Running in Fear: New Beginnings Jubilee (8 page)

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“Of course you do, we won’t be here to protect you. Plus, it’s an added protection for the babies.” Nikola glanced at the three warriors. “No one comes in or out of here. Is that understood.”

They nodded and moved, scoping out the house. Remi leaned down, kissing Jaycee. “Stay inside, just to be on the safe side.”

She nodded as the air around him became warm and the light darkened. “I really hate this crap.” He heard Nikola’s laugh before everything once more blacked out.

Chapter Nine

Nikola scanned his surroundings as soon as they arrived. Tor and his brother, Norris, stood waiting for them. The cold air whipped around them, but already he could see the signs of destruction to their world. Trees littered the ground, their leaves all shriveled and black, the sky here was black now and not from the night.

“Your people need to move today. I don’t like the looks of the sky here. Already plant life is dying and I can hear their screaming. I’m glad I didn’t bring Lissa here.” He shook his head and glanced at Pierre, who nodded.

“I hear it too.” Pierre stated and scanned the area.

Nodding, Tor moved in front of them and led them down a narrow path. Remi, Dominic and Blair, followed behind them, while Pierre moved silently next to him. “You do know, if they have the children and her parents, it’s a pretty good chance the…”

“I know, and if that is the case, they will die. There is no excuse for this.” Tor glanced back and nodded to him.

“I agree.” We’re here. The house is around this bend.”

On cue, Remi, Dane and Mark moved behind the house, while Dominic and Blair took the east side and Archer and Granger the west. He and Pierre would take go in the front while Adonis and Castor covered them along with Tor and Norris. They rounded the corner and came to a horrific scene. The head of a human man was on a pole, as in ancient days. A token message after conquering an opponent.

“You should stay here, Sir,” Norris said and turned as a scream rent the air.

“I’ll be damned if I stay here.” Nikola flashed inside the house at the same time as Pierre. Pierre jumped the one warrior who was beating the woman, while the other man held one of the children.

The child disappeared from the man’s hands. “You do not belong among the living. A child! You would hurt a child!” He shouted as he swung his sword with all his might, severing the man’s head before he could grab his weapon. “Now you will harm no more women and children.” He turned, his gaze landed on Tor and Norris.

“Let it be known, if I even hear of a man hurting or harming the elderly, children or women, they will die! I won’t tolerate this. We have become lazy and if I have to, I’ll start stripping powers.” Tor and Norris knelt down, his first decree now law.

Pierre cleaned his hands on a towel, the man that had abused the woman, dead at his feet. He turned to see Adonis there holding the woman, a blanket around her small form. Remi moved into the room with the two small children. Each of them clung to Remi for protection.

The anger slowly dissipated seeing the children. “Let’s leave this place and take the children back to their mother. Adonis, has the woman been…” He turned and Nikola knew instantly the woman had been raped.

“Take her to Leda. She and Lissa will be able to help her..” Nikola sighed as Tor grabbed onto Remi’s arm and disappeared also taking the children with them.

“Norris, if you know any woman in similar circumstances, they are free from their captors now. Make sure we have someone there to offer counseling and help. If there is family who want to go too, then make sure it’s done, but Norris…”

The man stopped and stared at him, his hand on the door to the cabin. Screams filed the air. “I want a list of all those that go to Earth, instead of the new world. I won’t have them become a threat to our new world. Once they leave this place and go to Earth, they will not have the power to go back and forth between worlds.” Magic spun around the room, Nikola’s words now a powerful weapon weaving the spell within them.

Pierre whistled, moving up next to him. “I’ll have to make sure I never piss you off.” He tipped his head to the side. “Since when did you get the gift?” Pierre was dead serious now as he studied Nikola.

“As soon as Dominic killed the parasite in my system, and right now I don’t know if I’m too happy about it, either.”

“Then you’re not alone,” Dominic announced coming through the door with Blair.

