Rough Edges (3 page)

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Authors: Ashlynn Pearce

BOOK: Rough Edges
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“What the hell is going on in here? Why aren’t you people working?”

Everyone jumped when they heard their boss’s booming voice and employees scattered.

“Matty, you better get back to work,” Becca said quietly.

He pursed his lips. “I want you to know that I am not afraid of the big, bad boss.”

Then he turned and walked back to his cubicle just as Becca heard the heavy footsteps of Richard. She hesitantly looked up.

His beady blue eyes stared at her and he crossed his arms over his chest. “In my office,” he ordered and walked away without another word.

Becca sighed and followed him. Once in the office, she closed his door and looked at her uncle. He stood there, his balding pate shiny under the fluorescent lights, his lips set in a firm, thin line. Richard was a tough man and most said a hard-ass boss, but he was always fair. She had always wanted to be like him.

“Nick?” he asked.

She nodded. Richard never minced words and was always direct and to the point.

“You want to tell me the details, or do I have to call the station to figure it out?”


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“He came to my apartment and wanted to talk about something. I tried to refuse him, but he shoved his way inside.” She wasn’t going to tell him anything else. The bruises said it all.

“I see.” He paced behind his desk before stopping to look at her. “Are you okay?”

She shrugged and willed herself not to cry. She was strong, she was capable and she didn’t need to be coddled. At least she kept telling herself that.

“You can come live with us, you know. You don’t have to live alone,” he said.

“No. I need to do this. I have to do this alone.” Richard and his wife Julie wanted her to live with them, but she had refused. For once, she wanted to stand on her own two feet.

He nodded. “I get it, girl. But think about your safety.”

“I will. Thanks,” she replied.

“Do you have your column done on Chat Addiction?”

Relieved there were no more questions, she let out a long breath. She could always count on Richard to get right back to business. “Yes, I do. I’ll get it on your desk in a few moments.”


But before she could leave, he came around his desk, embraced her in a big hug and then turned to shuffle some papers. “I want that column pronto,” he said in a gruff voice.

She somehow managed not to cry. “Yes, sir,” she said and left his office. Printing it only took a few moments and then she was back. Thankfully, he was on the phone and he only nodded as she laid it down.

Getting through the day at work was better than sitting at home thinking about everything. At least it kept her mind busy. She was munching on a cracker at lunchtime when her cell rang. She smiled when she saw it was her best friend, Summer.


“Hey, girlfriend! I thought I could come crash your pad this eve with some wine and Chinese takeout. What ya say?”

“I’d really like that.” Becca paused and knew she had better say something about the purple mark on her face
Summer saw her. “Nick showed up last night.”

“Oh? Please tell me you shut the door in his face. Or better yet, did you go after him with a pair of wire cutters? That would so make my day.”

She laughed. “Yeah. That’s a nice thought, but no.” It still took everything she had to admit to his abuse, even though she knew it wasn’t her fault. She took a deep breath and said, “He shoved his way inside—”


“Yeah. He—”


Rough Edges

“Hit you. Didn’t he? The bastard! Are you okay? And why the hell didn’t you call me?”

“Yeah he did. But it’s okay. He’s with the police now. I didn’t want to stay home and I didn’t want to bother you.” That was a lame answer, but how was she supposed to explain that she only wanted Jake instead of her best friend? She dropped her head in her hand.

“You didn’t want to bother me? Are you serious? Girl, you know better. I’ll take care of you tonight.”

“That would be great. I’ll be home about six.”

“It’s a date,” Summer replied and hung up.

The rest of the day flew by but she was glad when work was over. Matty was driving her batty and several other coworkers whispered until she walked up. She was putting her laptop into its bright pink case when she felt eyes on her. She turned to see Clay leaning casually against the cubicle wall.

“You want to get some coffee?” he asked.

He was a good-looking guy, brown hair, blue eyes that usually twinkled with mischief. But his expression was solemn and he had been avoiding her all day. “I have a date,” she said. “With Summer.”

His tense expression eased a bit and he nodded. “Is there anything I can do?”

