Rumor Has It (13 page)

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Authors: Cheris Hodges

BOOK: Rumor Has It
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“Fuck you, Robert!” she shrieked. The only thing that stopped her from tossing the phone across the restaurant was the stares of the patrons who'd heard her outburst. Sighing, she rose from the table and headed outside to the waiting taxi. She had to make Robert pay—without herself suffering. But when she arrived at Jackson's to pick up her car, she saw that the damage had already started. Three news trucks were roaming the parking lot like fat land sharks. Two cameramen paced up and down the sidewalk with cigarettes hanging from their lips. Liza rolled her eyes.
They act as if the man sent a selfie of his penis to a fifteen-year-old on Twitter,
she thought as she paid the driver her cab fare. Stepping out of the car, she fell in with a group of Johnson and Wales students, silently praying that the cameramen wouldn't see her. Just when she thought that she'd made it, she heard someone say, “Isn't that the Palmer chick?”
She hated the media! The two cameramen rushed over to her with two reporters in tow. Seconds later microphones were shoved in her face.
“Miss Palmer, Miss Palmer,” a reporter called out. “What's going on with you and candidate Franklin?”
“I don't have a comment right now,” she said, attempting to shield her face from the camera and keep her calm.
“Are you still working on Montgomery's campaign?”
“No comment,” she said, then pushed past them, ignoring the questions being lobbed at her. Liza knew she couldn't go to her car until the media left. After all, video of her leaving Jackson's complex would add more fuel to the smoldering fire. She hated Robert right now. Wanted him to simply drop dead. She walked up the street for about five blocks and happily entered Starbucks. Though she probably needed tea, she ordered a venti cup of Italian roast and skipped the cream and sugar. She sat in a corner and glanced at the people walking down the sidewalk. Why couldn't she be an anonymous banker? What if she had stayed in corporate America? Her life wouldn't be such a mess.
And this too will pass,
she thought as she toyed with her cup of coffee. After four refills on her coffee, Liza got tired of hiding. Tired of acting as if she'd done something wrong. She was Liza Palmer. She handled scandals; she didn't cause them or run from them. It wasn't as if she was sleeping with the president. And Robert had one more time to try and spin that yarn about her being jealous because she wasn't his fiancée and she'd hurt him. Why had she turned a blind eye to his dark side all of those years ago? He'd been a brilliant student, but a player when it came to women. He'd treated women with a cold disregard after getting what he wanted from them. Maybe that was why he focused on the hood rats. Just like with her father, he wanted to mold his woman into what he expected her to be for his image. She'd seen it but ignored it because he was her friend. Because she needed someone to believe in. She walked out of the coffee shop and decided that she wasn't going to hide anymore. And she wasn't going to give the media the show they wanted either. Arriving at Jackson's place, she was glad to see that the media was gone. She hopped into her car and drove home. It was time to plan her rebuttal.
Chapter 16
Teresa's eyes blazed with anger as she looked at Jackson. “What were you thinking? I told you she was bad news! You think those cameras showed up by accident?”
“No,” Jackson said. “But I don't think she had anything to do with it.”
She rolled her eyes. “You slept with her and now you think she's just an innocent woman who wants nothing more than the best for you.”
“I never said I slept with—that doesn't matter. Look. This picture shows two people going to breakfast. We haven't done anything wrong and it has nothing to do with my campaign.”
Teresa slid her iPad over to him. On the screen was the QC After Dark blog's story about him and Liza. “Look at the comments.”
Jackson was surprised at how many people had latched on to the story, had opinions about his sex life and were just cruel to Liza. “You're going to have to make some kind of statement,” Teresa said. “See how you go from hero to sex addict in twenty-four hours?”
“Sex addict? Really?” Jackson said with a chuckle.
“That's what the voters will see. You're single and you can't control your libido—why should they trust you in Raleigh? All anyone you rub the wrong way will have to do is stick a pretty girl in your face and
“You're overacting right now.”
“No,” she said as she began to pace. “You're underacting to the fact that people judge your every move. Oh, look, here's an update.” She shoved her phone in his face, showing him a news alert from Channel Nine. “Guess who was seen leaving your residence? Now there is no doubt that you two are sleeping together—at least in the public's eyes.”
“So, what are we supposed to do?” he asked.
Teresa, for once, was at a loss for words. Walking over to the TV in the corner of the conference room, she turned the power on and they watched the mid-morning newscast. Of course, there was a breaking news alert.
