Romance: One Night With A Billionaire (2 page)

BOOK: Romance: One Night With A Billionaire
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Chapter 2






















Owen Parker's day started pretty much in the way it always did - a short, sharp platinum power shower followed by breakfast of eggs Benedict accompanied with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Owen knew that he cut a formidable figure.

His short black hair crowned his caramel colored features. His piercing green eyes were at odds with his half-caste origin but were also his best feature and he knew it. 

His broad six foot four inch frame was toned to perfection but today, he felt at odds with himself as he shrugged his body into his black Armani suit.

Of course, he knew what had caused his discontent.

As always, it was down to Priscilla.

She was his long-term girlfriend and at times Owen saw her as more of a hindrance than a pleasure. Recently she had started to become really difficult, so difficult, in fact, Owen had completely lost his temper the previous evening and called his chauffeur and then ushered Priscilla into the limousine, ignoring her pleas to just let her stay.

When he had met her, Priscilla had been such fun but for months now she had been banging on about commitments and how he was so non-committal when after three years most women were expecting a proposal along with an engagement ring.

In Priscilla's world, that would have meant a diamond ring the size of a small rock. 

Owen would have loved to be able to meet her demands but unfortunately as he had explained the previous evening, for what felt like the hundredth time, he had enough commitments in his life running his billion dollar social media company and the demands on him had started to grow recently.

He had tried to explain that he didn't have the time to go on holiday, let alone a honeymoon.

Owen looked in the gilt bedroom mirror and adjusted his pink tie before checking his cufflinks felt right. 

Whenever Priscilla had one of her tantrums like she had the previous evening, Owen felt like shit the next day.

He shut off thoughts of Priscilla, although if he started to imagine her nice tight body and firm breasts he knew his cock would harden and then he would be confused and pissed off with her even more.

The New York sun hit Owen clean in the eyes as he stepped out of his prestigious apartment block, nodding to Jonah, the hotels' doorman.

Pulling out his Dolce and Gabanna sunglasses, Owen shielded his eyes from the light.

As his driver pulled up, Owen got into the car, the smell of the plush leather assailing his nostrils.

He'd really arrived now in the world.

His business life was everything he had ever dreamed of and everything he had worked for.

He had more power than he could ever have imagined possessing but as the limousine pulled away from the curb, Owen couldn't ignore the hollow feeling he had inside and he knew what it was, it was loneliness.

Despite having Priscilla and his business there was a gap inside that was gnawing away at him.

His meeting that morning had ran smoother than Owen could have imagined, but by mid-afternoon he still felt restless.

It was custom for his PA Renee to arrange his lunch and that of his fellow businessmen but the repast of fancy sandwiches placed in the middle of the ivory topped boardroom table had left him feeling cold.

Uncharacteristically for him in working hours, he'd decided to escape the confines of his office and ventured outside. 

Before doing so he decided to change out of the restrictions of his suit and swapped it for grey jogging bottom and white t-shirt that he kept at the office just in case he wanted to use the gym facilities at any point.

Walking down the street, he felt himself blending in with the other pedestrians who were rushing here and there like a scurry of ants.

He didn't even know where he was going, but all he knew was he wanted to enjoy the buzz of New York City life that was happening all around him whilst he focused on his work.

He knew he should take more time out for himself.

As the July sun beat down on his face, he vowed to do this more often - to actually partake in everyday life and not disappear within his work.

Finding himself outside the small coffee room, he felt a sudden impulse to go in. Owen needed to do what every other average New Yorker probably did - just sit and enjoy a drink while pondering on their goals and happiness and where their lives were heading. 

The smell of coffee and fresh bread immediately reminded him of his mother and his childhood and walking in, he decided to enjoy that rare feeling of nostalgia that had descended upon him.

Once inside, the warmth and the atmosphere were hard to ignore and immediately Owen felt at home.

The two assistants were sat down and he felt slightly bad that his appearance had interrupted that moment.

As he made his way to the glass counter, they both jumped up and went round to serve him.

