Rough Edges (10 page)

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Authors: Ashlynn Pearce

BOOK: Rough Edges
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“You are so gorgeous,” she said as she ran her hands over his abs and up his chest.

He didn’t say anything, almost believing it coming from her. But he knew better. A pretty package could hide shit just like a paper bag.

Seeing her perched on him like that, her drenched pussy lips sliding against his dick, her nipples pebbled and a look in her eyes like she wanted to devour him, was probably as close to heaven as he was ever going to get.

“I’ve been wanting to touch your tattoo since I saw you,” she said as her fingertips traced the curls of his tat. His muscles tensed at the light touch. “You didn’t tell me you had one.”

“You didn’t ask,” he replied quietly.

Her half-hooded gaze darted to his face and her full lips parted slightly. “When your voice drops low like that, all I can think about is sex.”

“That’s convenient. Because right now that’s all I’m thinking about.” He grabbed her hips and rocked her gently against his throbbing erection, wanting into her wet heat. He couldn’t help but revel in her little gasp of pleasure. “I want in you, darlin’.”

Her eyes flew open, and she licked her lips. “Yes!”


Rough Edges

As she moved up on her knees to slide him in, he said in a rush, “Condoms. Lying on the table.”

“Shit,” she muttered and stretched her body sideways to grab one. Her hands shook as she ripped it open. She quickly rolled it over him, rose up and slammed her hips down all the way.

“Christ!” he said, his eyes flying open the same time she screamed. “Becca, dammit, are you okay?”

“Oh, God, yes,” she moaned as she moved on him.

Amazed, the fear of hurting her dissipated in a wave of ecstasy. The way her hips rolled against him and the walls of her sex squeezed him so tightly made him fight for control. A battle he was losing with every stroke. Each hiss of pleasure from her lips forced him closer to the edge. The dim light illuminated the delicate lines of her body.

He reached up and cupped each small breast—so sensitive to his touch.

She gripped his arms as she moved faster, her breath coming hard and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her passionate expression held him captive. When she said his name he snapped.

Gripping her hips, he thrust into her, need taking over every movement. He wanted deeper, wanted to crawl inside her. In one movement, she was on her back and he never broke stride. Lifting her hips, he slid deeper and his groan matched her cry of pleasure.

Sweat slid down his spine as he pounded into her, mindless with hunger for what she could give him. Her orgasm hit, drenching him and he exploded. She milked him while he pulsed hard inside her. Limp, he fell to the side, making sure his weight didn’t crush her.

He squeezed his eyes shut then opened them to stare in awe at the woman beside him. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted as she gasped for air. Slowly, she turned her head and opened her eyes, wonder etching her face.

He leaned up briefly to toss the condom in the trash and for the first time in his life, he reached out and pulled her tightly against his side. Her little sigh of satisfaction slipped right under his skin as she snuggled closer.

Had he ever been content to just hold a woman? He didn’t think so. But as her head rested in the crook of his arm, her little puffs of breath rushing out over his chest, he realized he did this time. Because it felt right.

Startled at the invading thought, he glanced down as her lips brushed against his shoulder. She looked up and their eyes met. Maybe it was because he knew he wouldn’t see her again. A damn shame really. Except he couldn’t afford to get more involved with her. This little taste of heaven was all he could take from her. She was way too good for the likes of him.

Her fingertips trailed over his jaw making him tighten his hold on her hair.

“I hadn’t expected this,” she said softly.


Ashlynn Pearce

“I hadn’t planned this,” he replied. And that was the truth. He didn’t meet her with plans of fucking her. But he certainly hadn’t planned on turning it away either. He wasn’t that noble.

She smiled at him. “Amazingly, I believe you. Even though I know your history.”

Leaning up on one elbow, he smirked. “Nice of you to think better of me, more than you probably should.”

“Hmm. That’s what you think.” Reaching up she traced his tat again. “This is one of the coolest ones I’ve seen. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about it. Does it have any special meaning?”

