Rumor Has It (16 page)

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Authors: Cheris Hodges

BOOK: Rumor Has It
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“No one else can tolerate me,” Liza said with a wink as they climbed into Chante's car. “Do you want me to go to the office with you and help make this cancellation easier?”
“No offense, but people think you were part of the South Park Madam's brothel. . . .”
“She never had a brothel!”
“I'm just saying, you would probably make those stuffed shirt assholes double their donation to Robert.”
“Besides, you have something pleasant waiting for you at your office. Don't get caught up in my drama. I'll find a way out of it.”
“Okay, but you know this is what I do. I've just got to figure out how to fix my own mess for a change.”
“Too bad good old Marie Charles cleaned up her act and moved to Paris. She'd be happy to knock you out of the headlines.”
Liza sucked her teeth and quietly wished that the former headline-grabbing socialite was up to her old tricks and would knock these rumors out of the news.
After Chante dropped Liza off at her office, the two promised to get together later and figure out how to cut Robert out of their lives and their social circles. More than anything, Chante and Liza needed to figure out how to take Myrick, Lawson, and Walker out of Robert's back pocket.
Liza's mind wandered to the pictures as she stood outside of her office. Why not fight a rumor with the truth? She had actual proof that Robert was an immoral, lying, cheating dog. Didn't the public deserve to know? Maybe she could . . . Jackson's piercing gaze stopped all thoughts of hunting down chickenheads and hootchie mamas. Suddenly, she wanted to fling herself into his arms and kiss him as if they were the only people in the world and all they had to worry about was his place or hers.
She wanted to be in a world with Jackson where elections were already won and rumors of her being involved with a call girl ring had already been dismissed. “Hi,” she said breathlessly.
“Are you all right?” he asked as she unlocked the door to her office.
“As all right as I can be,” she said, then held the door open for him to follow her inside.
“Swanky digs,” he said as he looked around the pale blue and pink office. “This is where all the magic happens?”
“You could say that,” she said as she offered him a seat on the blue velvet loveseat in the corner of the room. “It's usually not this quiet.”
“Quiet might be a good thing,” he said, then handed her a brownie. “You didn't confront Robert, I hope.”
“Well,” she said as she peeled the plastic off the brownie, then took a big bite.
“Were there cameras around?”
She swallowed and shook her head. “No. But Chante was there and she's seen the light or the truth as it is.”
“Which is?”
“Robert is a low-down snake in the grass and we were both wrong about him. The sad thing is, she had her partners at the law firm all geeked up to have a fund-raiser for him. And that's all he's worried about. He doesn't give a damn about their relationship or how he's hurt her or me.”
“Do you think you're going to get past these rumors?”
She polished off her brownie and shrugged. Jackson reached out and wiped a spot of caramel from her chin, then kissed the sweetened spot. Liza shivered and silently admonished herself for getting so distracted by that man's lips.
“Jackson,” she said. “You know what Robert is trying to do.”
He inched closer to her, nearly planting her on his lap as he gripped her chin and stared into her sparkling eyes. “I don't give a damn what Robert is trying to do. First of all, I don't believe you have ties to the South Park Madam. Second of all, you and I are not working together. I came here because I knew this had to upset you. Your reputation is important to you and how you make your living.”
“And that slimy son of a bitch knows that as well. What if everyone recovers from this episode except me? Robert has already distanced himself and his campaign from me. You and I made a big show of not working together. Everyone is in the clear except me.”
Jackson brushed his lips against hers. “Soon enough, everybody will know that these rumors are nothing but innuendo and lies.”
A tear slid down Liza's cheek. “It's just hard to rationalize that someone you believed in so much could turn out to be such an ass. Kind of like dealing with my father all over again.”
“This isn't your fault and don't start thinking about the things that shaped you in the past. You've overcome a lot of things. You'll rise above this and be stronger than ever.”
“You have a lot of faith in me,” she said with a smile.
