Romance: One Night With A Billionaire (6 page)

BOOK: Romance: One Night With A Billionaire
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Chapter 15

















Bella returned to the shop minutes after Owen had left.

Letting her in, Julia could hardly contain her excitement.

“How did you get on?”” she asked Bella breathily, wanting to get the preliminaries out of the way.

Bella frowned. “I had my ears syringed. How do you think it went? I was hardly having a life-saving operation.”

Julia laughed, “Guess who was in here not five minutes ago?”

Bella sighed. “Paul McCartney.”

Julia pushed her. “Stop being facetious.”

Bella sat down. “Owen?”

Julia nodded. “He left you this.”

Triumphantly, Julia handed Bella the business card.

Bella took it from her and turned it over.

She looked at it for a few long seconds.

“Well, he needn’t have bothered because I am not meeting him again.”

Julia sighed, “What do you mean you are not meeting him again. Are you mad?”

“I just don’t want to do it.”

“He is gorgeous, he is obviously rich judging by the business card and you are not going to meet him again? Why? Go on, one good reason why?”


“If you are going to start spouting all that guilty feeling like a slut shit, I am going to start losing my temper. He is gorgeous, Bella. He is a hundred zillion times better than Gerard and you stuck it out with that dick for years. I don’t understand you at all.”

Bella suddenly felt herself explode, “I don’t want to see him again Julia and that’s that. If you didn’t keep pressurizing me I might feel different. As for Gerard being a dick, you could have told me all those years ago and saved me the heartache.”

Storming to the bin that sat at the side of the counter, Bella lifted the lid off and threw the business card in before slamming the lid back down. “I don’t want to hear another word about Owen or his business card or his hotel plans.”

Bella stormed out of the shop and slammed the door behind her.

Julia stood stunned for a moment before lifting the lid on the bed she reached inside and pulled out the business card and put it in her shirt pocket.






Once back at the office, Owen rang the Lotus Hotel and hoped and prayed that they had a room.

They did and this time he didn’t book the penthouse suite.

He wanted something nice but nothing too flashy.

He didn’t know what Bella liked and according to Penelope some women didn’t like flash.

Twice he went to ring the florist he always used for business conventions and twice he put the phone down. 

He decided against the flowers in the end and rang the hotel back and asked them if it would be possible for them to keep the spa open with its staff if he paid them handsomely. Of course, it wasn’t a problem and as Owen put the phone down, he smiled to himself.

He had this in the bag; he could feel it in his bones.

That afternoon, once he had made all the relevant plans in place Owen found that he could concentrate again and only a particularly nasty email from Priscilla had threatened to spoil his upbeat mood.

Instead, he forced himself to allow it.

He just pressed the delete button and it disappeared right before his eyes.

As far as he was concerned Priscilla had been deleted and now he could look forward to having fun for the first time in ages.






That evening, things were really cool in Julia’s apartment.

Neither she nor Bella had spoken since the incident at the coffee shop.

Whenever Julia asked Bella a question, she just got a yes or no answer, so in the end she’d given up and gone to bed to read Fifty Shades of Grey for the third time.

Bella decided to go to bed too when she realized that she was sitting alone and she wasn’t even watching the TV; she was just staring at it.

Slipping off her clothes she pulled on her pajamas and applied some night cream before getting in bed and switching out the light.

But again, sleep eluded her.

She now felt guilty about shouting at Julia.

Maybe Julia was right, maybe it was time for Bella to shed off her old skin and just go for it.

Have fun and also Julia had of course been right about Owen.

He was gorgeous.

Many moons ago, she would never have dreamt of someone so gorgeous being interested in little old boring Bella.

Bella thought back to Julia’s comments on Gerard.

Had he really been such a dick?

Despite herself, Bella found herself laughing as she turned on her side and curled up in the fetal position.

Well, she’d fucked up big time because even if she wanted to see Owen, she’d thrown that business card away.

Unless she could get to the bin the next morning before Julia took it outside to empty it… and that’s exactly what she decided she would do.

She should easily be able to quickly retrieve it and with that small consolation, Bella closed her eyes and finally fell asleep.





Chapter 16















The next morning, Bella couldn’t wait to get to the coffee shop.

However, once inside Julia was buzzing around in the front making it impossible for Bella to check the bin.

Finally, Julia had decided to nip to the shop to get some supplies and Bella was left alone. 

Julia went out the back way and said she wouldn’t be long.

The minute she had gone, Bella rushed to the bin and took off the lid.

But there had been other pieces of rubbish put in since she’d thrown the card in.

Julia had obviously had a disagreement with a cash register roll and she had also flung in ripped up takeaway menus that no longer applied.