Nikola nodded. “I figured as much. When did you receive the gift?” Dominic’s words as Nikola’s would be law onto itself and anyone disobeying would be punished on the spot.

“Two days ago. Do you think Remi will receive it too?” Dominic walked beside them as they headed down the mountain just needing to walk.

“I have no clue. I have a feeling I would have had it before if it hadn’t been for the parasite. Do you think our enemy knew the gift was there?” All four of them stopped and stared down at the small town.

Men, women and children ran about to prepare for their move. Nikola watched a group of ten or more women cling to each other as Norris helped the women into a small room. Norris glanced up at him, and bowed.

A sick feeling came over him as he realized those had been the women that had been taken against their will.

“It will take time, but with the help of our women, they’ll be okay. At least they’re not in that situation any more. They are free to choose their fate.” Dominic and Blair stepped away from him. “We are going to fly home. I want to see this whole and how things are closing on this end.”

Nikola nodded and watched as Dominic shifted and took off, his beast powerful. His mate, Blair followed, only a bit smaller then Dominic’s dragon. People stopped and stared as the mighty beasts flew over them, their fire lighting the dark sky.

“Come, let’s go see how Lissa is doing with Leda, and then we’ll start moving the mountain people tonight to their new homes.” Nikola pulled Pierre into his arms and kissed him. “Thank you for standing beside me today.”

Pierre grinned. “Well, you can show me your gratitude when we get back home in the shower, before you meet Lissa.”

“Really?” Nikola spun Pierre around and had him pinned underneath him, up against a large bolder. “Do you think I would go to Lissa now, so filled with anger?” Nikola rubbed his cock against Pierre’s ass.

“You should know better, I would never bring that to our love making, Pierre. Even with you or the others, I hesitate to bring my wrath down on you.” He leaned over Pierre’s muscular form and nipped the side of his neck. “You mean too much to me. I come together with those I love with love, not with anger or hurt.”

Stepping away, Pierre grabbed his arm and he looked back at him. His eyes were blood red and his voice came out as a growl. “Nikola, we are here for you and we can take what you give us.” Pierre glanced down at the town. “Maybe sometimes I need that anger, the roughness involved in it, because I too need a way to release such anger. Is it not better to do with making love then to hold it in or hurt someone?”

“Pierre, whenever you need me, I’m here for you, but with this anger, it should never be brought to our bed.” He smiled and his now clean sword swished in the air. “When I am angry, I work at the old ways and train. Why don’t you join me tonight?”

He stepped away from Pierre and threw the sword to him. “This was a sword I had made about three hundred years ago in London. It’s yours now.”

A large smile and a few swings with the sword, and Pierre laughed like a child. “Amazing, and I’d love to join you, but we should also invite the others. I know for a fact Adonis has a huge collection of old swords and has even taken fencing classes.”

“Good, come, I can feel Lissa’s sorrow beating at me.” Nikola turned and at once he was in their home. The anger, hurt and hopelessness filled the air as he moved through the living room with Pierre next to him.

They heard Lissa’s comforting voice as she talked to Leda and her mother. “It takes time Mrs. Brandywine, I mean Gill. For weeks I couldn’t move, didn’t want to survive. Who would want someone who had been beaten, raped every possible way one can think of.” Tears rolled down her face as she brushed Leda’s mom hair.

“You see Gill, they believed since I was a vampire, I could take the rough treatment, that I didn’t need a gentle hand. Do you know the first man who ever touched me with a gentle hand, with love, was Nikola? It’s weird actually, he’s very dominating, but in a way that sends my blood boiling and heart pounding. All of my men are different, but when it comes to me, they treat me as if I’m a porcelain doll.” Lissa stopped brushing Gill’s hair and hugged the older woman.

“I’m so sorry you lost your husband, but know you have Leda, your grandchildren and me.”

Gill patted Lissa. “We searched for so long for you. Ralph never stopped searching for you. He’s the one who set up the special teams unit. Do you think we can bury him?”