As he waited, he was monetarily stunned by the smile that the younger girl gave him and watched as the older assistant whispered in her ear causing a creeping blush of a pink hue to creep over her cheekbones.

Lost in the moment and watching her expression change, Owen felt a pull inside.

So much so he was briefly taken out of his stride as the girl asked, "How may I help you?"

He looked at the chalkboard behind her, buying him some time, "I will have a gingerbread latte please, with a swirl of cream please."

He watched as she prepared his drink, little did he know that Bella at that moment felt like she was going to faint such was the effect he'd had on her.









Chapter 3



















"So what did you think of Mr. Ten-out-of-Ten then?" Julia asked Bella as she unlocked her car door.

Getting in Bella smiled at her, "Well, what do you expect me to think? He was gorgeous."

"He so fancied you," she said as she started the engine and set off on the ten-minute drive home back to the apartment.

Bella shook her head, "Don't be silly. Anyway, what makes you think that? Sometimes I think you do get carried away with your incessant need to try and pair me off with someone. If you're not trawling the net on my behalf, you are now assuming that our clients have a thing for me."

"Listen, I have this gut instinct and I am never wrong, trust me on that."

Bella laughed, "Yeah, well take your gut instinct elsewhere; we've never seen him before and we probably won't see him again."

Julia shrugged, "Well, even if he doesn't, at least you know that a drop dead ten out of ten guys fancied you. You should feel good about that."

As they shared a bottle of wine later that evening, Bella was glad that Julia had finally let the subject of the coffee shop guy drop.

However, as Bella lay in bed that evening, she had to admit that when she thought of him, she got a nice warm feeling in her stomach.

She also felt buoyed up by Julia's insistence that he fancied her.

Bella hugged her pillow to her.

What if he had fancied her?

What if she saw him again?

Finally, she fell asleep with wishful thoughts and dreams filling her mind and for once, Gerard wasn't a part of them.






The next day was just like any other at the Lemon Tree and Bella and Julia were too busy for either of them to give Mr. Ten-out-of-Ten another thought, that was until they were busy cleaning up and in he walked again.

Julia nudged Bella and turning Bella looked up and felt herself go warm.

This time, Mr. Ten-out-of-Ten was dressed in a black Armani suit and Bella noticed that his eyes were the greenest she had ever seen.

Walking round the counter to serve him Bella decided that from now on she was definitely going to make an effort in the makeup department.

Again, he ordered a gingerbread latte and Bella wasn't sure if she'd imagined that his hand had lingered a little longer than necessary on hers as she gave him his change.

After he left, Julia shrieked.

"I told you, he definitely fancies you, you need to do something about this and stop being so wet."

Bella frowned and laughed, "What do you mean do something about it?"

"You need to ask him out on a date. Trust me, guys dig women asking them out."

Bella held up her hands and shook her head. "Whoa, hang on, not a chance am I asking him out."

Julia looked at her pointedly. "Oh yes, you are because I am telling you to and you need to do what your elders say. Surely mama taught you that?" Julia raised her eyebrows at Bella.

Bella playfully pushed her shoulder. "I know I should do as my elders say but when they are asking me to do something stupid then surely I have a right to ignore what they're saying?"

She picked up a dishcloth and proceeded to wipe the counter, but Julia wasn't giving in.

"What I am suggesting isn't silly, it makes sense. The guy has the hots for you and you have for him. Hell, I would have the hots for him if he was a bit older."

Bella put the dishcloth in the sink and managed to get past Julia before she could block her in further. Walking over to the coat stand, she pulled off her cardigan and put it on.

"Julia, I have never ever chased a guy and I am not going to start now, trust me."

Julia sighed and walked round the counter taking a seat at a table. "Come on, sit down."

Bella walked over and pulled out a chair, sitting down she rolled her eyes at Julia because she knew what was coming.

One of Julia's ‘little chats.'

"Let's have a little chat, shall we?" She asked, right on cue, going on with her chat whether Bella wanted her to or not.  "When did you last have sex, Bella?"

Bella shrugged. "I don't know. Well, obviously not for three months and I think three months before that."

