Rules for Reforming a Rake (34 page)

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“Mother did me a favor, really. I’m not interested in the social whirl.”

He nodded again. “Well, you let me know when you are and I’ll take care of any objections from the family.”

She intended to hug him, but he stopped her with a stern wave of his hand. “We’re not finished yet.”

“Oh.” He could be stubborn at times. Wonderful and stubborn.

“I would prefer to issue this word of caution in private, but I suppose it really doesn’t matter. You’ll tell all to Laurel, who’ll tell all to Graelem and your sisters anyway. The point is, Lord Malinor is a very important man, one with wealth, power, and position. As his daughter-in-law, you would gain entry into the highest circles. You’d become a viscountess, one of the
leading ladies should you desire it.”

“I don’t.”

“George didn’t think you would,” he muttered, glancing at his brother, who was still standing beside him with arms crossed over his chest. “I didn’t either, but had to be sure. Daisy, you must realize that such men are not to be rejected lightly.”

She nodded. “Believe me, I do. I sincerely wish I could marry him, but it simply won’t work.”

“His father drinks to excess and dresses like a peacock,” Laurel chimed in, “and we all know the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Her father rolled his eyes. “Be quiet, Laurel.”

“And I think there’s something odd going on with the Malinors,” Daisy said. “Did you know someone tried to—”

“You’re mistaken,” Gabriel said with quiet urgency.

“But I know what I saw in the park.”

“No, you don’t.”

Her father’s gaze darted from Graelem to Gabriel before resting back on her. “Am I missing something?”

“I suppose not. Never mind, Papa. It isn’t important.” Obviously, Gabriel didn’t want her to discuss the shots fired in the park. Everyone, even Lord Malinor, seemed eager to keep the incident quiet. Perhaps it had something to do with England’s preparation for war, but no one was about to confide in her. “What I tried to convey rather ineptly last night is that Auguste Malinor does not strike me as someone who would accept anything less than total obedience from his wife and you know that I’m incapable of being obedient.”

Everyone nodded at that.

“You didn’t all have to readily agree,” she muttered, a little peeved. “So you see, to accept his offer would condemn me to a life of misery.” She considered emphasizing her point by clutching her heart, perhaps bursting into wrenching sobs and swooning as her mother and Julia were known to do on occasion, but she wasn’t usually one for cheap theatrics and her father knew it.

“Enough, Daisy. You’ve convinced me. I’ll turn him down, of course.”

She rushed into his arms and hugged him, understanding how serious the repercussions might be. The Malinors were a powerful family. “Thank you!”

“My family will stand behind you,” Graelem said. “We can count on Julian’s family to do the same.”

Her father shook his head and frowned. “I will not drag Julian and Rose into this sad affair if I can avoid it.”

Gabriel cleared his throat and stepped forward. “There’s no need to involve anyone. I’ll have a word with Lord Malinor.”

“You will not!” her father ordered, surprising Daisy by the vehemence in his tone. “I’ve made no mention of the scandal presently surrounding you, Lord Dayne, out of deference to your cousin and your kindness toward Harry, but let me be clear. You are not to involve yourself further with my family.”


“Not another word, Daisy! You may not come to his defense.”


“I’ve accepted your decision on Lord Malinor’s offer, but don’t think for one moment that batting your lashes at me or tossing me one of your pretty smiles will change my mind about Lord Dayne.” He turned to Gabriel. “I’m a forthright man and therefore will speak plainly. Your behavior has been reprehensible.”


“Daisy, be quiet!”

Obviously, her impulse to meddle wasn’t helping. Yet, his treatment of Gabriel was unfair. Society’s treatment of him had been unfair.

“Lord Dayne, you’ve caused enough harm to my family—”

“He hasn’t! Papa, you have no right to say such a thing.”

He whipped his gaze back to her. “I have every right to protect you from your own misguided affection for this man. Let me be clear. I will not force you to marry Auguste Malinor, but neither will I allow you to cavort with Lord Dayne.”

“Cavort?” She let out a pained laugh, dabbing at the tears once more gathering at the corners of her eyes. “You have no worry in that regard. He’s–”

“Already offered to marry her,” Gabriel said, coming to her side. “Right now. As soon as I secure the special license.”