Nikola knocked on the door and entered the room. “I hope you don’t mind, but I heard the question, and I can promise you that we will make sure your husband is buried properly. I’ve had his remains moved and readied. I thought after you rest, maybe tomorrow, we could bury him.”

The small woman rose off the bed and stood in front of him. “Lissa is right, you are a good man. Thank you. Just make sure you take good care of Lissa.” She glanced back at Lissa. “I think I’ll be able to make it with her help. I’d like to stay here in this new world.”

Gill glanced back at him. “If it’s okay with you?”

Nikola leaned down and kissed the woman’s cheek. “It would be an honor to have you here. I know for a fact Tor and Jared are building a home close to ours and I’m sure they have already made sure you will have a room.”

Leda’s head popped up and glared at him. “I have not agreed on anything.”

He smiled. “Leda, a person’s Mate or Companion can do nothing but make you happy. They would die for you. Already, King Jared has given up his rulership to be here with you.”

“Nikola, enough!” Lissa yelled and jumped from the bed. She knelt in front of Leda and her children.

“Why did he do that? I can’t promise them anything, Lissa.” Leda’s eyes got big and her lip trembled. “Maybe we should go back to Earth.”

“Leda, I want you and your mother to listen to me.” Lissa shook Leda’s arm, then held out her hand for her mother, who moved to her. “No one, and I mean no one, is going to make you do anything you are not comfortable with. My home is your home. This whole wing is empty for you and your children now that the others have their own homes. What Jared did, he did because he had to. You have to understand these men will wait till the end of days for you. There is no other once they find their other half, nothing, or anyone will stop them. So you take your time, and make them work for you.”

Nikola watched Lissa lean in, smiling. “Remember our list.” Lissa handed Leda the paper, “Make them go through everything on that list Leda. Let them woo you.”

Leda glanced at the list and busted out laughing. “I totally forgot about this list.” She glanced at her mom. “Do you have mom’s too? Remember she made one too, with us.”

Lissa fell on her butt laughing and produced a list, handing it to Gill. Who laughed sitting on the floor with her.

“Oh my, I totally forgot about this. Do you know when I told your father about this list, he was slowly making his way through it? We got to number fifteen.” Gill held the list to her chest as fresh tears slipped down her face.

Turning, Nikola shook his head, heading towards the shower when Lissa stopped him. “Maybe we could do some of these?” She handed him the paper. “Go take your shower, Pierre is waiting for you, and I know you have to go back out again.”

Lissa reached up and kissed his lips. “I’m going to have to teach you how to be tactful when dealing with others.” She teased.

“What? I think I did fine.” He glanced at the other women who were holding back their smirk as they nodded. “I will have you know, I have plenty of experience with the ladies. I’m no fledgling.”

With her hands on her hips, Lissa glared at him. “First lesson, never talk about other women you have been with if you want any sex that day. Now go!”

“You were the one who accused me of not knowing how to talk to a woman and now you are angry at me? Something is seriously wrong with this picture, and you will not threaten me.” Nikola leaned down inches from her face. “Remember who your master is.”

He had dropped his voice, her nipples hardened, and the scent of her arousal drifted to him. “Tonight ten lashes.”

Chapter Ten

Jaycee watched from the deck as Remi and Clayton split wood talking. Clayton had just stepped down, giving Remi total control of the packs here on this new realm. Of course Clayton and his father would help with the snake people, Clayton’s father already making contact with them. Even Bo had bowed down to Remi. Now the only person who was any threat to his power was their own, Dane.

Large arms engulfed her from behind and she rested her head on Mark’s chest. “I’m worried, Mark. Dane has pulled away from us. Remi hasn’t said a word, but I can feel his confusion.”

Mark nuzzled her neck. “Dane has always led, his wolf wants to confront Remi, and Dane is trying to hold it back. Shit.” Mark released her and jumped off the balcony.

Dane stood in the clearing half man/half beast. His growl rent the air and sent a chill up her spine. Clayton turned slowly and backed away as Remi threw his axe to the ground.

