Rough Edges (12 page)

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Authors: Ashlynn Pearce

BOOK: Rough Edges
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When his lips lightly brushed her neck in a purely devotional fashion, she melted into him and his arms tightened.

Shocked, her heart skipped a beat as he clung to her. He might be bigger and he might be holding her up, but he clung to her. The thought was devastating to her senses. She’d never felt so needed in her life.

He lifted his head and gone was the cold, angry look, replaced with hot possessiveness. His hands cupped her face, his thumbs tracing lightly across her cheeks making her forget to breathe. His head slowly lowered as though giving her time to change her mind. But she was rooted to the floor as his lips delicately touched hers—

just a faint brush across hers, so unlike him and the hunger that burned in his gaze.

Almost reverent. He pulled back and the loss of contact brought a whimper of protest from her.

His body jerked immediately and his lips were hard on hers as she pulled him closer. It was explosive. The heat of their bodies meshed together as they stumbled back against the wall. His hands cupped her ass and molded her hips to his as he slid her up the wall. His arousal pressed against her core, the muscles in his shoulders tight under her hands. He groaned against her lips and slid open-mouthed kisses along her throat.


Ashlynn Pearce

She arched, crossing her ankles behind his back. Wanting closer. Needing closer.

The fire he started in her consuming every thought.

“Hell, Bec. I swore I wouldn’t do this,” he muttered, his breath hot on her neck.

“What?” she asked in between pants.

Still holding her pinned body to the wall, he stared into her face. “Pounce on you like an animal.”

She slipped her hand into his dark hair that brushed against his neck and smiled. “I don’t mind.”

That seemed to be all the encouragement he needed. His mouth landed hard on hers, demanding she respond. A thrill shot through her at how little it took to make him lose control. His hands tugged and pulled, dropping clothes on the floor around them as they stumbled down the hall and made their way toward a bedroom. She slid her hands over his bare chest and nipped at his shoulder as they fell onto the bed.

Light spilled in through the window but she didn’t care, because his mouth was on her nipple. Biting and teasing her until she writhed beneath him.

“God, Jake. Please,” she begged, her hunger for him almost painful.

“Christ, Bec. You drive me insane,” he growled, his breath hot on her skin.

It had only been a week since she had seen him, touched him. But it felt like an eternity. She moaned his name when his fingers slid into her. “I can’t wait. Now,” she panted. Burning need built into an inferno and she wanted him.

She heard a drawer bang open and looked up to see him frantically tear open a condom package with his teeth. In spite of the heat of the moment, she couldn’t repress a giggle. That’s when he smiled at her for the first time since she arrived.

He rolled on the condom. “Laugh at me will you? It’s not my fault you make me crazy.”

Then he pierced her wet heat with his cock and his gaze locked with hers. He moved slow, filling her then pulling back out, then filling her again. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from his face—so intent, his jaw locked tight, his nostrils flaring as though it took everything he had to maintain control.

Unlike the first time they were together, she could see him clearly with the sun streaking in through the blinds—the black tribal tattoo that covered the left side of his shoulder and down his arm, the flecks of yellow that made his eyes that incredible blue-green color, the way the muscles in his shoulders bunched and flexed with each thrust.

He leaned down and kissed the corner of her lips and it sent her heart fluttering.

“Jake.” Her voice was nothing but a whisper as reality crashed hard.

She was falling for him.


Rough Edges

Chapter Seven

His name from her lips sent Jake straight over the edge. All control lost, he drove deep and hard, her small body beneath him taking all he had and still she arched for more. Her hands gripped his bedcovers as he lifted her hips for each thrust. He couldn’t stop. Couldn’t slow down. Need for her consumed him and it shattered all reason.

Sliding out, he turned her over and pulled her up to her knees, thrust in and groaned at the depth he gained in this position.

She cried out and pushed her hips back and he reveled in all she gave him. So tight, she clenched around him. He watched his cock slide into her wetness, her little ass quiver with each thrust. Sliding one hand up her spine he gripped her hair that fanned down her back.

“Ooo, I’m coming,” she screamed.

