Running in Fear: New Beginnings Jubilee (15 page)

BOOK: Running in Fear: New Beginnings Jubilee
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Nikola turned Pierre and backed him up to the wall, his face and stomach pressed up against it. “Raise your arms, Pierre.” As soon as Pierre raised his arms, shackles appeared, and attached his wrists to the wall. Nikola spread his feet apart with his leg, and Pierre’s ankles were cuffed to the wall too. “You should have told me you like to be flogged, Pierre. I haven’t flogged anyone in a while and I need the practice before I try this on Lissa.” He laughed, his favorite black and gold leather flogger appeared in his hand, and he let it slide down Pierre’s back to his ass.

“Nikola.” Lissa whispered behind him and he grinned, turning to see her and Castor in the doorway.

Adonis was behind them. “I see my brother has finally opened his mouth.” He laughed. “I’ll leave you to this, I have an appointment to go to, and Nikola, if you even try to bring that down on my ass, I’ll rip it apart.”

Nikola threw his head back and laughed. “Note taken. But Adonis, be careful and take Tor and Norris with you.”

“I don’t need guards Nikola.” Adonis snarled and Nikola was on him in a minute, pushing him up against the wall in the hallway.

“You might not need guards, but you’ll need someone to watch your back. Do not push me Adonis, or I will personally show you my wrath. You are my mate and I take care of all of my mates. Don’t you think I have guards every time we go out now?” Nikola slowly released Adonis.

Adonis nodded, but that wasn’t enough. “I can’t hear you.”

“I understand, but I still don’t like it.” Both of them stared at each other. Lissa’s small hand twined with his, and she reached for Adonis’, but he jerked away from both of them, disappearing.

The flash of pain from his rejection was instantly on her face and she turned away from Nikola trying to hide it. “Lissa, he’s mad at me, not at you, baby.” He turned her around and kissed her lips. “Come, I want you to watch this, because I’m hoping soon you’ll trust me enough to do this to you.”

Lissa sucked in her breath and stepped into Castor’s arms as he moved up to Pierre. “Are you okay? Do you want to continue?” He reached around and stroked Pierre’s swollen cock.

“Please, but when we’re finished, I’m going to find my brother and kick his ass.” Pierre growled.

Nikola snapped the flogger and stepped back. “No, Pierre I will deal with Adonis soon.” He brought the flogger down on one of Pierre’s butt cheeks, marking him. “He needs my attention as you do right now, but in a different way.” Two, three, four more hard strokes across his back, before he stepped up to Pierre and scrapped his teeth down his shoulder. “Don’t you come till I tell you it’s okay. Lissa come here, I think Pierre needs his cock sucked.” Nikola reached up and pulled the poles Pierre was attached to out of the wall a good foot giving her enough room to move in front of him.

“And that goes for you too, Lissa.” Her clothes disappeared and he could see the goose bumps run across her arms. Before she could kneel down, he placed a large pillow on the floor where he had told her to kneel before them. “Hands behind your back Lissa, only use your mouth. Castor, cuff her hands.” Nikola walked over to a table where he had a bag of toys and tossed Castor the cuffs while he pulled out a large butt plug and lubed it well.

He heard Pierre’s hiss behind him. “If we’re going to play, I don’t do it half way. We have two hours before we meet the others.”

“Nikola?” Lissa’s questioning voice had him turning. “Not to worry Lissa, they are here to watch. If I read the both of you wrong, please tell me and they will leave.”

The walls and ground trembled and moved slightly. Aurora and her mates were here watching their play. “They have been alone for a long time and Comar asked earlier if it would be okay if they watched.”

Lissa’s nipples hardened, her heated scent filled the room and her breathing once more increased as she nodded to him.

Pierre nodded, but he too was now breathing heavier.

“You know, I think I’m going to have to invite more people next time. Come to think of it, I believe Dominic was thinking about opening a club here. Suck, Lissa.”

