Romeo and Juliet: A Vampire and Werewolf Love Story (11 page)

BOOK: Romeo and Juliet: A Vampire and Werewolf Love Story
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I grabbed a taxi and had the taxi driver follow the limousines. I had gotten paid the day before, and I didn’t care about money at this point. I needed to see where she lived.

I followed the caravan of limousines to the Upper East Side. About twenty years ago, whole sections were completely remodeled and a beautiful custom home community was put in
This was no doubt where the Capulets lived. I paid the taxi driver at the front gate because I knew he wouldn’t be let into the community without clearance.

I turned into my werewolf form and scaled the wall and climbed over the very tall gate. I landed on the other side and saw the limousines clumped up at the gate, trying to get onto the community. I ran over to the last limousine, the one in which I knew Juliet was riding. I quickly
slid to the side of the limousine. My white
and gray
coat blended in with the limousine color scheme.
I held on as the limousine made a right at the first street and prepared to park in a driveway.

I jumped off the limousine before anyone could
see me.
I hid behind a bush and watc
hed as they entered a large black house.
The house was huge
I watched as Juliet exited her limousine and made her way
to the house. Servants opened the door and
greeted them like trained seal
s. Althou
gh my stomach turned by the e
litism in the air, nothing could distract the yearning I had for the woman
up her walkway to the front of her luxurious house.

I decid
ed to turn back into my human form so that I was a smaller frame and would be less likely to be spotted out here.
I watched through the windows as I followed her walk through her house.
r room was on the top floor of four-
story house. She had a terrace that swung out from her room. It was the only one on the east side of the house. It actually was a good thing
it w
make it easier for me to scale the wall to talk to her. Talk to her? What was I doing? I wasn

t thinking clearl

I hid for about 15 minutes until I could hear the house
’s residence
down for the night
. Once I felt that was safe
I turned from human to wolf and
I sca
led the wall
. I got to the bottom of the balcony
and stood still. S
omething dawned on me.
How was I just going to appear to her? What if she
when she saw
to the point she s
creamed and woke up the whole house?
I couldn

t just pop
on her balcony out of nowhere. I think I

d give her a heart attack
if I did

So I waited. I waited and waited
trying to think of a practical way to get her attention without risking her being so shocked that she wouldn

t forgive me.

Five minutes become ten minutes. Ten minutes be
20 minutes. And just when I was about to hit the 40
minute mark, I decided it was too much of a
risk and I need
to think of another idea.

As I
was getting ready to leap down, I heard the back
door open onto the balcony. Then I heard
someone walk through the door
Feminine footsteps.
I was directly under the
balcony, facing the moon. Someone
was right above me
also staring at the moon.

“What a beautiful moon!”
It was a woman’s voice. I was certain it was Juliet’s voice. Then the woman
loud enough for me to hear, and I was absolutely certain it was Juliet. Then Juliet
said something that nearly made me fall off the side of the house. She said, “Romeo, Romeo, where are you on this night?”

And without thinking
I turned
from wolf to human
and answered her from under the balcony.

I am here!
” I called out, holding onto the beam just underneath the balcony with both my hands.

Juliet yelped.
“Who’s there?”


t be afraid,” I said.
I was having a hard time hanging on, so I turned back to wolf and tried to get a better grip.

“Romeo, is that you?”

I couldn’t answer because I was still a werewolf. So I turned to human and gripped the beam again and said, “Yes, it is I. Romeo.” As I said my name, my right hand slipped and I was hanging by one arm. I quickly turned back to werewolf to get my balance.

“What is going on down there?”

Again I couldn’t answer because I was a friggin’ werewolf at that moment. The timing of our conversation was a comedy of errors. I tried my hardest to get a strong hold until I was confident that I could turn back to human without falling on my head. “I’m sorry. I’m having issues.”

“Are you a ghost? Why haven

t you revealed yourself to me?”

“I am afraid to frighten you,

I said hanging [ saspan>

“You will not frighten me.”

I might. You see,
Juliet, I will need to turn to my werewolf form to be able to swing across. I don

t want to startle you.”

“You will not
startle me. I have never seen one up close, but I am sure you will not startle me.”


s all I needed to hear. I turned to my wolf form and climbed across and hopped onto the balcony.

“Please stay as you are,
” Juliet said.
“Don’t turn back yet. I want to look at you. I want to touch you

I did what I was told
stayed as I was
, a
foot tall werewolf that walk
on all fours. My eyes
were as yellow as daisies and I had an epic snout. And teeth. Large teeth.

Juliet looked me in the eyes
. S
he was apprehensive to get too close, but she trusted me more as I stood still and looked at her calmly.

I know the appearance of a werewolf is astoundi
ng to those who are not werewolves themselves. It can be quite scary if the
any kind of aggressive movements. My dad used to scare me to death when I was a kid. I could never tell when he was angry
because he always looked formidable

Juliet stared at my face with her big, brown eyes. She was looking deep into them. She paused, and then said, “I can see you. I can see the same person in you as this beast as I do when I see you as a man.”

t was now comfortable she came
down to be at eye level with me. Then she did something pretty bold. She reached out with both of her hands and touched my face. She rubbed her fingers along my snout. Then she to
ok it even further with her brav
. She rub
her fingertips
along my teeth
feeling each one individually.
Her hands smelled delicious, of rich food and delicate floral perfume. I licked her fingertips and she laughed softly. She even tasted delicious.
I op [izeicate florened my mouth slowly, so she could experience whatever fascination she had with my wolf form.
She seemed to be most interested in my mouth. I’m sure she was testing me, to see if I would try to gobble her up like Red Riding Hood. The thought amused me and I let my long pink tongue unroll and slurped it across her arm in a friendly way, to her delight. Ah, she was delectable!

“Will you now turn back
” she asked.
I took a couple steps back and I
turned into my human form. As I did
I fell forward from the angle I was sitting as the werewolf. I stumbled into Juliet and she held me up.
Our face
were once again inches apart. I leaned in and slowly kissed her lips.

“You found me?” she said, both surprised and pleas

“It wa

t that hard. I
took a taxi and followed you and once in the gate, I
was incognito.”

“How so?”

“I hung on the side of your limousine in stealth mode. Mostly white fur on a white limo

“That is very impressive,” Juliet smiled at me and my heart melted.
I kept staring at her. “Why do you keep doing that?
” Juliet asked.

“I have never seen anyone so beautifu
l. I am overwhelmed by the magnitude of your beauty, and that’s the truth. It’s not a line. It is exactly how I think and I promise you this is the first time I have ever said it to anyone.

“Okay, then. I believe you. You think I’m beautiful.” Then Juliet held her breath and quiet
ly whispered
in my ear, “Good answer. That was p
robably the best answer I could have heard.

Do y
ou know you

” I said.

“Am I?” s
he asked.

“Of course you are.”

I don

t know.”
She was being honest. I couldn’t believe someone this beautiful could feel insecure, but it was apparent that she did.
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