Runaway Bride (Across the Stars: Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Runaway Bride (Across the Stars: Book 2)
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“No kidding?”

“No kidding.”

“So do you read romance novels?”


Unable to avoid teasing him, she nudged him in the side.  “You wanted to program virtual reality games where men could experience a romance in unusual settings, but you don’t want to read romance books?”

He chuckled and shrugged.  “As I was developing these games, I realized even in a virtual reality setting, a fake woman wasn’t as good as a real one.”

“Even if the fantasy woman was perfect?”

“There’s no way a fantasy woman can be perfect because she’s not real.  Everything she does or says is programmed.”

Her grin grew wider.  “I thought men would prefer a woman that way.”

His eyes twinkling, he shook his head.  “You’d be surprised at how boring that gets.”

She rolled her eyes.  “I’m sure.”

“Well, you write romance novels, right?”

“When I get the time.”

“Do you prefer your world to be full of perfect men when you write them?”

“I try not to write about perfect men or women.”

“Why not?”

“If I did, then there’d be no conflict,” she replied.  “If everyone was perfect all the time, the story would be boring.” After a moment of silence, she added, “Okay.  I get your point.  Fantasy virtual reality women would get boring.”

“And there would be no love.  The man might fall in love with her, but she couldn’t respond in kind and that’s an empty feeling.”

“I guess it would be.”

They continued their walk in silence for a couple minutes and to her surprise, she didn’t mind the quiet.  Usually, the lack of conversation would have bothered her.  In general, she wasn’t a fan of silence.  That was one of the reasons she came to the beach.  It was the one place she could go to where she could close her eyes and enjoy the pounding of the surf.  It was one of the most relaxing sounds she’d ever heard.  But at the moment, she didn’t notice the waves so much.

“So this art thing you’re going to,” Mark began, “is it something you’re looking forward to?  I mean, I know you’re not looking forward to learning the etiquette involved, but what about the actual event itself?”

“No, I’m not looking forward to it.  I have to go.”

“Was this one of the things you signed in the prenup?”

“Yes, but it’s very important that I go.  Even if I didn’t sign a prenup, I’d go.  You see, in Nick’s line of work, it’s important he looks good and part of looking good is having a wife who’ll be involved in charities and go to events his coworkers partake in.”

“Sounds like you’ll stay busy.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Maybe she was about to be busier than she was already.  She wasn’t sure what her life would be like once she was married.

He waited a moment before asking, “What do you want to do after you get married?”

“To be honest, I hadn’t thought about it.  I assumed I’d quit my job and do whatever Nick needed me to do.  His job requires him to be on call.  He could go in to work any time of the day or night.  I might have to do something for him, like attend a charity event.” Realizing she was rambling, she offered an apologetic smile.  “Sorry.  I don’t want to bore you.”

“You’re not boring me.  I enjoy listening to you.”

“Well, I enjoy listening to you, too.” She quickly averted her gaze, wondering why the way he looked at her made her nervous.  She wasn’t on a date with him.  There was no reason why her face should flush with pleasure.  Clearing her throat, she asked, “Did you ever find out what was wrong with your car?”

“Yes.  It was out of gas.”

She laughed.  “Out of gas?”

“I told you I was having an off day.  I hadn’t looked at the gas tank and realized it was empty.”

“At least it was easy to take care of.”

“That’s true, and it was very nice of you to help me out.  I haven’t forgotten that I owe you a favor.  If you ever need me to bail you out of a bad situation, give me a call.  You still have my business card?”


“Too bad.  I was hoping to get rid of another one.  I told you I have too many, right?”

“I believe you mentioned it,” she replied.

“I don’t think I’ll ever go through all of them.”

“I’m sure you will eventually.” They turned around and headed back to where they started from, and she asked, “What do you do for fun?”

“Walking on the beach with you is fun.”

Detecting the teasing tone in his voice, she gave him a ‘be serious’ look.  “I mean, what interests do you have?”

“Besides talking to you, I like to research everything I can about Earth.”

“What kind of research?”

He shrugged.  “I like finding out about different cultures, find out about different countries.  What makes each one unique.  Stuff like that.”

“What about the virtual reality thing?  Do you still do that?”

“No, not anymore.”

“Why not?”

“Because I like living real life instead of a fantasy one.”

“So you quit that job so you could be an engineer like Chris is?”

“You could say that.”

She furrowed her eyebrows, curious.  “What else could I say?”

“That I wanted to experience the most life has to offer.”

She didn’t know why his answer should strike a cord in her, but it did.  As much as she kept telling herself she was living the dream every woman had, she wondered if it was true.  She was going to marry a handsome, wealthy man who had a good job.  She would never want for anything.  On the surface, it seemed like a fairytale come true.  And yet, she felt empty.