“You're Liza Palmer. I get the feeling that people who bet against you end up on the losing side of things.” She brought her lips to his and kissed him slowly.
“I could get used to having you as a cheerleader,” she said as they broke the kiss.
“Maybe you should get used to it,” he replied as he stroked her hips. Liza smiled and her face brightened. She had no idea why she felt as if Jackson Franklin was about to become a full-time figure in her life, but she liked the feeling.
Chapter 19
Jackson and Liza sat in the quiet stillness of her office for more than an hour before his cell phone rang. He knew it was Teresa. They had debate preparation scheduled and he was late. Though he knew he had to be ready to battle Montgomery in their upcoming debate, he didn't want to let Liza go. The loveseat where they'd been lounging had been so comfortable. He even noticed that she'd dozed off as they sat there.
“I guess the real world had to interrupt at some point,” he said as he reached for his phone.
“Well, you do have an election to win. And I, for one, hope you crush Robert in the debate. He's going to try to outslick you with his lawyer bullshit.”
Jackson brought his finger to her full lips. “Remember our agreement? We don't talk about politics.”
“That's just ridiculous,” Liza snapped. “I know that you aren't going to use the ace in the hole, but you could at least . . .”
“Liza, I'm not changing my mind about you and your involvement with this election. Robert will expose himself and I don't want him to use you as an excuse.”
She rolled her eyes and decided not to tell him that she was going to find the woman in the photo with Robert and let her tell her story to the media. “Fine,” she said. “Don't let me interrupt your plans.” Liza leapt to her feet and crossed over to the door. “The real world awaits.”
Jackson stood and smirked at her. “You're very sexy when you get indignant. How long are you going to be here tonight?”
As much as Liza wanted to continue playing the role of the angry political advisor, Jackson's smile disarmed her and she said, “I'll be here pretty late. Should I order dinner?”
“Sounds like a good idea,” he said. “I'll bring the wine.” Jackson blew her a kiss before heading out the door. Once he made it to his car, Jackson tried to turn his focus to the debate. He knew he wasn't supposed to take this personally, but after what Robert did to Liza, this was personal and he didn't like him.
He could almost hear Teresa telling him to get it together and focus on the issues. Part of him wished that he could just take the pictures Liza had and use them to his advantage. But that just wasn't who he was and why should he put that woman in the spotlight because Robert made a bad choice? This was the part of politics that he didn't like at all. This was what turned the average person against the men and women in office. It was self-serving and wrong. He hadn't wanted to be that kind of candidate, and no matter what, he wasn't going to be. However, things were getting pretty sleazy. Linking Liza to that madam was underhanded and wrong.
Arriving at his campaign office, Jackson made the effort to focus on the issues and push Liza out of his mind.
“Thanks for showing up,” Teresa said sarcastically when Jackson walked in. Then her face grew serious. “Is Liza all right?”
“She's upset. I'm sure she thinks that her business is going to take a hit because of this allegation about her being tied to the South Park Madam.”
“And I wonder how it's going to hit us,” Teresa said as she handed Jackson a file.
“Why would this . . .”
Teresa shot him a silencing look. “I know you and Liza have something going on and it's not going to be long before the media put it together with the help of Montgomery and Hall. That's why we have to win this debate and put the focus back on the issues.”
“Let's get started, then,” Jackson said.
After about two hours of going over the issues and preparing for the questions they were expecting, they called it a night. Jackson yawned, looking at the clock. It was nearly eight P.M., and though he was tired, he couldn't wait to see Liza again.
“I know you're not going to listen to me about Liza,” Teresa said. “But please just be as discreet as possible. If the wrong people see you two together again, it's going to be difficult for us to overcome—again.”
“I'd like to think that the voters have more to worry about than who I'm dating,” he said.
“So, you two are dating. This is so dangerous, Jackson. Even if she isn't trying to get information about our campaign to help Montgomery, we can't ignore these rumors swirling about her and the effect that they would have on our campaign. I don't like this and I'm going to tell you just what I told her. If what you two have is real, then you can wait until after the election to explore it.”