Nikola slowly worked the butt plug into Pierre’s ass, all the while Lissa sucked Pierre’s cock. He stepped back and grabbed a paddle. He slapped Pierre’s ass and pushed Pierre’s cock further down Lissa’s throat. “Do you want to come, Pierre?” He brought the paddle down again, hitting the end of the plug.

“Please Nikola.” Nikola dropped the paddle and pulled out the plug. Slowly he worked his hard cock into Pierre’s ass and nodded to Castor who moved behind Lissa.

“Don’t let go, Lissa.” Nikola pushed forward and watched Pierre’s cock slid further into Lissa’s beautiful mouth, but she almost dropped Pierre’s cock when Castor pushed three fingers into her pussy. “Castor is going to be playing with you Lissa. He wants to see how many fingers you can take.”

Nikola reached up and unhooked Pierre’s hands and the leg restraints automatically dropped away from him as he watched Castor work the fourth finger into Lissa’s pussy.

She moaned, her body started to shake when Castor used his other hand to play with her pretty clit. Three strokes later Pierre released his seed into Lissa’s mouth, and Nikola’s body surged forward and released his seed into Pierre.

Castor pulled his fingers away and lifted Lissa up and slid his cock into her pussy when she wrapped her legs around his waist. Castor pushed his bag off the table and laid Lissa down as he pumped into her. Her hair spread out, her breasts bounced to Castor’s thrusts, and she reached to grab onto something, but Nikola latched onto her hands, holding her. “That’s it Lissa, feel his cock taking you, swelling inside you. Come Lissa.”

Her scream filled the room, Castor grunted and Nikola knew their visitors had left leaving them alone. “Clean her up Castor, and make sure she feeds. I’ll be back in an hour.” Nikola disappeared from the room. He had a mate to deal with, and deal with, he would.

Chapter Eighteen

Suzanne stared at the map of the land around their new home, wondering where the hell the men had taken off to. “I don’t know. Jaycee, what do you think about this here? It’s close.” She pointed to a piece of land that connected the mainland and their island. “It’s wide enough. We could have a central building there.”

Burping Marcia, Jaycee studied the map, and frowned at the piece of land attached to their private domain. “It does have plenty of acreage and I like the small lake here. I say we build there, right behind the lake. I still can’t believe we live on an island now. Do we know when the planet will stop changing?”

Lissa sat on the corner of the table and nodded. “I agree. It’s the perfect place and from what I can tell,” Lissa nodded to the map, “the changes are slowing down, but now Nikola’s people are almost a continent away from us. Suzanne and Dominic’s people are now the closest to us while most of the shifters are settled over on this large mass of land. We really do need to start naming these places.” Lissa laughed and glanced up at Suzanne, changing the topic. “How’s Samantha doing?”

“Right now she and Sam are making gifts for Christmas, but she’s doing well. I heard you had visitors earlier. How did that go?” Suzanne nudged and teased her as she moved to glance outside.

Lissa’s face turned pink, and Suzanne moved to stand next to her, staring out the large bay window. “It was different, Suzanne, that’s for sure. I mean, you would think I would be used to being watched, but yet it was more personal when you are with someone you love, than strangers.” Lissa frowned. “If you don’t know what our mates are up to, and I don’t. Jaycee? And what happened with the council members? Have they been found? Are they still attempting to order Clayton?”

Jaycee snarled, and set Marcia down in her bassinet. “The council members didn’t go far, and our traitors were dealt with by Aurora and her mates. As far as I’m concerned, Clayton is Cade’s father. If that thing ever steps on this land, it will be the last day he lives. I think he knows he can’t come here and was trying to scare Cecil.” Jaycee picked up Edric, fitting him to her breast to feed.

“I have already informed Cecil and Clayton that they are not to worry about him. Their son is going nowhere, and he his safe here.” Jaycee glanced out of the window. “I see our guards are here.”