“Lexie, are you alright?”

She pushed aside her apprehension about the future and smiled.  “Yes, I’m fine.” Brushing back several strands of her hair, she continued, “Do you like being an engineer?”

“I do, especially when I get to work on a group project.  You can learn a lot about people when you’re working toward the same goal.”

“People fascinate you.”

“They do, but I also like working with numbers.  Doing what I do is the best of both worlds,” he said.  “Do you enjoy your job?”

“It pays the bills.”

“The first time I met you, you said you liked to write romances.  Would you rather do that?”

“I guess I hadn’t thought about it.  I don’t write often.  I have so many other things going on.”

“Maybe after you get married, you can write more.”

Somehow she doubted it.  Neither her mother nor Nick thought much of her hobby.  Her mother thought it was a waste of time.  As for Nick, she didn’t know what he thought.  Maybe she should ask him next time she saw him. “I notice we do a lot of talking about me,” she finally told Mark.

“We talk about me.  I told you about my car and my job.”

“Well, that’s true,” she admitted.

“I guess I have been talking a lot about you, but that’s because I want to learn more about who you are.  I like finding out what you like, what you don’t like, how you envision your future, what will make you happy.”

“I guess I’m not used to someone taking such an interest in me.”

“I’m sure your fiancé does.”

She wanted to assure him that Nick did, but the words didn’t come.  But she was sure he did.  Why else would he want to marry her?

“If I’m making you uncomfortable,” Mark continued, “we can talk about something else.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you wanting to know more about someone.  Besides, it’s what you do, isn’t it?  You like working with people and discovering who they are.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Do you enjoy being in large social gatherings?”

“It’s okay.  I find it’s not so much how many people are around me as it is who I’m with.  If I’m with someone I like, I can be anywhere with many people.”

“I see what you mean.  Having the right person with you can make anything bearable.”

They reached the spot where she had put her beach bag, and he checked his watch.  “I should get going.  I’m glad I ran into you.”

“Yeah, it was fun.” The most fun she had in a long time, but she didn’t dare admit that aloud.  She told herself it was because she didn’t have to plan for the wedding for the first time in three months, but she wondered if there was more to it than that.  If there was, she didn’t dare dwell on it.

He shot her a charming smile.  “Maybe I’ll see you around sometime.”

Her heart gave an unexpected flutter, but she quickly pushed it aside.  “That’d be great.”

She watched him as he jogged to his car.  There was something about him that seemed different from other people she knew.  She couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was, except that when she talked to him, it was easy to relax and be herself.  He had the type of personality that made others around him feel comfortable.

Turning back to her towel, she spread it out and settled on it.  She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the surf as it rolled in, but she kept thinking over her conversation with Mark.  She couldn’t recall the last time she’d enjoyed talking to someone so much.  She opened her eyes and examined the beach.  For some reason, it didn’t seem the same.  It was a shame Mark couldn’t have stuck around longer.  With a sigh, she stood up, gathered her things and left.  Maybe next time she came here, she wouldn’t be preoccupied with thoughts of Mark.  Then she could truly enjoy resting on the beach.


Chapter Five


“Lexie, you look fantastic,” Nick said as soon as she sat across from him at the restaurant by the beach the next day.  “Thanks for meeting me for lunch.”

“Why wouldn’t I meet you for lunch?  We’re engaged,” Lexie teased.  “Are we still on for our date tomorrow evening?”

“Yes, and I promise I’ll be there for our engagement party.  Ken will fill in for me.”

She smiled and picked up the menu.  She glanced out the window and saw the blue-green waves crashing onto the shore.  For a moment, she recalled her walk with Mark.  Her face warmed in embarrassment.  She shouldn’t even be thinking of him, especially when she was with Nick.

“So,” he began after he sipped his water, “I thought maybe we could start talking about what you can say and do when we go to the art exhibit.  I don’t want you to be nervous when we’re there.”

“My mother is teaching me the etiquette.  If there’s anyone who knows anything about what to do or not do at a social event, it’s her.”

“Yes, she does,” he replied with a relieved smile.  “I’m glad you told her that I need you to make me look good at the art exhibit.  This will be a big night.”

Biting her lower lip, she glanced at the menu but returned her gaze to him.  “Nick, why do you want to marry me?”

He chuckled and placed his glass back on the table.  “Because I love you, silly.”

“But why?”

“Why?  Because you’re you.”

“But what is it about me that you love?”

Shooting her a teasing grin, he said, “Everything.  I like the whole package.”

“Do you?”

“Of course, I do.”

“Then can you tell me something you like about me?”

“Lexie, what’s this about?” he asked.

Trying to determine the best way to answer, she set the menu down and folded her hands on her lap.  “It’s about us.  You and me.  What is it about us that makes sense?”

