Running in Fear: New Beginnings Jubilee (2 page)

BOOK: Running in Fear: New Beginnings Jubilee
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Her nipples hardened and moisture gathered between her legs, as she wrapped her hand around Samantha’s and led her out of the kitchen towards the bathroom.

“Are you mad at your mate?” Samantha asked as Suzanne stripped out of her clothes and got into the tub.

“Not mad, hurt, but we are fine. Don’t worry about us. Let’s wash this hair, shall we.” Suzanne spent forty minutes washing and telling Samantha all about her and her mates. Her questions sometimes shocked even Suzanne.

Suzanne lifted Samantha up, and carried her to her new bedroom. Her room was right down the large hallway from their bedroom. “If you need anything that room down at the end of the hallway is our room. Don’t ever hesitate to come get us if you need us.” Suzanne nodded to the large black metal doors Dominic had insisted upon.

Dominic stood at her bed room door waiting for them and smiled as Samantha yawned as he took her out of her arms. “Come on little one, let’s get you tucked into bed. I have a gift for you. Suzanne and Temmra did this room for you all by themselves, so I thought it only right that I give you your first dragon.” Dominic slipped her into bed and covered her up, handing her a large black, purple, green stuffed dragon.

Samantha smiled and hugged the dragon. “Is this what your dragon looks like?” She asked already closing her eyes.

“Yes sweetie it is, so anytime you get scared, know I’ll always be here to protect you.” Dominic leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Now sleep, little princess.”

A single tear slipped down her cheek, as she watched the scene between Dominic and Samantha. He stood and slowly moved to her. “I’ll always be there for you too, Suzanne.”

He wiped the single tear from her cheek and ran his hands down her arms, all the while he backed her out of the room. Samantha’s door closed by softly behind him.

“Dominic…” She moaned when he pushed her up against the wall in the hallway. He gripped the front of her dress, his eyes a deep red, and ripped the front of her dress wide open.

“You are so beautiful and had too many clothes on.” He sucked her breast into his mouth, while he reached in-between her legs and cupped her now exposed pussy.

She held onto his shoulders and watched him suck on her nipple. The pain and pleasure were driving her crazy, she grabbed onto his hair and pulled his head back staring into his eyes.

“I need you now, but not here.” She snarled.

He lifted her away from the wall, and moved with a speed that had her laughing. He pushed through their door and as soon as he reached the bed Dominic flipped her over onto her stomach.

He grabbed onto her hips. “Hold onto the bed.” Was the only thing he said as he thrust his large thick cock into her pussy and slapped her bare ass at the same time.

She grabbed onto the quilt, her fingers squeezed the quilt into her palm. “Yes, more!”

Two more swats landed on her ass, his strokes became faster and so powerful he shook the bed. Dominic leaned down and covered her body with his muscular one. He never stopped his strokes in and out of her. His calloused warm hands slid under her and cupped her breasts. “I love you, Suzanne.” His fangs sank into the side of her neck and sent her into a hard powerful orgasm. He pumped once, twice his hot seed poured into her while he fed.

Collapsing to the bed Dominic withdrew his fangs, sealing the holes with his tongue. Suzanne sighed unclenching her hands. “I love you too, Dominic, but you have to learn to trust me. Have I done anything to make you distrust me?”

Dominic slipped out of her and pulled her on top of him. “No, you have done nothing Suzanne, and I can’t apologize enough for not trusting you. In the future, I will try and gather all the facts before I accuse.”

“You owe me a new dress.” She kissed his chest and sat up on his stomach staring down at him. His large blue eyes gazed up at her breasts.

He reached up and cupped one of them. “Soon you will be feeding our children with these beautiful breasts. I was watching you brush out Samantha’s hair, talking to her, and never in my life have I been so scared as I was at that moment, when that other dragon turned to attack you. The thought of you hurt or dead…”

Suzanne placed her finger on his lips. “Shh. Don’t you know that is how I feel every time the four of you go out, facing whatever you have to face? You’ve had people all around you supporting you, but I’ve only known your love.” Suzanne glanced up and smiled as Granger, Archer and Blair came into the room.

“If anything happened to any of you, I would be lost. The four of you are the ones that hold me together. Don’t you see Dominic?” She glanced down once more at him. “Each of us, Jaycee, Cecil, Lissa, and I, if we didn’t have our men, there would be no way would have survived. We knew in our hearts you were waiting for us, and that is the only reason we kept going.”

Dominic pulled her down and rolled her over trapping her beneath him. “None of us were complete. Now go hop in the shower, Remi wants us to bring Samantha over there for supper.” He kissed her lips softly and hopped off the bed pulling her with him.

“Go.” He slapped her ass and pushed her towards the bathroom. She grinned and knew each of them watched as she walked to the bathroom, that they would always love her unconditionally.