“No!” Jaycee cried and followed Mark off the porch, shifting half way before Mark caught her and held onto her.

“This has to be done Jaycee, we can’t keep going on like we have been. Dane and Remi have kept the peace trying to keep you safe and from worrying. There is no more waiting.” Mark moved back, scooping her up in his arms.

Clayton joined him as Remi and Dane circled each other. Remi had at least six inches on Dane and was built like a tank, where Dane was lean and muscular. Growls filled the air as others slowly circled their leaders, waiting and watching.

Marsha ran over to Jaycee and grabbed her hand, but Mark refused to release her. Everyone held their breath and waited to see who would move first. They didn’t have long to wait. Dane charged Remi, swiping his claws across his stomach.

“God Mark, you have to stop this! They’ll kill each other. How are we supposed to live after this?” She screamed and tried to break away again, but he held fast, shaking her.

“Enough Jaycee! It has to be done and once it is, you’ll see things will be better.” Mark jumped up on the porch. “Go inside till this over, Jaycee. They wouldn’t want you to see it anyway.”

Jaycee spun on him. “No, I won’t stay here Mark. Lissa!”

Lissa appeared in the living room and frowned at her, then at Mark. “What’s wrong?”

“Can my children and I come over? I need to leave now.” Jaycee glared at Mark.

Mark nodded. “Maybe it’s best, because whoever the winner is, they’re going to come searching for you, and the way your attitude is, it could mean trouble.

She ignored Mark and gathered Marcia and handed her to Lissa, reaching for her sons, when she heard the roar outside. “Damn!” She turned to see Remi in the door, blood dripped from his wounds, his face swollen.

He glanced at Lissa. “Watch the kids for us will you?” With that Remi didn’t give her a second before he was on her. He put her over his shoulder and ran from the room taking her outside into the middle of the circle. People cheered as he set her down and backed up.

“Psuchegyne look at me,” Dane said behind her. He had used his special name for her. Jaycee hadn’t heard him call her that in months. With tears in her eyes she turned, her hands shook so badly that she stuffed them into her jeans, to stare into a very swollen and bleeding face.

“It’s over Psuchegyne.” He stepped forward and kissed her lips softly. “Remi is now leader here in this new world. I’m going back to Earth, Jaycee. I need time away and I can help the others rid the area of enemies so they can start a new life.” He wiped her tears away.

She could have sworn her heart was in her throat. “You’re only going to be gone for a day right? You’ll be back tomorrow or the next day?” Her nails dug into his arms as she grabbed him, Nikola appeared behind him and waited.

He shook his head and glanced up at Remi. “I don’t know how long Jaycee, but I’ll be back, that I’ll promise. Remi and Mark will be here for you, and if something is life-threating, they’ll know how to get ahold of me.”

Her legs gave out, and she would have fallen to the ground if Remi hadn’t wrapped his arms around her. “You can’t, Dane you promised me you would never leave me!” Jaycee reached for him, but he pulled back.

“I’m not leaving you Jaycee, I just need to pull myself together and to do that…” He glanced at Nikola. “I need to be alone. I love you, Jaycee.” And with that he was gone.

Nothing worked as the tears fell down her face. Men and woman walked away. Marsha had tears running down her face, as did Shelly, but said nothing. Remi picked her up and cradled her in his arms as he made his way up the stairs into their new home.

Sitting down on the recliner, Remi just held her and rocked. No one said anything, Mark sat nearby, while Lissa watched and fed the babies. Her body was numb, her heart was in shreds, and Jaycee didn’t know how to move past all of this. Part of her was gone.

“I feel as if I’ve been run over by a plow.” Jaycee looked up into Remi’s face. “I didn’t see this coming, Remi. I should have been able to help you two.” She slipped off of his lap and made her way up the stairs. “I failed all of you. How do I fix this?” Jaycee whispered, as she closed the master bathroom door, leaning against it.