“Wait, you told her what?” Jackson asked. “My personal life is my business.”
“Again, you are such a rookie. You are public property now. Being a single candidate puts everything you do under a microscope. Why do you think Robert got engaged so quickly?”
“From what I understand, that's about to implode in his face.”
Teresa smiled. “Let's hope that it gets some coverage and takes the focus off you and Liza. Let's just hope no more rumors get started.”
“I'll see you tomorrow.”
“Jackson, just remember that you have a lot of people in your corner and you need to think about what winning this seat would mean to them.”
“I know what my responsibilities are,” he said. “I intend to do what I have to do not to let my supporters down.”
“Even if that means letting Liza go?” Teresa didn't stick around for Jackson's answer. It was as if the confused look on his face said it all.
By eight-fifteen, Liza was beginning to think that she was going to have to eat all of the Chinese takeout she'd ordered alone. She'd already polished off an order of crab rangoon as she convinced herself that Jackson was busy preparing for the debate and hadn't stood her up. As she opened a container of fried rice, her mind returned to the conversation she and Teresa had had earlier that day. Suppose she'd convinced Jackson that he needed to stay away from her until the election was over. Or maybe she'd told him that Liza was toxic to their end game.
It wouldn't be the first time that a man had put his ambitions over her. She was halfway through the rice when she decided that she and Jackson were over and her focus needed to go back to rehabbing her image since Robert had thrown so much mud on it. As she logged on to her social media accounts, tears welled in her eyes.
There's no fool like a fool for love,
she thought as she read some of the comments on her Facebook page. People asked if she had been a call girl. People wanted to know if she'd really been a partner with the South Park Madam.
“This is some bull,” she gritted as she started to delete some of the more vicious comments. She angrily shoveled a forkful of rice into her mouth.
“I hope there's something left for me,” Jackson said from the doorway. Liza looked up and tried not to beam as he smiled at her. “Sorry I'm late.”
“I'm sure you had a lot of work to do,” she replied as she crossed over to him. Jackson drew her into his arms.
“Why didn't you tell me about your tête-à-tête with Teresa?”
Liza sighed. “Because I didn't think I needed to. Actually, I was going to take her advice, but . . .”
“While I can appreciate the good nature behind what she said to you, keep in mind that I'm a grown man capable of making my own decisions. She's my campaign manager, not my mother or my social life coordinator.”
“She does want you to win this election, and with everything that happened today, maybe she was right. Technically, we have to sneak around to eat takeout and we have to make sure no one is pointing a camera at us when we embrace.”
Jackson pulled her closer. “I'd much rather kiss you than listen to all the reasons why we shouldn't be together right now.”
Before she had a chance to protest, his mouth covered hers in a fluid motion and their tongues danced slowly. Liza's body heated up like a campfire on a hot July afternoon. He reached for the zipper on the back of her tunic, but before he zipped it down, he pulled back from her and stared into her brown eyes.
“Any cameras around?” he quipped.
“Not a one,” she said, then unbuckled his belt.
“Then,” Jackson said as he took her hands into his and nudged her legs apart with his knee, “I think we should take advantage of these fleeting moments of privacy.”
Jackson nibbled her bottom lip as he let her hands go and unzipped her tunic. Her skin was soft and warm against his fingertips. She wanted to feel him against her naked skin and take him deep inside her hot valley. But Jackson had his own ideas about how things were going to go as he walked her over to the loveseat in the corner. He peeled her clothes off slowly, while keeping his on. Jackson loved the image of her against the velvet cushions. He dropped to his knees and stroked her thighs. Liza shivered and closed her eyes as his fingers danced against her wet folds of flesh. When he replaced his fingers with his mouth, Liza moaned and gripped his shoulders. His tongue flicked across her throbbing bud as his hands covered her breasts, massaging her hardening nipples. Liza cried out his name as he deepened his sensual kiss. When Jackson made her reach climax, Liza howled in pleasure. He licked her sticky sweetness from his lips as he rose to his feet and stripped off his clothes. Liza locked eyes with him and smiled. She sat up on the loveseat and wrapped her arms around his waist.
