Royal Secrets (17 page)

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Authors: Traci Hunter Abramson

Tags: #Royal Target, #lds, #LDS suspense, #hagardy, #deseret book, #mormon, #Betsy Brannon Green, #Fiction, #Romance, #secret, #covenant, #adventure, #clean, #Contemporary Romance, #Jennie Hansen, #Saint Squad

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Janessa turned her attention back to Alora and reached out to embrace her friend. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived. I hope everyone has made you feel welcome.”

“I’m not sure if
is the word I would use.
is more like it.”

Janessa smiled. “Let’s go for a walk, and we can catch up.”

“Can we come too?” Giancarlo asked.


* * *

“Come in,” Stefano called out in response to the knock on his office door. He smiled when he saw his brother walk in looking both content and rested. “Welcome back. I hope you had a successful trip.”

“I did, thank you.” Garrett closed the door behind him and then folded his long, lanky frame into the seat across from his brother. He shot Stefano a boyish grin. “I see you aren’t taking the doctor’s orders too seriously.”

Stefano’s eyes darkened as he thought of his last conversation with the doctor. He planned to confide the recent diagnosis to his brother, to explain that everything had changed for both of them. He opened his mouth to say the words, but once again they wouldn’t come. “Dr. Casale’s orders are a bit strict considering how minor my injuries are.” Stefano shifted in his seat. “Besides, I don’t think I’m going to be able to stay out of the game for much longer. Things are starting to pile up.”

“I’m sure it didn’t help that I’ve been out of town for the past few days,” Garrett admitted. “Any chance that you were able to get anything done on Janessa’s new offices?”

“Alora was a bit hesitant to decorate them without Janessa’s knowledge, but once I told her you wanted it to be a surprise, she jumped right in.”

“How much longer do you think it will take before everything will be ready?”

“It already is,” Stefano said, delighting in his brother’s surprise. “Alora started first thing Monday morning, and the painters finished up yesterday afternoon,” Stefano told him with a hint of pride in his voice. His mind turned briefly to his and Alora’s time together the night before, but he quickly pushed past it. “She’s been working with the staff all day, moving furniture and taking care of the final touches.”

“It sounds like she’s every bit as organized as Janessa said,” Garrett commented. “I have to head to the base for a couple hours, but I thought we could show Janessa her new space after dinner.”

“Sounds good.” Stefano nodded. “Is six o’clock okay for dinner?”

“I should be back by then.” His eyebrows drew together. “Why so early?”

“Seven is a bit late to eat for Alora’s children.”

“Ah. How has that been so far, having little ones underfoot?”

Stefano smiled now. “They remind me of the two of us when we were young.”

Garrett chuckled. “Heaven help us.”

Chapter 21

“Tell me what you’ve seen so far,” Janessa said to Alora as they walked out of Janessa’s rooms with the boys trotting along behind them.

Alora immediately thought of her walk in the garden with Stefano the night before. She still wasn’t quite sure what to think of that moment when he had reached out, his fingers skimming her cheek. At first she had thought the gesture had simply been one of familiarity and friendship. Then she had seen something in his eyes, some window that let her see beyond his typical polished exterior. She felt the change between them, an intimacy that left her yearning to discover the man behind the princely exterior.

Impatient with herself, she pushed the image aside and tried to focus on the intent behind her friend’s question. “Patrice showed us around the chateau a few days ago, and we’ve been through the gardens and down to the beach.”

“Have you been out to the stables yet?”

She shook her head. “They have horses here?”

“Yes.” Janessa nodded, laughing as Giancarlo and Dante both rushed in front of them with pleas to see the horses.

“Can we ride one?” Giancarlo asked eagerly.

“I want to ride a pony!” Dante announced.

Janessa grinned down at the boys and winked. “We’ll see if we can talk your mom into it.”

Alora leaned closer to her and whispered, “They don’t know how to ride.”

“Yet,” Janessa corrected. “Come on.”

Together they walked past the gardens and up a dirt path that snaked through the trees and up a small rise. At the top of the hill, split-rail fences sectioned off the open fields, a long white building situated in the center of the paddocks. A trio of horses gathered in a far pasture under a large cyprus tree. The bay mare grazing in the field closest to them lifted her head and stared for a moment before slowly moving closer to the fence.