Fresh tears fell, while she stripped out of her clothes and started the bath. Jaycee couldn’t even contact him.Their bond was still hampered by their enemies. She tried to look back and see what she missed, but she couldn’t see anything.

Wrapping her arms around her knees, she rested her head on her knees as the warm water filled the tub. The bathroom door opened and closed, but she didn’t look up, knowing at once Remi was there.

The drop of his boots and jeans onto the floor gave her the only clue before he stepped in behind her and sat down. “Jaycee, we made sure you wouldn’t see our problems. There is nothing you could have done.” He pulled her back and she rested her head on his wide chest.

“Maybe we were wrong in keeping it from you, but all three of us were worried about you and the babies. I knew it was coming to a head.” Remi leaned his head back against the wall. “I should have done something sooner, but I was hoping things would work out. Dane and I have always joked with each other, driving the other crazy at times, but when we both realized we were mated…well it got complicated.”

She slowly turned and glanced up at him. “Wait, I don’t understand? I know you’re mated with Mark, but you’re also mated with Dane? Since when?”

With his eyes still closed, he took a deep breath. “From the beginning Jaycee, but both of us ignored it, until today.”

Shock was beyond words. Jaycee sat there and said nothing, until Remi glanced down at her and smiled. “You know this is the first time I’ve seen you speechless.” He turned off the water and she slapped his chest.

“This is not funny Remi! I want my family back.”

* * * *

Dane turned and shook Nikola’s hand. “Thank you my friend. I’ll contact you soon, I promise,” he said, all the while he was surveying the damage to his old home.

“You do know what you’re doing, right? Jaycee was crushed. Do you think it’s wise to leave now?” Nikola asked, studying him. “Is it so hard to admit you love the man, Dane? Because I know for a fact he loves you.”

Straitening his shoulders for a minute, then lowering them, Dane ran his hand through his messed up hair. Every muscle in his body hurt. “No Nikola, it’s not hard to admit that I love him. I’ve loved and admired Remi for a long time, but I need this time. All my life I was raised to lead and now? I just don’t know, I feel lost.”

Nikola grabbed his shoulder. “You know Remi needs you. He’s not only leading just the wolves, but other shifters now. With this new world, all of us must come together if this is going to work.”

“Dane, Nikola it’s good to see you both,” Grant greeted them. He was almost as tall as Dane, but built more like Remi.

“It’s good to see you safe, my friend. I’m afraid Nikola won’t be staying. He has his people to move. It’s just me for a while.” Dane turned and walked over the charred remains of one of his family’s cabins, but before he did, he gazed back at Nikola.

“Tell Remi I’ll be home soon.” Dane shifted and took off, running towards what used to be the pack house. Grant was now at his side. Destruction was everywhere, trees burned, stone walls crumbled in the ash that use to be wooden walls.

Shifting back, Dane stopped at the large pile of rubble, which had once been his home, and howled. Tears streamed down his face. “So much work and love gone.”

“No, Dane. Things can be replaced, but your memories and your loved ones are what are important. In all of this…” Grant waved his hand to the mess around them. “They can have it all if I can have back my sister and mom. Not one piece of wood or stone is more important to you than those you love. If anything, this war has taught us all this, we can morn what was, but live in the future, my friend. Now come, I have some people waiting to see you.” Grant smiled and shifted, nudging him with his nose.

He knew Grant was right, but the sight around him still brought a tear to his eyes and anger so fierce he vowed those who did this would pay. Bones popping, muscles contorting, and his vision changing, Dane took off next to Grant, letting him lead the way.

Running for what seemed forever, Grant finally dove underneath a burnt-out car. Inside Dane laughed as he followed the small maze of tunnels, which brought back the memories of making these with his father and brother. The enemy hadn’t found all of what they had done.

Turning the corner, Dane came to a stop as they entered the large underground cabin. Grant shifted and greeted his brother, Seth and Remi’s brother, Ralph. A long red scar ran up his neck to Ralph’s cheek.