Suzanne snorted. “How they follow us, I have no clue, but they do. Dominic and the rest of us went for a flight to unwind earlier, and to get a closer look at the land. I couldn’t see him, but we knew he’d followed us. Whenever we would land, he was there in an instant. I kind of feel sorry for them. I mean do they have mates? What kind of life is it to watch us? I wonder if they will get along with your friend.” Suzanne nodded to Lissa.

Lissa laughed. “We decided to walk here and sure enough, my little pet found us. He sniffed the sentinel, but other than that, they ignored each other.” Lissa popped a carrot in her mouth. “Are we going to get this party organized or what? We only have a couple days left, before the rift is closed.”

Jaycee sat down and glanced at both of them. “Remi and Dane think we should wait till next year to have a big celebration. They think we should have a small one for us, plus we’re not all here yet.”

“They’re right, even Dominic suggested the same thing. They said something about having an open house type of celebration here on our land. We could decorate the trees around here to celebrate all the different customs that are on the island now.”

Suzanne glanced at the forest that was the center of their home. “Why don’t we decorate the trees there? See that big one? We can make that one our centerpiece. We can open our homes, do a meet and greet.” Suzanne turned and smiled at Lissa.

“Of course we need a Santa. Do you think Nikola would do it? With your magic and all, it would be perfect.” She teased, as she reached over and grabbed an olive off the platter at the end of the table and stuffing it into her mouth.

Lissa laughed and rubbed her hands together. “Hmm, I’ll see what I can do, but since he and Adonis acted like fools on the way here, they owe me.”

Jaycee snorted. “If Adonis is anything like his brother, then good luck. They like to sulk like children.” Jaycee opened the front door and moved onto the porch. “I like the idea, I wonder if Aurora and her men are going to be okay with it, though?” She glanced at Lissa. “Can you ask them before we even start to decorate?”

Suzanne and Lissa moved out onto the porch with Jaycee. “There is no need to ask.” Lissa pointed to the large pine-like tree in the middle. Red and white lights lit up the tree, a large star at the top, and she could have sworn the star was covered in diamonds that glittered.

“Well, at least we have a place to start. I thought I would help Cecil with the food.” Suzanne turned and glanced at Jaycee.

“Don’t even say it, I know I can’t cook. So I’ll work on the decorations with Lissa. We can have Marsha, Shelly, Leda and Della inform the others. I also want to invite Alex and his people. We have to make sure to include them in everything we do.” Jaycee shivered and shook her head. “I have to get over this fear of them.”

“Why don’t you let me invite them. I’ll fly over there tomorrow.” Suzanne sat down on the stairs and scanned the area. “You know it’s weird. I haven’t had a home in so long, since I was small, that I sometimes forget I can just sit and do nothing. Do you know it’s the first time I can relax a little and not worry about looking over my shoulder. I have friends. I would have loved to visit a couple of places on Earth, but I can live without that.” Suzanne patted the steps next to her.

“So the rest of Nikola’s people will be over today? And the rest of the packs should be here today too. Our men have been busy, but have we heard anything about Earth?” Suzanne glanced at Lissa as she sat next to her.

“I know New York is now clear from any threat. They are starting to rebuild from what I was told. Maine is clear. The only problem area is where all of our enemies are holed up in Cleveland. It’s weird though, to think that all four of them are in the city, that at one time was the closest to us. I don’t know how they all get along. Each of them believe they alone should rule. It’s as if they went there to make one last stand. Do you think they will try to come through the rift? There are only two days before it closes?” Lissa frowned and rubbed her shoulders. “I don’t like it.”

She sighed and glanced over at them. “Ignore that, sorry. I hate whiney people, and boy did that sound like I was whining.” Lissa rolled her eyes.

“Honey, we’re all allowed to whine, with the hell we’ve been through. But you’re right, now would be the time for them to try, but Cleveland isn’t where the rift is. Dominic said the rift has traveled to China the last time he went through, two nights ago. Maybe they don’t know this.” She smiled and glanced at Lissa. “You know what I’m craving?”

Lissa smiled and nodded. “Pizza.”