“She’s hoping I have an apple for her.” Janessa reached out and stroked her neck as she spoke gently. “Sorry, girl. I don’t have anything for you today.”

“Can I pet her?” Dante asked eagerly.

“Sure. Come here.” Janessa lifted him up so he could reach the mare more easily. “Just move slowly so you don’t scare her.”

“Okay.” Dante reached out and rubbed her long nose. The mare snorted and tossed her head. Dante giggled, and Giancarlo took a step back and gripped his mother’s hand.

“Who do we have here?” The stable manager stepped out of the stables and grinned at the boys. His husky build nearly disguised the fact that he had already seen his seventieth birthday come and go, but what little hair he had left was snow white. His dark eyes twinkled mischievously at Janessa as he asked, “Did you bring me some new stable hands?”

“Oh, I think you might be able to put them to work,” Janessa said and then introduced the older man as Paolo Saldera.

Never one to think of anyone as a stranger, Dante stepped forward. “Can I ride a pony?”

“Well . . .” Paolo scratched at his chin as though deep in thought. “I don’t know that we have any ponies here, but maybe I can interest you in riding a horse.”

“Oh, they’ve never ridden before,” Alora said quickly.

Paolo’s eyebrows lifted, and he spoke to Alora now. “Is it okay with you if they learn?”

“I would love for them to learn, but . . .”

Before she could continue, Paolo nodded and reached out for Dante’s hand. “Well, let’s get started on your first lesson.” He offered his other hand to Giancarlo, who glanced up at his mother for a brief moment before abandoning her for Paolo. “Did you know I taught Prince Stefano and Prince Garrett to ride?”

“Really?” both boys asked in unison.

“Absolutely.” Paolo started toward the stables, leaving Alora feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

“Don’t worry. He won’t let anything happen to them.”

Alora watched the boys disappear into the stable before turning to Janessa. “Janessa, you know I can’t afford to pay for lessons.”

“Paolo wouldn’t want you to pay him.” Janessa shook her head. “In fact, this will be great for everyone. Paolo will expect them to help out with the horses if they want to ride, and I know he’ll enjoy their company.”

Alora let out a nervous laugh. “I just can’t get over how great everyone is here. I feel like we’re living in a fairytale.”

Janessa simply grinned. “Don’t look now, but I think we are.”

* * *

“I can’t tell,” the young nurse said, repeating the words like a chant. “I can’t tell. I can’t tell.”

Caspar Gazsi stepped away from where Belinda Parnelli was bound to a chair, bright lights shining overhead. The sleeves of his dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows, and a trickle of sweat beaded on his brow. He rubbed a hand idly over his neatly trimmed beard and considered his options. He turned to the man standing in the corner and lowered his voice. “We may have to resort to more drastic measures.”

“I already told you we can’t leave any evidence that she was being pressed for information.”

“Are you sure you really need this information?” He glanced over his shoulder, staring at the woman. She was slumped forward, her head hung low, her hair disheveled and curtaining part of her face. Turning his attention back to the man beside him, he continued. “What difference does it make if the prince knows? Certainly he’ll keep it quiet.”

“He will, but we need to know if anyone else might have gotten ahold of it. If someone sells it to the press, it could throw the timing off for all our other plans.”

Caspar lowered his voice even further. “If it’s that important, we can always dispose of the body so she won’t be found.”

He shook his head. “Bodies have a tendency of popping up at the worst possible time. Besides, I think we’re going to want hers to be found.”

“Then you’d better get your hands on a pentothal agent.”

“Wouldn’t an autopsy be able to reveal that?”

Caspar shook his head. “Not if we keep her alive long enough for it to get out of her system.”

* * *

Janessa sat between Garrett and Giancarlo in the dining hall and reveled in the knowledge that, for the first time in a week, she wouldn’t be expected to help with the after-dinner dishes.

When Marie walked in carrying cannelloni, she grinned across the table at Alora. “Have you had Patrice’s cannelloni yet?”

Alora shook her head. “No, but everything I’ve had here has been incredible. We’ve been so spoiled already that I’m afraid the boys won’t want to eat my cooking anymore.”

Dante patted her arm. “I still like your raisin cookies the best, Mama.”