Reaching down, Bella felt herself start to panic.

She was never going to be able to find the business card in all this mess.

“What are you doing?” Julia’s voice behind her made her jump out of her skin.

“Don’t do that—you nearly gave me a heart attack, my heart is banging like mad in my chest now.”

Julia folded her arms, “What are you doing in the bin?”

Bella felt herself blush and was lost for words.

She watched as Julia reached into the pocket of her apron and pulled out the business card, holding it up in her two fingers. “You weren’t looking for this, were you?”

Bella grinned at her and took it from her friend, “Julia you are a gem, you really are.”

“So you have decided to meet him after all. You go, girl, what made you change your mind.”

Bella put her arms around her friend. “You did. You were right about everything; I was just being stupid. I was hanging on to the past but here now, like you said, I have a new life so why shouldn’t I make the most of it?”

Julia patted her on the back, “That’s the spirit girl. His mobile numbers on there, text him.”

“What? Now?”

Julia nodded. “No time like the present and we are opening in five minutes and you won’t get a chance again until later this afternoon so go on, make his day.”






Owen received Bella’s text confirming that she would meet him that evening at the Lotus and he hadn’t stopped smiling all day.

After a hectic shift at the shop, Bella had gone home and jumped into the bath to soothe her aching legs and get ready to meet Owen again.

As she pushed the bubbles around the bath, Bella felt her pussy stir at the thought of Owen’s cock.

She had to admit he had a nice cock.

She had really enjoyed sucking it, too.

Then she closed her eyes and imagined what they were going to do that evening.

Bella had always had a fantasy about fucking someone in the bath, swimming pool, or in the sea.

There was something about the idea that made Bella feel really hot.

She wondered if she had the nerve to suggest it to Owen this evening.

There was bound to be a swimming pool at the hotel.

Bella dipped her head under the water in the bath and washed the shampoo out of her hair. She decided that she would have a couple of glasses of wine as she got ready.

As she dried her hair, Bella couldn’t help but think how horny it was to be getting ready when in essence she was getting ready to be fucked.

However, she was feeling brazen and more confident than she had in ages.

She was determined to enjoy every minute of her evening.





Chapter 17
















Bella arrived for her and Owen’s second tryst on time.

Owen escorted her into the hotel and after checking in, he took her through to a private dining room.

A waiter led them to their table that was laid out with cutlery and two menus. At the side of the table was a bucket of champagne.

Sitting down, Bella looked around, “Why is there no one else here?”

Owen poured her a glass of champagne. “I hired a private dining room and also all the spa facilities.”

Bella’s eyes opened wide. “Really?”

Owen handed her a glass of champagne and clicked his glass against hers before taking a sip. “Yes, really.”

Bella took a drink of champagne and felt the bubbles pop in her mouth.

“I was thinking of ways to make tonight special - sexy and erotic and that’s what I came up with.”

Bella smiled. “Well, you have done good.”

“Thank you, now we can relax and get to know each other.

The meal was exquisite, a five-course affair of delicacies around the world and Bella found that Owens company was lively and entertaining.

“Right Bella, a question for you,” Owen said as he finished his dessert and wiped his mouth with his napkin. “What is your greatest fantasy? I think we should share our fantasies and then we could kind of make them all come true.”

Bella blushed slightly as the image of her being fucked in a swimming pool came into her mind.

Could she divulge that to Owen though?

Suddenly she felt self-conscious and drank her glass of champagne down in one gulp.

“Umm, I don’t know I have this thing about water. It’s horny don’t you think?”’ Bella asked.

Owen nodded and looked at her so intently and it made Bella wonder if Owen could read her mind and see right through to her soul.

  “Go on. Tell me more,” he encouraged.

Bella suddenly felt all brazen and thought back to Julia encouraging her to be a new person.

How she could at any moment reinvent herself from an Alabama kitten and become an NYC chick?

“I like the way that soap suds look on a guy’s body, well on mine as well. The thought of being in a shower or maybe standing under a waterfall.” Bella shrugged. “Or the way the sea has its foamy surf. Foam makes me think of come.” The last words were out of Bella’s mouth before she could stop them.

“Horny scenario,” Owen conceded. “My turn; I want dirty sex. I think it’s because I am so OCD about hygiene in everyday life, but I love the idea of pushing someone, well you actually, up against a wall in a filthy alley. Where the pipes are broken and I push you against a moss sodden wall and well, rape you. Pull up your skirt and fuck you very quickly.”

Bella smiled. “My fantasy is as clean as can be in the shower and you want it dirty?”

Owen motioned to the waiter who had been stood on tap for the past hour. “Another bottle of champagne, please.”

