Runaway Bride (Across the Stars: Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Runaway Bride (Across the Stars: Book 2)
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“Hi, Lexie,” Caitlyn greeted.

“How did you know it was me?” She glanced at the restroom and saw that Mark was still in there.

“Because I know Mom has a tight hold on you and you wouldn’t be able to resist calling her if you had your cell phone.  Why do you think I took it?”

“Yeah, but I could have called her, and I’m calling you instead.”

“Okay, you have a good point.  So, why did you call?  Is Mark boring you?”

She grinned at her sister’s joke.  “No.  I just wanted to let you know we got into Vegas.  Could you call our parents and let them know I’m okay?”

“I’ll call Dad and let him tell Mom.”

“Good idea.”

“Now go and enjoy the bonding ceremony.”

“The what?”

“Didn’t Mark tell you how men used to marry women on his planet?”

Lexie saw that Mark was heading her way.  She mouthed the word ‘Caitlyn’ before telling her sister, “No.  What’s a bonding ceremony?”

“It’s a ceremony that allows them to skip the wedding and go right to the honeymoon.”

“Mark and I are on our way to a chapel,” she replied, not understanding why Caitlyn was chuckling.  “Why are you laughing?”

“Just wait until you get to the bonding ceremony.  It makes for the best first time sex ever.”

Lexie stared at the phone as her sister hung up.

“What’s wrong?  Is your mom on her way here to stop the wedding?” Mark asked.

“No.  I have no idea what my mom’s doing right now.” And she hadn’t thought to ask about it when she was talking to Caitlyn.  Oh well.  It was probably for the best if she didn’t know.  Her mom would be fine, eventually, and Nick would be fine, too.  She smiled and hung up the phone.  “You ready to get married?”

Taking her hand, he nodded.  “I’ve been ready since the first time I met you at Chris’ wedding rehearsal.  You know, the one your mother arranged but didn’t tell Caitlyn about.”

They headed down the terminal and she nudged him in the side.  “You liked me as soon as you met me?”

“It was love at first sight.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“You were engaged.  It wasn’t appropriate to ask you out.” With a wink, he added, “I had to find a different way to let you get to know me.”

His meaning dawned on her.  “So you knew your car was out of gas when I called the towing company?”

Giving a mischievous shrug, he asked, “Are you mad?”

Giggling, she shook her head.  “No.  Just surprised I didn’t figure out what was going on.”

“I’m glad you didn’t.  I hoped to make everything happen as if by coincidence.”

They reached the escalator and stepped onto it.  Recalling her conversation with Caitlyn, she asked, “Is there a bonding ceremony we’re going to go through?”

“Yes.  Did Caitlyn explain what it is?”

“Not in so many words.  She said it was how your kind used to get married.”

“Yes, it’s how we establish a lifelong commitment with women and it works on this world, too.  But we’re going to get married your way first.”

“If we do that, is your way really necessary?”

“Pretty much.  We won’t consummate the marriage unless we do it.”

She followed him off the escalator and joined him on the way to the front entrance.  “What does it involve?”

“The actual consummation of the marriage.  For us, the first time we have sex, we establish the marriage.  It’s how we secure our standing in the female’s line and ensure she’ll have our children, thereby passing on our genetic code to a future generation.”

“Hmm… You make it sound so clinical, and Caitlyn made it sound like a lot of fun.”

“That’s probably because she’s been through it and I haven’t.  For me, it’s academic.” He followed her out of the building and hailed a cab.  “I’m looking forward to it, though, and I’m glad the woman I’ll bond with is you.” He kissed her.  “You ready to go to the chapel?”

“I’m ready,” she said and went with him to the cab.


Chapter Fourteen


After they exchanged vows at the chapel, Mark and Lexie took a cab to the hotel.  He hadn’t taken the pill to inhibit his ability to get an erection since he woke up that morning.  He skipped the second pill at two that afternoon.  Now, he was waiting for the time he’d be ready to engage in the bonding ceremony.  But so far, he’d no indication that the hormone inhibitor had worn off.

He glanced at his watch and saw it was now midnight.  It’d been sixteen hours since his last pill.  Tapping his fingers on his slacks, he sighed.  He thought he was pressing his luck by waiting sixteen hours, but apparently not.

Lexie grabbed her purse and zipped it open.  “I can’t believe I forgot to take off Nick’s ring until we were giving our vows.  Good.  It’s still there.”