He stared down at her, lying beside him naked with the light sliding over her curves, her face in rapt attention to the tribal tattoo on the left side of his body.

Innocence radiated in her face, from her form. It drew him in worse than any drug could.

Women he had sex with weren’t much more than whores. The difference being, he didn’t pay them. They would attempt the innocent act sometimes, but he knew it for what it was. An act. He was just another dick in a long line of cocks. Every now and again a real innocent might show interest in him but he always shut them down. Hard.

“It represents freedom,” he said and immediately wondered why he did, but this woman already knew more about him than most people in his life. Chatting with her for weeks before now had done that. “I got it when I left home.”

She leaned up, her hair falling over her shoulder and he couldn’t help but twine a few of the satiny strands around his finger.

“It’s really beautiful. I never really liked tattoos on people. But this one fits you.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I don’t know. Other than when I saw you walking toward me, it moves with you.

Like it has always been there. Weird explanation, but that’s the best I can come up with.” Her lips curled and her eyes softened. “I am so glad you came.”

He smirked. “Yeah, so am I. A couple times, if I recall.”

Laughing, she shoved him playfully. “You know exactly what I meant.”

“And I’m glad you came, too. More than a couple of times,” he said and grinned at the outrage on her face.

“You are bad!”

He sat up and she gasped when he wrapped an arm about her waist. “Very. And you should know better than to be with me.”

She looped her arms around his neck and whispered against his lips, “I think I can handle you.”

His cock lurched at her softly spoken words. “Are you sure? I can be a lot to handle.”


Rough Edges

She gripped his dick and swirled her thumb around the head. It was his turn to gasp. Her featherlight touch wasn’t hesitant this time, but confident and sure. Her eyes bored into his as she straddled his knee and slid her hand down to cup his balls.


He lightly pushed her to her feet, stood then jerked a sheet off the bed and draped it over her shoulders.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Letting you handle me,” he replied.

He turned her and led her toward a sliding door that opened to a small balcony.

“Jake, we’re naked. We can’t go out there,” she said as her steps slowed.

“Sure we can.” He leaned down and nipped her ear. “Trust me.”

Becca swallowed hard as she stepped out into the cool air and wrapped the sheet tighter about her shoulders. Realizing that Jake was stark naked, she stared wide-eyed at him. He wore a lazy smile while keeping her in front of him as he sat down in one of the only two chairs that would fit on the small balcony.

“Come here,” he said. Her back to his chest, he pulled up the sheet so it draped over his hips and hid him from view, then pulled her down so she sat on his lap. His cock nestled against her ass. The heat from his body surrounded her within the sheet and she looked up. Clouds drifted like shadows across the midnight sky and the sound of the ocean seemed loud in the quiet of the night.

“I can’t believe we’re sitting out here, naked,” she said, turning her head to look at him. “This is crazy.” Never in her life had she done anything remotely as daring as this.

But having sex with Jake was probably the most daring thing she had done in her life.

“You’re safe, Becca,” he said.

She nodded. “I know.” And she did. For some reason, as crazy as this whole night had been so far, she knew she was safe. Nothing would hurt her. She looked back out at the water. “I love the sound of the ocean and the way the waves hit the shore.”

His hands firmly slid up her sides and she gripped the arms of the chair for balance as all the air rushed from her lungs.

“Tell me more. I love to hear your voice,” he said as he cupped her breasts and pulled on her nipples.

She couldn’t breathe much less talk as his fingers rolled and tugged on her breasts.

“I, um, oh hell Jake, I can’t think when you do that.”

“Then tell me what you feel.” His teeth scraped against the back of her neck and her hips arched all on their own.

“I feel. Alive. God, more alive than I’ve ever felt in my life.” And shockingly enough, that was true. It seemed her life up until this moment had been in a fog.

Moving through the days taking life as it hit her, instead of living life and chasing after every moment.


Ashlynn Pearce

Suddenly she didn’t care that they were out in the open where anyone could see.

She was living and feeling and touching and tasting all that life could give her. And she wanted to shout it to the world.