Bella watched as Owen created a pyramid with his fingers. He placed his elbows on the table and looked at her intently, “One more drink… then I think we need to freshen up.”





Bella felt all heady as she walked along the hotel corridor, its plush carpet bouncing beneath her shoes.

She watched as Owen slid his card into the slot in the hotel room door. 

He stepped aside and Bella felt a frisson of delight sweep through her.

Once in the room, Owen pressed her against the hotel door.

His cock was rock hard and Bella gasped as he grazed her mouth with his teeth and pulled her hair so her head was turned to the side and her neck was exposed to him.

She felt Owen’s lips on her neck a mixture of sucking and nibbling and Bella felt like she was going to drown as she gasped.

“Come on, let’s live your fantasy first.” Owen murmured in her ear.

His hot breath was causing the hairs to rise on Bella’s arms.


Owen took hold of her hand and led her to the bathroom. The tile design in the bathroom caused Bella’s eyes to squint as Owen leaned in and turned on the power shower.

Smoothly he took off her dress and picked Bella up, placing her into the shower leaving her underwear intact.

Bella watched as he got undressed and stepped in beside her.

Taking a sponge from the side, he lathered it with shower gel and rubbed it over her black knickers, the suds creating the perfect comparison between black and white.

As Bella felt Owen's hands rub the sponge against her pussy, she gasped.

She felt his fingers move her pants to the side as he pulled her up and in one swift moment, she felt his cock slide inside her.

She grabbed his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist.

She felt him pumping his hard cock inside her and she really felt she had died and gone to heaven, wherever that was.

Bella found herself rocking against him until he shouted for her to stop.

“You need to stop…” he murmured as the showers needles dribbled over their bodies. “I was almost on a nine then.”

The water from the shower swept into Bella’s mouth and she was rendered speechless for a minute as she bounced on Owen’s hard cock.

“What do you mean number nine?” Bella gasped.

“I have a coming scale of one to ten and I am ready to shoot.”

Bella felt Owen pull away and take his cock out of her.

He knelt down before her, his head streaming with rivulets of water.

She felt his mouth cupping her pussy and his tongue entering her.

She desperately wanted to feel his cock inside her again, but his tongue work was making her feel so alive all she could do was grip the top of the shower cubicle and push herself against his face and then she felt it, the start of her climax.

Her mind went blank as she came in Owen’s mouth, hard and the fastest orgasm she had ever experienced.

Owen stood up once he knew her orgasm had abated.

He took the sponge and wiped her pussy with it and then gripped her hair and dragged her out of the shower.

Throwing her on the bed, Owen spread her legs and climbed over her and pushed himself inside her.

His cock filling her in a way she could never have imagined.

He bit her neck and told her dirty things. All the things he wanted to do to her.

Bella wrapped her legs around Owen’s smooth hips and pushed his buttocks with her hands, telling him how much she wanted him. She could feel his cock pulsate inside her.

He whispered in her ear, asking her if she wanted his come inside her pussy or in her mouth.

Bella pushed him off her and regaled at how hard he was.

She took him in her mouth and sucked and sucked as if her life depended upon it.

She wanked his cock, her prize being that come in her mouth.

Suddenly, Owen started to rock against her mouth and she took him out as she wanked him and asked him to come really loud.

His groans were spurring her on until she tasted his pre-cum.

Bella felt more liberated than she had ever been.

Turning around, she got on all fours; the hotel bed was wet through.

Owen gripped her hips and pulled her onto him.

She felt him momentarily collapse with desire before he pulled her onto him, driving her pussy like it had never been fucked.

Bella enjoyed the feeling of being filled and bit the pillow, a move that drove Owen crazy as he finally pumped his come inside her.

Bella lay in the crook of Owen's arm and enjoyed the feeling of him running his fingers through her hair.

He kissed her forehead and then moved down her body before sucking the come he had dispelled inside her from her pussy.

Once he was sure he had eaten every last drop, he moved back up the bed, delivering feathery kisses until he reached her mouth.

  “Lick my face and see how beautiful you taste,” he murmured in her ear.

Bella did just that, she licked his face and then kissed him, snaking her tongue into his mouth.

“I think we need to do the dirty stuff you want to do.”

Owen fell at the side of her and grabbed his limp cock. “We will. I promise you we will.”

They lay in silence, each recovering from the intensity of their encounter. Owen sat up and looked at the clock before turning to Bella.

“I think we have another fantasy of yours to fulfill.”

Bella felt Owen’s fingers trace her body and she shivered. “I think it's safe to say you have made all my dreams come true on a sexual level.”

Bella searched Owen’s handsome features and was relieved that he gave her a smile.

“We will. Now I have found you, Bella, I promise I will never let you go.”






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