Jaycee laughed and shook her head. “I haven’t had pizza in ages. A good sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, double the cheese, with the crust stuffed with cheese.”

“Oh, don’t forget the cheese bread and hot wings. I think we need a cheese pizza for the kids though.” Suzanne opened the door and Jaycee followed Lissa inside. On the dining room table, where the map of their new world had been, now laid several pizza boxes, cheese bread, and hot wings.

Sam came running down the stairs with Samantha behind him. “Do I smell pizza?”

“Go in the family room, we’ll put a movie in and you two can eat your pizza while you watch a movie.” Jaycee put Edric down and glanced at her babies. “All are fed, and sleeping, thank god.”

The front screen door slammed shut and Marcia started to fuss. Suzanne could have sworn Jaycee would have fried Mark on the spot with her look, if he hadn’t brought in an arm load of decorations. “Sorry baby, couldn’t catch it fast enough.” Mark put the box down, when Remi and Dane followed him with their arms loaded with decorations, but caught the door before it slammed again.

“We’ll have to fix that.” Dane laughed and put his arm load of boxes down.

“We thought you would be done eating?” Remi glanced at the table and grabbed a piece of pizza. “I’ll get Sam and Samantha set up. Marsha, Ben and my parents are on their way here. Pierre and Castor went to get Alex and Della, Cecil and her mates. We have a surprise for you ladies tonight.” Remi teased as he headed downstairs to take the kids their pizza along with paper plates.

“Don’t you hate when they do that?” Suzanne plopped down on the chair and moaned as she took a bite of the hot cheesy pizza. “Damn this is good, it’s been so long.”

“You’re making those little noises you do when I’m…” Suzanne slapped Dominic’s stomach when he moved to give her a kiss.

“Don’t even say it.” She glared at him, his eyebrow raised, giving her that look which meant she had just earned a punishment. Her nipples hardened and she squirmed in her seat. “Stop it Dominic I’m trying to enjoy my pizza.”

He dropped the bags of Christmas tinsel next to the boxes Remi, Dane and Mark had brought in. “Eat up, because you ladies have a very important engagement tonight.”

Suzanne took another bite of her pizza and turned to stare at him as did Lissa and Jaycee. “What engagement? We have decorations to put up, cooking to do, and since when did you speak for me too?” Jaycee put her hands on her hips and stared at Dominic.

Taking a quick sip of pop, Suzanne glanced up to see Mark and Dane had moved up next him. “He speaks for all of us, and you better watch your mouth. Is that any way to talk to your Dom?” Dane’s voice dropped and Jaycee whimpered.

“What are you up to? And Dane you haven’t, we haven’t…Well you know.” Jaycee turned her back on the men, winking at her, and then sitting down next to her.

Dane came up behind her and kissed the side of her neck. “I know and I plan on making up for that. We all do.” He smiled when Nikola appeared in the room, carrying three boxes.

Nikola handed each of them a box. “You are to hold onto those until we get where we are going, and no peeking. Are we ready?” Remi’s parents, Marsha and Ben, moved into the room followed by Nikola’s Mom and sister.

Lissa and Jaycee stared at the boxes, and then turned to her. She nodded. “We’re ready. We can always eat later.” Suzanne tried to shake her box, but Dominic placed his hand on the box and shook his head.

“Nope, no cheating, and finish eating, all of you. You have to keep up your strength. You never know when you’ll need it.” He teased her, as his gaze traveled down to rest on her breasts.

“Are you cold?” Dominic brushed his knuckles across her nipples.

Carefully putting the box next to her plate, Suzanne turned her full attention on Dominic. He kneeled down next to her, taking the pizza on her plate and brought it up to her mouth. “Eat.”

Suzanne took a bite, but at the same time she cupped his hard cock. That’s when she noticed what he was wearing. He hadn’t worn leather pants since…Her eyes must have gotten big, because he grinned and leaned in when the tip of his fangs grazed against her neck. “Tonight.”

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