One, two, three and he exploded. Sweat ran down his back and he shook all over while she spasmed around him. Swallowing hard, he pulled back, slipped the condom off and tossed it into a nearby trashcan. Falling sideways, he brought her with him, spooning around her slight form.

She turned and tucked her face against his chest, her damp body pressing against his. She smelled of mangos and when he opened his eyes, he realized in shock where they were.

In his bed.

A place no woman had ever lain.

Panic threatened to seize him. He didn’t know how to deal with the things she made him feel. He had no idea how she had wormed her way under his skin. But he wasn’t ready to analyze any of it. When she nuzzled against his neck and kissed his skin, he glanced down. He brushed his hand across her cheek and into the silkiness of her hair and she smiled at him.

“Mmm, now that was a hello,” she all but purred.

“Glad you approve,” he replied. God, he was glad she was here. More than she realized and more than he would ever admit to anyone. He tightened his arms around her and kissed her forehead. This tiny woman had him tied up into knots. “Sorry I couldn’t be at the airport.”

“No problem. Tony said you had some trouble. Are you okay?” she asked as she leaned up and looked down at him, concern marking her features.

He had the sudden urge to tell her everything. Looking up into those big whiskey-colored eyes he licked his lips and said, “My mom took my dad back. And stupid as it was, I tried to convince her not to.”


Ashlynn Pearce

“But he beat her. Why in the world would she take him back?”

“Yeah. He did. And worse. But she always blamed me for his rages.” He shrugged and glanced away from her. “I guess she thinks since I’m gone, he’ll be better. Maybe he will.”

Feeling like a moron for telling her his shit, he got up to walk to the door to find his shorts.

“Oh my God, Jake. What happened to you?”

He turned just in time to see her slight form moving toward him, her gaze directed to his right lower back. She moved gracefully, the light gliding over her curves and highlighting her olive skin. It made him blink as he tried to remember what she said.

Then her hand grazed a sore spot on his back.

“Oh, that. It’s nothing,” he said.

“Nothing! It’s more than nothing. It looks horrible.” She grabbed his arm and frowned as she looked up at him. “What happened, Jake?”

Staring down into her face, he didn’t want to lie even though he didn’t want to tell her how ugly the encounter with his parents had gotten. He raked a hand through his hair. “My old man was there and decided I needed to be taught a lesson. But I’m fine.”

Her eyes widened and she put a hand to her mouth in obvious outrage. “He did this to you? Why? How?”

“Becca, seriously. It doesn’t matter.” And it didn’t. Hell, he had suffered worse at their hands.

“Yes, it does matter! What did he hit you with?” He reached out to touch her face and she frowned at him. “Don’t even try to get out of this, tell me what happened.”

He felt utterly ridiculous standing there in the nude talking to one of the most beautiful women he had ever known, who was also naked, about his shit life. He was already tainting her. He dropped his hand and clenched his fist. “Why don’t we get dressed and then I’ll tell you.”

As though she just realized she was butt-ass naked, she looked at herself then him.

A blush spread over her chest and up her cheeks. “I, uh…yeah. Good idea.”

“Although,” he started toward her, eyeing her nipples, which hardened under his scrutiny. He couldn’t help but grin at her when she held up her hand and backed up.

“Don’t even think about it. You are talking, mister.”

He reached out and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her against his body. Her tiny gasp and whimper when he cupped her ass made him think otherwise. “Are you sure?” he asked, his lips near her ear.

“Jake Korte, stop.”

She surprised him by pushing him back a step. She wanted him. He knew it in the way she glanced up his body and licked her lips. It sent a shot of heat to his groin. “I can think of better things to do besides talking.”


Rough Edges

Jerking her gaze back to his face she pointed to the door. “Get dressed.”

“Okay, okay. You win.”

It took them several minutes to locate all their clothes. He couldn’t help but enjoy the view of her sliding on her pink panties and walking around his house trying to find her bra. He found her shorts and thought about holding them ransom, but she would probably just find something else in her suitcase to wear. He wondered if there was any way he was going to get out of talking to her. He doubted it, because her brows furrowed every time she glanced at him.