Chapter Three

Cecil pulled the muffins out of the oven, and smiled at her son, Cade. He sat in his high chair, playing with the new blocks that Tug had made for him. Tonight they were going to have a nice quiet dinner, just the four of them.

She smiled and hummed
Rolling In the Deep
by Adele. Glancing outside to their new backyard, she watched Clayton chopping firewood. Even in the snow, he wore no shirt, his muscles rippled with each swing of the axe. His bald head was covered with a ski hat, and tight black jeans covered his muscular lower half above his size thirteen combat boots.

“Ouch!” She dropped the pan onto the counter and waved her hand in the air trying to cool the burn. “That’s what I get for not paying attention and oggling my man.” Cecil laughed, blowing on her hand.

“And who were you oggling?” Rory asked, coming up behind her and taking her hand into his, licking the burn. At once the sting stopped.

Her face heated and Cecil knew she had just turned a bright shade of red. “Thank you, and I watch all of you.” She laid her head back onto his chest and sighed as his hands slipped under her shirt, squeezing her breasts and playing with her nipples.

“Now I see who you’ve been watching. Does it excite you to watch him? Do you see the way his muscles pull when he’s swinging that axe?” Rory nibbled her neck. “You’ve been in here all morning cooking. Why don’t you go and join Clayton outside. I’ll watch Cade. Plus, you two haven’t had any alone time since he came back from dealing with the council. Go for a run.” Rory pushed her towards the door. “Go!”

She stood on her toes and kissed Rory’s lips. “I love you, Rory.”

“Yea, I know, now go before I take you here in front of our son.” He growled and slapped her ass.

Laughing, she made her way to the back door of her large log cabin which was located ten miles from Jaycee’s new place. Her brother Sam was still putting the finishing touches on his new place with Tug’s help two miles down the new road.

Cecil grabbed her winter coat and hat as she slipped her feet into her boots and opened the door. As soon that happened, Clayton stopped and glanced up at her. His gaze heated as she made her way to him slowly.

He sank the axe into the tree leaving it there before he started to move towards her with steady strides. “Took you long enough, woman. I thought I was going to have to come in there and drag you out of that kitchen.” Clayton snarled and wrapped his arms around her, picking her up as he kissed her, hard and demanding.

“God I missed you, Cecil. You’re warm body next to mine, burying my cock into that tight pussy. Now strip.” He set her down, crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

“Are you nuts? It’s twenty degrees out here!” She backed away from him smiling, knowing what he would do next. Cecil turned and ran toward the woods, stripping her coat and hat off, and flinging them behind her.

“Someone needs a lesson on whose boss, I see,” Clayton snarled right behind her. He wrapped his bare muscular arm around her waist, lifting her feet off the ground and braced her up against a large tree. Buttons popped and scattered over the white snow. “Now Cecil, I need you now.”

Cecil gazed into his eyes and saw the need, and a hint of sadness there. “What’s wrong?” She stripped out of the rest of her clothes and he covered her body with his naked one. The cold no longer a thought, as he lifted her legs and drove into her with a need she hadn’t ever seen before.

Grabbing onto his shoulders, Cecil laid kisses all over his face, meeting each of his thrusts with her own, knowing he needed her acceptance.

“No one will ever touch you Cecil, no one!” Little bits of fur covered his back and his fangs sank into her neck, holding her immobile. He gripped her hips tightly, one, two, three more thrusts and her body shook, her toes curled and she screamed, calling his name as her orgasm raced through her. His seed filled her, sweat covered his body, and he released her neck, resting his forehead on hers. “I’m sorry Cecil, so sorry.”

She frowned and looked at him as he lowered her to the ground, already dressing her quickly. “What the hell are you sorry for? Making love to me?” Now she was getting pissed as he refused to look at her.

“Damn it Clayton, what the hell is wrong? You’re scaring me.” She grabbed onto his arm as he pulled on his pants and stepped into his boots.

He turned and faced her, his gaze held hers. “Cade’s natural father isn’t dead, Cecil. The man that was killed was his twin brother. His father has demanded to see his son at the council.”

Her knees gave and the breath was knocked from her lungs. Clayton grabbed her before she hit the ground. No words came out as she shook her head.

“Shh, I’ve already told the council there is no way in hell he is coming near you or Cade. But the council is determined to talk to Remi, Dane, Dominic and Nikola, they want others brought over to this realm.”

Her bones crunched and she snarled as she jumped out of his arms running towards their house.

Cecil ran straight for the front door of their house, Rory was there opening the door for her as she shifted, grabbing Cade from his arms. “They will never take you, Cade, I promise!” she cried running to his room, ignoring Clayton and Rory behind her.

“What’s wrong?”
Jaycee demanded through the special link the women shared. Cecil hated to say anything to Jaycee when she was already hurting enough.