He shifted back, and extended his hand to Ralph. “Ralph, god it’s good to see you. Remi has been worried and so have your folks.” Dane pulled the man into a hug.

“I know, but it’s almost impossible to get word to you guys now. I have half of my pack already moved over to the new lands, but for those that wanted to stay, I brought them here. I figured we should combine what was left of your two packs and mine. It will give them enough men to protect those that stayed behind.” Ralph stepped back as Seth held out his hand to him and shook it.

“It’s good to see you, Dane. How’s that lovely mate of yours, Jaycee?” He teased him and that’s when he remembered Seth had always had a thing for their mate.

Dane shook his head and laughed. “Oh my friend, you never stop, but I’m glad that even with this around us, I still see your humor. Jaycee and our children are doing great. Even though right now, I believe she’d like to skin me alive if I showed up.” They all laughed until Grant and Seth’s little brother, Wayne, who had to be about five, came up to him and pulled on his hand.

“Sir, are you going to stay here with us?” Dane kneeled down by the boy and ruffled his hair.

“No, I’m just here to help for a little while, then I have to go to my family.” The little boy frowned and turned to leave.

Dane glanced up at Grant puzzled, and he sighed, kneeling down next to him, pulling his little brother into his arms. “Wayne, all of this will end soon, but Dane needs to be with his family. His mate just had three babies. Don’t you think he needs to protect them, like we try and protect you?”

“But you need help Grant, you even said so. I’m afraid.” Tears fell down the boy’s face.

Ralph laughed. “Well I can’t believe it, I’ve been dissed by a little one.” He smiled and picked the boy out of Grant’s arms. “Wayne, I have brought over three hundred more men to help your brothers. You’ll be fine.” He let the boy down and they all watched him take off, running out of the room into another yelling.

“You’ll also have about fifty men and about ten women coming in from Adonis’s Clan. They have agreed that for now, it is best for shifters to stick together.” Dane stood and glanced around the large room. He could still remember building this with his father and brother.

Ralph nudged him. “Dane, you have to stop living in the past. How are you going to move on, if you keep looking over your shoulder?”

Seth handed him a dented can of coke. “Sorry, right now we’re low on supplies.” As soon as those words were out of his mouth, the room and hallway filled with food staples.

“Nikola and his men are always close if we need to get the little ones out of here. I believe this should hold you over for a while?” Dane smiled, and turned back towards the entrance. “I’m going to scout around.”

He shifted and glanced back before he took off to see that Ralph had shifted as well. “
You don’t honestly think I’m going to let my big brother’s mate go alone, do you?”

Ralph, the smaller gray wolf, ran in front of him. “
Now I know why Remi grumbles about you.”
Dane mumbled, but smiled inside as they made their way back outside, careful to make sure no one was around as they came out of the tunnel.

The air was filled with smoke and death hung in the air as if waiting for the next victim. They covered over three miles before they heard what would be considered a whine. Moving slowly Dane peaked over the butt of a hill and saw a woman lying on the ground grabbing her leg.

Crawling next to him, Ralph scanned the area. “
It’s a trap. I can smell their slime.”

“Of course it’s a trap look at the woman, she was from my clan, but she is also a traitor.” Dane snarled. “Blair!”

The woman’s head snapped up as if she had heard her name called. The skin on her face clung to her bones as if there was no muscle under the skin, there were dark circles under her eyes, and a long scar ran from the bottom of her left eye to her chin. Time had not been good to her, but she had made her bed.

“I remember Remi talking about her, how she got away from the both of you in Montana.”
Ralph snapped and inched forward. “
She’s an addict. Look at the needle marks on her arms. Hell, she even has them on her legs.”

Dane scanned the area when his stomach tightened and his breath stuck in his throat. Grant’s little brother had followed them, and now moved slowly towards Blair. “Are you all right? My brother will help you, he helps everyone.” Wayne glanced around before moving towards her again, but before he could take a step, Jaycee was there in full beast form, stepping in front of him.

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