He laughed.  “Where else would it go?”

She shot him an amused look and closed her purse.  “It’s expensive.  I keep worrying I’ll lose it.  I plan to send it to him when we get back home.”

“Hey, while we’re here, we should get you a ring, though it won’t be as elaborate as the one he gave you.”

“Will you give me a piece of chocolate cake and ice cream with it?”

“I’ll add whip cream to it.”

She chuckled and set the purse on the folder with their marriage license in it.  “It’s been so long since I ate whip cream.  I’m glad you’re okay with me having dessert.”

“Dessert?  You can have that for the main course if you want.”

“It’s been so long, I just might.”

The cab came to a stop, and Mark paid the fare before helping Lexie out.  Taking her by the arm, he escorted her into the hotel and checked in at the desk.

Once they were in their room, he closed the curtains while she set the folder and purse on a table.  When he returned to her, he took her in his arms and gave her a lingering kiss.  She felt wonderful against him, soft and warm.  He ran his hands along her curves.  He loved everything about the female body and best of all, she was real.  He had created virtual reality women on his world, but they failed in comparison with a real one.

When their kiss ended, he pressed his forehead to hers and whispered, “You’re so wonderful, Lexie.  I couldn’t have asked for a better life mate.”

“Life mate?”

“That means ‘wife’ on my world.  A life mate is someone who completes me, my other half.”

Before she could respond, he kissed her again, his heart soaring with the knowledge she chose him to spend the rest of her life with.  She could have had her pick of any man, but she was with him and he vowed to never take that for granted.

As she pulled away from him, she traced his collar and smiled.  “It’s been such a romantic day.  I keep thinking I’ll wake up and find out it’s been a dream.”

“If it is, I suggest you keep sleeping.”

She giggled and gave him another kiss.  Thinking she might enjoy it, he leaned to the side, placed his arm under her knees, and swooped her up into his arms.  As he hoped, she laughed.  He carried her to the large bed and set her in the center of it.  Even if his hormone inhibitor hadn’t worn off yet, he was anxious to explore her.

He settled next to her and brought her back into his arms for another kiss.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her.  When she parted her lips, he brushed her tongue with his.  She let out a low moan, encouraging him to keep going, something he was more than happy to do.  He traced the curve of her back and settled his hand on her hip.

Noticing that she was chuckling, he pulled slightly away from her.  “What’s funny?  Am I doing something wrong?”

“No, you’re not doing anything wrong.  I just realized we have our shoes on.”

He looked at their feet and grinned.  “Okay, maybe I’m a little anxious to get started on the honeymoon.  You have such an amazing body.”

This time his hand traveled to one of her breasts and he brushed his thumb over her nipple, which hardened in response.  Even through her dress, she felt incredible.  Leaning forward, he kissed the area above the neckline of the dress.  The light scent of flowers was subtle, very much like her.  She was so beautiful, but she didn’t flaunt it like some women.  Her way was tasteful.  Simple, elegant.  It was no wonder Nick chose her.  But she chose him instead, a fact that he’d always be thankful for.

His head lowered, his lips brushing the top of her breasts.  She let out a contented sigh, her hands resting on his arms.  He unbuttoned the top few buttons of her dress, eager to see more of her in the soft light of the lamp.  Beneath her dress was a rose-colored bra, so he undid the clasp between her breasts and was rewarded with the view he desired.  He took his time exploring her, tracing the curve of her breasts with his hands and licking her erect nipples.  Lexie’s moans excited him, prompting him to continue.  Apparently, her breasts were sensitive to the touch, a nice tidbit he’d have to remember for the other times they’d be in bed together.  Many more times.

His heart raced in anticipation of performing the bonding ceremony, the physical act that would truly unite them in the life-mate relationship.  But he couldn’t initiate it.  As much as he wanted to release the sex hormone that would begin the process, he couldn’t.  The stupid hormone inhibitor hadn’t worn off yet.  An erection would be the signal for him to begin but he remained limp, and it was starting to irritate him.  He recalled how quick it’d been for Chris.  Ten hours.  Ten hours after Chris took his last pill, his body was doing what it was supposed to do, and here Mark was coming up on the…  He glanced at the clock by the bed.  He was nearing the seventeenth hour, and nothing was happening.