“There’s plenty that makes sense.  You’re gorgeous.  You’re graceful.  You’re elegant.  You’re everything I want in a wife.”

The server came over to them and asked for their order.

“I’ll have a Bahama Mama to drink.  To eat, I’ll have the crab cakes, lobster tail, and shrimp cocktail combo.  For dessert, I’ll have a slice of chocolate cake,” he replied.

“That sounds good.  I’ll have the same,” she added.

He cleared his throat.  “I think you meant everything except the chocolate cake, sweetheart.”

She lowered her voice and said, “It’s just one slice.”

“But is it wise to do that when you’re so close to the art exhibit and wedding?”

The server shifted from one foot to the other.  “I can come back.”

“No need,” Nick replied.  “A slice of cake for me will be enough.”

Lexie opened her mouth to protest but decided a piece of cake wasn’t worth a public argument, so she indicated her agreement with a nod and waited for the server to leave before speaking.  “There has to be something about me—about my personality—that you like.”

“Okay.  That’s fair.” He unfolded the cloth napkin and settled it on his lap.  “You’re compliant.  That’s a very important trait for the wife of a doctor.  My job comes with a lot of demands and I need a wife who’s understanding of those demands.  You’re perfect.  I couldn’t have asked for a better woman to spend the rest of my life with.”

“And my writing?”

“What about it?”

“I’ve been thinking, a lot, about what I want to do after we get married.  I want to spend more time writing.”

“That’s fine.”

Surprised since she expected him to argue this issue with her, she asked, “It is?”

“Sure, as long as it’s not something frivolous like that romance nonsense you were into when we started dating.  Actually, any kind of frivolous writing wouldn’t do well.  I think something like literature would suit if you wrote fiction.  Something in line with the classics, you know.  But if you did nonfiction, that would be even better because that inspires respectability.  You can write about being married to a doctor.  I’m sure there are challenges every spouse faces when she’s married to a doctor with a demanding schedule.  Give the wives out there ways to adapt.  I know, you can start with the proper way to conduct yourself at an art exhibit.”

She stared at him, hardly believing she heard him right.  “I like to write romances.  They’re like fairytales that I get to create.”

“But why would you need to write it when you have your own fairytale with me?” he asked.

She didn’t know how to respond to that.  Her relationship with him wasn’t quite the way she envisioned the relationships in her romance novels.  There was no excitement in being with him.  She had been pleased by his attention when they first started dating, and even more pleased when her mother approved of him.  But she didn’t find that she necessarily missed him when he wasn’t with her.  She was comfortable with him.  She felt she could be content to spend the rest of her life with him.  For sure, her mother wouldn’t fight her marriage like she’d fought Caitlyn’s two marriages.  But it dawned on her that Nick didn’t seem to know her—really know her.  However, to be fair, she wondered how well she knew him.

“Tell me about yourself,” Lexie said.

He shot her an amused look as the server brought them their drinks.  “What is this about?”

She waited until the server left before leaning forward, her elbows settling on the table.

“Lexie, your elbows…” He pointed to them.

With a sigh, she placed her hands back on her lap.  In some ways, being with Nick reminded her of being with her mother.  The two were much too hung up on proper etiquette, no matter where they were.

“Alright.  To answer your question,” he began, “I’m a heart surgeon with multiple awards to my name.  I pride myself on saving lives.  In fact, that’s why I decided I would become a doctor when I was a child.”

“I know the facts.  What I want to know is who you are.  What are your interests outside of work?  What are your dreams?  What makes you passionate about life?”

“I am a doctor, Lexie.  I save people’s lives.  I devote my life to helping others.  I want to save every patient who comes my way.  There is no greater purpose or passion than that.”

“Maybe I need to be more specific.” She tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear and gave it another try.  “I love the beach.  The color of the water is so magical.  I’ve never seen a better blend of blue and green than the water along the coast.  See?” She motioned to the window, and though he turned his attention to the Emerald Coast, he didn’t seem impressed.  “The beach is one of the few places in this world that makes me feel at peace.  The smell of the salt water, the warmth from the sun, the feel of the cool sand when I dig my feet into it, the sound as the waves crash into the shore…  I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s so romantic, especially when I can be with someone whose company I enjoy.” Her mind unwittingly went to Mark and the pleasant stroll they’d shared.  Clearing her throat, she forced her mind back to Nick.  “Why don’t we go for a walk along the beach sometime?”

“Lexie, the beach is great.  Really, it is.  I’m not denying that.  It’s why I bought a house on it.” He took a sip of his drink and shrugged.  “But I don’t have the luxury of wasting my time going for a walk on it.  I’m an important person.  I get called in at all hours for surgery.  Walks are great.  I think you should keep doing them.  They’ll keep you looking good.” He winked at her.  “Maybe you can find a friend to walk with.  Now, is there anything else you want to tell me about you or anything else you want to learn about me?”