“Though the primary election has been pushed back, it is not quiet in the campaign for North Carolina's new senate district. Video emerged this morning showing two rivals heading to breakfast. Liza Palmer, a public relations expert and until recently a member of Robert Montgomery's political team, and Jackson Franklin, the other democratic candidate running for the senate seat, were seen together at a Charlotte restaurant. Montgomery released a statement this morning saying that Palmer had been released from the campaign and was trying to team up with his opponent to share inside information about his campaign,” the anchor said. Robert appeared on the screen.
“I thought Liza Palmer was a friend. We've known each other for years, but it seems that she has fallen into the trap of power. She decided that she wanted to play the game of seek and destroy. I was hoping that my opponent, Mr. Franklin, would honor our pledge of a clean and positive campaign, but I see that he has dishonored what we agreed to by teaming up with a vindictive and vengeful woman. Is this the kind of person we want in the General Assembly? We have too many people in Raleigh who don't keep their word to protect, serve, and put the citizens first. Sending Franklin there to represent this new district would be like keeping the status quo in place.”
“Turn it off,” Jackson said as he fumed.
Teresa shut the TV off and took a seat beside Jackson. “I'm sure you and Liza had an innocent breakfast. Now, how do we convince the public of that?”
“Knock, knock,” Liza said from the doorway.
“Oh, great!” Teresa exclaimed, then headed to the window. “Why are you here?”
“Calm down,” Jackson said, trying not to smile at the alluring woman standing in his doorway. She looked ready for action in her pink business suit and white heels.
“Teresa, let me say that it is an honor to finally meet you in person. I simply wish it was under better circumstances,” Liza said as she strode over to her. Teresa ignored Liza's outstretched hand and closed the blinds.
“Again,” Teresa said, “why are you here? I'm sure you know the media will be all over this nonstory.”
“I'm here to offer my help, as I offered to Jackson before.”
He shook his head. “I don't want your kind of help, Liza.”
“Even with him all over the news painting you as the liar when we have concrete evidence that
is?!” Liza shouted.
“What evidence?” Teresa asked.
Jackson shook his head at Liza. “No.”
Ignoring him, she pulled out her phone and showed Teresa the scandalous photos of Robert and the woman in his office. Teresa shrugged. “We can't do anything with those pictures. That's actually between him and the woman he plans to marry.”
“Even after all of the things he said on the news? I heard it on the way over and I don't think it's fair that he gets to start these rumors about Jackson and get away with it.”
Teresa folded her arms across her chest. “Let's be honest,
Miss Palmer
. This is more about your reputation and not Jackson's. Tell me what your game is and why I shouldn't just toss you out of here and have your picture placed with security as someone to keep off the property?”
“I'm not going to lie; I want to clear my name and I also want Jackson to win this seat. Robert is not the man I believed in all of those years ago—hell, even a week ago.”
“And who's to say that this isn't a ruse to get Jackson to go negative and prove your buddy right?”
Liza and Jackson sighed in unison. Teresa shook her head. “How sweet. But would you answer my question?” she snapped.
“Do you really think I'd risk my reputation for Robert? What do I have to gain by looking like a lunatic while he's sitting in Raleigh? I've worked too hard to play a game that would cost me everything. And I'd never give up who I am for a man.”
Jackson crossed over to Liza, understanding her outburst, and wrapped his arm around her sagging shoulders. “Liza isn't the problem,” he said.
“Maybe,” Teresa replied, softening a bit. “I have an idea. The two of you need to have a press conference.”
“What?” Jackson asked.
“The public needs to know that Liza is
affiliated with our campaign. So, we hold a press conference and let everyone know that she isn't doing all of that stuff that Montgomery said this morning. And it reeks of Nic. I really despise that man. He has a lot of people fooled. But he's dirty and, Liza, that's why I thought you were. If I was wrong, I apologize. But if I happen to be right, God help you. I believe in Jackson.” She shot him a look, then shook her head. “And that's why I'm not leaving this campaign. But the longer we keep quiet, people are going to believe that Robert is right. Liza, this is your forte, isn't it? Get a statement together and let's call the media.”
“But I thought I wasn't a part of the campaign,” she said.
“You're not, but I'd be a fool not to allow you to use your specific skill set to help us get the focus back on what's important. The issues.”
Jackson smiled at Liza and dropped his arm. “I guess we have work to do.”
She reached into her oversized purse and pulled out her iPad. “Then let's get busy,” she said.
Jackson forced himself to ignore the twitching in his groin at the way she said “get busy.”
