Her juices fueled his desire.

“No. I was just teasing,” she moaned.

Cam chuckled. “I don’t think you’re going to get any sleep, Zoe.”

Her groans plus her lifting hips only encouraged Don. How much pleasure did she need? How much could she take? They’d find out.

* * * *

As they drove home, Owen felt a touch of tension from Zoe. Her toe tapping and fidgeting was hard to ignore. The day before, she’d seemed so at ease and happy with the progress.

“I’m glad to be going home,” Don said.

“The trip was successful, but yes, it’ll be nice to be home,” Jar agreed.

“You don’t think I blew the doors off of Lucky Springs’ kinky little secret?” she asked.

Cam turned from the passenger seat. “What secret? Not everyone lives in a ménage relationship. The real secret is those sex parties—not that I’ve gone to one. They’re not a town-wide event, either. You didn’t bring that up, did you?”

“No, I didn’t bring that up. Have you been invited to a sex party?” She leaned forward.

Owen raised an eyebrow at Jar. He shrugged. Zoe might be tired or hung over from the bottle of champagne they’d enjoyed last night.

“No. Why? You want to go to one?” Don kept his eyes on the road.

“I don’t know. It’d be nice to have an option for sexual fun.” Zoe tapped her foot faster.

“Are you okay?” Jar asked.

Owen wondered the same thing but kept quiet for now. Did she want other men? Was she embarrassed by the group thing and wanting a sex life that could be wild but kept secret?

“Fine. Just eager to go home, sleep in my own bed and see my friends. Texting just isn’t the same.” Zoe shrugged it off.

“True. It’ll be nice to be home, go into the office and get back to the routine,” Cam said.

Owen knew Jar would keep quiet. He was worried about being the one to screw it up. Jar felt as if he’d messed up his cohesive family by being bisexual and simply not able to accept a wife and the intense religious beliefs of his family.

Cam and Don wouldn’t push the issue now either. Something in Owen needed to poke the giant gorilla in the car. He’d rather have the group break up before things got intensely serious than to let everyone get fully engulfed in the love then be dumped by their lady.

“You don’t have to go back with the girls if you don’t want to. I think we’re all agreed. We’d love for you move in with us.” Owen slid an arm behind Zoe and tapped Jar’s shoulder.

“Definitely. There’s plenty of room. We’ll miss you.” Jar let his hand rest on her knee.

She sat up a little straighter and took a deep breath. Letting it out, she rested her head back on Owen’s arm. “I need to do laundry and get organized. I can spend the night some other time.”

“I was suggesting a more permanent move in. Live with us,” Owen urged.

Cam leaned into the back. “We’d love to have you around everyday  and night.”

“Totally. Move in!” Don nodded.

“I can’t talk about this. My head is throbbing. Can we stop and get something to eat. Then I’ll take something for this headache?” she asked.

“Sure. Next exit looks good for options.” Don changed over to the right lane.

Owen suspected the headache was more stress than true illness. Leaning over, he kissed her temple. “There’s no rush to make any decisions. We’re patient guys. Just wanted you to know, we don’t want to be without you.”

She forced a smile. “Can we just not talk about it until we’re home, settled and back to normal? I don’t want vacation or business trip stress or euphoria messing with us.”

“Sure, feel free to nap on us.” Jar patted his shoulder.

Owen saw her inner turmoil and almost wished he’d kept his mouth shut.
. Zoe was adept at pushing the men’s buttons. If she was having second thoughts about getting serious with them, she needed to come clean. Everyone was attached to her, and she’d sure as hell appeared to be falling in love with them. They hadn’t said the actual words for fear of running her off, but Owen knew he loved her.





Chapter Seven



Zoe sat in the lunchroom with Lizzie and Crystal. They’d arrived early with two dozen bagels and strong coffee. Instead of caffeine, Zoe sipped herbal tea. She was jittery enough!

“So you called a meeting in a conference room to discuss your relationship with the guys?” Crystal added cream cheese to a cinnamon bagel.

“It’s the place where we first, you know.” Zoe had spent the last two days since the trip to New Orleans with the girls trying to sort out of her feelings. It was crunch time. She had to break it off or go in fully. Seeing the guys at work had been a little tense, but she’d made it clear she needed to think it over. With four hot men surrounding her, her train of thought was frequently sidetracked.

“That’s romantic. You need to talk to them.” Lizzie tore her onion bagel into pieces.

Crystal nodded. “I’m tired of taking messages from them calling the house. What happened?”

“Nothing. I don’t know. It got serious and real. Too fast.” Zoe couldn’t even look at food. She’d run away from great guys because it had gotten scary and her heart was on the line.

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