“You taste so delicious,” he moaned as she stroked his erection.
“I'm glad you think so. It's my turn to taste you,” Liza said as she brought her lips to the tip of his hardness.
“Yes,” he cried as her lips captured him. Her mouth was hot and wet and Jackson's knees threatened to go out on him. Deeper and deeper. The near explosion of his desire prompted him to pull back from her oral pleasure. “Woman, you are amazing.”
She chuckled and stroked his powerful thighs. “You're not so bad yourself. I need you, Jackson.”
He pulled her to her feet, then wrapped his arms around her, kissing her slowly and deliberately. Liza wrapped her leg around his waist and Jackson's erection twitched with anticipation and desire.
“Protection,” he groaned. Liza nodded in agreement. He leaned her against the loveseat and reached for his discarded slacks. He pulled a condom from his front pocket and Liza took it from his hand.
“You were pretty confident, huh?” she asked as she opened the package.
“Let's just say I come from the school of being prepared,” he said with a wink. Liza took his thickness in her hand and stroked him until he was throbbing with desire. She slid the sheath into place and Jackson reached down and lifted her into his arms. He brought her lips level with his, then kissed her hard and deep as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He thrust into her, making Liza moan in delightful pleasure. She matched his strokes and ground against him while he clutched her buttocks. Throwing her head back as the waves of an orgasm began to wash over her, Liza screamed Jackson's name.
He fought the urge to come, wanting to prolong her pleasure, wanting to watch her face as she was flushed with pleasure. But when she tightened her walls against his erection, Jackson howled and reached his climax. His knees nearly buckled but he managed to hold her up until they made it to the loveseat and collapsed.
“That was so good,” she said breathlessly. “So good.”
“I think we need a new word to describe what that was.”
“Umm,” she said as she traced a bead of sweat across his chest. “Spectacular?”
“That's a good one. And an apt way to describe you as well.” He held her closer, enjoying the rhythm of their heartbeats. Her skin, damp with sweat, was soft to the touch and he couldn't stop stroking her thighs.
“You're trying to get something else started, huh?” she asked as his fingers danced across her inner thigh.
Jackson smiled. “Who's going to turn down more spectacular?”
“Maybe we need to move this to another location,” she said. “I'd hate for the cleaning ladies to walk in on us like this.”
“That wouldn't be good,” he replied. “So, my place or yours?”
“I think my place is closer,” she said. “And hopefully not under the watchful eye of the press. I'm actually unlisted.”
Jackson thought about the story that had been leading the news all day. “Maybe we should head back to my place.”
Liza frowned, but knew he was right. “Then let me stop by my place and grab some clothes first.”
“And I'll pour some wine so we can relax and . . .”
“Have round two?” She winked at him as she dressed, and they headed out the door. Liza felt like a teenager sneaking out of her office looking around to make sure no one saw her. It was pretty ridiculous, she thought, since she had done nothing wrong and Robert was the one who had the most to hide.
“Is the coast clear?” Jackson quipped. “We really don't have to do this.”
“Do what?”
“Sneak around like criminals or secret lovers,” he said. Jackson ran his hand across his face. “I had no idea that you had to give up so much of your personal life. Then again, when I walked into this campaign, I didn't have a personal life.”
“Really?” she asked. “So, you were just all work and no play?”
“You're one to talk,” he replied. “I remember that first night we had coffee and brownies, you told me how much you work.”
Liza stopped and faced Jackson. “Then I guess we're two sides of the same coin. The problem is we weren't supposed to like each other.” Silently she added,
But I could see myself falling in love with you.
“It's a good thing we don't follow the rules,” Jackson said, then pulled Liza into his arms. “I'm glad we met, even if you were on the wrong side in the beginning.”

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