About three hours later, Jackson had a new admiration for Liza—and it had nothing to do with the curves he knew were underneath that tailored pants suit. She was really good at her job. She'd crafted a statement that didn't read as if it was canned. It was as if she'd captured what Jackson would actually say. No wonder her clients ranged from professional athletes to millionaire CEOs.
“This is good,” Teresa said as she read over the release. “Too bad you can't be a part of our team.”
“I have the key for you to win,” Liza said. “But just like Jackson, you believe in truth, justice, and the . . . whatever. I want to help.”
“Darling, after today and what Montgomery went on camera and said, you can't help us at all. Unless you want to give a really nice donation.”
Liza sighed and sucked her bottom lip in. Then she looked from Jackson to Teresa. “I want Jackson to win, and if this press statement helps and I need to make a donation, then I will.”
Teresa smiled brightly. “That sounds like a plan, because as good as you are with what you do, Montgomery pissed on any help you could give us. Make sure you make your check out to the Committee to Elect Jackson Franklin.”
Liza smiled sardonically as she reached into her purse and retrieved her checkbook. “Yeah, he made a mess of anything I could do to help you guys without looking like a total stalker.” She made out the check and handed it to Teresa.
“But you want Jackson to win?” she asked.
Liza nodded. Not only did she want Jackson to win, she wanted to spend another night wrapped in his arms with his lips pressed against hers. However, that was none of Teresa's business.
“If that's the case, then you should walk away from Jackson,” she said.
“Teresa,” Jackson said.
She squeezed her temples. “I don't know how to explain this to either of you. Whatever is blooming here—It. Can't. Happen. Not right now. If Liza didn't know Montgomery, I'd be all for it. Wouldn't care who you spent your time with. But you were Robert's cheerleader for a long time. This isn't going to look good and it will lead to a lot of questions that take the focus off the issues. The public is easily sidetracked by bullshit like this.”
Jackson and Liza exchanged perplexing glances. Silently, they told each other that last night hadn't been a one-night stand. But how would they see each other when the media would be on their tail?
Jackson wanted to pretend that after today's statement things would return to the issues and his personal life would be his to have again. But he wasn't that naïve. He knew that every reporter in the state would be looking for a chance to find him and Liza together. That would be breaking news. Then there was Liza's business and reputation to consider. She'd worked too hard to allow rumors and innuendos to bring her down. Jackson wanted to proclaim what she would mean to him after getting to know her better. But was that the public's business? Hell no. What he wanted to share with Liza was something that didn't need to be publicized on the evening news. She touched him in a way that he hadn't felt in years. And what was most important, he felt as if she was a woman he could trust. Then again, he'd felt like this before and come home to watching the love of his life riding another man as if she had graduated from the school of Bronco Billy.
“Seems like we're going to lead the five o'clock broadcasts. So, we have a couple of hours to work everything out,” Teresa said as she looked from Jackson to Liza. “I'd love it if you two just didn't look at each other like you wanted to head straight to bed.”
Jackson wondered if it was that obvious. “I'm going to get some coffee,” he said. “Can I get either of you ladies anything?”
Teresa crossed over to Jackson and tapped him on the shoulder. “I'll get the coffee, you two do whatever,” she said, then headed out the door.
Jackson turned to Liza and smiled. “I guess we have to avoid eye contact,” he said.
“When the cameras are around, yes. But I think we're alone now,” she replied with a wink. Jackson crossed over to her and drew Liza into his arms.
“Then let's do this thing we've been wanting to do since you walked in the door.” He brought his lips down on top of hers and kissed her slow, long, and deep. Her tongue danced with his in a sexy tango that made him harder than concrete. He cupped her bottom, pulling her closer as their kiss deepened. Liza nibbled on his bottom lip and Jackson moaned. Her mouth was magical. Just the thought of some of the things her mouth did last night made him even harder. Pulling back before he took her right there on the table, Jackson stroked her cheek. “You know this complicates things.”
She sighed. “I know. I guess we'll always have last night.”
“And tonight. I just don't want you to think that every time I invite you out and you end up at my house I'm trying to take advantage of you.”
“After all of this, you want me come over tonight?” She shook her head. “Jackson, if you want to win this election, you and I can't . . .”
“My personal life has nothing to do with the election. And that's one of the reasons why I never would've used those pictures of Montgomery and that woman.”
Liza sucked her teeth. “You're giving voters way too much credit. People don't separate private and public anymore. Once you decide that you're going to be a politician, you give up privacy. From what you post on social media to the woman you want to spend the night with.”

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