Alora chuckled and leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Thank you, Dante.”

“What can I get you to drink, Your Highness?” Marie asked Stefano. “Would you care for a glass of wine?”

Stefano nodded his assent only to have Giancarlo shake his head disapprovingly at him. “Mama says we aren’t supposed to drink wine.”

“Oh really?” Stefano glanced briefly at Alora, and Janessa was sure he couldn’t miss the color rising to her friend’s cheeks. Before Alora could fumble over an explanation, Stefano gave Giancarlo his full attention once more. “Well, then. What do you suggest I drink with dinner instead?”

“Apple juice,” Giancarlo announced with conviction.

“Okay.” Stefano nodded thoughtfully. Then he looked up at Marie, who was struggling to keep a straight face. “I’ll have some apple juice.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Marie took everyone else’s drink orders and left to fill them.

Alora leaned toward Stefano, probably to apologize, but he merely shook his head and offered her a smile filled with humor. Janessa watched the silent exchange, pleased to see her friend and her future brother-in-law appeared to have developed a friendship over the past week.

Janessa took a roll out of the bread basket Garrett handed her and passed it to Giancarlo. He took out one for himself and immediately climbed onto his knees so he could reach across the table to give it to his mother. Alora took it from him, buttered it, and then handed it back. Janessa’s eyes widened when Alora then reached her hand out to Stefano, who passed his roll to her. Alora buttered it and passed it back before proceeding to butter another roll for Dante.

Janessa looked over at Garrett, who was already so focused on his dinner that he had apparently missed the unexpected familiarity between Alora and Stefano. Curious now if perhaps more had been happening over the past week than she had realized, Janessa looked at her friend. “Alora, I didn’t get a chance to ask you how you’ve been spending your days since you arrived. Have you and the boys spent much time on the beach?”

“The boys have,” Alora began.

“I’m afraid I’ve been dominating her time,” Stefano interrupted before Alora could continue. “She’s been helping me sort through all of those environmental reports. We were able to send the final summaries out yesterday.”

“Did anything concerning pop up?” Garrett asked.

“Everything was pretty much what we expected,” Stefano told him. “I sent you an electronic version, but I’m sure it’ll take you a few days to sort through all of your e-mail.”

Conversation over dinner centered on the upcoming construction at the naval base, mixed with a few stories from the children about their adventures on the beach that day.

When the meal concluded, Garrett reached for Janessa’s hand. “If everyone is finished, we have something to show you upstairs.”

“What’s going on?” Janessa looked at him quizzically and then caught Alora’s blank stare, the one she always wore when she was trying to hide her emotions.

Rather than answer her, Alora spoke to her boys as she stood up. “Come on, boys. It’s about time we head to our rooms.”

“Do we have to?” Giancarlo asked, disappointment in his voice.

“If it’s okay with you, Alora, I would love for you all to join us,” Garrett invited.

“Can we, Mama?” Dante jumped out of his chair and looked up at her hopefully.

Alora hesitated a moment before nodding at Garrett. “We would love to join you.”

“Is anyone going to tell me where we’re going?” Janessa asked as Garrett started leading everyone out of the room.

“You’ll see soon enough,” Garrett told her.

Janessa narrowed her eyes as they left the dining hall and walked through the parlor. “What is it with you and surprises lately?”

Garrett grinned down at her. “I love a challenge.”

“He always has,” Stefano agreed as he followed behind them.

They walked up the stairs and then started down the main hallway that led to the chateau offices. Janessa expected him to stop at his office or even the security office, but he continued past them both, not stopping until he reached another office, one she knew to be unoccupied.

“The family decided that you should have your own work space here at the chateau.” Garrett pushed the door open, and Janessa’s eyes widened as she looked inside and caught the scent of fresh paint.

She stepped through the doorway and turned in a circle. The chair railing and crown molding were painted the same cream color as the upper part of the wall, contrasting with the warm beige below the chair rail. A large ceramic vase held three miniature palm trees, and on the walls an original Monet hung opposite a modern seascape. The furnishings were a mixture of old and new: a new office chair behind a polished antique desk, a sleek laptop and a wireless printer resting on an aged credenza in the same honey oak as the desk.

“This is incredible. It looks nothing like it did before.”

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