He had been pursuing her for the last several months. Especially when he found out she was having marital problems. But she didn’t want to get involved with someone else and especially not someone at work. Even though girls seemed to like Clay and he was a decent guy, she had never been attracted to him. Not in a girl-wants-boy kind of way. She always felt more like his sister.

“No, thanks. I’ll manage.”

“If you need anything…all you have to do is ask.”

It was a shame she didn’t feel more for him. “I know.”

He looked almost defeated before he nodded and walked off. Frowning, she gathered her purse and laptop bag and headed out the door.


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Chapter Two

Her doorbell rang. “It’s me!” Summer yelled from the other side of the door.

Becca opened it and smiled. “About time. I was beginning to think you stood me up.”

“Oh, you wouldn’t believe the people at the liquor store,” Summer said as she breezed past her in heels and a short denim skirt. “Then some guy was talking to me, and he was so funny,” she said, a smile curving her lips.

“Did he ask you out?” That was a redundant question because men always asked Summer out. The girl was a knockout with her long legs and full lips. It didn’t help that she was Latina and a model. Guys literally drooled on themselves when she walked by.

“Yeah, but you know, I just wasn’t interested.”

Becca shook her head as she grabbed two plates from the cabinets. “Eventually, you will have to go out with one of them. You know this right?”

“Yeah, whateve’,” Summer replied and poured two glasses of wine.

Her friend was the best a girl could have. They had been through just about it all together. It frustrated her that Summer wouldn’t take a chance. “He’s not coming back.

He’s gone.”

Tears instantly filled Summer’s eyes and she looked away. “I know. But I’m not ready yet.”

“Okay,” Becca said quietly and wrapped her friend in a hug. They were quite a pair. Her with a crazy ex-husband and Summer loving a guy that had been dead for years.

Summer released her first. “Let’s take a look at this.” Summer eyed her cheek and shook her head. “Someone needs to serve his balls on a platter for what he’s done to you.”

“I think Jake wanted to do something like that,” Becca replied and realized her mistake when Summer narrowed her eyes.

“Jake? Who’s Jake?”

“Oh, um, nobody.”
Think, Becca, think.

Summer smacked the table with her hand. “Oh, it’s that chatroom guy, isn’t it? Did you talk to him again? I thought you weren’t talking to him anymore?”

She knew better than to try to lie to her friend. “Er, yeah. He’s the chatroom guy. I, uh, called him.”

Summer’s dark brown eyes went round and she almost choked on her chow mein.

“You what? Girl, what were you thinking? He could be some lunatic for all you know.”


Rough Edges

“Hey, give me some credit. I didn’t give him my number and my number is blocked, remember? If I don’t want to call him again I won’t.” Becca shrugged and took a bite of her sweet-n-sour chicken.

“But why did you call him? I thought he was just a research assignment, you know, for your column.”

“Because he asked me to.”

Becca squirmed when Summer said nothing and just stared at her. The girl had that knack for seeing right through her.

“I think something else is going on,” Summer said as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs. When her foot started tapping air, Becca knew she was in trouble.

“You like him.”

Becca tried to brush it off and nodded. “Yeah, he seems an all right guy.”

But Summer pointed her fork at her and shook her head. “Uh-huh. But you really like him. I can see it in your face. What have you been keeping from me? I think there’s more going on than just a lil’ chat.”

Heat filled her face and she tucked her chin to her chest. There was no way she was telling Summer what she and Jake had been up to.

“Rebecca Saylor, I want deets, and I want them now. Just how involved are you with this Jake character?”

“Just talking. That’s it.”

“Uh-huh. That would explain why your face is my absolute favorite nail color—

red-hot. You might as well cough it up. You’ll tell me eventually anyway.”

“Really. We just talk.”

“About what?”



Becca jerked her head up and stared at her smiling friend.

“That’s what I thought,” Summer said and laughed. “What? You think you’re the only girl to have cyber sex? That’s nothing new, honey. But you took it a step further didn’t you? Is phone sex better? I haven’t tried that yet.”

Becca was never one to talk about things like this. Not with Summer or anyone else for that matter. But Summer never had trouble talking about anything and she loved details. So she tried to change the subject. “He was worried about me. He knew Nick had hurt me.”