Well, he was in bed and having a good time.  Soon.  The hormone inhibitor would wear off soon.  The average waiting time was between fourteen to twenty-four hours.  He was within that time range.  Just because Chris happened to be ready at ten hours, it didn’t mean Mark would be too.  He just needed to be patient.


He looked at Lexie, his face growing warm.  He hadn’t realized he’d stopped caressing her breasts.  Clearing his throat, he offered a smile and motioned to their shoes.  “I suddenly remembered we still have them on.”

She giggled and kicked hers off the bed.  “I forgot all about them.  I should also remove my pantyhose.”

Feeling a little more at ease since she was laughing, he kicked off his shoes and turned back to her.  There was no denying how sexy it was when a woman wiggled out of her pantyhose and flung them, along with her shoes, across the room.  “Are you comfortable?” he asked.  “Is there too much light?  Do you want some water?”

“I’m fine.” She cupped his face in her hands and kissed his nose.  “You’re so sweet.  I love you, Mark.  You’re like my knight in shining armor.”

His smile widened and he forgot about the hormone inhibitor.  “I love you, too.”

She pulled him closer and kissed him, this time acting as the aggressor and tracing her tongue along his lower lip until he accepted her into his mouth.  And this time, he was the one who gave a low moan to encourage her to keep going.  She deepened the kiss as she unbuttoned his shirt and slid her hands beneath his undershirt.  Her hands felt like heaven on his bare flesh.  He wondered if she had enjoyed his exploration of her as much as he was enjoying her exploration of him.  If her moans had been an indication of her enjoyment, then he guessed yes.

Her hands lowered to the belt around his waist and he stiffened.  There was no way he was going to let her see him without an erection.  Sure, she knew he was from another planet, but he didn’t feel like explaining why he couldn’t perform the bonding ceremony right now.  It’d be way too embarrassing.

Her mouth left his, and, slightly out of breath, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he quickly replied and brought his hand to her thigh where he pulled up her dress.  “I’m just eager to learn more about you.” He kissed the side of her neck and teased, “I hope you don’t mind.”

With a light chuckle, she let go of his belt and shifted so that she could pull off her rose-colored panties.  “No.  I don’t mind.” She tossed the panties aside.

Relieved she was no longer focused on him, he slid his hand up her dress and between her thighs.

She gasped when his fingers brushed the moist folds of her flesh.  “That feels good,” she murmured and spread her legs.

He traced the folds and dipped his finger into her.  Yes, that felt really good.  Extremely good.  No wonder Chris had that goofy smile on his face after he got married.  Mark knew that a woman’s body was exquisite, but he hadn’t realized it was this wonderful.  He removed his hand from her long enough to lift her dress so that he could see her.

“You’re beautiful.” Then looking at her face, he added, “Everywhere.”

He brought his mouth back to her nipple and teased it with his tongue.  His hand returned to her flesh, and he inserted his finger back into her.  She shifted, allowing him to go deeper.  He slid another finger inside her, this time noting that she was wetter than before.  He thought that was interesting but figured it made sense since he needed her to be that way in order to enter her.

Her hand covered his, and she guided his thumb to her sensitive nub.  Intrigued, he lifted his head so he could see how she moved his thumb in circular motions.  By the way she groaned, he realized this particular action heightened her pleasure.  She removed her hand from his and he continued to move his thumb the way she had instructed.  He glanced at her face, thrilled by the pleasure on her face.

Lowering his head, he brought his mouth back to her breasts, alternating between one and the other.  Her hands tightened on his shoulders, and her hips rocked in rhythm with his ministrations.  He slipped in a third finger, noting she was a little tight, but she loosened up as he continued to stroke her core.  Her flesh clenched around him and she let out a cry of pleasure.  He stilled and waited until her breathing returned to normal before he slid his fingers out of her.  Bringing her into his arms, he kissed her, taking his time to savor the way she rested against him, spent and fully satisfied.

  Content to hold her, he closed his eyes and rested his head on hers.

“Aren’t you going to…well…finish?” she asked after a minute passed.

“Oh.” He hoped she would forget he was supposed to do more.  As much as it pained him, he knew his body wasn’t ready yet.  “You know, it’s been a long day.  We should get a good night’s sleep and do it tomorrow.  The bonding ceremony is special and I want to be fully awake when it happens.” That much was true.  And now that he was lying with her, his exhaustion was catching up to him.


Glad she accepted his excuse, he relaxed and fell asleep, loving the way she felt in his arms.


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