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed two beers. One for her and one for him.

And if she didn’t want it, then two for him. He sat at the small square table in the kitchen. She sat across from him, an expectant look on her face. She was gorgeous, with her bare feet tucked under her and her hair a mess.

“Now. Tell me what happened.”

He popped the top on the beers and slid her one. She grabbed it, took a sip and stared at him.

“It’s no big deal. Just same shit, different day.”

“Don’t blow me off. I know more than most. You have nothing to hide from me.”

Damn. She was right. And more than most? Hell, she knew more than anyone.

Swallowing the cold familiar taste of his beer, he looked at the floor. “My mom called, told me the news that she was getting back with my old man. I argued with her. Then, like a dumbass, I went over there thinking I could change her mind. But what I didn’t know was my old man was there. I hadn’t seen the fucker in eight years.” The man hadn’t looked much different. But one thing was for sure, the old man still hated his guts.

“Wow. Was he in prison that long?”

“Naw. I think he’d been there about three years. A felony. Probably drugs or something. I don’t know. Don’t care.” He took a swig of his beer and wished Bec would just let it go. He felt like he was contaminating her with his filth. She didn’t deserve this shit.

“Why did he hit you?”

He looked up at her face, concern and caring marking her features. She was so pure.

Did he really want her to know it all?

“No. Don’t. Don’t you close up on me.” She slid out of her chair and kneeled between his legs and gripped his hand. “Jake. I know you don’t want to tell me. But that’s why you have to. You can’t keep it inside. It will tear you apart. It’s no different than when we chatted. It’s still me.”

How could she see through him so easily? He took a deep breath. “It’s different.

You’re real,” he said quietly.

“But I’m still me. Don’t shut me out.”


Ashlynn Pearce

Why the hell had he said anything? He could have refused to tell her. But that was just it. It was like he couldn’t refuse her. Any request she made narrowed right to his gut and twisted him up. But what good would it do to tell her? It would hurt her. And he damn sure didn’t want her hurt. But wasn’t it a little late for that? She was in his house, in
bed, not the guest bed, and she was staying for the weekend. Eventually, he would hurt her. Was just a matter of time.

Resigned to the fact that shit would eventually fly, he sighed and said, “He wanted to teach me a lesson. When I walked outside, he came after me with a board and hit me in the back. I broke his nose. My mother ran to him. Cussed me and threatened to call the cops. He was laughing when I got in my truck and left.”

He could still hear his old man’s cackle. How many times? How many times had he laughed while beating the shit out of snot-nose Jake? He blinked and ran a hand over his face.

Then all he could smell was Becca as she stood and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her heart beat beneath his ear and he tightened his hold on her waist. He was lost in the feel of her. She didn’t say anything, just ran her fingers through his hair and kissed the top of his head. Almost like she accepted him. Scars and all. And although it was wrong, he took what she gave knowing that things would go to shit before too much longer.

But for this moment, he could pretend that he was okay.

That he wasn’t just like his old man.

Becca’s heart broke for him. Yeah, he had told her a lot of things online, but in person it was different. She could see the torment on his face, the pain he tried to blow off. How could his own parents do that to him? She couldn’t even begin to understand.

Her dad had been overprotective to the point she felt suffocated. But she never once questioned his love for her. Jake didn’t even have that.

She struggled to hold back the tears knowing he would hate it if she cried because of him. But he clung to her, just like he had earlier. And her heart swelled. She was falling hard and fast and there wasn’t anything she could do about it.

When his cell phone started ringing, the song
Down in a Hole
by Alice in Chains played.

He squeezed her one more time, then stood and answered it. Sitting in the chair he just left, she stared at him. She couldn’t help it. He was turned away from her and all he had on was his shorts. The jagged tribal tattoo licked up toward his neck and slithered down his back to his waist. It would curve one way into a sharp point and then repeat in a random pattern in the other direction. It seemed to follow and highlight the muscles of his back. Whoever did it was good. It wasn’t just a piece of art slapped on him, it was designed for him.

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