“Wow. You came home last night and talked to him about it instead of me? Sounds to me like this is a relationship, not just

“No, we’re not in a relationship. And yeah, I know. It’s nuts.” Becca took a long drink of her wine. “I hadn’t talked to him on the phone until last night. Before that, it 19

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was just chat. I don’t know. I guess I just wasn’t thinking straight with everything that happened.”

Summer tapped her red nail on the table. “Do you have a picture of him? I want to see.”

Becca sighed, got up and pulled out her laptop. She might as well tell her everything. She hated keeping the secret from her anyway. “You’re not mad at me are you?”

“Sister, we’ve been through too much for me to be mad at you over this. So, is he good?” Summer grinned.

“Yeah,” Becca said sheepishly. She opened a file labeled “Jake” and turned the laptop toward her. “Here it is. It’s not a very good one, but that’s all he sent me.”

“Hmm, you’re right. Not real good. But at least he’s not fugly.”

Becca laughed. “No, he’s not. If that’s really him.”

“Did you send him one?”

“Yeah, just a little one. Be right back,” she said as she went to the bathroom. She glanced in the mirror after she washed her hands and frowned at the bruise. It was darker and larger than it had been earlier. Blowing out a breath, she walked back into the living room and stopped.

“Hi. Are you Jake? Good, this is Summer.”

Becca’s mouth fell open when she saw Summer on the phone. “What are you doing?”

“Yeah, could you hold on a minute,” Summer said into the phone, covered the mouthpiece and looked at her. “I’m talking to Jake, don’t interrupt.” Removing her hand she continued. “Sorry. Becca’s not real happy with me right now.”

Becca stomped her foot and glared. How could she do this? She mouthed at her

“just you wait”.

Summer smiled. “Oh, you have heard about me. All good I hope? But the reason for my call is I want to know something about you. Seems my friend has been keeping you under wraps.”

She couldn’t hear Jake’s replies but Summer kept smiling as she started writing stuff down. Becca was going to kill her when she got off the phone.

“You live in Oklahoma? Hm. You do realize if you hurt her I’ll hunt you down?”

“Summer,” Becca said in warning. She really couldn’t believe this.

But Summer ignored her and laughed into the phone.

“Nice talking to you, too. Bye, Jake.”

“What do you think you’re doing? How could you call him like that?” Becca all but yelled, appalled at what Summer had done.

“Oh, calm down. I just wanted to find out a few things about your Jake.”

“What does it matter? It’s not like he knows where to find me.”


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“Now we can double check his info.”

“Are you serious?” Becca asked, stunned.

“Deadly. Because I care about you, girlfriend. So hush and deal.”

Becca fumed as she watched Summer type Jake Korte into the computer.

* * * * *

Jake hung up the phone and chuckled.

“Who was that?” Tony asked as he took a drink of his beer.

“Summer,” Jake replied. “Becca’s friend. She wanted information…about me.”

Tony laughed. “That’s a good ploy. Get the friend to get info.”

“Naw, I heard Becca in the background. She wasn’t happy. At least someone is looking out for her. And hell, I don’t care what she knows.” Jake took a drink of his Bud.

“You found out where she lives yet?” Tony asked.

“Nope. And I don’t plan on it unless she offers to tell me.” Jake sank back into his couch and stared at the big screen that took up most of the room.

“Maybe you should worry about the flesh and blood girls instead of this one.”

“And maybe you should mind your own damn business.”

“I would. But you get that lost look on your face sometimes and it’s scaring me. It’s like you’ve fallen for some cyber chick,” Tony said, grinning like an idiot.

Jake threw a pillow at him. “Shut up. You know damn well I’m not capable of that.”

Tony grinned as he caught the pillow. “Yeah, but someone has to give you shit about it.” He glanced at his watch. “Speaking of shit, I have to get out of here.” Tony threw the pillow back at Jake and headed out the door. “Later.”

Jake dodged it. “Later, man.”

He gathered up the empty beer bottles, took them to the kitchen and dropped them in the trash. Leaning against the counter, he stared outside at the steady rain. Not something that often happened in Oklahoma in July. But the rain hadn’t cooled anything off, just made it sticky and hard to breathe.

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