Ruin Me (14 page)

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Authors: Tabatha Kiss

BOOK: Ruin Me
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Shawn and Mandy exchange a quick kiss in the hallway as we part ways with the girls to enter our separate rooms. “I wonder if there’s some dark stairwell she and I can sneak into later…” Shawn thinks aloud once we’re inside.

I chuckle. “You feeling the itch that bad?” I ask.

“Hey — you go eight months without getting any and see how you like it. She’s right there, ready and willing, and I can’t get her alone because
can’t get along with your damn sister.”

“Well, it’s just one more night,” I tell him. “Then, we’ll be back home and off to college — the same college as Mandy, by the way — and the two of you can resume pounding away at each other like rabbits.”

He points a finger at me. “And I don’t want to hear any complaints from you about her spending too much time in our dorm room.”

“You won’t,” I promise. “Mandy and I are cool.”

“Damn straight.”

I laugh quietly to myself and drift over to the window. The hotel itself has a really decent view of the city. We’re not too far away from the Eiffel Tower. It’s lit up bright against the dark night sky above. “Hey, maybe the two of you can take a walk to the tower later. Seems romantic enough.”

“Mandy and I aren’t the romantic types,” he replies. “We just want to bone.”

I shrug. “You’ll be together forever then, I’m sure.” I recall my one night with Mandy and I smile. He’s right. I remember tossing all sorts of romantic phrases at her, only to have them joked back at me through smirking lips.
‘We going to do this or what?’
she finally asked. And the rest is history.

If only Piper
Lynch were that easy, then none of this shit would have ever happened.

My eyes drift down to the street again and I immediately do a scan for dark-haired women. If Piper is desperate enough to get to this
dude, then she may have already left the hotel.

“It’d be great if you could make yourself scarce for a few hours…” Shawn says. I roll my eyes. “You know… I’m sure there’s something a stud like you can find to keep himself preoccupied.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I spit. Shawn truly has a one-track mind tonight. It’s fiercely annoying, to say the least. However… “Yeah,” I say again, my mind changing fast. “You’re right. I’ll go now, actually. I’m feeling pretty hungry and I could use some fresh air.”

Shawn pumps his arm in victory. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

I nod and reach for the doorknob. “I’ll see you later.”

“Hey!” he shouts after me. “Send a word of warning first, ya know? In case we’re
in the throes
or whatnot.”

I smirk and close the door behind me. As I pass the girls’ room, I silently press my ear against it and I hear Mandy’s high-pitched voice chatting away. She’s obviously not talking to herself, so I can safely assume she has Piper’s ear. Good. I feel so much better when I know her exact location.

I descend the elevator to the lobby and step out into the busy Paris street. The increased foot traffic on the sidewalks should give me a good cover coupled with the dark shadows beneath the trees across the street.

When Piper leaves this building tonight, I’m going to know about it.

An hour later, I see her step outside. My curiosity immediately peaks. I expected some kind of
outfit like the kind she wore to the
Fire and Ice
club, something revealing and
easy to remove.
It’s nothing like that. She’s in normal clothing. A simple blue t-shirt. Jeans. A light jacket sits over her shoulders. She drags her suitcase behind her and carries her phone in one hand. She constantly peeks down at it as she glances around for road signs and other landmarks around her. Everything she brought with her to Europe is on her person right now. Why would she take it with her? If she were just going out for a hook-up, then she wouldn’t need her suitcase.

I flex my fingers, rolling them tightly into a ball. I’m not sure what’s going on in Piper’s mind right now, but one thing is definitely certain: She has no plans to come back to the hotel tonight.

“Once we reach Paris, we’ll go our separate ways.”

I keep a safe distance and follow her through the streets of Paris. It’s dark and I constantly lose her in the crowd. Her black hair drifts between the shadows of buildings, but I manage to keep up with her with my own phone guiding me in the same direction towards this
bastard. Dark clouds obscure the night sky, sending the promise of a coming storm on the horizon. I pull my jacket a little tighter as a cool wind chills the air. We travel on foot for several miles together. A cosmic string binds me to her, pulling me along, refusing to let me rest even for a moment or else it might snap and I’ll lose her forever.

Finally, she pauses and walks into the old apartment building just as the rain begins pouring from overhead. I speed up and check the address again to confirm it’s the same one from
’s messages before following her inside.

Apartment C12, three floors up in a building with no elevator. I listen carefully from the bottom of the stairwell as Piper’s boots climb higher and higher up. I shake the rain off my jacket and I ascend far behind her, keeping my ears focused. I’m blind now to her movements, but I breathe easy knowing that she can’t disappear on me now.

Her knuckles rap on the door and several moments later, I hear it open.

A door on the second floor swings ajar as I pass by it, sending a quick shock to my system. A man and a small child step out of the apartment. The child speaks quickly and loudly in French, his little hand poking up to touch his father’s thigh. I step out of the way to let them pass by and the man glares at me and my busted nose with suspicion before reaching down and picking the child up. I say nothing as he thumps his way down the stairs.

I curse quietly to myself, angry that I missed Piper and
’s greeting. I take the rest of the stairs two at a time and reach the vacant third floor. I follow the doors down the hallway until I find C12.