“Cecil, what has you so upset?”
Suzanne asked. She also heard Lissa, Marsha and Shelly all waiting.

She replayed her conversation with Clayton to them and heard the hisses and rejections.
“Over my dead body will those creatures be allowed here!”
Jaycee shouted, quieting all of them.

I shouldn’t have said anything, you don’t need to be upset. I’m sorry Jaycee.”
Cecil slammed her bedroom door shut, but it was pushed back open by Clayton and Rory.

“Damn it Cecil, you didn’t give me time to finish what I was going to say.” Clayton ran his hand through his hair. “With Jaycee due to deliver any day, we have all decided to meet at Remi’s tonight and discuss the council’s request to be allowed here.”

“You mean you men have decided to meet and decide. Well, I will tell you this right now Clayton. No one will take my son. I will not let that man near my son.” She screamed and shook her head.

“How could you even be considering this when Cade now carries your DNA, not his? To even suggest this makes me wonder why you even bothered giving him your DNA, if you are going to allow that man near him?” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she backed up. Clayton snarled and advanced on her.

Cade started to whimper in her arms, and Clayton stopped staring at the little boy. He sighed and held out his hands. Cade reached for him with his chubby arms. “Cecil, I will never give up what is mine, and Cade is my son. That man will not be allowed here on this new realm. I have already told this to the council, but the council does want the others here. Who are we to judge one race for a few who act without the others’ knowledge?”

She released Cade into Clayton’s arms. “I’m sorry Clayton, I know you’re right, but the thought of one of them near me…” Cecil moved to the bed and sat down. “Are the council coming here Clayton?”

“We have to go now.” Clayton moved to the door and glanced back at her. “One of the council members has been killed trying to come here. Remi has called all of us to his house.” Clayton handed Cade to her.

“Rory I hate to ask this, but with some of the members there would you…”

Rory shook his head. “There is no need to ask, not one of them will get close to her or Cade.” Rory moved behind her following her to Cade’s room. “Dress him warm tonight. Tug said it’s going to be cold.”

Cecil nodded and put Cade into the snowsuit Lissa had gotten him, along with the small winter boots. “At least we have snowmobiles to get over there.”

She picked up her stiff little man and laughed. “Can’t move, can you little one?” She laughed as he tried to move his arms in the heavy suit. “Here, take him Rory, while I change clothes. I can’t go there with my shirt ripped up.” Cecil handed Cade to Rory, kissing his cheek.

“I’ll meet you downstairs, and Rory, thanks.” Slowly Cecil made her way down the wide hallway of her new home. She had always dreamed of having a log cabin and all three of her men had seen that vision and built her that home. Soon Cecil would decorate their home with the things they made. Nothing old would go into this home except pictures of their families. It was a time for new beginnings, and she wasn’t going to let anyone stop her from having what she wanted, a family.

Cecil stripped the ruined shirt off and threw it into the trash by her dresser. She bent to grab a sweater from her drawer when Tug slipped in behind her. “A half-naked mate, so nice to come home to.” His cold hands enclosed around her breasts, and she jumped up, hitting her head on his chin.

“Damn it, Tug, your hands are cold.” She rubbed her head and tried to escape his arms, but he held on, nipping at her exposed neck.

Cecil glanced up into the large oval mirror, which hung up above her dresser, and stared into Tug’s dark eyes, his wet red hair pulled back into a ponytail. “You’re scared.”

It wasn’t a question, but a statement. She nodded bringing her hand up to cup his cheek, all the while his hands kneaded her bare breasts. “Yes, I thought we were done with them, once we learned about all of this. Now the thought of them here…”

He turned her in his arms and brushed her hair back. “No one, and I mean no one, will hurt you again Cecil. You are home, we will make this the house like that of the one your dreams, and no one will take it away. I promise.”

Laying her head against his bare chest, she traced her finger tips around his nipple. “I hope so Tug, I hope so, but I have a real bad feeling again.”

Not giving him time to respond, Cecil stepped out of his arms and grabbed the sweater from the drawer, slipping it on. “Rory and Clayton are waiting for us, so we better get going.” She moved towards the door, but once again Tug pulled her into his arms.

“I know this is hard Cecil, but believe in us. We won’t allow anyone to take you or Cade away. We would die first.” He kissed her nose and pushed her towards the door, but not before she gazed up at him.

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” She whispered and disappeared into the hallway. At least she wasn’t the only one who hated the council.

Yes I’m here, and if my mates know what’s good for them, they better not allow those monsters here.

Cecil laughed, and winked at Lissa, who now stood with her mates in the room. “You heard too?”

Lissa nodded as the men around her frowned.

“What?” Clayton demanded right before she left with Lissa, but she ignored him, holding onto Lissa who took her to Jaycee’s new home.

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