Royal Secrets (14 page)

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Authors: Traci Hunter Abramson

Tags: #Royal Target, #lds, #LDS suspense, #hagardy, #deseret book, #mormon, #Betsy Brannon Green, #Fiction, #Romance, #secret, #covenant, #adventure, #clean, #Contemporary Romance, #Jennie Hansen, #Saint Squad

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Even though it was phrased as a simple request, Stefano heard the underlying command. “Of course.”

“It is a social event,” Eduard reminded him. “Perhaps you should take an escort.”

“Father.” Stefano let out a sigh as he moved farther into his office and dropped down into his chair.

“I know the social aspects can be a challenge at times, but it would be best if you didn’t attend alone, especially since Marguerite Galleau will be there.”

The mention of the currently unattached heiress from Marseille was all that was required for Stefano to change his tune. “I’ll take a date.”

Stefano could imagine the smile on his father’s face as he said simply, “I think that will be best.”

As soon as he hung up, Stefano ran a hand over his face and then leaned back in his chair. Generally he didn’t mind attending social events. In fact, he usually enjoyed them, but he was already dreading tonight. Marguerite invariably brought with her a large contingent of paparazzi and a fully operational rumor mill. The last time they had attended the same event, rumors of a secret engagement between her and Stefano had surfaced within hours despite the fact that they had merely shared a single dance. Undoubtedly, Marguerite had fueled those false reports.

His eyes lifted when a knock sounded on his still-open door. Alora stood awkwardly in the doorway. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I wondered if you might know where I can find a receipt book or an expense ledger to track the costs of this renovation.”

Stefano stood and waved her inside. “Yes, of course.” He opened a drawer in his desk and retrieved a pad of ledger paper. “You can use this, but if it’s easier you can simply track the expenses on your phone or laptop, and we can print them out later.”

“I’m sure this will work fine,” Alora said a little too quickly.

Stefano glanced down at his phone and considered the dozens of women’s phone numbers it held. Then he studied the woman standing across from him, and he deliberated a new option for the evening. “I wonder if I could ask a huge favor of you.”

“Of course.” Alora nodded automatically. “What do you need?”

“I need a date for tonight.”

She looked at him skeptically. “A date?”

Stefano fought back the urge to smile. “Yes. The museum in town is hosting a new exhibit tonight, and it would be best if I didn’t attend alone.”

“Forgive me, Your Highness, but there must be any number of women who would love to accompany you. Why would you want me to go?”

“For purely selfish reasons,” Stefano admitted with a grin. “I enjoy your company, and I would prefer to go with someone who doesn’t list becoming a princess as one of her priorities.”

Alora gave him a wry smile. “I can honestly say I’ve never considered that as a possibility.”

“Please come,” Stefano said. He could tell she was wavering, and he dreaded the possibility of going with someone else. “I imagine it’s been some time since you’ve gone anywhere without your children.”

“That’s true, but I don’t think I’m suited to high society events.” Alora looked up at him with dark eyes. Stefano couldn’t say why it pleased him to see the nervousness shining there.

“Alora, this isn’t a formal state dinner. It’s just an exhibit,” he assured her. “Please say you’ll join me.”

She stared at him a moment longer before reluctantly nodding. “Okay.”

“Wonderful.” Stefano smiled. “The event doesn’t start until seven thirty. If you like, we can eat an early dinner with your children before we go.”

“I would appreciate that. Thank you.” She started to leave and then turned back to face Stefano once more. “I meant to ask if there’s another phone I can use besides the ones in Janessa’s offices. Neither one of them is working.”

“That’s odd,” Stefano said, but he waved in the direction of his outer office. “My secretary is still working out of my office in the palace. You can use his desk.”

“Thank you,” Alora said and moved quickly through the door.

* * *

Belinda headed for the hospital exit, her heart still heavy as she considered Prince Stefano’s situation. As a nurse, she understood a patient’s right to confidentiality, but this secret was burning her up inside. Rarely did a day go by when someone didn’t comment on the royal family and speculate about the future king.

