Salesmen on the Rise

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Authors: Cheryl Dragon

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Salesmen on the Rise

A Lucky Springs Story

By Cheryl Dragon



Resplendence Publishing, LLC


Salesmen on the Rise
Copyright © 2012 Cheryl Dragon
Edited by Michele Paulin and CJ Slate
Cover art by Les Byerley,

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-603-5

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: November 2012

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.






Dedicated to
Yoda of Oz!






Chapter One


Cameron Shea stared at the clock on his laptop. Another day of meetings with Lucky Springs Industrial’s new marketing guru, Zoe Avery, for him and the three other salesmen assigned locally. The Lucky Springs Industrial plant had expanded, and now, their little town was packed with factory workers. Zoe made the suddenly crowded town worth it. The higher ups really needed to add more women to the office.

Zoe was fairly new in town. She possessed brilliant marketing skills and seemed to love the ever-present male attention.

“You’re counting down to the meeting,” said Donovan Weber. Cam and Don had been a sales team and lovers for years and had grown up in Lucky Springs. They shared an office, a house, and throughout the years, various guest lovers.

“It’s a bizarre torture in a way. She’s hot as hell and loves marketing.” Cam loved Don and their shared interest in women. Don was a cute guy with brown hair and brown eyes who everyone liked instantly. Their relationship worked, but they’d included girls in their sexual relationship off and on. Occasionally, other men made the cut, too.

Now that Lucky Springs had a lot more men than women—thank you factory expansion—the bisexual men weren’t as bad off as the straight guys were. Still, this woman had a lot of attention, not
Don and Cam’s. Competition was fierce. Single women had their pick of groups, pairs or single men.

True, the men could just venture out to Baton Rouge or Shreveport, but those cities were hours away. If one wanted a woman in his life or bed regularly, Lucky Springs was still limited.

“Why don’t we just make a move on her?” Don suggested. Naturally, as salesmen, they had a bit of a competitive streak with other guys.

“Sounds good to us.” Owen Pratt leaned in the doorway with his sales partner and acknowledged boyfriend, Jarrett Falcon.

Owen and Jarrett had moved into the spare room in Cam and Don’s house a month ago when they scored their sales jobs. The town needed more apartments but having the other men around had turned out to be fun. The roommate thing helped as far as chores and saving money. Their compatibility was a plus. The guys weren’t unpleasant to look at, certainly. It was almost too comfortable.

Cam and Don had discussed their attraction to the other men. Owen was handsome, with brown hair and striking green eyes. Don loved to stare at Owen’s round ass.

Jar was blond with serene blue eyes that made him look innocent and sweet, rather like his Bible belt upbringing. So far, the quad hadn’t hooked up. The two couples had been tiptoeing around wanting each other and their mutual interest in the right woman.

“We don’t want to push her too fast. She’s only been in Lucky Springs a few months.” Jar shrugged.

“She dated around a bit before you two moved here. Zoe knows the game. We don’t want to lose out on the chance since we’ve got her captive in these meetings.” Don grinned.

“She’s not the settling down type. That’s the thing. From what I’ve heard, she’s not looking to be domestic. So let’s make it a no pressure thing until we see where it goes. Hot and seductive,” Cam said.

“All four of us? Or shall we see which duo she wants more? Pretend to fight over her a little?” Owen asked.

“I don’t think pretending is a good idea. She already thinks salesmen are full of shit. Working with as many as she has in her career, she’d see right through us. I’d rather be direct. Plus, her friend moved in with a quad of guys not long ago. We won’t freak her out. I think we’re stronger going in as a group. We all live together, so it’s less awkward and more convenient if we’re all in. Let’s see how it goes.” Don closed his laptop. “Meeting time.”

“Wait, so it’s open season. Orgy? We all screw each other, too?” Jar asked.

Attraction sparked as Cam patted Jar’s shoulder. “Afraid of all the men?”

Jar had grown up with extremely religious parents and, while his sales skills were formidable, he hesitated with personal stuff that would upset his family. Apparently, his lust for men was undeniable, and he’d made peace with one man. Cam found the allure of a pious rebel a serious turn on.

Owen chuckled. “You’re with one guy. What’s a couple more plus a girl?”

Cam knew Don wanted to play with Owen, but not everyone was as open as they were.

“If you’re good with it, so are we.” Don winked at Owen.

“I think we should keep this about Zoe. Especially at first. We can screw around at home all we want. If you guys are into it, great! We don’t mind sharing. The missing piece is the right woman. We can’t try to tie her down and lay claim like we’re cavemen. But she’s the main goal, not a side dish or this whole thing blows up.” Cam had nightmares of it backfiring. Lucky Springs was his hometown and news spread like lightning.

