Authors: Mallory Monroe

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about me, I’d say bring it on, Hamp. This mayor’s office is one office you cannot buy.

You’re going to have to earn it. And you’re going to have to go through me first to get there.”

Then he paused. “But it’s not all about me. It’s about the woman I love. That’s what it will

always be about for me. Politics can be a dirty game. Hamilton Morgan just made it even

dirtier. My wife, my soon-to-be wife, is too good for this. I won’t allow anyone to drag her

good name through the mud so that I can win an election. Never.” He held Liz’s hand

tighter. “Effective at the end of this week, I will resign my position as mayor of this great


And Jason, with Liz by his side, left the room just as the press erupted.


Late that same evening, Jason and Liz felt as if a load had been lifted. They were in the

backyard at Jason’s home, grilling steaks and potatoes and playing cards on the patio table.

They felt free and didn’t care if the entire city thought they were mad. Wasn’t going to answer

any of Hamp’s allegations? How could he take a hit like this and not at least give a

counterpoint? That was the talk around town, and among Jason’s own staff. But he made it

clear. “Everybody doesn’t handle situations the same way, Carl,” he had told his campaign

manager. “Maybe you would handle this differently, fine. But you aren’t me, and I will

handle it the way I see fit. This is the way I see fit.”

And Jason meant it. He, in fact, had instructed his staff to stay clear of him. They’d meet

tomorrow and discuss the future then. But tonight, he made clear, belonged to Liz.

And the evening went along with a soft, melodic feel to it. And by the time the sun was

going down in the wind-blown trees across the lake, Jason and Liz found themselves on the

patio lounger, filled to the brim with steak and potatoes, and hugged together in a closeness that

even a fly couldn’t penetrate. The peacefulness, the inner joy, the serenity of finally accepting

their fate, their love, enraptured them.

That was why, when the doorbell chimed, or when the phone began to ring, they ignored it

all. This was their moment, they felt, and they didn’t want to share it with the outside world.

At first it seemed like a fool’s strategy, as whoever was trying to get in touch with them would

not let up. But soon their strategy worked and the quietness returned. And not long after Liz

fell asleep in Jason’s arms.

For hours he just sat there, watching her, running his fingers through her soft, short hair,

caressing her arms, her neck, her face. And there was no-one on the face of this earth that he

wanted to spend the rest of his life with, than Elizabeth.


The next morning, after he had carried her to bed and they had slept the sleep of the truly tired

for hours, they woke up still in each other’s arms. And although Liz wasn’t feeling the lust bug

when they awoke, Jason was.

“Not again, Jason,” she said playfully, although she meant it too. “I’ve got a headache.”

He was ready to headache her, but she was saved by the ring. The telephone ring.

“You’ve got to get it this time,” she said. “One night of silence is all you get these days.”

Jason smiled, swatted her on her bare butt, causing her to feign pain, and answered it.


“Turn on the TV, Jace.” It was Dexter.

“What’s up, Dex?”

“Turn on the TV. Now.”

“Who is it?” Liz asked, lifting up on her elbows.

“It’s Dex,” Jason said to Liz as he reached for the remote on the nightstand, knocking over

an empty glass.

“Is it on, man?” Dex asked through the phone. “This is vital. Jace?”

“I heard you. What channel?” Jason said this as he finally managed to click on the TV.


And there was Hamp Morgan, in handcuffs, taking a perp walk to a police car in front of

Big D’s.

Liz sat up in bed when she saw it, totally oblivious to her nakedness, astounded by the

sight of the man she had for so many years thought was her father. “What’s happening?” she

asked Jason.

“As you can see,” Dexter said into the phone, “Our Mr. Morgan has been arrested.”

“What’s the charge?” Jason wanted to know.

“You aren’t going to believe this one.”

“What’s he done?” Liz asked Jason, her eyes unable to move from the television screen.

“What is it, Dex?”

“He has been identified as a drug kingpin,” Dexter said.

Jason couldn’t believe it. He looked at Liz.

“What?” she asked him.

“Hamp’s a drug kingpin.”

Liz frowned. “Drugs? Are you serious? Put Dex on speaker.”

Jason did.