Just the night before, her mother had mentioned an upcoming visit from a princess from Monaco and expressed her opinion that she would make a fine match for Prince Stefano. After all, he was already thirty-two years old, and it was high time he settled down and gave his country an heir.
If only that were possible

Dr. Casale hadn’t spoken of the test results since returning from speaking with Prince Stefano several days before. Even then, he had only asked for her reassurance that she had not discussed the findings with anyone and had insisted once more that she continue to keep the confidence.

She stepped outside and headed to the side of the building where her car was parked. She didn’t take notice of the tall man standing at the edge of the parking lot until he spoke to her.

“Belinda Parnelli?”

“Yes?” Her eyebrows rose inquisitively. “Can I help you?”

“I believe you can.”

* * *

“You look pretty, Mama.” Dante bounced up and down on her bed as Alora fastened a simple strand of pearls around her neck.

“Thank you.” Alora pointed at his reflection in the mirror and added, “Stop jumping on the bed. You need to go get your shoes on. It’s time to go down for dinner.”

She watched him bounce one more time before he slid down to the floor and headed into the living room. With a steadying breath, Alora ran her hand over the rich gold fabric of her gown and then pressed a hand to her stomach. All day her thoughts had been on Prince Stefano, and she had frequently reminded herself that his request for her to accompany him was a gesture of friendship and nothing more.

The realization that she had nothing to wear hadn’t surfaced until lunchtime, but thankfully that problem had been solved when she returned to her room to find the gown hanging from her bedpost along with a matching pair of shoes. A note from Patrice told her the gown and matching handbag were on loan from Janessa but that the shoes were for her to keep.

Alora felt a bit awkward with the idea that Prince Stefano had arranged for her evening attire, but the simple fact remained that evening gowns were not a part of her wardrobe and hadn’t been for some time. She looked down at the wedding band on her finger and debated for a long moment. Prince Stefano hadn’t seemed to notice that she still wore a ring, but then, Janessa had probably told him she was single.

She rubbed a finger over the simple gold band, memories tumbling over each other: her wedding day, when Carlo had slipped it on her finger that first time; the way his eyes had misted when he’d held each of their sons right after they were born; that moment when she had kissed him good-bye on their last Christmas Eve, so sure that they would have a lifetime filled with more holidays together.

The unbearable desolation that followed the bombing had nearly destroyed her. She and her children had been left alone in the world, and those first few months were now merely a blur of days running together as she had tried to function through the most basic tasks. She doubted she would have survived her grief had she not had to focus on caring for her children. At first, her ring had provided her a sense of comfort, reminding her that her marriage was eternal. She supposed she wore it now as much out of habit as to remember the life she was still so reluctant to let go.

She knew Carlo wouldn’t want her to cling to the past, that he would want her to find happiness in her life until they could be together again. Her heart squeezing a little, she reached down and gently slipped the ring from her finger. She opened her jewelry box, set it inside, and whispered, “I still miss you, Carlo.”

She closed the lid softly and drew a deep breath. She and her children were beginning a new life, and she needed to start living in the present. Trying to shake off her melancholy mood, she picked up her handbag. Then, feeling a bit like Cinderella, she straightened her shoulders and walked into the living room to find Prince Stefano sitting on the couch talking to Dante and Giancarlo.

“Prince Stefano.” Alora nodded to him in greeting. “I thought we were dining together downstairs.”

He stood, his eyes sweeping down to take in the full effect of her in the formal gown, the shimmering fabric that accented her waist before flowing sleekly to the floor. “You look stunning.”

Her lips curved automatically. “Thank you.”

He crossed to her, took her hand in his, and lifted it to his lips with a great deal of charm. “I am going to be the envy of every man there tonight.”

She managed to keep her smile in place even though her heartbeat had quickened. “I seriously doubt that.”

Before she could say anything further, a knock sounded at the door. Prince Stefano motioned to Giancarlo. “Would you get that, Giancarlo? That should be dinner.” He turned back to Alora and added, “I thought it might be easier on you if we dined up here tonight.”

“That would be wonderful. Thank you.” Alora smiled as Giancarlo opened the door and two servants entered. Once the table was set, the servants curtsied to the prince and then left them alone.