“If we didn’t need the right woman, we wouldn’t be hatching this plan. We’d be content with men, but we’re not. Let’s play the game she wants. Like playing golf or going to dinners to close a sales deal. It’s all about Zoe, so let’s keep it casual.” Jar shook his head. “I don’t know how to do that with sex.”

Owen smiled. “Don’t worry, just focus on her sexually. Get her off and don’t talk relationships. We’ll make the first move. Follow our lead.”

Cam nodded to Owen. “Sounds good. With any luck, we’ll keep her so happy she’ll want to stay with us.”

“Are we all sure we want her? Don’t get too attached to any ideas until we explore things.” Don grabbed his Smartphone and led the way down the hall.

“You’re right. It’s a lot of people to juggle and keep happy.” Owen checked his watch. “We’re late.”

The halls were busy, but the people seemed to part for Zoe as she walked toward the men. In a sexy skirt and heels, with a silky bronze blouse catching the light, she showed off her curves like a woman who knew exactly the sort of power she held over men. And she loved it.

Cam and Don had been studying her since she arrived. The new marketing campaign finally gave them up-close access to her without looking like horny animals on the prowl.

“Gentlemen, did I bore you so much yesterday that you’re boycotting me?” Zoe put her hands on her hips and lifted an eyebrow at them.

Her black hair was neatly angled along her chin while her hazel eyes hinted at mysterious thoughts. She wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous, but Cam preferred a real woman to fake perfection. Zoe was well put together and had confidence that made everyone take notice.

“No, we were just comparing notes,” Cam said.

Jar nodded. “Yeah, you covered a lot yesterday about the new branding and everything.”

“Well, get in that conference room for day two. We’re ordering in lunch, and I think I’ll have a surprise this afternoon.” She leaned in and gave them a big smile.

Cam inhaled her perfume and knew today was the day. She flirted with them. True, playful was her personality, but he’d caught her checking out the men yesterday. Today, it was time to get her naked on that conference table or get reported to HR. They needed to find out if she was interested.

Given Zoe’s open nature, Cam was willing to bet she’d give them a try. He patted his pants pocket containing enough condoms, just in case. Hopefully, she’d be the one getting a hefty surprise this afternoon from four guys ready to sell themselves.

* * * *

As they finished lunch, Zoe wiped her mouth with a paper napkin and caught the men watching her. She loved being the center of attention, and Lucky Springs had only fueled the feeling until it had become an addiction. Small town living had taken some adjustments, but the sheer number of men here made it much easier to live without a mega mall. Online shopping didn’t hurt either.

The morning had flown by, and she wanted more time with these men. They were the last group of salesmen to be trained on the new branding concepts. Lucky Springs Industrial had to be international and cutting edge, even if it was more small-town charming. These men wouldn’t be traveling as far as the others, but they had to bring the company’s leading brand consistently to the customers.

“Any questions from this morning?” She leaned back in her chair.

“Why didn’t you go into sales?” Don asked.

The artful flirt made Zoe smile. All of these men were hot and excellent at what they did. Sales required a bit of acting. If you’re good, you can lie your way through anything. No wonder she’d mostly had her eye on the blue-collar guys out in the factory. She melted for men in sharp suits who knew just what to say. But a lot times, it was all hot air. Of course, she couldn’t tell these four that.

“I don’t think fast on my feet. At least, not fast enough or nicely enough.” She shrugged. “You guys have to do counterintelligence on competitors and negotiate deals on the spot. Haggle. Then you have to sell it to your bosses. Everyone has to think it was a brilliant deal.”

Cam smiled. “Compromise is part of the business. The bosses know that.”

“Sure, but still, it’s your commissions on the line, too. You get a base salary, but most of your income is commissions. That’s too much pressure for me. I’d be stressed out there hocking it like at my mom’s Avon parties. She always said I was too pushy.” Zoe had two speeds. Full steam ahead and freeze!

“With salesmen and marketing staff, you can be pushy. It’s your job,” Jar said.

“Exactly. I’m not annoying the customer. I’m motivating the sales force.” Zoe stood up. “Now, we’re ready for the good news.”

“Upping our commission rate?” Owen chuckled.

“I wish. The more motivated you guys are, the better the company does. No, I booked a booth at the
Go Green
conference in New Orleans at the end of next week. You four are the ones to represent us. We need to branch out and make connections in the green market. See what people need and what we can provide. Talk to everyone. The bosses are looking for new opportunities here.” She walked around and felt the men staring her.

This group was different. Bolder and smarter. She liked them. Actually, she lusted after them, but they’d been respectful since she’d met them. Sure, they’d looked, but they’d never put a finger out of place. Lucky Springs had plenty of men, so she had options. Still, the ones she wanted didn’t seem to want her enough to step up. The others were exceedingly forward, but none of the guys she’d dated thus far had clicked. These four had potential.

Or was it a stalemate? Were these guys two rival teams? She studied them but couldn’t choose between the hot pairs.

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