“Oh, he’s a major player, Jace,” Dexter went on. “The Feds have been on to him for

years, apparently. As far back as three years Hamp’s been selling. The Feds involved in this

shit here. This ain’t no local twos and fews. Hamp is federally fucked.”

“But he wasn’t selling drugs when you knew him,” Liz said to Jason. Then grew terrified.

“Was he?”

“Of course not, babe, come on.”

“Nall, he’s clear, Miss Morgan,” Dexter said on the speakerphone. “We already checked

that angle. Even the Feds said he started a few years back, when he met up with some

unsavory characters at the Big D. He was legit before then, even the Feds admit it. But the

irony of it, Jace,” Dexter continued. “He accuses Miss Morgan of doing exactly what he

himself has been doing. Of which, by the by, law enforcement is holding a press conference

later today to discuss. They will announce that those so-called Philly informants that signed

affidavits attesting to Miss Morgan’s involvement in her husband’s illegal trade, were drug

dealers, all right. But they all worked for Hamp!”

Jason could only shake his head. “My how the mighty have fallen,” he said, watching as

the newscast re-looped over and over Hamp’s perp walk, the stash of cash and drugs they

found at Big D’s, the fancy house and cars in front of Hamp’s house. Once upon a time Jason

idolized that man. The idea of him selling drugs was unfathomable. He really was a good guy,

or so he thought. Now, after how badly he had hurt Liz, Jason could barely stand the sight of


Yet the best news in all of this, Jason thought, was the fact that this precious woman

beside him was no kin whatsoever to that hypocrite on the television screen.

“Carl is on his way over,” Dexter said on the phone, “to see where do we go from here.”

“Later,” Jason said and clicked off the phone.

Liz looked at him. “You know what you’ve got to do, right?”

Jason looked at her. He had a pretty good idea. “What?”

“Rescind your resignation, that’s what.”

Jason thought about this, and then he smiled. “I’ll rescind that resignation,” he said,

grabbing her and sliding her back down beside him, “when you rescind that headache.”

Liz laughed a laugh cut short only by Jason’s uncompromising kiss.


Six years later

The elevator dinged open and Jason rushed off and began running down the hall. Dexter was

with him, and although he had once been a professional athlete, even he couldn’t keep up.

Ever since the hospital had phoned, he’d been chasing his boss from the office, to the car, to

the hospital, and now to her hospital room. By the time Dexter arrived at that room, Jason

was already there, by her side.

“You okay?” he was asking her as she lay there, his heart pounding through his chest.

“Yes,” Liz said, managing a weak but warm smile. “I’m okay.”

Jason kissed her forehead, the gratitude in his eyes comforting her. It was only then, when

he saw that comfort in her eyes, was he able to look away from her and at the little one she

held in her arms.

“Oh my,” Jason said, staring at his newborn son. “He’s so precious.”

“He looks just like you, Jace,” Dexter said. “Just like you. With a little hint of color, of


Jason and Liz laughed, although Jason continued to stare at his son.

“You can hold him,” Liz said, offering the little one up to his nervous father. Jason took

him in his arms as if he were holding the most fragile of cargo.

“Thank you, Lord, for this precious son,” he said, tears in his eyes.

Dexter, touched by his boss’s tenderness, smiled. “What’s his name?” he asked him


“Jason Patrick Rascone, Junior,” Jason said proudly. “My son.” Then he looked at Liz.

“A magnificent gift from my equally precious wife.”

“Oh, yes,” Dexter said. “He’s beautiful, Mrs. Rascone.”

“Thank-you, Dex,” Liz said, Jason’s tears causing hers to shed.

“This will be a simple enough press release,” Dexter said. “Try this on for size, boss: ‘The

Honorable Jason Rascone, newly elected Governor of the great state of Florida, and Elizabeth

Rascone, his wife, are pleased to announce the arrival of their beautiful, bouncing baby boy,

Jason Patrick Rascone, Junior, on this brilliant day of our Lord.”

Liz looked at Dexter and nodded her head. “It’s perfect, Dex. That’ll do just fine.” Then

she looked at Jason. “Won’t it, honey?”

Jason nodded too. “Yes,” he said, looking lovingly from his wife to his son and back to

his wife. “This will do just fine. This will do perfectly.”

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