Her legs dangled on either side of his and when he opened his legs, it forced hers apart. She gasped when the sheet parted slightly and cool air swept between her legs and her breasts. The sounds of the sea rushed in her mind as her eyes drifted closed and her head fell back against his shoulder. His fingers slid into her and she moaned, loving how he knew just how to touch her. Firm, solid, no light strokes or featherlight touches.

But at the same time careful that every caress brought her pleasure.

“Fuck, Bec. You’re sexy as hell.”

He captured her cry of release with a deep kiss, and she reveled in it as wave after wave of ecstasy surged through her. Pushing her to her feet, he bent her over forcing her to grip the railing for balance. The sheet bunched at her waist leaving her ass bare and before she could gasp, he drove in hard.

Not caring about anything but the feel of him around her and in her, she forgot about everything else. Her world narrowed to Jake and she was happy to let him take over.

His release was fast, hard and right on the heels of her own climax. Trembling, she tried to stay on her own feet, but then he picked her up and carried her back inside.

Coherent thought wasn’t possible, but the last thing she remembered before passing out in his arms was that she would never be the same again.


Rough Edges

Chapter Six

“Becca. Darlin’.” She heard a voice then felt a hand slide through her hair. She blinked open her eyes and abruptly sat up. Jake sat on the edge of the bed, a hat on backward and fully dressed.

She clutched the sheet to her chest, although it didn’t make much sense after the way they spent the night. He knew every inch of her and they had sex countless number of times.

“Babe, I gotta go. Our flight leaves out early.”

She frowned. “You have to leave?” She glanced out the still open drapes and the sun hinted at rising up over the water.

“Yeah.” He pulled her closer and his thumb grazed her lower lip.

She resisted the urge to ask him to stay longer. Like, forever. She swallowed hard at how ridiculous that was. But she was sure it was in her eyes, because he gripped the back of her neck and pulled her in close for a deep kiss. He tasted of mint and his clean scent wrapped around her. Forgetting about the sheet, she gripped his shirt, letting all the words she knew she wouldn’t say come through in her kiss.

When his phone started vibrating in his pocket, he pulled back. “Damn. I really have to go.”

She nodded, not trusting her voice. As stupid as it was, she felt like she was splitting in two. Like a part of her was going to trot out the door with him. He kissed her again and she tried not to cling. But God, it was hard.

He stared at her as he headed toward the door, stopped suddenly then walked back to her. The intensity in his gaze as he looked down at her made her breath catch.

“Fly out to Tulsa next weekend.”

“What?” she asked, her stomach doing a nervous flip-flop.

“I know, it’s nuts.” He pulled off his hat and raked a hand through his damp hair before shoving it back on. “Do it anyway. Tell me you will.”

He was serious. He wanted her to come to him and she found herself nodding.

“Yes. I-I don’t know if I can next weekend, but I will.”

“Soon then?”

“Yes. Soon.”

He leaned down to kiss her firmly one more time. This time he had that sexy half-smile on his face as he walked out the door.

Becca stared at the shut door, her hands fisting in the sheets. She must be out of her mind. Why had she just agreed to fly to him?


Ashlynn Pearce

Because you already miss him

She swallowed hard. Oh, God, she did. Biting her lip, she stared at the mess of the room. Most of the blankets were on the floor and only one pillow was on the bed.

Wrapping the sheet around her and tucking it under her arms she got up and padded towards the sliding glass door. Every muscle in her body ached deliciously as she opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony where just hours ago she had screamed his name. She curled up in the same chair where he had held her. The sun slowly rose, a bright orange ball reflecting off the deep blue of the ocean.

Muscles weren’t the only thing that ached. Somewhere inside she felt a loss. She wanted him with her to watch the sunrise. How had he made such an impact in such a short amount of time? How could she feel like she was missing something important when they hadn’t even shared one full day together?

Resting her chin on her knees, the light breeze tugging at her tangled hair, she knew exactly why. Because she knew him. Even before meeting him in person, she knew him.

All that time they spent in chat…

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