Her father’s mouth dropped open. “Is that so?”

In truth, all stood with their mouths agape. Daisy turned to face him, still doubting they’d all heard him right. A muscle twitched in Gabriel’s jaw. “Yes, sir.”

“Though you’ve made no secret of your disdain for the institution of marriage.” Her father appeared not at all convinced.

Daisy’s heart leapt into her throat, for Gabriel could only be doing this out of a misguided sense of honor. She turned to him, first pleading silently and then whispering, “You mustn’t.”

Gabriel shook his head and sighed. “You’re wrong. This is the one thing I must do. I see that now. Wait here. Graelem and I will return shortly. Sir, I assume you’ll give your permission.”

“Please, Papa! You had better,” Laurel said, now wringing her hands.

“I had better?” Her father turned ashen. “Blessed saints! Have you
on my daughter?”

Daisy gasped. “He hasn’t. He’s offering because... because... well, I don’t quite know why.”

“Because he loves you,” Laurel blurted.

But Gabriel didn’t say it and Daisy wasn’t about to demand that he admit something he didn’t feel. She knew what he was doing. That muscle in his jaw twitched again. He was protecting her from retribution by the Malinors. He was giving her the protection of the proud Dayne name.

Daisy stared deeply into his eyes, into those seemingly calm pools that hid so much pain.
I love you, Gabriel. I know you’re not a coward. I’m so sorry. I never meant to trap you into marriage.

Shortly after dawn, Gabriel and Graelem returned with a minister and special license in hand. The ceremony was brief and unsentimental. No flowers, no large family, no joyous celebration. Her father, Uncle George, Graelem, and Laurel were the only witnesses to their wedding. Her father and Uncle George left immediately afterward to break the news to the Farthingale clan.

Graelem and Laurel escorted the minister out, leaving her alone with Gabriel in the breakfast room. She hadn’t even been married in a church! Gabriel stood as silent as a great stone monument for the span of two heartbeats before turning to her. “Goodbye, Daisy. Remember me kindly.”


A lady must never reveal her innermost feelings to a rake.


Daisy didn’t want Gabriel replaced by a fond memory. She wanted to be with him, grow old with him, have dozens of children with him, some golden-haired and tawny-eyed like their father and perhaps one or two with her dark curls and vivid blue eyes.

Remember me kindly

Would she ever see him again?

To her frustration, she couldn’t tell her family of his secret mission, not that she knew much about it anyway. However, she would tell her father and Uncle George the little she knew in a couple of days, for she couldn’t have them believe he’d abandoned her. She suspected that Uncle George knew quite a bit more than he was letting on. She hoped Graelem would provide more details once it was safe to do so.

Gabriel... her husband. Oh, that sounded so sweet!

She frowned, wondering what Polite Society would think once it was known that Gabriel had left his new bride alone on their wedding night to go on the
trip he and the Duke of Edgeware had supposedly planned. No doubt the marriage-minded mamas would nod their heads and agree that a forced marriage to the daughter of a wealthy merchant was a laughable affair. Gossip would abound, everyone believing that Gabriel was set in his rakehell ways and would never be a dutiful husband to her.

A shudder ran through her, for they might be right. She still had time before all eyes were on her. At least she could hide out with Laurel and Graelem for the next few days, thereby avoiding the friendly congratulations calls and those meant not to be so friendly.

By the time word leaked that Gabriel had left London, she would come up with another excuse to explain his absence. Her head hurt just thinking of the necessary deception, but her heart hurt as well, for she was worried about what would happen when he returned.

Daisy felt the ache well up inside her. She had forced him into this marriage and ruined his chance to find true happiness. “Mercy,” she muttered softly. Perhaps her parents had reason to be worried about her. She was a reckless fool who’d made a complete muddle of love and marriage.

She closed her eyes and shuddered at the thought of the horrid whispers certain to spread across the fashionable London salons.
Rakehell forced into marriage at the point of a gun. Abandons new wife on their wedding night.

Oh, Lady Withnall would run wild with that!

The sharp-eyed snoop amused herself by revealing the most intimate secrets of the Upper Crust. Daisy would not allow the little harridan to indulge at Gabriel’s expense. He had come to her rescue, married her to protect her from the Malinors. Of course, he’d also married her to protect the secrecy of his mission.