"So six months? Well, that's half a year. Half a year of your life wasted. Now, what did you say when you first arrived here in New York?"

"That it was busy and so exciting?"

Julia shook her head. "Not that, what you said to me was, ‘I don't know how I will ever be able to repay you.' That's exactly what you said."

Bella's eyes widened. "And I did mean it, don't think I didn't, but you said I didn't have to."

Julia smiled, "Well, I have changed my mind. So, what you can do in order to repay me is to ask Mr. Ten-out-of-Ten on a date."

"You can't make me do that!" protested Bella.

"Every time you protest makes worse what I need you to do to repay me. Now it has changed from you asking him out for a date, no you are going to ask him to go for a drink and then when you are tipsy enough to do it, you are going to ask him for a one night stand. You are not going another week without a fuck—never mind another month."

Bella looked at her friend incredulously. "You don't mean that, surely? Surely you're not serious."

Julia stood up and grabbed her handbag off the side. "Oh, yes I am."

"I couldn't…"

"Trust me, Bella. It will be the greatest ride of your life."







Chapter 4















Across town, Owen was sharing a romantic meal at The Ivy with Priscilla.

Thankfully this evening she had resorted to being the fun girl she had been when they first met and Owen was relieved.

As they shared a starter of caviar and garlic tiger prawns, Priscilla dropped her bombshell.

"I think we should stop seeing each other, Owen," she told him calmly, as she popped a prawn into her mouth. "It's just not working. We both want different things."

Owen looked at her and studied her face to see if it was going to crease up into a smile and she was going to pat his hand and tell him she was only joking.

Only she didn't, she just looked at him and it wasn't a look that was awaiting some response from him.

It was a look that was closed as if she had made the decision and that was that.

Owen wiped his mouth with a serviette, "Well, I wasn't expecting that."

Priscilla pierced another prawn with her fork, "I know, but I have given it a lot of thought. We haven't been happy recently, Owen - either of us. I think it's safe to say that we both want different things. We have had a good time, but most good things come to an end at some point, don't they?"

Owen nodded and briefly wondered if Priscilla had been for an overnight personality transplant.

He had never seen her so calm and collected.

Usually, she was all uptight and wired, shrieking at him that she just wanted to be happy.

For all intents and purposes, Owen was used to her being slightly neurotic.

"I know that, but this all seems a bit sudden," he finally managed.

Priscilla shook her head. "No, it's not, Owen. The other night was proof that it was over when you refused to commit and then had the audacity to bundle me off in the car like I was a discarded piece of rubbish."

"I hardly think a ride home in a limousine was casting you away like rubbish."

Priscilla leaned over the table so close that Owen could feel her breath on his face. "It isn't all about the money, Owen, and the sooner you get to grips with that, the happier your life will be."

With that, she stood up and picked up her handbag off the floor, slinging it over her shoulder. "Goodbye Owen and good luck."

And with that she flounced out of the restaurant, her hips sashaying from side to side.

Owen sat stunned for a moment.

He had ever been dumped – men like Owen Parker didn't get dumped.

He had never just been abandoned mid-meal and even before the main course had arrived.

Quickly, he summoned the waiter and told him to cancel the food but that he would pay them in full for their trouble.

The sooner he got himself out of this embarrassing situation, the better.

Calling for his driver, Owen visited the gentleman's room before making his way outside.

That evening as he sat on the balcony and looked across the New York City skyline, he couldn't work out how he felt about that evening's proceedings.

He hadn't called Priscilla to ask for a more in depth explanation and he had a feeling he would never hear from her again.

But round and round in his mind her words resounded about there being more to life than money.

He knew that and he was offended that after three years of being his girlfriend, she really believed he was that shallow.

The idea actually appalled him because, despite his wealth and hardheaded business mind, he didn't like to think that he was cold hearted.

As he sipped on his whiskey, his mind suddenly jumped from Priscilla to the girl in the coffee shop and momentarily he was appalled that he'd only just split up with his girlfriend and already he was thinking about someone else.

Then his heart skipped a beat…







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