Disappointed, she shook her head.  “No.  I think I know everything I need to.” There was nothing more to him than what he’d already told her.  He was a doctor who had devoted his life to his profession.  While there should have been something noble in it, she couldn’t help but think he lacked any real substance.

“Good.  Now that we’ve cleared the air on all that,” he said as he placed a book on etiquette in front of her, “ask your mother if she’s acquainted with the stuff in here.  If so, then there’s no need to read it.  She can instruct you on how to behave at the art exhibit.”

She picked up the book and stared at it, thankful that with her gaze lowered, he wouldn’t see the unshed tears in her eyes.  This wasn’t what she wanted for her marriage.  She might not have taken the time to think about what she wanted her life to be like, but this certainly wasn’t it.

“Lunch is served,” the server called out in a chipper tone as she set the plates full of steaming food in front of Nick and Lexie.  “Is there anything else I can get you?”

“I’m fine.  Lexie?” Nick asked.

Forcing herself to smile, Lexie blinked back her tears and made eye contact with the server.  “No, I don’t need anything else.” As the server walked away, Lexie slipped the book into her purse, unsure of what she should do about Nick.




“Lexie?  Is something bothering you?”

Lexie blinked, unaware that she’d let her mind drift off while her mother rummaged through the rack of black dresses in the department store.  Her mother stared at her with an expectant look on her face, and she decided if she was ever going to talk to her mom, this was the best chance.  “I met with Nick today for lunch.”

“Yes, I know.  You showed me the book he gave you.” Her mother chuckled.  “Don’t worry about a thing.  The book is slightly outdated.  Fortunately for you both, I keep current on the latest trends.  You’ll impress everyone at the art exhibit.”

“No, it’s not that.  It’s just that,” she shrugged, “I don’t know how to say it.”

Her mother turned to face her.  “What is it, honey?”

“Well, I had a conversation with him today that made me wonder if I’m making a mistake in marrying him.”

“Oh, Lexie,” her mother said, her voice sympathetic.  “What you’re feeling is normal.  Every woman who is about to get married wonders if she chose the right man.”

“Did you?”

“Of course, I did.  Marriage is a lifetime commitment and it’s not one to be taken lightly.  A lot of people think it’s all about your feelings, but you have to be practical.  As much as it’s a nice sentiment that love is all you need to be happy, the truth is that it won’t put food on the table or a roof over your head.  You want a man who can provide for you and your children.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Is there something else bothering you?”

Lexie crossed her arms and shrugged again.  “Mom, I don’t think Nick is interested in me, as a person.  I think he only values me for what I can do for him.”

“That’s one of the practical ways of looking at marriage, honey.  Marriage is a partnership where both sides do something for each other.”

“But what about love?”

“Nick has said he loves you.  I was there when he proposed and he said he wanted to be with you because he loves you.”

“Yeah, I know.” But for some reason, it didn’t feel like love.  It felt more like…contentment.

“Lexie, love isn’t always butterflies and songs and sunshine.  It’s doing what’s best for the other person.”

“But I think Nick wants me to be with him because it’s best for him, not because he wants what’s best for me,” Lexie pressed, praying her mother would understand what she meant.

Her mother glanced around them before she took her by the arm and led her to a secluded place in the store.  “I’m going to share something with you that I haven’t told anyone else.”

Interested, Lexie nodded and closed the gap between them.  “What is it?”

“When I married your father, I wasn’t in love with him.  I married him because he got along with my parents and I got along with his.  Over time, I discovered that he has been a secure part of my life.  No matter what’s happened, he’s been there for me.  And now I love him with all of my heart.  It wasn’t something that happened right away.  It happened softly, over time.  Your marriage with Nick could be the same way.”

“I see what you’re saying,” Lexie whispered.

“Does that help answer your doubts about getting married?”

“Yes, it does.”

“I’m glad we had this talk.  You know, I love your sister and brother, but I can’t talk to them the same way I can talk to you.”

“I enjoy our talks, too.”

And Lexie did.  When her mother wasn’t trying to control things, she was a very pleasant person to be around.  It was a shame this side of her mother didn’t present itself more often, but maybe it would after she got married.  Maybe up to this point, her mother had been so worried about seeing her married to a good man that she felt the need to control as much of her life as possible.  And maybe Nick would fall in love with her over time like her mother had fallen in love with her father.  Maybe she’d also fall in love with him.  Her mother was right.  Nick would give her and her future children a stable and good home and she had no doubt he’d be faithful to her.

Relaxing, Lexie smiled.  “Thanks, Mom.  I’m ready to look at dresses now.”

Her mother returned her smile and led her back to the rack.


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