He’d married her for every reason but love.

“Do you think Father has declined Auguste’s offer by now?” she asked Laurel. It was early afternoon; only hours had passed since her hastily planned wedding. She wondered how the Malinors would respond to the news of her elopement. With anger? Relief? Auguste would be relieved, for he hadn’t really wanted her.

“If I were in our father’s position,” Laurel said, giving thought to the question, “I’d delay my answer as long as possible. Why rush to face the wrath of the Malinors sooner than necessary? He’ll need to gather his allies, as well. Graelem will stand with Father. So will Uncle George. Although he doesn’t wish to involve Rose and Julian, I know they will insist on helping out, so we’ll have the Emory family with us. We Farthingales will get through it.”

Daisy shook her head and sighed. “I hope so.”

Laurel cast her a grim smile. “And here I thought I was the rebellious, undisciplined daughter. You certainly outdid me, blew right past me on a gale force wind, or should I say, a
force wind? No mean feat. I’m proud of you. Never thought you had it in you, for you were always the one who settled arguments, kept the peace. But you’ve certainly rattled your saber and everyone has noticed. Napoleon wouldn’t stand a chance against you.”

Daisy spent the rest of the day in quiet exile at her sister’s home. Each passing hour felt like an eternity, though she tried to occupy her mind by plunging into the task of organizing Laurel’s household. She suspected Laurel had purposely disorganized her belongings in the hope of distracting her.

Finally, as the day wore on and evening approached, Daisy set down her book and stared across the library to her sister and Graelem, who were cozily nestled on the sofa by the fireplace. Laurel’s head was resting on her husband’s chest, and she was purring as contentedly as a kitten while Graelem gently caressed her hair.

Oh, the pair were so in love!

Feeling a trespasser on their privacy, Daisy turned away. What did she have to show for her love but a terse farewell from Gabriel? He would be across the Channel and in France in a day or two.

He was smart and determined. Nothing would sway him from his duty. And Graelem had finally revealed that the plan was to ride north toward the Duke of Edgeware’s hunting lodge, then head east to the ship hired to sail him to France once they were certain no French spies had been following them. Apparently, Lord Malinor had been aware of the plan as well, and his confrontation in the park with Gabriel had been a well-rehearsed ruse to further throw Napoleon’s spies off his scent.

However, what hadn’t been rehearsed and caught all of them by surprise was the attempt on Lord Malinor’s life. Or was it on Gabriel’s life? No one was certain, and no one knew who’d ordered the attack, a concern that weighed heavily on Graelem’s mind. She could tell by the way his brow would furrow as he attempted to puzzle it out.

Daisy was about to mention that odd-looking man she’d seen with Gabriel at the Royal Society and again in the park, but Laurel’s sudden gasp brought her straight to her feet. “Another contraction, Laurel?”

Graelem put his arms around his wife, his gaze a mix of love and utter panic. “Sweetheart?”

Laurel laughed lightly. “What a pair of old women you are! No cause for alarm. I shifted onto my knitting needles by accident.” She drew them out from under one of the decorative pillows thrown onto the sofa where she nestled with Graelem.

Daisy eased back in her seat with a sigh, smiling at the look of relief that washed over Graelem’s face. The man was big and strong, built like a warrior. Fierce. Yet docile as a lamb when it came to his wife. He loved her with a deep, abiding conviction.

Would Gabriel ever feel half that love for her? Her father’s parting words this morning resounded in her ears.
Though he has done right by marrying you, I fear Lord Dayne is incapable of honest feeling. He has refused to accept commitment or responsibilities of any kind for too many years. Such a man will not change his ways now. Beware, Daisy. Your good intentions will never fix him. He’s a broken man.

A broken man? Not her Gabriel, she decided for the thousandth time today. He was perfect.

She yawned and rose from her chair as the hour approached midnight.

“Where are you going? Don’t leave,” Laurel called out, clumsily raising herself to a sitting position.

“Why not? It’s late.” Daisy sighed. “Are you worried about me? I’ll be fine. I’m rather enjoying the peace and quiet.”

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