Prince Stefano pulled out a chair for Alora and turned to the boys. “Are you two ready to eat?”

Both boys scampered into their chairs and folded their arms. Alora saw Prince Stefano fight back a grin as she asked, “Whose turn is it to say the blessing tonight?”

“Can I say it?” Dante asked eagerly.

“Absolutely.” Alora nodded and struggled against a grin of her own.

After the blessing, the boys regaled them with their adventures of the day. Alora gave the prince the news that the painters expected to finish the next day and that Martino had helped her replace several pieces of furniture, as well as the outdated phones. When the prince suggested they all take a walk on the beach the next morning, Alora was struck with the surprising reality that this man had become a friend.

After dinner, Prince Stefano looked down at his watch. “Brenna and Marie should be here in about five minutes. Marie will take care of the dishes while Brenna tends to the boys.”

“Can you read us a story before you leave?” Giancarlo asked eagerly.

“Maybe just a short one.” Alora looked to Stefano for approval.

“I want Prince Stefano to read to us.”

“We don’t want to impose on the prince.”

He waved away her concern. “That’s okay. Go pick out a book and bring it here.”

“Okay!” Giancarlo raced into his room, returning a minute later with a popular children’s book written in English.

The boys settled on either side of him as Stefano opened the book and began reading in an animated voice that made the boys giggle and Alora smile. His English was perfect, with a smooth European accent, and despite his formal attire, he didn’t seem to mind the boys snuggling up next to him as he read.

Her heart warmed as she considered what a precious gift he was giving her children right now. So often she had wished Carlo had lived for moments like these, always regretting that Giancarlo and Dante didn’t have a male role model in their lives. Not that Prince Stefano was likely to be around much once he had healed from his injuries, but for the moment, Alora let herself be grateful for this brief glimpse of normalcy.

Chapter 18

“Your guards are in position, Your Highness.”

Stefano nodded to his driver before turning to Alora. She was a vision in the borrowed gown, her dark hair piled artistically on top of her head, her features enhanced with a light dusting of make-up. While he could admit to himself that he always enjoyed having a beautiful woman on his arm, for the first time in years, he was actually looking forward to spending time with his date. He was struck with the realization that the woman beside him had the potential of becoming a real friend. At least he thought this was what friendship was supposed to feel like. “Are you ready?”

She shook her head and pushed a hairpin more securely into place. “Probably not.”

Stefano’s eyes lit with amusement. “Don’t worry. If it’s too boring, we won’t stay long.”

“I may hold you to that,” Alora murmured as the back door of the limousine opened.

The moment they stepped from the limousine, cameras started flashing. As expected, the paparazzi were out in full force. Stefano took Alora’s hand and tucked it into the crook of his arm before starting toward the museum entrance. Though outwardly she looked composed, she gripped his arm tightly as they walked leisurely from the car to the front entrance.

She scanned the crowd as though searching for someone, and he heard her sigh of relief the moment they walked through the doors and left the spotlight behind them.

A little surprised by his desire to put her at ease, Stefano leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry. The worst part is over.”

She glanced at the crowded room and arched her eyebrows. They only made it a few steps before Marguerite Galleau was at their side. Well versed in her publicity stunts, Stefano deliberately pulled Alora closer before Marguerite could greet him with her typical kiss. “Marguerite, what an honor it is for Meridia that you were able to come tonight,” Stefano said formally. “May I introduce my date, Alora DeSanto.”

Marguerite nodded a greeting to Alora without actually looking at her. Instead her eyes stayed fixed on Stefano. “Darling, I heard of your accident. I am so pleased to see you have recovered.”

“Thank you.” Stefano knew what was coming next, the inevitable request to spend time with him alone. He caught sight of the museum director and took a step in his direction. “I hope you’ll excuse us, but I see someone Alora needs to meet. It was good seeing you again.”

Ignoring the pout on Marguerite’s lips, Stefano nudged Alora toward the director. As expected, the museum director approached as soon as he saw them.

“Your Highness. I’m so glad you were able to come.”

“Thank you, Pierre.” Stefano motioned to Alora. “This is Alora DeSanto. Alora, Pierre Dumond is the director of the museum.”

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