My instincts drive me, urging me to rip the door off the hinges, but I’m not confident enough in my manliness to even attempt that. Instead, I ball my hand into a tight fist and I pound on the door. I don’t know what I’ll do when it opens. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. I just want to know who is on the other side of this door with Piper. I don’t hear any voices behind it, which means they got silent a little
quickly. I want to know what she is doing. I want to know what the hell she is thinking. I pound on it again, and again, until finally, the door opens suddenly.

My hand falls to my side as I look down at her face. Long, black hair. Startling blue eyes. A thin, paper-white face. But it’s not Piper. Her features are far sharper, more graceful, and very,
familiar to me.

“Kai Casablancas…” She says my name with a smile teasing the ends of her lips. Her voice is warm, much warmer than Piper’s has ever been. Her eyes glance down my body and I remain frozen in place. “You certainly have grown up.”

“Mrs. Lynch?” I whisper.

She laughs. “Oh, son. I haven’t been known by that name in a very long time.”

Piper moves in behind her, standing a few inches shorter in height. Her hand quickly moves to her face and she pushes a wet tear off her cheek. “Kai, what are you doing here?” she asks.

“Piper, let’s not be rude,” her mother says, silencing her. She looks back at me and smiles. “Please come in, Mr. Casablancas.”

She shifts over and gestures for me to step inside.


Chapter 15




I remember the last time I saw her.

It was two years ago, just shortly after my father remarried. We were having lunch together and she told me that she was going to leave the country for a while.

“When are you coming back?”
I asked her.

“I’m not sure,”
she told me.
“I want you to know that it has nothing to do with you, Piper. I’ve just… Well…”
She paused to take a sip of her coffee.
“Things have not gone according to plan for me and I need some time to myself. I hope that someday you’ll understand that.”

It was difficult news for me to hear. I was just barely sixteen, standing at the door to womanhood. I wanted my mother there with me always to help me through it and to guide me when I felt lost. The thought of her not being there every time I turned around was devastating to me.

But I understood her completely. I had done nothing wrong, nor had she. My
, on the other hand…

I kept in touch with her constantly, a fact my father wasn’t happy with. He saw her as a pest, something he finally got rid of in exchange for a better, more improved version. He didn’t want the constant reminder of her following me around all day, whispering things in my ear, diluting the brainwashing he spent nearly a decade overwriting into my brain.

It sounds dramatic, and it probably is my own special brand of it, but there’s been one driving thought pushing me forward since the day I said goodbye to my mother at the airport. That someday, I’ll be reunited with her and I’ll never have to see my father again.

The lights flicker above the kitchen table as lightning strikes the world outside. I glance up at them, counting the few seconds between the lightning and crashing thunder. When I look back down, I meet Kai’s eyes across the table from me. He’s no doubt full of questions for me, but I’m not ready to answer them just yet.

My mother sighs to herself as she pulls three small plates from the cupboard. “Third storm this week,” she says. “It’s a good thing I bought new candles.” She sits the plates on the table next to the beautifully decorated red velvet cake in the center. There are ten candles lit around its edges with the words
Congratulations, Piper
written in frosting.

“Mom, you didn’t have to do this…” I laugh.

“Oh, yes, I did,” she says. “I didn’t make it to your graduation and I wanted to celebrate with you.” Her hand falls to Kai’s shoulder. “And
. Having you here is a wonderful bonus in itself worthy of celebration.”

He grins up at her. “It’s nice to see you, too, Mrs. Ly—” he stops to correct himself for the third time this evening,

I shake my head at him. Old habits really do die hard. My mother laughs softly and sits down at the round table with a long knife in her hand. She maneuvers the cake to the right angle in front of her and cuts a perfect triangular slice. “So, Kai…” she begins, her little eyes peeking at him as she works. “Now that you’ve also graduated, what’s in store for you?”

He sits up a little taller in his chair and thinks for a second before answering. “It’s all still very wide open,” he finally says.

“As it should be,” my mother says. She gently places a slice of cake onto a plate and passes it off to him. “I’ve never understood the belief that young people are supposed to have the next thirty years of their lives figured out by age eighteen. I didn’t and I’ve honestly never met a person whose life went according to their plans.”

“That’s honestly very comforting, Penny,” Kai laughs. “Thank you.”

I find myself smiling across the table at him. His eyes shine as he speaks to my mother and I can tell that he genuinely enjoys her company. I remember now how he always used to treat her with great respect, displaying impeccable manners whenever she was around him. She passes a slice of cake over to me. “He’s going to USC,” I add.

My mother raises an eyebrow. “That’s a great school,” she nods. “Good for you, Kai.”

He shakes his head. “It’s nothing special,” he says.

“It’s not the school’s job to be special,” she says with a pointed finger. “It’s what
do there that makes it special.”

My mother. Always the beacon of sage advice. It’s usually sloppy and made up on the spot, but still a source of great comfort to me growing up.

Kai nods, enjoying her words as much as I am. “I’ll have to remember that one,” he says.

“I’ll write it on a postcard and send it to your dorm,” she replies. “You
leave your address with me before you leave. I will send you care packages.”

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